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restful's Introduction

Spring Boot; Building RESTful web services

Banuprakash C

Full Stack Architect,

Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

Corporate Trainer,

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Softwares Required:

  1. Java 8+
  2. Eclipse for Enterprise edition / IntelliJ for Enterprise
  3. MySQL / h2 memory database
  4. Docker for Desktop [ Redis, Promethus] ==> docker-compose will be good =============================================

Spring Framework ==> Lightweight framework for building enterprise applications ==> Core Modules of Spring Framework supports Dependecy Injection [ Inversion Of Control] and Life cycle management

SOLID Design Principles ==> D ==> Dependency Injection

What is DI?


Metadata XML:

public interface ProductDao{
	void addProduct(Product p);

public class ProductDaoJpaImpl implements ProductDao {
	public void addProduct(Product p) {
			JPA code

public class ProductDaoMongoDbImpl implements ProductDao {
	public void addProduct(Product p) {
			db.collections.insert(p); ...

public class AppService {
	private ProductDao productDao;

	public void setProductDao(ProductDao pd) {
		this.productDao = pd;

<bean id="pjpa" class = "pkg.ProductDaoJpaImpl" />
<bean id="pmongo" class = "pkg.ProductDaoMongoDbImpl" />
<bean id="service" class = "pkg.AppService">
	<property name="productDao" ref="pmongo" />

========================================= MetaData: Annotations

public interface ProductDao{
	void addProduct(Product p);
public class ProductDaoJpaImpl implements ProductDao { // productDaoJpaImpl
	public void addProduct(Product p) {
			JPA code

public class AppService { // appService
	private ProductDao productDao;

Spring instantiates objects of classes which has one of these annoations:
1) @Component
2) @Repository
3) @Service
4) @Configuration
5) @Controller
6) @RestController

Depenency Injection with annoations will be done using @Autowired or @Inject [ JEE Specification javax.inject libraries]
@Autowired uses ==> Byte Code Instrumentation libraries like CGLIB or JavaAssist 

================================================================================================ Spring Boot? ==> Framework ==> a layer on Spring Framework ==> Simplifies Development

Highly opniated and configures lots of classes out of the box

For Example ==> JPA == > ORM
	==> configures Hikari dataSource [ pool of database connection]
	==> configures Hibernate as ORM provider
	==> ans instantiates most of the required stuff for ORM

For Web based ==> DispatcherServlet ==> Tomcat / Netty

==> Cloudier


Help ==> Eclipse Market place ==> Search for STS [ Spring tools suite 4.x] and install

Restart the eclipse

@SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);



FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]

=================== For Spring FrameworK: mvn clean compile package tomcat:run

@SpringBootApplication ==> @ComponentScan scans for classes with sterotype annotations on classes from "com.example.demo" package onwards and creates instances ==> @EnableAutoConfiguration scans for "jar" files in build path and creates instances of classes managed by spring container like Connection Pool; DispatcherServlet; HibernateJPaVendor; ... ==> @Configuration ==> creates ApplicationContext [ Spring Container]

Run As ==> run Configuration Program arguments --debug

to resolve "Field employeeDao in com.example.demo.service.AppService required a single bean, but 2 were found"

@Repository @Primary public class EmployeeDaoMongoImpl implements EmployeeDao {

public void addEmployee() {
	System.out.println("mongo store !!!");


Solution 2: remove @Primary and use @Qualifier @Autowired @Qualifier("employeeDaoMongoImpl") private EmployeeDao employeeDao;


Command line arguments:

@Repository @Profile("prod") public class EmployeeDaoJpaImpl implements EmployeeDao {

public void addEmployee() {
	System.out.println("stored in MySQL!!!");


@Repository @Profile("dev") public class EmployeeDaoMongoImpl implements EmployeeDao {

public void addEmployee() {
	System.out.println("mongo store !!!");


=============== Single object within a container: @Scope("singleton")

for every DI different object: @Scope("prototype")

When client makes a request this object is created and destroyed on response being commited @Scope("request") @ConditionalOnBean("hikariConnectionCP")

request.setAttribute("employeeDaoMongoImpl", new EmployeeDaoMongoImpl());


@Autowired @Qualifier("mongo") private EmployeeDao employeeDaoMongo;

@Autowired @Qualifier("mysql") private EmployeeDao employeeDaoMySQL;

public void insert() { if(employeeDaoMySQL == null) { employeeDaoMySQL.addEmployee(); } else { employeeDaoMongo.addEmployee(); } } }

