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odin-serializer's Issues

linux errors when open project (install/setup)

tried code and get warnings about 3 versions of same function? deleted 2 to test and get other error idk? should this work from Linux too idk thanks

what is the process? i am supposed to load that sceneButtons and build a debug dll and generate a unity package and copy that to my project?

sorry idk thanks

PrecompiledAssemblyException: Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name OdinSerializer.dll included for the current platform. Only one assembly with the same name is allowed per platform. Assembly path: {0}
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorBuildRules.CreateTargetAssemblies (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] customScriptAssemblies, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] precompiledAssemblies) (at /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Scripting/ScriptCompilation/EditorBuildRules.cs:251)
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorCompilation.UpdateCustomTargetAssemblies () (at /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Scripting/ScriptCompilation/EditorCompilation.cs:701)
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorCompilation.SetAllCustomScriptAssemblyJsonContents (System.String[] paths, System.String[] contents, System.String[] guids) (at /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Scripting/ScriptCompilation/EditorCompilation.cs:1011)
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorCompilationInterface.SetAllCustomScriptAssemblyJsonContents (System.String[] allAssemblyJsonPaths, System.String[] allAssemblyJsonContents, System.String[] guids) (at /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Scripting/ScriptCompilation/EditorCompilationInterface.cs:241)

i have the store bought one too and that seems to work without errors but i only wanted the serialize to be distributable

Unity 2021.3 .NET Standard 2.0 API not supported, Out of the box.

I'm trying to test the odin-serializer on Unity 2021.3.12f1 on windows 10.

So just wondering if is this normal behavior for out of the box?

Assets\OdinSerializer\Utilities\Misc\EmitUtilities.cs(20,8): error CS1029: #error: 'Odin Inspector is incapable of compiling source code against the .NET Standard 2.0 API surface. You can change the API Compatibility Level in the Player settings.'

I didn't see any info in the readme that i need to switch APIs.
I switched the API to .Net framework. I get a lot of warnings similar too.

Assets\OdinSerializer\Unity Integration\UnitySerializationUtility.cs(832,87): warning CS0618: 'PrefabType' is obsolete: 'PrefabType no longer tells everything about Prefab instance.'

Reading negative SByte values from Binary DataFormat returns 0

Hi, there is a minor bug with the BinaryDataReader which makes all negative sbyte values get read as 0. The repro is simple:

struct SerializedValue
    public sbyte value;

// And then in a method
byte[] bytes = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue<SerializedValue>(new SerializedValue() { value = -1 }, DataFormat.Binary);
Debug.Log(SerializationUtility.DeserializeValue<SerializedValue>(bytes, DataFormat.Binary).value);

This will log 0 in Unity instead of the expected value of -1. Switching to use JSON data format logs -1 as expected. The above code only uses the struct since JSON doesn't serialize the plain sbyte without the container type.

The cause of this issue is that the BinaryDataWriter class will convert an sbyte to a byte in an unchecked block in the WriteSByte method and serialize that byte value directly, but the BinaryDataReader will read that value in ReadSByte from a long and cast it to an sbyte inside a checked block. This means that if for instance you store a sbyte value of -1, it will be serialized as the unsigned byte value of 255. Then when you attempt to read the value it will attempt to cast that long value of 255 to an sbyte value of -1 which will throw an exception in the checked block since 255 would overflow to get to -1 which gets caught and makes the method return 0.

An easy fix for this is would be to change the checked block to an unchecked block in the ReadSByte() function in the BinaryDataReader. But that means any values which are supposed to be other types that fall out of the range of sbyte will just overflow into odd sbyte values. I didn't make a PR for this since I'm not sure how you'd want to approach this since sbyte is handled a bit differently than the other types.

AOT generate didn't generate any support serialized type on ScriptableObject.

public class DBImages : SerializedScriptableObject
    Dictionary<Enum.ItemIdentity, string> _dbItem = new Dictionary<Enum.ItemIdentity, string>();

    Dictionary<Enum.MonsterElement, string> _dbMonsterElement = new Dictionary<Enum.MonsterElement, string>();

    Dictionary<PGGame.Enum.SkillIdentity, string> _dbSkill = new Dictionary<PGGame.Enum.SkillIdentity, string>();

	Dictionary<Tactics.TacticCtrl.TacticsMode, string> _dbTactic = new Dictionary<Tactics.TacticCtrl.TacticsMode, string>();
    public static Sprite Get(Enum.ItemIdentity e)
            DBImages db = DBImages.Instance;
            if (db == null)
                return null;

            if (!db._dbItem.ContainsKey(e))
                return null;
                return Resources.Load<Sprite>(db._dbItem[e]);
                Debug.LogError("DBImages unable to load sprite at:" + db._dbItem[e]);
                return null; 
        catch(Exception er) {
            return null; 

    public static Sprite Get(Enum.MonsterElement e)
        if (!Instance._dbMonsterElement.ContainsKey(e))
            return null;

        return Resources.Load<Sprite>(Instance._dbMonsterElement[e]);
    public static Sprite Get(PGGame.Enum.SkillIdentity e)
        if (!Instance._dbSkill.ContainsKey(e))
            return null;

        return Resources.Load<Sprite>(Instance._dbSkill[e]);

	public static Sprite Get(Tactics.TacticCtrl.TacticsMode e)
		if (!Instance._dbTactic.ContainsKey(e))
			return null;
		return Resources.Load<Sprite>(Instance._dbTactic[e]);


