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es6-features's Introduction

ECMAScript 6: Feature Overview & Comparison

Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Ralf S. Engelschall <[email protected]> <@engelschall>
Partially based on code snippets by Luke Hoban.
Licensed under MIT license.

This is the source of the website, a small overview of current ECMAScript 6 language features and a comparison to their old ECMAScript 5 equivalents.

Frequently Asked Questions? (FAQ)

  • Why was it setup? Is the ECMAScript 6 specification not enough?

    It was setup by computer scientist and software architect Ralf S. Engelschall in March 2015 in order to promote ECMAScript 6 in the software engineering projects around him and to have bookmarkable URLs at hand for referencing certain ECMAScript 6 features. Additionally, creating this website was a good approach for Ralf S. Engelschall to learn the new ECMAScript 6 features himself.

  • Where can I find the current browser support status quo for ECMASCript 6?

    Have a look at the regularily updated ECMAScript compatibility table by kangax. There, especially notice the column "Babel + core-js" as this is what can be achieved today with transpiling (and that's fully sufficient for practice).

  • Where can I find the latest ECMAScript 6 standard?

    The final ECMAScript 6 standard (ECMA-262) was published in June 2015. You can find the standard on

  • How can I use ECMAScript 6 if my JavaScript runtime still does not support it?

    Use the awesome Babel transpiler. For Node.js/io.js environments just use its tricky require hook. For browser environments use Babel in conjunction with Browserify and its Babelify plugin. For other tools see Using Babel. If you want to see pre-integrated scenarios, check out our sibling project es6-support for various code examples!

  • Why does the website default use the "reduced" syntactic sugar style (without semicolons) for ECMAScript 6 and the "traditional" syntactic sugar style (with semicolons) for ECMAScript 5?

    ECMAScript since its earliest days supported automatic semicolon inference/insertion, of course. But people coding ECMAScript 5 started it in an era where lots of tools (especially source code compressors) had problems when semicolons where left out from the source code. As a consequence, most ECMAScript 5 coders maintained the traditional coding style with semicolons as the syntactic sugar, although in most of the cases they are not necessary. But this era is gone today. Both ECMAScript 6 and all tools (including compressors) perfectly support automatic semicolon inference/insertion nowadays. As a consequence, ECMAScript 6 coders nowadays can get rid of nearly all semicolons and remove clutter from their source code. Ralf S. Engelschall is a strong promoter of reducing source code to its bare minimum. Hence, in his personal opinion ECMAScript 6 should be coded with as less syntactic sugar as possible and hence without semicolons. But if you disagree, just switch the shown style on the website. If you even need to enforce a particular style for both ES6 and ES5 code snippets in your bookmarks, just use one of the following URLs: ES6-Features (reduced style) or ES6-Features (traditional style)

  • I still don't understand: why should I use ECMAScript 6? ECMAScript 5 looks sufficient.

    ECMAScript 5 is a nice and decent programming language, of course. But because of its history, it has some nasty aspects which ECMAScript 6 finally resolves. As programming never is just about getting the necessary functionality done, it is advised to also use the best language, too. ECMAScript 6's language design is cleaner than ECMAScript 5, its syntax increases the expressiveness of your code, it decreases the necessary boilerplate code (e.g. function vs. arrow syntax) and it especially let you get rid of some very nasty but required hacks and workarounds from the ECMAScript 5 era (e.g. var self = this). So, ECMAScript 5 might be sufficient, but ECMAScript 6 nevertheless is an important improvement.

  • I've found a mistake, how can I contribute?

    The source is the file features.txt, everything else on is just generated out of it. Fork this project on Github, edit the file features.txt and then please send a pull request.

  • Do you know more such ECMAScript 6 feature lists?

es6-features's People


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es6-features's Issues


Would be grateful, if you add localization for this.

PDF Version


Thank you for the useful information page. Can you please tell me where I can find it as a pdf file?

support status

Hey Ralf, great work on
Would be nice to have each feature classified with their support status, and also I couldn't find list comprehensions, are they there and I can't find them or is it missing?
Keep it up!

Some ES5 code doesn't use ES5 to the fullest

Lexical this could be written as:

this.nums.forEach(function (v) {
    if (v % 5 === 0)

Default parameter values could be written as:

function f (x, y, z) {
    if (y === undefined)
        y = 7;
    if (z === undefined)
        z = 42;
    return x + y + z;
f(1) === 50;

Unexpected number of arguments

In this example two arguments are provided where one is expected. This hinders code comprehension as in the ES6 style the function is not named explicitly, I had to look at the ES5 style to understand that the default exported function is the one imported as exp.