@Configuration public class DBUtil {

public DataSource getDataSource() {
	ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
	cpds.setDriverClass( "org.postgresql.Driver" ); //loads the jdbc driver            
	cpds.setJdbcUrl( "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/testdb" );

	return cpds;

} url= userName=root port=1234

@Configuration @ConfigurationProperties("sample") public class SampleConfiguration {

private String url;

private String userName;

private int port;


suppose we want different configurations based on profiles url= url=

Command Line ==> System properties ==> ==>


RESTful and integrate with JPA Hibernate

2:00 Post Lunch

ORM ==> Object Relational Mappping

class <---> relational database table Mapping in the form of XML or annotation ORM performs DDL and DML operations

class mapped to table @Table fields mapped to columns using @Column

ORM Frameworks ==> Hibernate, OpenJPA, EclipseLink, KODO, TopLink JPA ==> Specification for ORM

Application ==> JPA ==> ORM ---> JDBC integration API ---> Database

ORM ==> 1) DataSource pool of database connection 2) EntityManager wrapper for database connection 3) EntityManagerFactory 4) PeristenceContext environment where entities are managed

public class AppConfig {

	public DataSource ds() {

	public EntityManagerFactoryBean getEmf() {
		LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean emf = ..

		emf.setJPAVendor(new HibernateJPAVendor());


public class ProductDaoJpaImpl implements ProductDao {

	EntityManager em;

	void save(Product p) {;



spring data jpa simplifies using ORM

public interface EmployeeDao extends JpaRepository<Employee, String> {

Spring Data JPA creates implmentation @Repository class for the interface


@SequenceGenerator(name = "mySeqGen", sequenceName = "mySeq", initialValue = 5, allocationSize = 100)

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

select max(id) + 1

FETCH TYPE ==> LAZY n + 1 hits to the DB:

select * from orders; [ 1, 2, 3, 4]

select * from lineitems where order_fk = ?

If connection is lost we can't get child elements Can't create MAster - child UI

EAGER: use join and get order and items with 1 hit to the DB

DDL 1) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update

  1. map classes with existing tables

  2. if tables are not present create table using mapping done xml / annoation

  3. if required alter existing table


drop table and re-create for every of application good for testing


map class to existing table; won't create tables

@SpringBootApplication @EnableTransactionManagment

Spring provides PlatformTransactionManager abstraction over varous transactions like JDBCTx, JPATransaction , JTATraantions

PlatformTransactionManager ==> Declaritive and Distrubuted [ 2 phase commit protocol]

public void transferFunds(Account first, Account two, double amt) {
	Connection con = ...



	} catch(SQLException ex) {


public void transferFunds(Account first, Account two, double amt) {
	Session ses = SessionFactory.getSession();

		Transaction tx = ses.beginTransaction();


	} catch(SQLException ex) {


with PlatformTransactionManager and @EnableTransactionManagment

Atomic unit

public void transferFunds(Account first, Account two, double amt) {
		update first
		update second
		insert into sometransaction table

Internally @Transactional is an Around Advice [ AOP ]

@Transactional(rollbackFor=InsufficientBalanceException.class, noRollBackFor=IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
public void transferFunds(Account first, Account two, double amt) {
		update first
		update second
		insert into sometransaction table

Optiona<Product> prd =  productDao.findById(id);

	return prd.elseIf(new Product())


PESSIMISTIC LOCK @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE )

@Table(name="customers") @Entity public class Customer { ...

	private int ver;

ver column in database 11

update customer set first_name = 'a', ver = ver + 1 where email='[email protected]' and ver = 10;

First Commit wins Default: last commit wins

@Table(name="products") @Entity public class Product {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) // AUTO INCREMENT
private int id;

private String name;

private double price;
private int quantity;

class ProductDTO { name price }

interface IProductDTO { String getName(); double getPrice(); }

public interface ProductDao extends JpaRepository<Product, Integer> { List findByName(String name);

List<Product> findByPriceAndQuantity(int price, int qty); // select * from products where price = ? and qty = ?
List<Product> findByPriceOrQuantity(int price, int qty); // select * from products where price = ? or qty = ?

