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vscode-project-manager's Introduction

Project Manager Logo

What's new in Project Manager 10.6

  • Adds an all-new Side Bar
  • Adds Portable Mode support
  • Use new NotificationUI while refreshing projects
  • Adds Disable Project, Add to Workspace, Add to Favorites and Refresh Project commands
  • Adds Localization support


Project Manager is an extension created for Visual Studio Code. If you find it useful, please consider supporting it.


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Project Manager

It helps you to easily access your projects, no matter where they are located. Don't miss that important projects anymore. You can define your own Favorite projects, or choose for auto-detect VSCode projects, Git, Mercurial and SVN repositories or any folder.

Since version 8 you have a dedicated Side Bar for your projects!

Here are some of the features that Project Manager provides:

  • Save any project as Favorite
  • Auto-detect VSCode, Git, Mercurial or SVN repositiories
  • Open projects in the same or new window
  • Identify deleted/renamed projects
  • A Status Bar which identifies the current project
  • A dedicated Side Bar


Available Commands

  • Project Manager: Save Project Save the current folder as a new project
  • Project Manager: Edit Project Edit your projects manually (projects.json)
  • Project Manager: List Projects to Open List all saved/detected projects and pick one
  • Project Manager: List Projects to Open in New Window List all saved/detected projects and pick one to be opened in New Window
  • Project Manager: Refresh Projects Refresh the cached projects

Manage your projects

Save Project

You can save the current project in the manager at any time. You just need to type a name. It even suggests a name to you automatically :)


Edit Projects

For easier customization of your project list, you can edit the projects.json file directly inside Code. Just execute Project Manager: Edit Projects and the projects.json file is opened. Simple as this:

        "name": "Pascal MI",
        "rootPath": "c:\\PascalProjects\\pascal-menu-insight",
        "paths": [],
        "group": "",
        "enabled": true
        "name": "Bookmarks",
        "rootPath": "$home\\Documents\\GitHub\\vscode-bookmarks",
        "paths": [],
        "group": "",
        "enabled": true
        "name": "Numbered Bookmarks",
        "rootPath": "$home\\Documents\\GitHub\\vscode-numbered-bookmarks",
        "paths": [],
        "group": "",
        "enabled": false

For now, only name, rootPath, and enabled fields are used.

Use a special variable called $home while defining any path. It will be replaced by the HOME folder.

Projects that are not enabled will be hidden from project listings until re-enabled.

Be sure that the JSON file is well-formed. Otherwise, Project Manager will not be able to open it, and an error message like this should appear. In this case, you should use the Open File button to fix it.



List Projects to Open

Shows your projects and select one to open.

List Projects to Open in New Window

Just like List Projects but always opening in New Window.

Keyboard Focused Users

If you are a keyboard focused user and uses Vim like keyboard navigation, you can navigate thru the project list with your own keybindings.

Just use the when clause "inProjectManagerList", like:

        "key": "ctrl+j",
        "command": "workbench.action.quickOpenSelectNext",
        "when": "inProjectManagerList"

Available Settings

You can choose how your projects are sorted

  • Saved: The order that you saved the projects
  • Name: The name that you typed for the project
  • Path: The full path of the project
  • Recent: The recently used projects
    "projectManager.sortList": "Name"


  • Choose if the project list must be grouped by its kind (Favorites, VS Code, Git, Mercurial and SVN).
    "projectManager.groupList": true
  • Should the current project be removed from the list? (false by default)
    "projectManager.removeCurrentProjectFromList": true
  • Should identify invalid paths on project list? (true by default)
    "projectManager.checkInvalidPathsBeforeListing": false
  • Filter Projects Through Full Path (false by default)
    "projectManager.filterOnFullPath": true
  • Custom projects file (projects.json) location

If you intend to share projects between Stable and Insider installations, or if you store your settings in different locations (cloud services), you can indicate an alternative location for the projects.json file.

    "projectManager.projectsLocation": "C\\Users\\myUser\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\User"
  • Automatic Detection of Projects (VSCode vscode, Git git, Mercurial git and SVN svn)
    "projectManager.git.baseFolders": [

Define the folders which contains the projects

    "projectManager.git.ignoredFolders": [

Define which folders should be ignored (inside the BaseFolders)

    "projectManager.git.maxDepthRecursion": 4

Define how deeps it should search for projects

  • Cache automatically detected projects (true by default)
    "projectManager.cacheProjectsBetweenSessions": false
  • Display the Project Name in Status Bar (true by default)
    "projectManager.showProjectNameInStatusBar": true


  • Open projects in New Window when clicking in status bar (false by default)
    "projectManager.openInNewWindowWhenClickingInStatusBar": true

Side Bar

The Projects are now presented id its own Side Bar, giving you more free space in your Explorer view. You will have a few extra commands available:

  • Open a project, simply clicking in the project item
  • Open a project in a New Window, right clicking in the project item
  • Add a project to the current Workspace

Side Bar

The projectManager.treeview.visible setting was deprecated. If you don't want to see the Project Manager icon in the Activity Bar, right-click and uncheck it from the context menu.

Installation and Configuration

You should follow the oficial documentation to:


MIT © Alessandro Fragnani

vscode-project-manager's People


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