ES6 astral-plane unicode support

"Astral plane" characters (those whose code point value >= 0x10000) are supported in ES6 in the following ways:

  • Iteration over strings correctly produces the code point - console.log(...'a😬c') logs "a" "😬" "c", whereas var str = 'a😬c'; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { console.log(str[i]) } logs "a" "�" "�" "c".
  • In that vein, [...'a😬c'].length is the correct value of 3, rather than 'a😬c'.length's incorrect value of 4.
  • String.codePointAt() lets you receive the correct code point - 'a😬c'.codePointAt(1) is '😬', but 'a😬c'[1] is '�'.

Lambda example improvement

In the lexical this the ES6 and ES5 (1st variant) examples doesn't really show any difference.
The this in lambda depends on the context where the lambda was created. Here both are assumed to be global. Had the ES6 example kept such that the lambda was created inside another function/context where the this object is something other than the global this, then it would make more sense!

ECMAScript 5 code for Template Strings Custom Interpolation is not correct

In the section "Custom Interpolation" under "Template Strings" the following code is presented as a backwards compatible ECMAScript 5 equivalent:

ES6: get`${bar + baz}&quux=${quux}`
ES5: get([ "", "&quux=", "" ], [ bar + baz, quux ]);

This is incorrect as per the Tagged template strings specification for ES6. The templated variables (quux, bar+baz) are passed into the template function as separate function arguments, not as an array (see mozilla dev reference).

The actual code should read something like:

ES6: get`${bar + baz}&quux=${quux}`
ES5: get([ "", "&quux=", "" ], bar+baz, quux);

This array-like behaviour is, however, often implemented within the ES6 context using rest parameters, as this behaviour is arguably more practical to use.

ES5 Constants example is overcomplicated

In fact,

var PI = (function () {
    var PI = 3.141593;
    return function () { return PI; };

could be reduced to

var PI = function () {
  return 3.141593;

and it would have totally same effect, while being simpler and faster.

TypedArrays wrong?

I was looking around and in TypedArrays the example seems to not work properly for username.
In the username setter you have this._username[0] = v v is a string _username is a Uint8Array, I was wondering if there is a new feature to cast one into the other but I didn't find anything.
I understand if this is just for a example, I just want to know if there is something that I didn't catch.

Extended Literals - confusing output from example

I understand it is written in purpose to show ES6 feature in a clear way (and it does). When I read the overview, I am trying to run the examples in the browser console and the output of "\u{20BB7}" === "𠮷" === "\uD842\uDFB7" is false. My first thought was that the browser doesn't support it yet.
I am okey when partial example give an error and I need to add some code to it, or the example with for (let codepoint of "𠮷") console.log(codepoint) gives Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode error, and I need add

  "use strict";
  for (let codepoint of "𠮷") console.dir(codepoint);

but if the example is valid Javascript, I think, it should give unabigouse output.

Current example

"\u{20BB7}" === "𠮷" === "\uD842\uDFB7"

output => false


("\u{20BB7}" === "𠮷") && ("𠮷" === "\uD842\uDFB7")


"\u{20BB7}" === "𠮷" && "𠮷" === "\uD842\uDFB7"


"\u{20BB7}" === "𠮷"
"𠮷" === "\uD842\uDFB7"

Block-Scoped Functions code is wrong.

This is wrong. That code depicts function-scoped functions. It should actually be this:

    function foo() {...}
        function bar() {...}


function foo() {...}
function bar() {...}

Browser support

First of all, this is an incredible tool and I'm really excited about it.

I'd love if there were some browser compatibility table, similar to what MDN provides. Is this feasible?


Large Red 'X' implies ES5 snippets contain errors

The large red Xs in the top-right corners of the ES5 code snippets somewhat imply that they contain errors. Should they be taken away or changed to something else to imply that the ES6 way is better?

Object initializer shorthand for sub-properties?


Is there any way to shorten the following with ES6 features?

return { op: this.op, lhs: this.lhs, rhs: this.rhs };

I was hoping I could do something like this...

return { this.op, this.lhs, this.rhs };

...but that results in a syntax error.

It is possible to do this...

const { op, lhs, rhs } = this;
return { op, lhs, rhs };

...but that's still a bit verbose (you have to repeat {op, lhs, rhs} twice, which becomes inefficient with longer or more properties).