// JPQL uses class and fields instead of table and columns
@Query("select name, price from Product")
List<Object[]> getNameAndPrice();

@Query("select new pkg.ProductDTO(name, price) from Product")
List<ProductDTO> getNameAndPrice();

@Query("select  name, price  from Product")
List<IProductDTO> getNameAndPrice();


public class ReportDTO { ... }

public interface OrderDao extends JpaRepository<Order, Integer> {

@Query("select o.orderDate, c.firstName, from Order o inner join customer c")
List<ReportDTO> getReport();



@Query("select name, price from products", nativeQuery=true) List<Object[]> getNameAndPrice();

http://localhost:8080/h2console io.springfox springfox-swagger2 2.7.0 io.springfox springfox-swagger-ui 2.7.0



============================== @NotBlank(message = "{name.required}") private String name;

@Min(value=10, message="Price ${validatedValue} should be more than {value}")
private double price;

@Min(value = 0, message="Quantity ${validatedValue} should be more than {value}")
private int quantity;


  1. Pagination ===============
  2. NamedQuery @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Company.companyWithDepartmentsNamedQuery", query = "SELECT DISTINCT c " + "FROM Company c " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.departments " + "WHERE = :id"), @NamedQuery(name = "Company.companyWithDepartmentsAndEmployeesNamedQuery", query = "SELECT DISTINCT c " + "FROM Company c " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.departments as d " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH d.employees " + "WHERE = :id"), @NamedQuery(name = "Company.companyWithDepartmentsAndEmployeesAndOfficesNamedQuery", query = "SELECT DISTINCT c " + "FROM Company c " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.departments as d " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH d.employees " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH d.offices " + "WHERE = :id"), @NamedQuery(name = "Company.companyWithCarsNamedQuery", query = "SELECT DISTINCT c " + "FROM Company c " + "LEFT JOIN FETCH " + "WHERE = :id"), })

public class Company {

public interface CompanyDao extends JpaRepository<Company, Long> { Company companyWithDepartmentsAndEmployeesAndOfficesNamedQuery(Long id); }


  1. EntityGraph
  2. Specification
  3. AOP
  4. RESTful
  5. Envers
  6. Flux docker pull redis

step2 - Running the container

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name my-redis redis

UI with NodeJS for Redis: $ npm install -g redis-commander $ redis-commander

  1. cacheExample Caching implementation using Redis:
org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-data-redis org.apache.commons commons-pool2 spring.redis.database=0 spring.redis.port=6379 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.min-idle=5 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-idle=10 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-active=8 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-wait=1ms spring.redis.lettuce.shutdown-timeout=100ms

@CacheConfig(cacheNames = "books") public class SimpleBookRepository implements BookRepository { static List books = Arrays.asList(new Book("isbn-1234", "First Book"), new Book("isbn-4567", "Second Book"), new Book("isbn-4567", "Second Book") );

@Cacheable( key="#isbn") // books::isbn-1234: returned book will be value


redis> keys * redis> get books::isbn-4567

Day 2

Spring annotaions at class level for lifec cycle management
@Autowired; @Bean
@PersistenceContext ==> Spring Data JPA




CRUD operations available in JpaRepository


import java.util.List;

import; import; import;

import com.adobe.prj.entity.Customer;

public interface CustomerDao extends JpaRepository<Customer, String> {

 @Query("update Customer set firstName = :fn where email = :em")
 int updateCustomer(@Param("fn") String firstName, @Param("em") String email);


"from Product"

"select p from Product p"

scalar values : "select name,price from Product"


"from Object"

"from Product"; ==> ==> "products"; Mobile extends Product ==> "mobiles"; Tv extends Product ==> "tv"

JpaRepository<Product, Integer> extends PagingAndSortingRepository<T, ID> Page findAll(Pageable pageable);

ProductDao productDao;

// Pagination with Spring DATA JPA
PageRequest pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10);

Page<Product> productPage = productDao.findAll(pageable);


List<Product> products  = productPage.getContent(); 


	// Pagination with Spring DATA JPA
PageRequest pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10,"price").ascending());
Page<Product> productPage = productDao.findAll(pageable);

==================================== Entity Graph: File --> import --> existing maven projects

Default behaviour of ORM is ManyToOne --> EAGER fetching OneToMany --> Lazy fetching


@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();


public class Company {

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "company", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Set<Department> departments = new HashSet<>();

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "company", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Set<Car> cars = new HashSet<>();

@Entity public class Department {

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "department", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Set<Employee> employees = new HashSet<>();

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "department", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Set<Office> offices = new HashSet<>();

@Entity public class Employee {

    @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "address_id")
    private Address address;

    findById(Company.class, 1);
    	Company + Department + Cars + Employees + Offices + Address

