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mast's Introduction

MAST: Model-based Analysis of Single-cell Transcriptomics

MAST fits two-part, generalized linear models that are specially adapted for bimodal and/or zero-inflated single cell gene expression data.

Examples and vignettes

MAST supports:

  • Easy importing, subsetting and manipulation of expression matrices
  • Filtering of low-quality cells
  • Adaptive thresholding of background noise
  • Tests for univariate differential expression, with adjustment for covariates
  • Gene set enrichment analysis, corrected for covariates and gene-gene correlations
  • Exploration of gene-gene correlations and co-expression

Vignettes are available in the package via vignette('MAITAnalysis'), vignette('MAST-Intro') or vignette('MAST-interoperability').

New Features and announcements

  • MAST has been ported to use SingleCellExperiment under the hood, and is in Bioconductor.
  • We now make an effort to track assay contents (counts vs log counts). This should facilitate interaction with Scater and SCRAN.

Getting Help

For general questions, please submit a question to the bioconductor support site so that others can benefit from the discussion.

For bug reports (something seems broken): open a bug report here.

Installation Instructions

This version available here on github may only properly function if you are running Bioconductor Devel, which is not something you will want to run for existing analyses! Instead follow instructions below.

You may install or update MAST with:

install.packages("BiocManager") # Needed to install all Bioconductor packages


If you find MAST useful in your work, please consider citing the paper: MAST: a flexible statistical framework for assessing transcriptional changes and characterizing heterogeneity in single-cell RNA sequencing data G Finak, A McDavid, M Yajima, J Deng, V Gersuk, AK Shalek, CK Slichter et al Genome biology 16 (1), 278

The version that was used in the Genome Biology paper is accesible under the branch MASTClassic.

Converting old MASTClassic SingleCellAssay objects

If you have data analyzed using MASTClassic, you can convert objects from MASTClassic format to the new format based on SingleCellExperiment using convertMastClassicToSingleCellAssay().

mast's People


amcdavid avatar dburkhardt avatar derrik-gratz avatar gfinak avatar hpages avatar jacobpwagner avatar jwokaty avatar nturaga avatar seaaan avatar vobencha avatar


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mast's Issues

Error message from filter

Any idea what could cause this error?

assay.f <- SingleCellAssay::filter(assay, groups="time")
Error in apply(abs(z.exprs) > sigmaContinuous, 1, sum, na.rm = T) :
dim(X) must have a positive length

the assay was built like:

assay <- SingleCellAssay(dataframe=ncounts.m, idvars="cell", cellvars="time", primerid="tx", featurevars="symbol", measurement="log.count")

time is a factor with 5 levels of which 3 are used.


Clean up the getMapping interface

We'd like to be able to do things like:

O is a SingleCellAssay object.


which would retrieve the mapping from O, access the "primerid" mapping and set it to "foo", then update the @mapping slot in O.
Needs a replace method for mapping()<-
and [[<-

No need to change the mapping class, just write a couple of extra methods.

devel branch not passing tests, cannot document with roxygen etc

Can you check out why the devel branch is buggy? Given that the variance shrinkage is here, it will eventually be merged into master. I can't sort out what problem is causing roxygen to fail, ie. whether it's the code or a bug in roxygen. But there are a lot of roxyen like comments peppering the code which may be causing problems.

melt.SingleCellAssay breaks reshape2::melt


I've just started using SingleCellAssay, and have found that loading the library after loading reshape2 broke my calls to melt() in functions that I had written (session info below).

I think it's a bit impolite to mask reshape2's melt(), which is a much more generic and widely-used function. Perhaps you could tweak melt.SingleCellAssay so it plays more nicely with reshape2?

Best wishes

R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)

[1] C

attached base packages:
[1] parallel grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[8] methods base