Modernized style

I see that in the source code viewers there's a modernized vs traditional mode, the modernized not containing any semicolons. What makes this any modern than the semicoloned version? I personally think it's a bad practice. Worse yet, the modernized is the default for ES6, suggesting that no semicolons should be used for ES6 code.

Octal numbers in ES5

Heyho, I just wanted to add a little thing: doesn't tell the simplest way of handling octal numbers. To write octal numbers your number simply has to start with a leading zero, so

0767 === 503 -> true
010 === parseInt('10', 8) -> true (result: 8)
077 === parseInt('77', 8) -> true (result: 63)

You could add this to the page, because it is an existing feature in ES5, even though a lot of people don't know about.


Currently there's a fork that is translating it to portuguese but wouldn't be the best to support i18n? It's not so hard to do as you already have a build script and you can manage to have mutiples versions of the .txt file.

confusing variable names

Hi, just a general comment. Sometimes I find the variable names used in examples completely confounding. For example, sometimes the variable name is ''dst". Sometimes it's "quud". In the latter, I guess it's supposed to signify a random variable name. In the case of the former, I'm not sure if it stands for something I can't think of. I think the code examples would be better if the variable names were more descriptive / longer.

Wishlist: Links back to the MDN JavaScript documentation

It would be awesome if this had links (either on the left or on the example pages) to the relevant location in the MDN JavaScript documentation. That way if you wanted more details on a particular feature it'd be just one click a way.

I suggest the MDN JavaScript docs because I find them complete, well maintained and well written, but any similar on-line JavaScript language doc would work.

Add block-scope callback expressions example

By far one of the most popular applications of let is the ability to do this:

let callbacks = [];
for(let i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
    callbacks[i] = function() { return i * 2; };
callbacks[0]() === 0;
callbacks[1]() === 2;
callbacks[2]() === 4;

That is, each function has its own binding of i, rather than a shared function-scoped binding.
(This is not supported by any browsers yet.)

Evaluating string interpolation for template literals

I encountered this issue while trying out the string interpolation feature of ES6

the code is

    if (unevaluated_lines) {
        let num_lines_message = (`${unevaluated_lines} answer ${unevaluated_lines == 1 ? "line was" : "lines were"} not evaluated.`)
        submit.reject(Error("Please give an evaluation to every answer line. " + num_lines_message))

but the saved string in the variable num_lines_message does follow spacing between string literals but the line of code unassigned to a variable works fine. See screenshot below:

screen shot 2018-08-20 at 2 12 47 pm

Using Google Chrome:
screen shot 2018-08-20 at 2 15 07 pm

EC5 Spead Operator Sample Unused Variable

The following ECMAScript 5 sample has an unused variable.

var params = [ "hello", true, 7 ];
var other = [ 1, 2 ].concat(params); // [ 1, 2, "hello", true, 7 ]
f.apply(undefined, [ 1, 2 ].concat(params)) === 9;

var str = "foo";
var chars = str.split(""); // [ "f", "o", "o" ]

The previously mentioned code should be changed to the following.

var params = [ "hello", true, 7 ];
var other = [ 1, 2 ].concat(params); // [ 1, 2, "hello", true, 7 ]
f.apply(undefined, other) === 9;

var str = "foo";
var chars = str.split(""); // [ "f", "o", "o" ]

Add listings of new built-in methods

Here's some ES5 equivalents of a few such methods to get you started.


var src1 = { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
var src2 = { foo: 3, baz: 3 };
var dst = {};
Object.keys(src).forEach(function(e) {
  dst[e] = src[e];
Object.keys(src2).forEach(function(e) {
  dst[e] = src2[e];
});; // 3; // 2
dst.baz; // 3


[1,3,4,2].filter(function(e) { return e > 3; })[0]; // 4


(Array(12)+",").replace(/,/g, "red"); // "redredredredredredredredredredredred"

Why var?

Love it!
But why we use var everywhere instead of let/const?

Modernized vs. Traditional mismatch

Currently the examples default to ES6 using the Modernized style (no semicolons) and ES5 using the Traditional style (with semicolons). This introduces a misleading and orthogonal extra diff when comparing the various examples. Please consider making Modernized/Traditional a single setting that modifies both the ES6 and ES5 example code at the same time. And please consider defaulting it to traditional. As it stands, I hesitate to forward a link to this site to my coworkers who are just getting started with ES6 since it adds unnecessary confusion and will trigger a knee-jerk reaction against ES6 due to "ES6 is anti-semicolons!" 😉

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