=============== select as id1_2_0_, as name2_2_0_, id as company_3_3_1, as id1_3_1_, as id1_3_2_, department1_.company_id as company_3_3_2_, as name2_3_2_ from company company0_ left outer join department department1_ on where

@NamedEntityGraph(name = "companyWithDepartmentsGraph",
            attributeNodes = {@NamedAttributeNode("departments")})

========= select as id1_2_0_, as name2_2_0_, department1_.company_id as company_3_3_1_, as id1_3_1_, as id1_3_2_, department1_.company_id as company_3_3_2_, as name2_3_2_, employees2_.department_id as departme5_4_3_, as id1_4_3_, as id1_4_4_, employees2_.address_id as address_4_4_4_, employees2_.department_id as departme5_4_4_, as name2_4_4_, employees2_.surname as surname3_4_4_ from company company0_ left outer join department department1_ on left outer join employee employees2_ on where @NamedEntityGraph(name = "companyWithDepartmentsAndEmployeesGraph", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode(value = "departments", subgraph = "departmentsWithEmployees")}, subgraphs = @NamedSubgraph( name = "departmentsWithEmployees", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("employees")))

  @NamedEntityGraph(name = "companyWithDepartmentsAndEmployeesAndOfficesGraph",
            attributeNodes = {@NamedAttributeNode(value = "departments", 
            subgraph = "departmentsWithEmployeesAndOffices")},
            subgraphs = @NamedSubgraph(
                    name = "departmentsWithEmployeesAndOffices",
                    attributeNodes = {@NamedAttributeNode("employees"), @NamedAttributeNode("offices")}))

             builder.equal(root.get("birthday"), today);


After TEA Break RESTful Web Services

install Postman

CriteriaAPI ==> Programmatic way of forming queries [ without SQL or jpql]

JPA ==> Specification and queries which accept Specication

RESTful Web Services

Representational State Transfer A resource on server [ database, files, printers] its representation can be served to various clients in various formats [xml, json, csv, ..]

  1. client-server
  2. uniform uri
  3. scalable
  4. cachable [ Swiggy ==> caching info ==> expires]
  5. stateless

REST is based on HTTP ==> URI are plural nouns ==> identify a resource [ customers, orders, products] ==> HTTP VERBS for actions [ GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE ]

GET http://localhost:8080/api/products

to fetch all products

GET http://localhost:8080/api/products/5

get product by id ==> 5

GET http://localhost:8080/api/customers/[email protected]/orders

GET http://localhost:8080/api/products?category=mobile http://localhost:8080/api/products?page=2&size=10

use Request or Query Parameter for filtered data

POST http://localhost:8080/api/products

payload from the client contains product representation which needs to be added to "products"

PUT http://localhost:8080/api/products/4

payload from the client contains product representation which needs to be update product with id 4 in "products"

DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/products/4


HTTP Header: Accept: application/json sent by client to server asking for json represention

content-type:text/xml payload sent by client to server is in XML format

Spring Boot web module provides for RESTful Web services? Dependency: spring-boot-starter-web Embedded Tomcat server ==> 200 concurrent requests DispatcherServlet; HandlerMapping

By default it enables handling JSON data
ContentNegotiationHandler Java <--> Represention
for JSON:
	Jackson [ default]


Traditional Web Application ==> application contains server + client logic [ presentation] ==>html
@Controller ==> View [ html / theamleaf / jsp]

Restful Web Services ==> Represention



payload is order:

	"total": 80130.00,
	"customer": {"email": "[email protected]"},
	"items": [
		{"product": {"id": 2}, "qty": 10, "amount": 130.00},
		{"product": {"id": 1}, "qty": 1, "amount": 80000.00}

@NotBlank(message = "{name.required}")
private String name;

@Min(value=10, message="Price ${validatedValue} should be more than {value}")
private double price;

@Min(value = 0, message="Quantity ${validatedValue} should be more than {value}")
private int quantity;


RestController and Swagger API for RESTful documentation

AOP ==> Aspect Oriented Programming Why? to handle concerns which leads to code tangling and scattering

void transfer(Account fromAcc, Account toAcc, int amount, User user, Logger logger, Database database) throws Exception {"Transferring money...");

if (!isUserAuthorised(user, fromAcc)) {"User has no permission."); throw new UnauthorisedUserException(); }

if (fromAcc.getBalance() < amount) {"Insufficient funds."); throw new InsufficientFundsException(); }

fromAcc.withdraw(amount);"wihdraw done") toAcc.deposit(amount);"deposit done")

database.commitChanges(); // Atomic operation."Transaction successful."); }

AOP: Aspect ==> A concern which can be used along with main logic, but its not main logic ==> Logging; Security; Profile; Transaction [ @Transactional ]

