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fisherman-tips's Introduction


Fisherman Tips


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# Ensure fisherman and plugins are installed
if not test -f $HOME/.config/fish/functions/
  echo "==> Fisherman not found.  Installing."
  curl -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/ --create-dirs


Test if completion works by @Markcial

TEST "Should return ask-pass param" complete -C"foo --ask-p" = "foo --ask-pass" end`


Migrate from oh-my-fish to fisherman

  1. Just install fisherman
  2. If you happen to be also running any fisherman before 2.0 alongside omf
  3. Add omf plugin names to ~/.config/fish/fishfile and run fisher
  4. Remove omf directories and files

It has been discussed on Migration instructions from oh-my-fish to fisherman? #223.



To the extent possible under law, Sota Yamashita has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

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