    #region Base Part
    public static readonly string kFileName = "DB.Images.asset";
    public static readonly string kFolder = "Assets/GeneratedScripts/Resources/";
    public static readonly string kFullPath = kFolder + kFileName;

    private static DB.DBImages _instance;

    public static DB.DBImages Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = Resources.Load<DB.DBImages>(kFileName.RemoveFilenameExtension());
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load DB.Image"); 
            if (_instance == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("DB.DBImages not found. Make sure it is created");

            return _instance;

This is my code.
I tried many way and search many site to solve this but nothing work for me.
In AOT Generate's message box told It'll scan the entire project.
In reality , it just scan and get serialized type in Every Scene , not entire project.
It didn't get serialized type on ScriptableObject.(yes! It isn't Monobehavior , It can't be in any scene)
And it just leave me a empty support serialized types list.

Changing Polymorphic class list order and hiding members

The asset is great, im just starting to get some value out of it!
But one thing thats bothering me right now is Polymorphic class lists, they cant be reordered..
Also I want to hide the one starting with "_" from the list
(I have the value above from before I knew Odin could be setting them from a list like that, its a enum that just Validates)

Serialization of built-in Unity ScriptableObject: TimelineAsset

I'm trying to serialize a TimelineAsset, which is a built-in ScriptableObject that stores Timeline related data. The TimelineAsset stores multiple references to other ScriptableObjects such as TrackAssets and TimelineClips.
Is there a way to serialize a TimelineAsset and all its children assets using Odin serializer ?

  • I can't make TimelineAsset to inherit from SerializedScriptableObject since it's a built-in class.
  • I have noticed TimelineAsset already inherits from the ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface.

I already tried to serialize it by using:

byte[] lData = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue<TimelineAsset>(mTimeline, DataFormat.JSON);

but this gives me several warnings like this one:

A formatter has been created for the UnityEngine.Object type TimelineAsset - this is *strongly* discouraged.
Unity should be allowed to handle serialization and deserialization of its own weird objects.
Remember to serialize with a UnityReferenceResolver as the external index reference resolver in the serialization context.

I must admit I don't really understand what the SerializationContext and DeserializationContext are used for.

If I try to deserialize the previously serialized data using:

byte[] lData = File.ReadAllBytes(lPath);
mTimeline = SerializationUtility.DeserializeValue<TimelineAsset>(lData, DataFormat.JSON);

Then the object returned by DeserializeValue() is null.

Any help is much appreciated !

"SerializationUtility.SerializeValue" Dictionary not valid json type

i try to Serialization class to json but "key" of dictionary is not valid json type


 "$rcontent": [
                0, <-------------------------------------[invalid json type].
                { ... }<-------------------------------------[invalid json type]
               1, <-------------------------------------[invalid json type]
               { ... }<-------------------------------------[invalid json type]

i think it must look like this

 "$rcontent": [
                  "$key": 0, <-------------------------------------[valid json type]
                  "$content" : { ... }<-------------------------------------[valid json type]
                  "$key": 1, <-------------------------------------[valid json type]
                 "$content" : { ... }<-------------------------------------[valid json type]

test code

 byte[] bytes = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue(sr, DataFormat.JSON);
        string str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);

test output

    "$id": 0,
    "$type": "0|DatabaseManager+SROceanTest, Assembly-CSharp",
    "serializationData": {
        "$type": "1|Sirenix.Serialization.SerializationData, Sirenix.Serialization",
        "SerializedFormat": 0,
        "SerializedBytes": null,
        "ReferencedUnityObjects": null,
        "SerializedBytesString": null,
        "Prefab": null,
        "PrefabModificationsReferencedUnityObjects": null,
        "PrefabModifications": null,
        "SerializationNodes": null
    "jsOceanFish": {
        "$id": 1,
        "$type": "2|System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib],[JSOceanFish, Assembly-CSharp]], mscorlib",
        "comparer": {
            "$id": 2,
            "$type": "3|System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib]], mscorlib"
        "$rlength": 3,
        "$rcontent": [
                0, <-------------------------------------[invalid json type]
                    "$id": 3,
                    "$type": "4|JSOceanFish, Assembly-CSharp",
                    "sNameTH": "name 0",
                    "sNameEN": null,
                    "iIDFish": 0,
                    "sThumbnail": null,
                    "sDescription": null,
                    "sImageList": {
                        "$id": 4,
                        "$type": "5|System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib",
                        "$rlength": 3,
                        "$rcontent": [
                            "image 0",
                            "image 1",
                            "image 2"
                1,<-------------------------------------[invalid json type]
                    "$id": 5,
                    "$type": 4,
                    "sNameTH": "name 1",
                    "sNameEN": null,
                    "iIDFish": 1,
                    "sThumbnail": null,
                    "sDescription": null,
                    "sImageList": {
                        "$id": 6,
                        "$type": 5,
                        "$rlength": 3,
                        "$rcontent": [
                            "image 0",
                            "image 1",
                            "image 2"
                2, <-------------------------------------[invalid json type]
                    "$id": 7,
                    "$type": 4,
                    "sNameTH": "name 2",
                    "sNameEN": null,
                    "iIDFish": 2,
                    "sThumbnail": null,
                    "sDescription": null,
                    "sImageList": {
                        "$id": 8,
                        "$type": 5,
                        "$rlength": 3,
                        "$rcontent": [
                            "image 0",
                            "image 1",
                            "image 2"

Data mismatch error

Hello I'm trying to export a class from one unity project as unity which works fine but can't import it to another by de-serializing.
Things inside the class return null.
But when I try the same thing in the exporting project it seems to be working.

