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Comments (11)

jshield avatar jshield commented on June 7, 2024 1

No this is not blocking me, as I mentioned it's a low priority request, I consider it a Could Have following MoSCoW prioritization.

I completely agreed that getting this done right is much better from a maintenance perspective.

If reflection is not practical what about exposing a virtual Metadata or a Tags bag, similar to how you are currently exposing Headers that way I can do the same sort of thing above as I'm doing with TemplateOutput and load the Metadata bag based on my attributes and pull them out in the hook?

Thanks for pointing out Equals, yeah I'd basically straight copied the existing condition, and slapped Condition round it, i'll make sure to clean that up.

Strong Types for Predefined Variables would be fantastic, not sure if there is a schema somewhere you can generate them from, but Build.Reason would definitely be a good starting point.

from sharpliner.

jshield avatar jshield commented on June 7, 2024 1

As for the pipeline linter, most of it is specific to our existing template library, I'll see if I can clean out the org specific stuff and post an example at some point. But as I mentioned the assemblies containing the PipelineParser are distributed with the agent itself in the following namespaces

using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Pipelines;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Pipelines.Artifacts;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Pipelines.Yaml;

I wrote up a number of mocked interfaces the PipelineParser wants that bridges in some of the services like ITraceWriter, IArtifactResolver and IFileProvider, but once I had implemented those I was able to compile pipelines locally both to the object graph used by azure devops and the resulting yaml.

one of the other advantages is I can redirect repository references to local paths or to repos up to our azure devops org, so when I'm working on making changes to the baseline templates I can compile pipelines from across the organization, all locally without having to do the push, commit, validate or call the validate API on Azure DevOps itself.

The only major downside is it falls under a bit of a grey area, as I believe the assemblies i'm referencing aren't open source and are probably behind the MS EULA for Azure DevOps Server.

so I call it like:

azdo-pipeline-lint.exe -p examples\azure.functionApp\deploy.yml

and it returns:

Parsed: examples/azure.functionApp/deploy.yml@self
No errors.

[1]: examples/azure.functionApp/deploy.yml@self
[2]: pipelines/application-azure-deploy.yml@self
[3]: pipelines/templates/dotNetCore/steps-web-build.yml@self
[4]: pipelines/templates/dotNetCore/steps-console-build.yml@self
[5]: pipelines/templates/dotNetCore/steps-unitTest.yml@self
[6]: pipelines/templates/python/steps-build.yml@self
[7]: pipelines/templates/msBuild/steps-msBuild.yml@self
[8]: pipelines/templates/maven/steps-maven-build.yml@self
[9]: pipelines/templates/nodejs/steps-web-build.yml@self
[10]: pipelines/templates/angular/steps-web-build.yml@self
[11]: pipelines/templates/reactjs/steps-web-build.yml@self
[12]: pipelines/templates/docker/steps-docker-build.yml@self
[13]: pipelines/templates/arm/steps-arm-createTemplate.yml@self
[14]: pipelines/templates/utilities/steps-copyFiles.yml@self
[15]: examples/azure.functionApp/variables-sandpit.yml@self
[16]: pipelines/templates/deployment/steps-azure.yml@self
[17]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../utilities/steps-getKeyVaultSecrets.yml@self
[18]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../utilities/steps-replaceTokensInFile.yml@self
[19]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../utilities/steps-replacePolicyInFile.yml@self
[20]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../utilities/steps-replaceApiSpecificationInFile.yml@self
[21]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../arm/steps-arm-deploy.yml@self
[22]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../utilities/steps-syncAzureBlobs.yml@self
[23]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../steps-webApp-deploy.yml@self
[24]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../steps-containerWebApp-deploy.yml@self
[25]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../steps-functionApp-deploy.yml@self
[26]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../utilities/steps-runScripts.yml@self
[27]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../../../database/migrations/liquibase/templates/steps-liquibase-update.yml@self
[28]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../steps-appService-swap.yml@self
[29]: pipelines/templates/deployment/../dotNetCore/steps-unitTest-binaries.yml@self

[OK]: Uses Baseline Templates Check
> extends from pipelines/application-azure-deploy.yml authorized template.
[OK]: Uses Main Branch Check
> Uses main branch.
[OK]: Arm Configuration Exists If Set Check
> Loaded examples/azure.functionApp/armConfig.json, found 9 template references.
[OK]: Arm Template References Have Unique Names Check
> All template names are unique.
[OK]: Arm Templates Exist In Template Repository Check
> All templates exist in the templates repository.