other attached packages:
[1] SingleCellAssay_0.861 scde_1.2.0 flexmix_2.3-12
[4] lattice_0.20-29 gridExtra_0.9.1 RankProd_2.38.0
[7] devtools_1.6.1 ggthemes_1.7.0 beeswarm_0.1.6
[10] magrittr_1.0.1 scater_0.1 roxygen2_4.0.2
[13] knitr_1.7.8 wesanderson_0.3 RColorBrewer_1.0-5
[16] edgeR_3.8.2 limma_3.22.1 dplyr_0.3.0.2
[19] lubridate_1.3.3 stringr_0.6.2 ggplot2_1.0.0
[22] plyr_1.8.1 reshape2_1.4 ProjectTemplate_0.6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Biobase_2.26.0 BiocGenerics_0.12.0 Cairo_1.5-6
[4] DBI_0.3.1 MASS_7.3-35 Rcpp_0.11.3
[7] RcppArmadillo_0.4.500.0 Rook_1.1-1 SparseM_1.05
[10] abind_1.4-0 assertthat_0.1 brew_1.0-6
[13] car_2.0-21 chron_2.3-45 colorspace_1.2-4
[16] compiler_3.1.1 data.table_1.9.4 digest_0.6.4
[19] evaluate_0.5.5 formatR_1.0 gdata_2.13.3
[22] gtable_0.1.2 gtools_3.4.1 labeling_0.3
[25] latticeExtra_0.6-26 lazyeval_0.1.9 memoise_0.2.1
[28] modeltools_0.2-21 munsell_0.4.2 nnet_7.3-8
[31] proto_0.3-10 quantreg_5.05 reshape_0.8.5
[34] rjson_0.2.15 scales_0.2.4 stats4_3.1.1
[37] tools_3.1.1

SingleCellAssay constructor fails depending on ordering of rows in data.frame

It seems the SCA constructor depends on the order of rows in the input data.frame since the internal representation has been changed to a data.table

Test script:

vbeta <- computeEtFromCt(vbeta)
# okay when data is ordered by wells, primers <- SingleCellAssay(vbeta, idvars = c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well"),
primerid = "Gene", measurement = "Et", geneid = "Gene",
cellvars = c("Number.of.Cells", "Population"), phenovars = c("Stim.Condition",
"Time"), id = "vbeta all")
# fails after data is ordered by primers,wells
reordering<-order(vbeta[,c("Gene","Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well")])
vbeta.reordered=vbeta[reordering,] <- SingleCellAssay(vbeta.reordered, idvars = c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well"),
primerid = "Gene", measurement = "Et", geneid = "Gene",
cellvars = c("Number.of.Cells", "Population"), phenovars = c("Stim.Condition",
"Time"), id = "vbeta all reordered")


> data(vbeta)
> vbeta <- computeEtFromCt(vbeta)
> # okay when data is ordered by wells, primers
> <- SingleCellAssay(vbeta, idvars = c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well"),
+ primerid = "Gene", measurement = "Et", geneid = "Gene",
+ cellvars = c("Number.of.Cells", "Population"), phenovars = c("Stim.Condition",
+ "Time"), id = "vbeta all")
> print(
SingleCellAssay  id:  vbeta all 
 456  wells;  75  features

> # fails after data is ordered by primers,wells
> reordering<-order(vbeta[,c("Gene","Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well")])
> vbeta.reordered=vbeta[reordering,]
> <- SingleCellAssay(vbeta.reordered, idvars = c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well"),
+ primerid = "Gene", measurement = "Et", geneid = "Gene",
+ cellvars = c("Number.of.Cells", "Population"), phenovars = c("Stim.Condition",
+ "Time"), id = "vbeta all")
Error in SingleCellAssay(vbeta.reordered, idvars = c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number",  : 
  'featurevars' must be keyed by 'primerid'

thresholdSCRNACounts issues

*I think the function should work on log transformed data. It takes and returns data on the natural scale, but many of the arguments (eg qt or absolute_min) are in terms of the log scale. So we end up just logging the data twice.

*Or we could make log-transforming that data an optional argument if we think that people would ever not want to log-transform

*There's a bug somewhere in lines 166-176 that is causing it not to remove an empty bin if it's the first bin in the sequence. When this happens, the call to density barfs.

*It needs test coverage.

Better methods for importing RNAseq

Currently we can import from a matrix without reshaping by starting from an ExpressionSet, but this seems to leave some important attributes unset (like primerid).

Availability on Mac?

I noticed this package is only available as a .zip file. Because of certain restrictions at work, I am unable to download the package via R and must download and install manually. We use macs here at work and was wondering if this package is available as .tgz or .tar.gz file since every time I try to use R CMD INSTALL in terminal it gives me "non-zero exit status" error. Thanks

building vignette errors out

check('./', cran=FALSE)
Loading required package: roxygen2
Loading required package: digest
Updating SingleCellAssay documentation
Loading SingleCellAssay
Error: processing vignette 'SingleCellAssay-intro.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
  chunk 4 (label = split) 
Error in split(vbeta.fa, factor(rbinom(nrow(vbeta.fa), 1, prob = 0.2))) : 
  splitby must be a character naming a cData variable
Execution halted

enable support for limma-like contrasts

I think it would be worthwhile supporting limma-like interface where the model is fit once, and contarsts can be extracted via function like in limma.
@amcdavid I'm filing this as an enhancement, we can discuss whether and how this should be done.

getConcordance on FluidigmAssay errors out

Issue 1

When calling getConcordance(FluidigmAssay,'ncell'):
Error in UseMethod("melt", data) :
no applicable method for 'melt' applied to an object of class "c('cast_df', 'data.frame')"

from line 115 in Fluidigm-methods.R:

castL[[i]] <- cast(melt(tmp), secondForm, fun.aggregate=fun.cycle)

If I'm not completely wrong this line should be corrected to:

castL[[i]] <- cast(tmp, secondForm, fun.aggregate=fun.cycle)

since tmp is a data.frame and not an SingleCellAssay/FluidigmAssay object.

