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nightwatch's Issues

Missed readin alerts?

If I checked up “missed reading alerts” an after that when I read graph the alert is still going on and bordered me whole time.
Can anybody help me?

Setup instructions

Not really an issue but I'd like to start using the setup. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7edge and Samsung Gear 2. I have a Dexcom Share account where I currently upload data from my Dexcom Receiver about every 3 months for my Dr to review. I'm a bit confused by all the Nightwatch, Xdrip, Nightscout, etc and how to set things up.
Where I am currently at:
I installed Nightwatch but have not programmed it yet so its not displaying my G5 data.
I got Wearable Widgets going and am able to view the BG on my watch which reads "--" right now, obviously.
Do I need xDrip? Do I need to setup something with Nightscout? My Dr would like to see my data still through Dexcom Share. Sorry, just a bit confused on what to do next.

Daily toggles for alarms

More of a request than an issue but it would be nice to have a day selector for the high/low alarms.
At work during the week day I dont really require high alarms while my little guy is at preschool.

Request: Time blocks for missed reading alerts.

Hello, I like the time blocks for High/Low alerts. We only monitor at night so have to switch off the 'Missed Reading Alerts' each morning and remember to switch back on at night. Could there be a time block added to 'Missed Reading Alerts' please? Alternatively, is it possible to snooze the 'Missed Reading Alerts' for 10hrs or so? Thanks:)

NightWatch notifications cause media volume increase to 100%

Steps to reproduce:

1 - Load Google's music application and start listening to any song.
2 - Receive Nightwatch audio alert. NightWatch audio is correct system volume. Media volume temporarily increased to 100%.
3 - Wince in pain as ears are blasted out.

Device is a Nexus 6 from Motorola and running Android 5.1.1.

Custom alarm sounds on profiles

Love the program. Has been incredibly useful. I have been having an issue playing custom sounds on the BG Level Alerts, No matter what file I load in the tone field it will still play the default alarm. It is working on the Other Alerts Sound preference. To make sure I am explaining it correctly I have attached a screenshot of the setting that has been the issue

Watch faces disappeared

Watch faces disappeared from my watch face selection. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and the faces are not coming back. Is there a way to force add the faces or a fix for this?

NightWatch creates alarm which doesn't go away on android

With android 7.1.1 NightWatch causes the alarm status icon to be displayed continuously. The lock screen shows that the next alarm is set for either now or 1 minute in the future. Watching the lock screen shows that part way through the current minute the alarm will change from now to +1 minute.

When I force stop Nightwatch, the alarm status icon disappears and no set alarm is on the lock screen.

A friend was looking at it in some detail and noticed that you were using setAlarmClock in and suspects that the cause of the behavior. I'm not sure why you chose setAlarmClock over something like setExact but maybe an easy fix?

I also noticed that the app is reporting as version 2.0.3 despite my having installed the latest 2.0.4_2 apk.

Threshold vibration alerts not configurable

This is a request, not technically an issue. There is no way to customize vibration pattern on threshold alerts, and also no way to dismiss when the alert happens. By default there are 3 long vibrations when the threshold is crossed, and quickly swiping away the alert notification does not stop the vibrations, nor is there any way to reduce the number or duration of vibrations. This can be quite obnoxious in a quiet meeting when you wish to quickly dismiss the buzzing sound.

Date and Time on display

Any chance of having option to enable date as well as time on the watch face?

And perhaps position the time/date in a spot that is visible even when notification are hovering down the bottom of the screen?

Multiple profile support?

As the parent of a T1, as well as a newly diagnosed T1 myself, it would be VERY beneficial to our entire family if multiple Nightscout sites could be entered and tracked into Nightwatch (aka, multiple profiles).

At a minimum, I would like to see:

Profile specific widgets
Profile specific watchfaces
Combination watchfaces (ie, 1, 2, or 3 T1s per watchface)

I know this is a big order, so I'm opening this for discussion purposes and to gauge interest.

I'm trying to make time to learn how to code for Android (probably Phonegap, zero Java experience but a fair amount of Python/PHP/Powershell) and will contribute how/where I can.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to Nightscout/xDrip/Nightwatch - I don't know where we'd be without all of them!


about Raw data

Could you include the option to see raw data as in nightscout when dex goes crazy? Thank you

Date & Time Request for Widget

This is a request not issue...could the exisiting widget be duplicated and then modified to also show date and time? I posted info about this on CGM in the Cloud. I'm using the widget as a watchface on my Gear S2 which expands this to also be used on Tizen with the app Wearable Widgets.

Bring over xDrip beta updates

As a parent of a 3 year old Type 1, we leverage xDrip on an uploader phone to get our son's CGM data to NightScout, but we are running NightWatch on several different phones/tablets (with smartwatches coming soon). One of the things that's preventing us from leaving his receiver downstairs is the fact that Nightwatch doesn't have any way to alert on missed readings.