Can you please help me to resolve this issue ?


Does not serialize values of Vector2Int

Raised this on the Discord, but thought it might be a good idea to submit an issue as well.
I'm trying to serialize a Vector2Int, but it seems to only be recording the type of the Vector2Int, and not the values.
Vector2 types are serialised properly; with their values intact.

Here is what I have marked on my Vector2Int (note that changing it to [SerializeField] does not make a difference).
21-01-29-11 21

And this is the result.
21-01-29-11 19

The same thing on a Vector2:
21-01-29-11 26
21-01-29-11 26 (2)

EDIT: It looks like I was somehow missing VectorIntFormatters.cs. Getting this file from the Discord solved this issue.

Gradient Formatter Error

InvalidOperationException: Was not in array when exiting array.
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.BaseDataReaderWriter.PopArray () (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Core/DataReaderWriters/BaseDataWriter.cs:65)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.BinaryDataWriter.EndArrayNode () (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Core/DataReaderWriters/Binary/BinaryDataWriter.cs:387)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.DerivedDictionaryFormatter`3[TDictionary,TKey,TValue].SerializeImplementation (TDictionary& value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.IDataWriter writer) (at <01bb2e6357a34a49bb753986695fa221>:0)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.BaseFormatter`1[T].Serialize (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.IDataWriter writer) (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Core/Formatters/DelegateFormatter.cs:330)
Rethrow as SerializationAbortException: An exception of type InvalidOperationException occurred during serialization or deserialization.
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.ComplexTypeSerializer`1[T].WriteValue (System.String name, T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.IDataWriter writer) (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/Formatters/ColorFormatter.cs:33)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.Serializer`1[T].WriteValue (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.IDataWriter writer) (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/Formatters/GradientFormatter.cs:55)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationUtility.SerializeValue[T] (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.IDataWriter writer, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Object]& unityObjects) (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Utilities/Extensions/TypeExtensions.cs:1471)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationUtility.SerializeValue[T] (T value, System.IO.Stream stream, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.DataFormat format, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Object]& unityObjects, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationContext context) (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Utilities/Extensions/TypeExtensions.cs:1598)
Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationUtility.SerializeValue[T] (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.DataFormat format, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Object]& unityObjects, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationContext context) (at C:/Users/lazlo/Projects/LudiqOdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Utilities/Extensions/TypeExtensions.cs:1824)
Ludiq.Serialization.OdinSerialize[T] (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationData& data, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.DataFormat format) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Runtime/Serialization/Serialization.cs:358)
Rethrow as SerializationException: Serialization of 'Ludiq.Bolt.SetMember' failed.
Ludiq.Serialization.OdinSerialize[T] (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.SerializationData& data, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.DataFormat format) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Runtime/Serialization/Serialization.cs:389)
Ludiq.Serialization.OdinSerialize[T] (T value, Ludiq.OdinSerializer.DataFormat format) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Runtime/Serialization/Serialization.cs:339)
Ludiq.Bolt.UnitOption`1[TUnit].Serialize () (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Editor/Options/UnitOption.cs:161)
Ludiq.Bolt.MemberUnitOption`1[TMemberUnit].Serialize () (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Editor/Framework/Codebase/MemberUnitOption.cs:125)
Ludiq.Bolt.UnitOptionsExtractor+<>c.<ExtractFull>b__12_1 (Ludiq.Bolt.IUnitOption option) (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Editor/Options/UnitOptionsExtractor.cs:85)
Ludiq.TaskLinq+<>c__DisplayClass4_0`2[TSource,TResult].<SelectTask>b__0 (TSource item) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/TaskLinq.cs:101)
Ludiq.TaskLinq+<>c__DisplayClass3_2`2[TSource,TResult].<SelectManyTask>b__1 (TSource item) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/TaskLinq.cs:71)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel+<>c__DisplayClass42_0`2[TSource,TLocal].<PartitionerForEachWorker>b__1 () (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvokeWithArg (System.Threading.Tasks.Task childTask) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task+<>c__DisplayClass178_0.<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__0 (System.Object <p0>) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
Rethrow as AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional (System.Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (System.Int32 millisecondsTimeout, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait () (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.PartitionerForEachWorker[TSource,TLocal] (System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner`1[TSource] source, System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions parallelOptions, System.Action`1[T] simpleBody, System.Action`2[T1,T2] bodyWithState, System.Action`3[T1,T2,T3] bodyWithStateAndIndex, System.Func`4[T1,T2,T3,TResult] bodyWithStateAndLocal, System.Func`5[T1,T2,T3,T4,TResult] bodyWithEverything, System.Func`1[TResult] localInit, System.Action`1[T] localFinally) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach[TSource] (System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner`1[TSource] source, System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions parallelOptions, System.Action`1[T] body) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
Ludiq.TaskLinq+<>c__DisplayClass3_0`2[TSource,TResult].<SelectManyTask>b__0 (Ludiq.Task task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/TaskLinq.cs:67)
Ludiq.Task.Run () (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Task.cs:65)
Ludiq.WindowTaskRunner.RunSynchronous (Ludiq.Task task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:61)
Ludiq.WindowTaskRunner:RunSynchronous(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:67)
Ludiq.WindowTaskRunner:Run(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:44)
Ludiq.Task:Run(String, Int32, Action`1) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Task.cs:194)
Ludiq.TaskLinq:SelectManyTask(IEnumerable`1, String, Boolean, Func`2, Func`2) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/TaskLinq.cs:61)
Ludiq.TaskLinq:SelectTask(IEnumerable`1, String, Boolean, Func`2, Func`2) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/TaskLinq.cs:101)
Ludiq.Bolt.<>c__DisplayClass12_0:<ExtractFull>b__0(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Editor/Options/UnitOptionsExtractor.cs:83)
Ludiq.Task:Run() (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Task.cs:65)
Ludiq.WindowTaskRunner:RunSynchronous(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:61)
Ludiq.WindowTaskRunner:Run(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:44)
Ludiq.Task:Run(String, Int32, Action`1) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Task.cs:194)
Ludiq.Bolt.UnitOptionsExtractor:ExtractFull(ExtractionConfiguration) (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Editor/Options/UnitOptionsExtractor.cs:67)
Ludiq.Bolt.UnitOptionsExtractor:Extract(ExtractionConfiguration) (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Editor/Options/UnitOptionsExtractor.cs:53)
Ludiq.Bolt.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<Extract>b__0(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Core/Editor/Extraction/Extraction.cs:88)
Ludiq.Task:Run() (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Task.cs:65)
Ludiq.WindowTaskRunner:RunSynchronous(Task) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:61)
Ludiq.<>c__DisplayClass10_0:<Run>b__0() (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Tasks/Runners/WindowTaskRunner.cs:33)

