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skillex-task's Introduction

Product Filtering System (React.js)


This project is a Dynamic Filtering System for a Product Catalog built with React.js (without TypeScript). The system allows users to filter products based on multiple criteria such as category, price range, brand, and rating. It supports real-time filtering, sorting, responsive design, and user feedback. The application also ensures performance optimization for large datasets and includes features like sorting, persistent preferences, and testing.


  • Data Fetching: Fetches product data from mock data (could be swapped with an API) and handles pagination if necessary.
  • Filter Options: Allows filtering by category, brand, price range, and rating in a sidebar or filter panel.
  • Real-Time Filtering: Filters update in real time as users interact with the filter options, with debouncing to avoid unnecessary renders.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures a smooth experience on both desktop and mobile devices. The filter menu is collapsible on smaller screens.
  • User Feedback: Displays a loading spinner while fetching or applying filters and shows a "no products found" message if no products match the current filters.
  • Optimization: Uses memoization and efficient filtering logic for improved performance with large datasets.
  • Sorting (Bonus): Adds the ability to sort products by price, rating, and popularity. Sorting integrates with filtering.
  • Persistent Preferences (Bonus): Saves user preferences (filters and sorting) to localStorage, allowing them to persist across page reloads.
  • Testing (Required): Unit tests to check the functionality of the filtering system using Jest and React Testing Library.


Follow the steps below to get your environment set up.

1. Clone the repository

git clone

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shant99 avatar


Shant Hakobyan avatar



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