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024 1

@jshield I have added the publish process hooks:
They are quite basic but let me know if you need more

(also some more goodies

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024


Thanks for the idea! Do you actually have a use case where you create new pipelines this often?

from sharpliner.

jshield avatar jshield commented on June 7, 2024

Hey, thanks for the fast response.

I could potentially manage this through something like terraform and the azure devops provider, but given I'm mostly a .NET developer, it'd be nice to be able to do it closer to the pipeline definition themselves.

It's personally for me less about frequency, and more about consistency. Another example of something in the same problem space would be synchronizing a pipeline trigger's path inclusion exclusion rules with branch policy build validation path rules as well.

Although yes in my case, as I provide devops pipeline support for multiple teams across multiple repositories/projects, I do standup a lot of pipelines regularly. particularly when new services are being stood up.

Cheers for considering it though.

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024

I don't have a good opinion on this but similar topics have come up in some discussions and issues in this repo already. I am a little bit torn on what is the purpose of Sharpliner.

  1. One side is that it is a general purpose mostly non-opinionated generic tool that lets you do pipelines and just that but well. It is however very low-level with respect to the YAML scheme (some more high level exceptions are some fluent APIs like the .NET CLI task).
  2. On another side there is great potential to make opinionated libraries full of functionality and if generic enough, could be a nice drop-in solution for usual scenarios (build + test + deploy). Sort of a marketplace approach where you have libraries of steps.
    This should probably be clearly separated maybe into another NuGet with libraries like what you are doing already (#175) so that it's clear we're in a higher layer of concerns than the core Sharpliner lib.

My personal experience is that every project eventually needs some custom step where you diverge from the generic approach and then things break because you need to either add some configuration into the generic library (making it more complex) or you need to stop using the library a go your own way.

Now, to your specific suggestion.

If I would be implementing this, I would not go the way of adding C# code to Sharpliner that calls AzDO APIs to create a pipeline. I would for sure create a library of pipeline steps that would do it. Same like ValidateYamlsArePublished is implemented. This means that it would become an opinionated library like I am describing above. For this reason, I would first probably prefer to see your implementation for your own use case that you have and then think about if and how to generalize it and incorporate into some Sharpliner extension/task library.

That being said, I very much like your idea of tagging pipelines with attributes. I would consider whether it wouldn't be valuable to put following functionality into the core Sharpliner library:

Allow registering custom attributes together with some publish actions (callbacks) into the publish process. You could add custom attributes to definitions and when these are being published as YAML, your callbacks would be called during the process.

What are your thoughts on all this? Did I manage to describe my concerns and where I am coming from?

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024

Actually, on another thought - maybe attributes are too much of an over-engineering.. It would just be easier to let people overload the Publish() method on pipelines (or add some other methods/events like OnBeforePublish or OnAfterPublish) and this would have the same effect with a simpler approach.

from sharpliner.

jshield avatar jshield commented on June 7, 2024

Going in reverse:

Yeah upon reflection (heh get it) attributes are probably overkill, and overridable properties is probably the correct approach for sharpliner as a low level library. although sometimes they are useful to provide that layer of metadata in a clear obvious place.

I sealed TargetFile on my classes and require a TemplateOutput(PipelineActivity activity, Type parameterType) attribute to make it clear from looking at the class declaration where the template gets generated, based on conventions, but yes you are correct highly subjective and hard to apply to all cases.


public record PulumiDeployment : IDeployment
    [YamlMember(Order = 0)]
    public string Type => GetType().ToTemplatePath();

    public string DependsOn { get; set; } = "";

    public bool RunDuringPullRequests { get; set; } = true;

    public string Project { get; set; }
    public string Stack { get; set; }
    public AzureServicePrincipal ServiceConnection { get; set; }
    public AzureResourceGroup ResourceGroup { get; set; }
    public AzureKeyVault ManagementKeyVault { get; set; }

public abstract class TypedStepTemplateDefinitionBase<T> : StepTemplateDefinition
    public sealed override string TargetFile => GetType().GetTargetFileFromAttribute();

    public override TargetPathType TargetPathType => TargetPathType.RelativeToGitRoot;

    public sealed override List<TemplateParameter> Parameters => typeof(T).AsTemplateParameters().ToList();

    protected string PipelineWorkspace => "$(Pipeline.Workspace)";