References lost with ScriptedImporters on initial project startup

I have an issue with ScriptedImporters where references to the assets created by the importer will all be lost upon initial launch o the editor.

The references can be restored by forcing an assembly reload (e.g. by editing the code) or by editing the yaml directly so that Unity sees a change in it. (any change, even adding an invalid symbol and removing it will fix it) Right Click -> Reimport on the asset does not restore references however.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary in the asset file. From what I can remember, I think I've only seen this only occurs with fields serialized by Odin Serializer. However when I created some scriptableobjects for testing, I couldn't reproduce it. Someone else experienced this but they didn't have any solution.

	[ScriptedImporter(1, "lua")]
	public class LuaAssetImporter : ScriptedImporter
		public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx)
			if (ctx == null) return;

			LuaAsset asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<LuaAsset>(ctx.assetPath);
			if (asset == null)
				asset           = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<LuaAsset>();
				asset.functions = new List<string>();

				ctx.AddObjectToAsset("main obj", asset);

			asset.Path = ctx.assetPath;

			asset.hideFlags     = HideFlags.None;
			asset.ErrorMessage  = "";
			asset.ErrorOnImport = false;


			// PopulateInfo(asset);

Usage outside Unity

I'm not building my game in Unity; is there a way to install and use Odin Serializer in a standard .NET Framework or .NET Core application, preferably without building the source (Ex. NuGet package)? This serializer looks very impressive!

How to deserialize json string to array data ?

How to deserialize json string to array data ?

[{"name": "J - Guide", "author": "H ft. Cb", "trial": "", "difficulty": "1", "json": "j-guide", "id": "50000"}, {"name": "J - Guide Ⅱ", "author": "Hoiyip", "trial": "", "difficulty": "1", "json": "j-guide-ii", "id": "59000"}]

and this is my model

    public class SongLibItemModel
        public string name;
        public string author;
        public string trial;
        public string difficulty;
        public string json;
        public string id;

I try to run these

SerializationUtility.DeserializeValue<List<SongLibItemModel>>(libTextAsset.bytes, DataFormat.JSON);

but it returns null.

Mono build always crashes with high stripping enabled


I'm experiencing a problem with the serializer when using a mono build. When serializing with certain settings applied, the game will always outright just crash. No logs or anything, the window just closes.

This issue only happens on mono builds with high stripping enabled, even with an AOT generated dll. IL2CPP works fine, which is honestly surprising.

After a lot of Debug.Log lines placed all over the code, I've tracked it down to line 332 in FormatterEmitter.cs. That's where the log messages stop and the game just crashes.

For now, a workaround is to either use IL2CPP or use anything lower than high stripping on mono builds.

I've also attached a minimal project that has the issue.

Missing Namespace

Opening up a non-modified version in Unity throws this error :
Assets\Plugins\Sirenix\Odin Serializer\OdinBuildAutomation.cs(4,26): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Editor' does not exist in the namespace 'OdinSerializer' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Is this expected ?