Issue 2

In case of not replacing NAs by 0s in the expression measurements [exprs(sca)], getConcordance on a FluidigmAssay will return n.exp=0, et=NA for all (gene x experimental unit) combinations that have even a single non-expressed well (and thus in this case a single NA value).
The above problem could be fixed by letting the function expavg from Fluidigm-methods.R remove NAs when summing up. e.g. like this:

original (line 14 in Fluidigm-methods.R)

expavg <- function(x) mean(2^x-1)

fixed (could certainly be done more elegantly):

expavg <- function(x) {res<-mean(2^x-1,na.rm=T);ifelse(!is.finite(res),NA,res)}

Any chance of an example for RNA-seq counts?

I've got some single-cell RNA-seq counts (normalised with DESeq2) which I'd like to model with your mixture of continous and discrete components. I'm having some problems getting any sensible p-values from zlm.SingleCellAssay and I'm not finding the intro vignette or the package documentation particularly helpful. Is there any chance you could put together a small example, as you did for the fluidigm assay?


Slight change in NanostringAssay construction arguments causes everything to explode

This works:
nsa <- NanoStringAssay(files.key, paste(pathToExp, 'h9key.csv', sep=''), idvars=c('ID', 'CartridgeID'), primerid='Name', measurement='Count', geneid='Name', featurevars='GeneID', ncells='ncells', cellvars=c('BindingDensity', 'Date', 'FovCount', 'FovCounted', 'plate', 'cycle', 'cellline'), post.process.function=ppf)

This causes many bad things:
nsa <- NanoStringAssay(files.key, paste(pathToExp, 'h9key.csv', sep=''), idvars=c('ID', 'CartridgeID'), primerid='GeneID', measurement='Count', geneid='Name', featurevars='GeneID', ncells='ncells', cellvars=c('BindingDensity', 'Date', 'FovCount', 'FovCounted', 'plate', 'cycle', 'cellline'), post.process.function=ppf)

this induces at least three bugs, none of which I have time to isolate at the moment.

  1. mkunique line 407 should be defined unconditionally, not in the if-clause where its presently located
  2. But after fixing this, it's apparent that line 245 in AllClasses.R should read if(!all(object@mapNames%in%getMapNames(getMapping(object))))
  3. But even after making the fix in 2, things still explode due to validObject not holding.

I am not going to try to debug this further without a small reproducible example that fails.

install_github fails due to vignette compilation error

Hi guys, I enjoyed seeing you at CYTO. I tried installing SingleCellAssay using install_github('SingleCellAssay', 'RGLab') on Rstudio 0.97.336 and R version 2.15.3. I got an error relating to the vignette compilation. I installed roxygen2, but that didn't help.

I suspect Sweave's syntax has changed, and your "echo=" arguments are no longer allowed. I was able to resolve the error and install from source through the following steps:

  1. Download the .zip
  2. Open SingleCellAssay_master/vignettes/SingleCellAssay-intro.Rnw
  3. Set all "echo=" to FALSE. This affects lines 66, 142, and 213.
  4. Install knitr and plyr packages from CRAN just in case
  5. Install SingleCellAssay_master package from source

That may not be the best solution, but hopefully it will point you in the right direction to make installation user-friendly again.



PS: Console output of the error is below.

> install_github('SingleCellAssay', 'RGLab')
Installing github repo(s) SingleCellAssay/master from RGLab
Installing from
Installing SingleCellAssay
Installing dependencies for SingleCellAssay:
Installing package(s) into/Users/esimonds/Library/R/2.15/library’
(aslibis unspecified)

  There is a binary version available (and will be installed) but the source version is later:
           binary source
data.table  1.8.8  1.9.2

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1188814 bytes (1.1 Mb)
opened URL
downloaded 1.1 Mb

The downloaded binary packages are in
'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --vanilla CMD build  \
  '/private/var/folders/cm/8hg79fh52fj5w_h_mmk580tc0000gn/T/Rtmpvm5P3P/SingleCellAssay-master'  \
  --no-manual --no-resave-data 

* checking for file '/private/var/folders/cm/8hg79fh52fj5w_h_mmk580tc0000gn/T/Rtmpvm5P3P/SingleCellAssay-master/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'SingleCellAssay':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to re-build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Error: processing vignette 'SingleCellAssay-intro.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
parse error or empty option in
long-example,warning=FALSE, echo=-c(1,2,3)
Execution halted
Error: Command failed (1)

LRT also affected by migration to data.table?