    // Helper Method for referencing properties as passed parameters on <T>
    public string Use<TR>(
        Expression<Func<T, TR>> selector)
        var member = ((MemberExpression) selector.Body).Member;
        var name = member.GetCustomAttribute<JsonPropertyNameAttribute>()?.Name ?? member.Name.ToCamelCase();
        return parameters[name];
    protected TR UseNamed<TR>(
        Expression<Func<T, TR>> selector) where TR: Named<TR>, new()
        var member = ((MemberExpression) selector.Body).Member;
        var name = member.GetCustomAttribute<JsonPropertyNameAttribute>()?.Name ?? member.Name.ToCamelCase();
        return new TR {Name = parameters[name]};

    protected Condition IsManual => Condition("eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual')");

    protected readonly AzureBashInlineTaskBuilder AzureCli = new();


[TemplateOutput(PipelineActivity.Deploy, typeof(PulumiDeployment))]
internal class DeployPulumiSteps : TypedStepTemplateDefinitionBase<PulumiDeployment>
    private string PulumiStateStorageSasToken => $"PULUMI-STATE-{Use(deployment => deployment.Stack)}-STORAGE-SAS-TOKEN";
    private string PulumiStateStorageAccount => $"PULUMI-STATE-{Use(deployment => deployment.Stack)}-STORAGE-ACCOUNT";

    protected string ProjectPath => $"{PipelineWorkspace}/self/{Use(artifact => artifact.Project)}";

    public override ConditionedList<Step> Definition
            return new()
                Extensions.Tasks.NugetAuthenticate("Authenticate nuget against azure artifact feeds"),
                new AzureKeyVaultTask()
                    AzureSubscription = UseNamed(deployment => deployment.ServiceConnection),
                    KeyVaultName = UseNamed(deployment => deployment.ManagementKeyVault),
                    SecretsFilter = new[]
                AzureCli.FromResourceFile(UseNamed(deployment => deployment.ServiceConnection),$"{GetType().Namespace}") with
                    Env = new()
                        { "AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", $"$({PulumiStateStorageAccount})" },
                        { "AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN", $"$({PulumiStateStorageSasToken})" },
                        { "STACK", Use(deployment => deployment.Stack) }
                    }, DisplayName = $"Configuring Pulumi for {Use(deployment => deployment.Stack)}"
                AzureCli.FromResourceFile(UseNamed(deployment => deployment.ServiceConnection),$"{GetType().Namespace}") with
                    Env = new()
                        { "AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", $"$({PulumiStateStorageAccount})" },
                        { "AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN", $"$({PulumiStateStorageSasToken})" },
                        { "STACK", Use(deployment => deployment.Stack) },
                        { "AZURE_KEYVAULT_NAME", UseNamed(deployment => deployment.ManagementKeyVault)}
                    WorkingDirectory = ProjectPath, 
                    DisplayName = $"Running Pulumi for {Use(deployment => deployment.Stack)}"
# steps/pulumi/steps-deploy.yml

### This YAML was auto-generated from DeployPulumiSteps
### To make changes, change the C# definition and rebuild its project

- name: type
  type: string
  default: pulumi

- name: project
  type: string

- name: stack
  type: string

- name: serviceConnection
  type: string

- name: managementKeyVault
  type: string

- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
  displayName: Authenticate nuget against azure artifact feeds

- task: AzureKeyVault@2
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.serviceConnection }}
    keyVaultName: ${{ parameters.managementKeyVault }}
    secretsFilter: PULUMI-STATE-${{ parameters.stack }}-STORAGE-ACCOUNT,PULUMI-STATE-${{ parameters.stack }}-STORAGE-SAS-TOKEN