(AOT) ScanProjectForSerializedTypes only returns 2 types and has asserts unity 2018.3.0f2


[Assert] Assertion failed on expression: 'GetApplication().MayUpdate()'
UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager:NewScene(NewSceneSetup, NewSceneMode)
AOTSupportScanner.ScanScenes() C:/Sirenix/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/AOTSupportScanner.cs:257

AOTSupportScanner.ScanBuildScenes() C:/Sirenix/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/AOTSupportScanner.cs:179

AOTSupportUtilities.ScanProjectForSerializedTypes() C:/Sirenix/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/AOTSupportUtilities.cs:48

OdinBuildAutomation.OnPreprocessBuild() Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Odin Serializer/OdinBuildAutomation.cs:74

OdinPreBuildAutomation.OnPreprocessBuild() Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Odin Serializer/OdinBuildAutomation.cs:116



[Assert] Assertion failed on expression: '!performAutorepaint || GetApplication().MayUpdate()'
UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager:NewScene(NewSceneSetup, NewSceneMode)
AOTSupportScanner.ScanScenes() C:/Sirenix/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/AOTSupportScanner.cs:257

AOTSupportScanner.ScanBuildScenes() C:/Sirenix/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/AOTSupportScanner.cs:179

AOTSupportUtilities.ScanProjectForSerializedTypes() C:/Sirenix/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/AOTSupportUtilities.cs:48

OdinBuildAutomation.OnPreprocessBuild() Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Odin Serializer/OdinBuildAutomation.cs:74

OdinPreBuildAutomation.OnPreprocessBuild() Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Odin Serializer/OdinBuildAutomation.cs:116


Am trying to build for switch using il2cpp

two types that were output
OdinBuildAutomation types csDelaunay.Voronoi
OdinBuildAutomation types csDelaunay.Voronoi[]

Note running the build when it tries to deserialize a file it complains that Vector2 wasnt added as a type.

Issue when serializing abstract classes as private members.


I was trying to use Odin Inspector and found that one of our classes was not serializing at all the it was rendered by Odin, but it was working properly when excluded.

After some debugging, I found that Odin was crashing on MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttributes due to a private member which is an abstract class, an actual native c# class. No dependencies with Unity.

I manage to fix the issue by swapping Odin to Sources and modifying the source code as provided in the path file. (renamed to txt as requested by GitHub)


If would be great If you do not find any incompatibilities with it and could integrate the fix in the binary version.

Thanks for your time!

Abstract classes not serialized correctly on AOT Build

Unity version: 2020.1.7f1


Windows 10.

I’m using SerializationUtility.SerializeValue to save the state of an object so I can retrieve it later, it does work fine in editor but does not work in IL2CPP builds.

Relevant bits of code:


public class SerializableEntity : MonoBehaviour
        Dictionary<string, EntityParameter> _parametersDict = new Dictionary<string, EntityParameter>();

        public virtual byte[] SerializeParameters()

            var paremters = _parametersDict.Values.ToArray();
            var serialized = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue<EntityParameter[]>(paremters, DataFormat.JSON);

            Debug.Log("Serialize " + name + " " + paremters.Length);
            foreach (var item in paremters)

            return serialized;


  public abstract class EntityParameter
    public event Action OnChanged;

    public EntityParameter()

    protected void FireOnChanged()

    private string _name;

    public string Name
      get => _name;

    private string _label = string.Empty;

    public string Label
      get => _label != string.Empty ? _label : _name;

    public abstract object Value
      get; set;

    public EntityParameter(string name, string label = null)
      _name = name;
      _label = label ?? string.Empty;


  public class BoolParameter : EntityParameter
    private bool _value;

    public override object Value
      get => _value;
        if (value.GetType() != typeof(bool)) return;
        if (value.Equals(_value)) return;
        _value = (bool)value;

    public BoolParameter(string name, bool value, string label = null) : base(name, label)
      _value = value;


public class AOTPreprocessor  : IPreprocessBuildWithReport
    public int callbackOrder => 0;

    public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
        List<System.Type> supportedTypes;
        if (AOTSupportUtilities.ScanProjectForSerializedTypes(out supportedTypes))
            AOTSupportUtilities.GenerateDLL(Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/", "GeneratedAOT", supportedTypes);
            Debug.Log("generate AOT");
            Debug.Log(Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/");

I serialized it to JSON so I can see what is happening and in the editor, the log is this:

Serialize TerroristEditor(Clone) 1


"$id": 0,
"$type": "0|MRChip.LevelManager.EntityParameter[], Plugins",
"$rlength": 1,
"$rcontent": [{"$id": 1,"$type": "1|MRChip.LevelManager.BoolParameter, Plugins","_name": "_isFacingRight","_label": "Is Facing Right","_value": true}]

The exact same scene, with the exact same object in the IL2CPP build, results is this:

Serialize TerroristEditor(Clone) 1

    "$id": 0,
    "$type": "0|MRChip.LevelManager.EntityParameter[], Plugins"

The parameter ( “_isFacingRight”) is in the object, but it is not present on the serialization.

unity 2019.3 missing Unity.Networking

Assembly 'Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Odin Serializer/EditorOnly/OdinSerializer.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Unable to resolve reference 'UnityEngine.Networking'. Is the assembly missing or incompatible with the current platform?
Reference validation can be disabled in the Plugin Inspector.

Using 2019.3.0b3 on Linux (Ubuntu)

[Questions] Serialization in edit mode

Writing editor tools it's always so irritating to find out that a object resets on reload(open project/code recompile etc) jut because it's a dictionary or a list with custom classes for example. So I wander If this tool can be used to solve that problem, serialising non-compatable types in edit mode or does it only work for saving data in play mode? Also if it's possible can you nudge me in the right direction? Thanks.

Keeping default Unity behavior of instantiating fields when they are null instead of serialization and keeping null?

I am looking into using Odin Serializer to greatly simplify serialization of some data in our game. (Mainly the data for the battle system in a super flexible JRPG engine, loads of skills and configurables like procs, effects, triggers, etc.)