I've just updated the uploader to the xDrip 2 beta, and it's nearly perfect in terms of configuration options - would it be possible to either:

  1. Port over the xDrip alert code to Nightwatch, to give the same customization options as xDrip has


  1. Update xDrip to allow for a "monitor-only" mode (ie, not an uploader, just a reader). I realize this isn't the xDrip issues list but figured it was worth mentioning here.

Not sure on the architectural direction that these two projects are going, so feel free to close or redirect this as needed.

Many thanks for everyone's work on these projects, they are (literally) lifesavers!

Crash on URL Load


I am having a issue with crash as soon as I enter the URL for my Nightscout site.
Galaxy S5
Working Nightscout install

Install app (I have tried x3 versions back)
Enter settings
Test modifying settings (such as switching to mmol) OR not modifying anything
Enter URL to NightScout
As soon as I hit save it crashes right away
Unable to recover and open app
Must go into Application settings to clear app data
I can then try again, but same thing keeps happening.

Seems the https connection is causing a crash.

Any thoughts?

Fade/hide BG value when data is stale

There's not a clear visual difference between recent (<10m old) data and very old (>60m out of date) data when displayed on the watch face. Without carefully looking at the time below the BG value one can be mislead about the current state of affairs

Watchface fails to update when two watches are connected with the same phone

When I have two watches connected at the same time, an LG G Watch and a Moto 360, eventually the watches or one of the watchfaces stop updating. The Nightwatch app updates fine. My solution has been to manually disconnect whatever watch I'm not using within the Android Wear app. I just connected both watches to my phone so that I can share some images. Please let me know if something else would be helpful to resolving the issues like a logcat or something. Or if you have any questions. Thanks!

Endpoint follows DISPLAY_UNITS=mmol setting. Nightwatch crashes.

Previously endpoint was always in mg and users had to append ?units=mmol to the endpoint in the pebble to get display in mmol. Using Enchilada (0.7 Dev) the end point follows the DISPLAY_UNITS setting so if set to mmol it gives a mmol value e.g. 6.4 in the SGV value of the endpoint. Nightwatch then crashes and data has to be cleared before it will restart. Work around is to append /pebble?units=mg to the end point in Nightwatch to force it to take the mg value. Could this be added to the code so that instead of appending "/pebble" to the entered endpoint it appends "/pebble?units=mg". I would assume that this would then work for everyone.

Times are obscured in BgGraph on square watch

The two time labels on the BgGraph x-axis are barely visible because they are pushed off the bottom of the screen on the LG G Watch(square).
-Would reducing sgv font size or reducing margins surrounding watch time or sgv shift graph upwards?

All NightWatch Watchface were gone with new "Android Wear" Update

Since the last Androir Wear Update to Android 5.1.1. (Version on my Smartphone I am not able to use NightWatch on my Sony Watch 3.

Before the update all 4 NightWatch Watchfaces were visible, now all were gone.

NightWatch doesn’t sync the Watchefaces with Android Wear.

Any help would be appreciated.

Data Backfill/Gap Sync Feature Request

Stephen & other Nightwatch dev's. Please take a look at this issue for improved viewing of older data.

-gaps in the Nightwatch trendline can be seen when compared to Nightscout web-viewer(see below 1-2 a.m.)
-a function that serves to ensure and/or force syncing of the missed data. Serving a similar purpose as the Gap Sync function in


nw gap 1-12



Request: Heart Reate Display

This is a request not issue...could the existing widget be modified to also show Heart Rate in smartwatch that support it. Many thanks in advance

Issue with M's doze feature

Its not an bug but with M the doze feature will stop the watchface from updating. I am going to try to look to see if there is workaround. Ive removed both xDrip and Nightwatch from Battery Optimization but that hasnt worked.

Any suggestions would be helpful

Red numbers and BG points disappear in ambient mode

This is on a Smartwatch3 running latest AW. When the watch goes idle, the display dims and goes into the ambient mode, and when that happens, if blood sugar is currently under threshold, it will not be visible on the screen. It appears only the items colored in RED are disappearing in the ambient mode - so I see a partial trend line and the time, etc., but any data points that dip into the red zone are not drawn, and more importantly the current BG is not drawn. Not a big deal because you can just wake up the watch to view the current BG, but not being able to see it when glancing at the watch in ambient mode is problematic. I also have a Moto360 but I don't remember if this problem is specific to the SW3 or present on both watches so I'll double check the next time I dip low while using the 360.

feature suggestion/question

is there a way to make it so when we click on the widget it will load the application and we can see the graph without having to make a shortcut next to the widget to view the graph?

Thank you for all your hard work. This application has truly changed my life.

Issues compiling.

Hi guys,

as we discussed on gitter I was having some issues building on Java 8 and latest Android Studio.

The fix was as follows:

Modify lines 102 and 118 from 'if (value == true) {' to 'if ((boolean) value) {'

Figured I'd raise it here so we have a record and a path to fix with a patch / change.

