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This is an example of a customized GitHub landing page

When I first heard that GitHub added the ability to customize the profile's landing page, I imagined something like a fully-customizable home page. Nope. It means that your landing page displays the from your self-named repository. Nice.

To customize your GitHub landing page, create a repository that has the same name as your username, and add a in it. That's it.

For example, my username is ruthtech, and this is what I did:

  1. I had an existing repository named ruthtech, which held my portfolio. First I renamed that repository to ruthlee.
  2. Then I created a new repository named ruthtech, and added a
  3. I edited my profile in GitHub to update all former links to ruthlee, updated paths in my portfolio code, and redeployed my React portfolio code.

Formatting the GitHub

These docs explain the formatting that GitHub supports in its files:

Hosting your portfolio on GitHub

If you want to host a website on GitHub, you need to learn GitHub Pages. To see an example of this, view my portfolio pages in the About Me section.

About Me

Ruth's Projects

generate-random-advice icon generate-random-advice

This application shows the user some random advice. It's a vehicle to test creating an Express server, calling that server from React, and then deploying to Heroku.

profile-generator icon profile-generator

This command-line application dynamically generates a PDF profile from a GitHub username.

workout-tracker icon workout-tracker

This application tracks which exercises that a person wants to complete.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. šŸ“ŠšŸ“ˆšŸŽ‰

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