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refined-github's Introduction

Refined GitHub

Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features

We use GitHub a lot and notice many annoyances we'd like to fix. So here be dragons.

Our hope is that GitHub will notice and implement some of these much needed improvements. So if you like any of these improvements, please email GitHub support about doing it.

GitHub Enterprise is also supported. More info in the options.


Highlights 🔥

Adds button to mark issues and PRs as unread
(They will reappear in Notifications)
Adds one-click merge conflict fixers
Adds reaction avatars showing who reacted to a comment Adds the option to wait for checks when merging a PR
Linkifies issue/PR references and URLs in code Adds link to an issue’s closing commit or pull request



Writing comments

Reading comments


Viewing pull requests

Editing pull requests





Fixes for GitHub shortcomings

Previously part of Refined GitHub

GitHub implemented 20 features that used to be part of Refined GitHub 🎉

See list


Most features can be disabled if they are JavaScript-based (Experimental) and you can override the CSS with your own in the extension options.

We're happy to receive suggestions and contributions, but be aware this is a highly opinionated project. There's a very high bar for adding options. Users will always disagree with something. That being said, we're open to discussing things. If something doesn't make the cut, you can build your customized Refined GitHub locally, rather than installing it from the Chrome Store.


See the contribution guide and join the contributors!


Want more? Here are some ideas you could develop!

refined-github's People


ashiknesin avatar bfred-it avatar busches avatar dertieran avatar doms avatar dotconnor avatar drewml avatar fregante avatar hardikmodha avatar hkdobrev avatar ifvictr avatar jacobbearden avatar janat08 avatar jerone avatar jgierer12 avatar kevin940726 avatar kidonng avatar kocal avatar loilo avatar lukaszklis avatar nickytonline avatar notlmn avatar paulmolluzzo avatar phrynobatrachus avatar sharkykh avatar shroudedcode avatar sindresorhus avatar tanmayrajani avatar vinkla avatar yakov116 avatar


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