The most infuriating pattern I've noticed over and over again that is very irritating is a workaround I use due to missing support of polymorphism by default in Unity. I use an enum and pack all the fields of every 'type' in there, and there's a weird switch statement somewhere. We use VFW for advanced drawers and attributes (unfortunately perhaps we should have been early adopters of Odin it looks like, as Odin was just coming out at the time.) so we have a visibility attribute which grabs the enum field and changes the visibility based on the value and stuff. Basically it makes it a pain to add new stuff, and it's neither maintainable or readable. The fact that it's everywhere makes it worse, and even more-so when there's multiple layers of enums in there. On top of that, the naming of variables is insane.

So I got Odin Serializer and so far it seems to work perfectly fine and I was able to write a much more sane configuration setup that allows for a clean hierarchy and structure, but the only hiccup is that it seems to leave values at null, whereas the default serialization in Unity will instantiate. Any way around this?

Serializing GameObjects?

I'm trying to compose a GameObject at runtime and then serialize it, but am failing. Is this not supported?

Here's a simple repro; attach this to an empty game object in a scene and run it:

public class TestComponent : SerializedMonoBehaviour
    public int testValue = 100;

public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        var go = new GameObject();

        byte[] bytes = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue(go, DataFormat.JSON);
        File.WriteAllBytes("testOutput", bytes);

        /* Contents of 'testOutput' file after running the above:
            "$id": 0,
            "$type": "0|UnityEngine.GameObject, UnityEngine.CoreModule"

I was expecting to see 'TestComponent' in the testOutput file. I just purchased OdinInspector so am still trying to orient myself on what is/isn't expected to work wrt persisting composed GOs.


(AOT) No serializer for C# struct (readonly or not) is pre-generated

Because my project uses structs and readonly structs heavily, so I have made a test (WebGL build) to see if OdinSerializer can work on them. However, there is no serializer for struct of any kind is pre-generated.

The test struct:

public readonly struct MyData
    public readonly int Id;
    public readonly string Name;
    public readonly Action OnDidSomething;

    public MyData(int id, string name, Action onDidSomething)
        this.Id = id;
        this.Name = name;
        this.OnDidSomething = onDidSomething;

The result is a little unexpected, since there is no such problem with classes. I've made another test with OdinInspector 2.1.1, the problem is the same, and I have to manually input MyData into the "Support Serialized Types" list.

Cannot Open "Build" folder in Unity 2019.1


First off, I am assuming that I am having this problem because Unity 2019.1 was JUST released. However, I figured I would open an issue just so you guys can see.

When I download odin-serializer and open the project, I cannot open it properly in Unity 2019.1. This does work in Unity 2018.3, however.

Here is what I mean.

  1. Open Unity Hub
  2. Click Open
  3. Navigate to the odin-serializer folder and double-click the Build folder
  4. Wait for Unity to load
  5. Once Unity is loaded, no scene view buttons are present.

This is an issue since the says that the recommended way to build the project is through Unity.

Any ideas on how I could fix this?


AOT dll before building


Does is it possible to use Odin's AOT generation feature to generate an AOT dll before building without odin inspector?

I'm trying to use odin-serializer in an UWP application.

Thanks for reply

Simple SerializedScriptableObject ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. on DeserializeValue

Hello team,

in Unity 2018.3.0f5 when trying to deserialize a simple SerializedScriptableObject I get a NullException and the object return null.

I've created a simple code that reproduce the error.

using System.IO;
using test.OdinSerializer;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "PlayerData", menuName = "_Config/DataCentral/PlayerData", order = 1)]
public class PlayerData : SerializedScriptableObject
public string PlayerName;

public class Save : MonoBehaviour
private PlayerData myData;
public PlayerData Template;

void Start()
    //instanciate based on my template
    myData = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(Template);

void Update()
    string jsonString;
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
        myData.PlayerName = "Bob";
        byte[] serializedData = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue<PlayerData>(myData, DataFormat.JSON);
        jsonString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedData);
        File.WriteAllText("save.txt", jsonString);
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L))
        byte[] jsonBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("save.txt");
        myData = SerializationUtility.DeserializeValue<PlayerData>(jsonBytes,DataFormat.JSON);
        Debug.Log("My data : " + myData); //return NULL



Json value
{ "$id": 0, "$type": "0|PlayerData, Assembly-CSharp", "serializationData": { "$type": "1|test.OdinSerializer.SerializationData, test.OdinSerializer", "SerializedFormat": 0, "SerializedBytes": { "$id": 1, "$type": "2|System.Byte[], mscorlib", "$plength": 0, "$pcontent": [ ] }, "ReferencedUnityObjects": { "$id": 2, "$type": "3|System.Collections.Generic.List1[[UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine.CoreModule]], mscorlib",
"$rlength": 0,
"$rcontent": [
"SerializedBytesString": "",
"Prefab": null,
"PrefabModificationsReferencedUnityObjects": {
"$id": 3,
"$type": 3,
"$rlength": 0,
"$rcontent": [
"PrefabModifications": {
"$id": 4,
"$type": "4|System.Collections.Generic.List1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$rlength": 0, "$rcontent": [ ] }, "SerializationNodes": { "$id": 5, "$type": "5|System.Collections.Generic.List1[[test.OdinSerializer.SerializationNode, test.OdinSerializer]], mscorlib",
"$rlength": 0,
"$rcontent": [
"PlayerName": "Bob"


ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: unityObject
test.OdinSerializer.UnitySerializationUtility.DeserializeUnityObject (UnityEngine.Object unityObject, test.OdinSerializer.SerializationData& data, test.OdinSerializer.DeserializationContext context, System.Boolean isPrefabData, System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] prefabInstanceUnityObjects) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/UnitySerializationUtility.cs:1182) test.OdinSerializer.UnitySerializationUtility.DeserializeUnityObject (UnityEngine.Object unityObject, test.OdinSerializer.SerializationData& data, test.OdinSerializer.DeserializationContext context) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/UnitySerializationUtility.cs:1171) test.OdinSerializer.SerializedScriptableObject.UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize () (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/SerializedUnityObjects/SerializedScriptableObject.cs:36) test.OdinSerializer.BaseFormatter1[T].Deserialize (test.OdinSerializer.IDataReader reader) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Formatters/BaseFormatter.cs:256)
test.OdinSerializer.CustomLogger:LogException(Exception) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Misc/CustomLogger.cs:82)
test.OdinSerializer.DebugContext:LogException(Exception) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Misc/SerializationConfig.cs:252)
test.OdinSerializer.BaseFormatter1:Deserialize(IDataReader) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Formatters/BaseFormatter.cs:261) test.OdinSerializer.ComplexTypeSerializer1:ReadValue(IDataReader) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Serializers/ComplexTypeSerializer.cs:366)
test.OdinSerializer.SerializationUtility:DeserializeValue(IDataReader) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Misc/SerializationUtility.cs:469)
test.OdinSerializer.SerializationUtility:DeserializeValue(Stream, DataFormat, DeserializationContext) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Misc/SerializationUtility.cs:588)
test.OdinSerializer.SerializationUtility:DeserializeValue(Byte[], DataFormat, DeserializationContext) (at Assets/test.OdinSerializer/Core/Misc/SerializationUtility.cs:683)
Save:Update() (at Assets/Save.cs:32)

Alternative untyped deserializer?

Is it possible to make an untyped deserializer?
(Deserialize to some weakly typed tree, or just fire callbacks like emitString(), emitObjectBegin() etc.)
It seems that odin-serializer's binary format stores sufficient data to restore a JSON-like tree with type name.
However the deserialzer is strongly dependent on runtime type and cannot be used if type is unavailable.

What I want is to export game's serialized data for modding, in offline tools.
(Export to untyped format like Json.NET, so that it is easy to format/reuse in other types)

The binary format seems clear, and BinaryDataReader can be reused.
But the the state machine of deserializer + formatter seems to be tricky, I am unclear how to replicate it.

SerializationUtility.Serialize is not a valid function

Hi devs,

In your development readme you quote an example using "SerializationUtility.Serialize(data)"

This function does not exist in the released package. You can call the individual functions to serialize but this omission/error is very confusing if you are just trying to just "plug and play" and follow your examples.

Is it's possible to use opensource version of Odin serializer in IL2CPP?

Hi. I was trying to use opensource version of Odin serializer (downloaded unitypackage from the site after registration), but it looks like I can not use it without Unity editor tools. Serialization is not working in IL2CPP build with the error message:
No AOT serializer was pre-generated for the type 'Components.GameScene'. Please use Odin's AOT generation feature to generate an AOT dll before building, and ensure that 'Components.GameScene' is in the list of supported types after a scan. If it is not, please report an issue and add it to the list manually.
Components.GameScene is declared as follows:
[Serializable] public enum GameScene { Menu = 0, Flying = 1, Platform = 2 }
I can not found that list in the editor: I have only "refresh assembly import settings" in the "Tools-> Odin Serializer" menu. I have to install Odin inspector to be able to edit that supported types list?
I also created prebuild script to generate .dll:
using OdinSerializer.Editor;
using UnityEditor.Build;
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Editor
public class OdinFormatterPreprocessor : IPreprocessBuildWithReport
public int callbackOrder { get; }
public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
if (AOTSupportUtilities.ScanProjectForSerializedTypes(out var supported))
AOTSupportUtilities.GenerateDLL(Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/", "odinAssembly", supported);

But nothing changed. I have to install Odin inspector in order to be able to use serializer with AOT, or there are some other setup is required? Can't find the appropriate documentation

Should Guid's be serialized as strings?

Hey there, I noticed that a guid I have in my serialized object causes several editors (VS 2022, VS Code, Notepad++) to whine about an invalid character sequence.

Is there an option somewhere to force it to quote the guid value or serialize as string by default?

Note, I have no problem deserializing these with odin, but I plan to post this to an aspnet core api and I'm not sure yet if that will be able to parse a guid like this.
[edit - as a workaround i can just use string in my class and use guid.ToString() when creating it]

JsonTextReader performance suggestion - Use Ordinal string comparison instead of InvariantCulture


I was able to make some meaningful performance improvements in deserializing large json files by changing JsonTextReader.cs to use the Ordinal string comparer instead of using InvariantCulture.
As far as I am aware, this change should not break the code for any device with any culture since the code is already explicitly using InvariantCulture. Given the strings we are checking for are all simple hard-coded strings with English characters and a few symbols ($, {, }, [, ]) there should be no difference in the results of an Ordinal or InvariantCulture equality comparison.

Please advise if there is indeed a case where this could potentially break something

[2019.1] Error on installing

Hey, when I install the latest version from downloads it gives errors in 2019.1.0f2:
Assembly 'Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Odin Serializer/EditorOnly/OdinSerializer.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Unable to resolve reference 'UnityEngine.Networking'. Is the assembly missing or incompatible with the current platform?
Reference validation can be disabled in the Plugin Inspector.