JoinPoint ==> Where an aspect can be weaved [ method or exceptions]

PointCut ==> selected joinpoint

Advice ==> Before; After; Around; AfterReturning; AfterThrowing

public @ResponseBody String updateProduct(@PathVariable("id") int id, @RequestBody Product p) {
	service.updateProduct(id, p.getQuantity());
	// After
	return "product updated";

ByteCode Instrumentaiton libraries [asm] ==> CGLIB or JavaAssist generates Proxies 


public void doTransaction(Class<?> clazz) {


public void doTransaction(Method<?> m) {
	if(m.getAnnoation(Transaction.class) != null) {
		try {
			Transaction tx = ...
			actual code
		} catch(Throwable ex) {


for UnitTesting:

Commit all RestTemplate code

Unit Testing ==> Testing Controller classes

Controller ==> Service ==> DAO ==> Database Connection

to Test Controller we need to mock Service +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mockito; EasyMock; JMock ==> Mocking Framework

Start Docker Desktop

docker run -d --name=prometheus -p 9090:9090 -v C:\prometheus\prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

docker run redis --name=myredis

Future and CompletableFuture

Future's get(); blocking

CompletableFuture callbacks


Thread pool by Jetty / Tomcat ==> 200 threads ==> to handle Request

Another set of thread pool of size 3 [ Executor/ ExcectorService]

Service code ==> to make HTTP calls to another REST endpoint using these 3 threads form pool

Controller which needs these 3 data:

Controller is still Synchnrouns



1 client ==> 1 thread form tomcat

Trip Aggregator MMT; HolidayIQ Thread ==> Indigo; SpiceJET; Go;

Reactive Programming Cache Redis ProtoBuf [ Micro Service] Security

Day 3

PersonDTO or Person VO [ carriers of data in object way but it's not an enitity]


class ReportDTO { String email; Date orderDate; double total; }

@Query("select new com.adbobe.prj.dto.ReportDTO(,o.orderDate, from Order o inner join Customer c") List getReport();

instead of

@Query("select,o.orderDate, from Order o inner join Customer c") List<Object[]> getReport();

Async Service ==> we dedicate pool of threads for execution

Aggregator application ==> MakeMyTrip, HoildayIQ

A request from client uses 1 Thread of Tomcat/jetty or any web container ;Aprox 200 threads ]
Now over service will internally schedlue 3 threads to make request [ Indigo, Spice, Jet]
from another set of thread pool [ Executor Framework]

Without above apporach:
	1 ==> get quote from Indigo
	2 ==> get quote from Spice 
	3 ==> get quote Jet

we collect responses from these 3 and send it to client ==> CompletableFuture / Future


Reactive Programming using Spring WebFLux instead of Spring MVC Netty instead of Tomcat

BJ: ==> 9972058787

  1. using docker-compose.yaml $ docker-compose up

  2. another terminal

    docker exec -it mongo bash

    mongo admin --username admin --password password

    db.createCollection("itemCapped", { capped : true, size : 5242880, max : 50 } )

@Bean RedisCacheManagerBuilderCustomizer redisCacheManagerBuilderCustomizer() { return (builder) -> { Map<String, RedisCacheConfiguration> configurationMap = new HashMap<>(); configurationMap.put("cache1", RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().entryTtl(Duration.ofSeconds(20)));
configurationMap.put("cache2", RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().entryTtl(Duration.ofHours(2)));
builder.withInitialCacheConfigurations(configurationMap); }; }

spring-data-redis RedisCacheManager

npm i redis-commander

$ redis-commander connect: http://locahost:8081

redis> keys *


Account ==> entity package ==> JPA @Entity

string --->

FileOutputStream f

FileWriter out


Spring Security

Security ==> Filters provided to be exectued in servlet Web Container
			 Filters which run within Spring Container

login logout ==> user and generated password ==> username and password

InMemory @EnableWebSecurity
JDBCAuthentication ==> users and authorities

====================================================== Method Level Security

RESTful Web Services ==> Stateless

Mobile; MicroService <==> MicroService


	All the products

	products added into your cart

restful's People


banuprakash avatar

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