Graph not updating in version 1.0.2

The graph is not updating in version 1.0.2. Use Huawei P7. The app opens, shows the graph, but it is not updating during the night. The graph is updated every time I close the app and opens it again.

It seems like the phone is very slow when the app is running.

Had to go bak to v 0.9

Missing Change value with nightwatch 1.0.2

With first nightwatch there was a +/- ml/d value on the watch face alongside the BG readout(under the arrow(s)). But now that is missing with new update. Thank you for the update, andkeep up the great work. It has been truly life changing!

Snooze not honored when threshold is crossed multiple times.

This may be by design, not sure. But let's say I have my high alarm at 180 and Dexcom is reading 179. When the threshold is crossed, the alarm is activated. I would expect to not get the next high alert for the amount of time specified in settings. But if he teeters between 179, 181, 180, 178, 182, etc. I will get an alarm every time the threshold is crossed into the high range, even if it is just the next reading.

Leaked IntentReceiver

Leaked IntentReceiver

When changing watchfaces (on current master) I get the following exception.
It doesn't come from the Broadcast/MessageReceiver registered and unregistered in onDestroy().

It doesn't seem to have much influence on the programme. -> low priority?
I just wondered because my own WatchFace showed this exception - but the plain master branch does that too.

06-09 16:47:00.203 6048-6048/com.dexdrip.stephenblack.nightwatch E/ActivityThread﹕ Service com.dexdrip.stephenblack.nightwatch.LargeHome has leaked IntentReceiver$Engine$1@371daab0 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? Service com.dexdrip.stephenblack.nightwatch.LargeHome has leaked IntentReceiver$Engine$1@371daab0 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?
at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.doCommand(
at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$IWallpaperEngineWrapper.executeMessage(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Persistent notifications-Swipe through time-frame options on wear

With persistent notifications enabled, Android wear users can see a larger plot of cgm data on the watch. In version 2.0.3a this screen only shows one plot but in previous versions you could swipe through several plots with increasing time-frames.
Is it possible to revert to the swipe-able plots for this screen?

NightWatch Delta values have incorrect sign.

Having a weird glitch where in the NightWatch app, the delta values that are displayed have the wrong sign on them (i.e. +4 when it should be -4). xDrip delta values are correct, but deltas from NightWatch, when displayed on my ASUS Zenwatch 2 have this issue.

My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S6 that is running xDrip and NightWatch using Dexcom Share with a Dexcom G4. I am using Dexom Share servers for upload from xDrip and download to NightWatch.

Alarms will keep alerting when last reading was high/low

So, I am not sure there is a solution to this, but thought I would get you thinking. We are using Dex for our 3 year old. Meaning we mainly use it when he is sleeping, as he is almost always with us. So, we connect for bedtime and nap and disconnect for the rest of the day. Well, if we disconnect when Nightwatch is in an alert state, I will continue to get the alerts all day long until the next time we connect. I realize that I can shut the alert off in settings, but I would rather not shut off alerts for fear of not remembering to turn them back on. Any thoughts?

Late update problem

Nightwatch receives updated BG on time but the watchface updates after 1-2 minutes when the phone is sleeping. When screen is on, on the phone, updated BG comes instantaeously

Nightwatch: No data displayed after initial install + sign in (Dexcom option)


After installing Nightwatch on my Android phone and selecting the Dexcom share option I am prompted for a user name and password. I enter my details as I would from Dexcom but there is no status window to determine if the connection was successful; the end result is that there is no data displayed in the main interface. Is there a set-up readme file I need to review?

Nightwatch displaying xlxlx


I have xdrip sending data to azure night scout site.

Then another phone had nightwatch app with it pointing to site.

Everything is good except at the top left of nightwatch below minutes it is showing

5 minutes

I think that this is supposed to show the values like +0.2mmol or -0.5 something like that.

Any help is appreciated

I am using xdrip+


Watch face in smartclock android

I had saw that Nightwatch app is for android wear.
I have a lemfo lf16 android watch, it is not android wear, it is android 5.1.
How can I install the Nightwacht face?

Custom Android Notifications Do Not Work As Alert Sound

I have added custom android notifications and can see them under NightWatch settings -> BG Level Alerts -> Alert Sound. However when I select them, I do not hear them. If I change to a default notification sound it works. Just nothing custom that I added. I added different formats (mp3, wav) to the Home/Notifications folder. I also tried an app that can edit ringtones and save them as notifications. These all showed in settings, but I never actually heard any sound (even waiting longer than the snooze setting).

User Story - I am a T1D parent. I am trying to get a longer alert, so it will wake me up at night. I have done 1 minute snooze, but it is still not enough. I was hoping to add a custom sound to android notifications that is longer (20-30 seconds) that could pull me from deep sleep. I know there are other options such as turning the sound up really loud... but I don't want to have to turn that up every night and down every morning.

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