I have looked in the package manager and can't find anything related to networking so have I missed something?

SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate obsolete

In the build project's SceneViewBuildButton, the SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate callback registration is obsolete (since I believe 2019.1).

To eliminate the warning it should be wrapped around:

        private static void Init()
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
            SceneView.duringSceneGui += DrawButtons;
            SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += DrawButtons;

Unity Package support

Are there any plans to provide the Odin framework as a Unity Package compatible with the Package Manager?

It'd be convenient to include it in other packages, but right now that requires copying the entire asset over. That becomes problematic if other packages also uses Odin, or if the user is using the Odin Inspector.

Does SerializationPolicies.Unity Serializes Auto-Properties?

/// Public fields and fields or auto-properties marked with <see cref="SerializeField"/> or <see cref="OdinSerializeAttribute"/> and not marked with <see cref="NonSerializedAttribute"/> are serialized.
/// <para />
/// There are two exceptions: all fields in tuples, as well as in private nested types marked as compiler generated (e.g. lambda capture classes) are also serialized.
/// </summary>
public static ISerializationPolicy Unity


public class Sample : MonoBehaviour
	public class Foo
		public int Bar { get; set; }
	void Start()
		Debug.Log(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(SerializationUtility.SerializeValue(new Foo(), DataFormat.JSON)));


	"$id": 0,
	"$type": "0|Sample+Foo, Assembly-CSharp"

So then i'm not sure which one is correct.

Nodes data formatting not compatible with Addressables/SBP builds

While using Editor Serialization Format: Nodes, Odin-serialized data is lost on building the Player Content data in Addressables. But when switching to Binary or JSON for editor, it works as expected.

It seems like the serializer simply doesn't detect SBP builds to know to use the build serialization format instead.

From a quick and naive test, it seems like checking for typeof(UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.ContentPipeline) (along with the old build pipeline) at UnitySerializationUtility:424 does the trick. But I only tested it with Addressable's 'Build Player Content' option with a BundledAssetGroupSchema.

RefreshAssemblyImportSettings returns exception

When downloading a standalone unity package from your page, and extracting it to Unity. The following error occurs after pressing RefreshAssemblyImportSettings

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
OdinSerializer.Utilities.Editor.OdinAssemblyImportSettingsUtility.ApplyImportSettings (System.String assemblyFilePath, System.Boolean includeInBuild, System.Boolean includeInEditor) (at Assets/OdinSerializer/Config/AssemblyBuildInfo.cs:137)
OdinSerializer.Utilities.Editor.OdinAssemblyImportSettingsUtility.ApplyImportSettings (System.String assemblyFilePath, OdinSerializer.Utilities.Editor.AssemblyImportSettings importSettings) (at Assets/OdinSerializer/Config/AssemblyBuildInfo.cs:129)
OdinSerializer.Utilities.Editor.AOTImportSettingsConfig.Apply () (at Assets/OdinSerializer/Config/AssemblyBuildInfo.cs:186)
OdinSerializer.Utilities.Editor.OdinSerializationBuiltSettingsConfig.RefreshAssemblyImportSettings () (at Assets/OdinSerializer/Config/AssemblyBuildInfo.cs:74)

var importer = (PluginImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assemblyFilePath); = null
assemblyPath = Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Assemblies/NoEmitAndNoEditor/Sirenix.Serialization.dll do not exists after extraction of the UnityPackage.

In the UnityPackage there is no file that would match this path.

Unity: 2020.1.3f1
Target: WebGL (AOT)

Odin deserialization, excluding unity deserializationy

If I want to deserialize the data field(serializationData) after Odin serialization, what should I do? (serializationutility. Deserializevalue() is to deserialize the double serialization result after the default serialization of serializationdata field by unity. I only need to deserialize the data after Odin serialization)

AOT scanner does absolutely nothing


I've been fighting with AOT generation for several hours now and now it just feels like the AOT scanner is just broken.
I have a simple struct that I want to serialize. The struct itself also contains a few other structs. Nothing super advanced. It's all just ints, strings, etc.
I have to add every single struct I want to serialize manually when generating an AOT dll. Is this really how it's supposed to be? I even had to add UnityEngine.Vector3Int!

This is my code for generating the dll file.

public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
    if (AOTSupportUtilities.ScanProjectForSerializedTypes(out List<Type> supportedTypes))

        AOTSupportUtilities.GenerateDLL(Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/", "GeneratedAOT", supportedTypes);

Am I missing something here or is this by design?

I'm also sorry if this comes up as aggressive, I'm just really tired after working with this for several hours. I'm loving the rest though when it actually works in the editor and I don't want to give up on it just yet!

EDIT: I forgot to mention, checking the generated dll in an IL inspector shows that it's pretty much empty unless I manually add all this stuff.

Can't import package due to error

When I try to import the downloaded package from the odin serializer site, I get this error:

Failed to import package with error: Couldn't decompress package

Tried searching but couldn't find anything conclusive. I'm using the absolute latest version of Unity at the time of this writing (2019.3.0f1), maybe that's the reason

Differences between this repository and the asset store version

Are there differences between this repository and the asset store version? Why is the asset store version priced 50$ when this repository is also available? The Apache-2 license also seems not to restrict anything in particular to explain the difference.

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