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: Configuring Pulumi for ${{ parameters.stack }}
    scriptType: bash
    scriptLocation: inlineScript
    inlineScript: >-
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.serviceConnection }}
    STACK: ${{ parameters.stack }}

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: Running Pulumi for ${{ parameters.stack }}
    scriptType: bash
    scriptLocation: inlineScript
    inlineScript: >-
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.serviceConnection }}
    workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/self/${{ parameters.project }}
    STACK: ${{ parameters.stack }}
    AZURE_KEYVAULT_NAME: ${{ parameters.managementKeyVault }} # AzureKeyVault

The events/virtual methods approach is probably correct for providing an extension framework, that way additional before/after callbacks could be added, and provided through external libraries without pulling in the whole world through the sharpliner core library.

That way I could add a method that would then call AzDo and perform logic to update service configuration (register new pipelines/update names) without having to bloat the underlying goals of sharpliner.

One of my side projects is a linter for AzDo pipelines using the PipelineParser in the Azure DevOps Pipeline Agent, so again I could add a post publish hook to run the linter on the resulting template to ensure it meets our style, naming, etc...

global and per pipeline hooks is probably ideal so being able to do something like the below:

class YourCustomConfiguration : SharplinerConfiguration
    public override void Configure()
        // Insert your overrides here
        Serialization.PrettifyYaml = false;
        Serialization.UseElseExpression = true;
        Serialization.IncludeHeaders = false;
        Validations.DependsOn = ValidationSeverity.Off;
        Validations.Name = ValidationSeverity.Error;
        Hooks.Pipeline.BeforePublish = (ISharplinerDefinition definition, Pipeline pipeline) =>
            return PipelineLinter.Lint(pipeline); //bool on false fail build
        Hooks.Pipeline.AfterPublish = (ISharplinerDefinition definition, Pipeline pipeline, string yaml) =>
            var registration = typeof(definition).GetCustomAttribute<AutomaticallyRegisterPipeline>();

            if (registration != null && Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_REASON") == "IndividualCI")
                var id = AzDoUpdatePipelineRegistration.Register(definition.GetTargetPath(), registration.Name,
                        .Folder); // find pipelines using TargetPath, if none are found create one under folder with name pointing to file, otherwise rename, and move if an existing pipeline is present.
                AzDoUpdatePipelineRegistration.EnsureBuildValidationIsPresentOn("main", id,
                    pipeline.Trigger); // ensure that Build Validation on branch is enabled and configure path rules based on trigger path rules

would be fantastic.

Your concerns are totally valid, and I appreciate and respect your position as to the scope of what sharpliner should do.

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024

Thanks for sharing the code! It is very useful for me to see how people use the library. The sheer amount of scenarios people are covering makes me more and more sure that it is very hard to be opinionated in this area.

Couple of points:

  1. I love the hooks. This shouldn't be too hard to implement and I would like to make it part of Sharpliner. Only problem is that I am off from Friday. I might make a quick version for you if you rely on this and then add documentation and finalize it in April but I also might not get to it.
  2. Can you please share this linter if it is public? It sounds very interesting. Is it using some models from AzDO open source code? I didn't find anything like that.
  3. I can also imagine having the linter as a validation in Sharpliner. I was already thinking about comparing the generated YAML with the YAML/JSON schema that AzDO provides.
  4. Nitty comment:
    This piece:
    protected Condition IsManual => Condition("eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual')")
    can also be written as
    protected Condition IsManual => Condition(Equal(variables["Build.Reason"], "'Manual'"))
    I am also thinking of adding known values as strong types - variables.Build.Reason

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024

I had a couple spare minutes today so I tried to code the hooks and found a possible friction point.

When you use definition collections, the ISharplinerDefinition that is actually being published is some other internal type that we create from your ISharplinerDefinitionCollection and then it gets a little hard to match the type.

I think the only way to match the result is by looking at the file name (some template-generated-from-collection.yml). I don't know if this is a deal breaker but I am also somewhat reluctant to add something into the library fast and then having to have to live it. In case this is something blocking you, I could add this and not mention it in the docs and finish the feature in April?

from sharpliner.

premun avatar premun commented on June 7, 2024

I am closing this as I think it is resolved. Please re-open in case I forgot or haven't addressed something

from sharpliner.

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