I get errors when trying to run likelihood ratio tests on FluidigmAssays in the current version of the package.

vbeta <- computeEtFromCt(vbeta)
vbeta.fa <- FluidigmAssay(vbeta, idvars = c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well"),
  primerid = "Gene", measurement = "Et", ncells = "Number.of.Cells", geneid = "Gene",
  cellvars = c("Number.of.Cells", "Population"), phenovars = c("Stim.Condition",
  "Time"), id = "vbeta all")
#            Number.of.Cells            Population Subject.ID Chip.Number Well
#Sub01:1:A01               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      Sub01           1  A01
#Sub01:1:A02               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      Sub01           1  A02
#Sub01:1:A03               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      Sub01           1  A03
#Sub01:1:A04               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      Sub01           1  A04
#Sub01:1:A05               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      Sub01           1  A05
#Sub01:1:A06               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      Sub01           1  A06
#            Stim.Condition Time
#Sub01:1:A01      Stim(SEB)   12
#Sub01:1:A02      Stim(SEB)   12
#Sub01:1:A03      Stim(SEB)   12
#Sub01:1:A04      Stim(SEB)   12
#Sub01:1:A05      Stim(SEB)   12
#Sub01:1:A06      Stim(SEB)   12
#Error in split(x[[measure]], x$pheno.order, drop = FALSE) [line 130 in lrtest.R]: 
#  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'split': Error in x[[measure]] : subscript out of bounds

Do not silently coerce indexes

If x is a SingleCellAssay object, then x[,y] coerces y improperly.
Factors are being coerced into integer indexes. This causes confusing behavior. We should throw an error rather than coerce.

Also, check to see why fData(x)$primerid is getting promoted to a factor in the first place.

Current master branch is not passing tests and examples fail to run

R version 3.2
SingleCellAssay 0.78
Bioconductor 2.14 (development)
combine is failing within filter.

A lot of reproducible code is no longer reproducible. I'm now unable to deliver an analysis on time.


$`High-DCVax-001:154- CM`
FluidigmAssay  on layer  Et 
 1  Layers;  16  wells;  96  features
 id:  High-DCVax-001:154- CM 

$`High-DCVax-001:154+ CM`
FluidigmAssay  on layer  Et 
 1  Layers;  256  wells;  96  features
 id:  High-DCVax-001:154+ CM 

$`Low-DCVax-001:154+ CM`
FluidigmAssay  on layer  Et 
 1  Layers;  100  wells;  96  features
 id:  Low-DCVax-001:154+ CM 

$`Mid-DCVax-001:154+ CM`
FluidigmAssay  on layer  Et 
 1  Layers;  119  wells;  96  features
 id:  Mid-DCVax-001:154+ CM 

$`Placebo:154+ CM`
FluidigmAssay  on layer  Et 
 1  Layers;  90  wells;  96  features
 id:  Placebo:154+ CM 
combine(as(lapp, "SCASet"))
Error in combine(as(lapp, "SCASet")) : 
  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'combine': Error in asMethod(object) : 
  All members of 'x' must inherit from 'SingleCellAssay'

2b597eb fails tests

The new data.table constructor has a bunch of issues in the tests (the constructed object is essentially gibberish right now) so I moved that code to devel and reverted master.

Agreed that we need to make RNAseq construction faster. Would writing a constructor that takes an expression matrix and fData and cData be a good solution?

Treatment of NAs

Analysis functions should either 1) take na.rm, or 2) we should have a slot in SingleCellAssay objects that specify how NAs will be treated in analysis.

I'd lean towards 1, because adding a slot is likely to be a bit invasive at this point. @gfinak your thoughts?

Combine dispatch problems

doubleid <- data.frame(id1=1:3, id2=1:3, et=rep(3, 3), f1=rep('A', 3))
smallsc <- SingleCellAssay(doubleid, idvars='id1', geneid='f1', primerid='f1', measurement='et')
spl <- split(smallsc, 'id1')
c2 <- combine(spl[[1]], spl[[2]], spl[[3]]) #Works fine

c2 <-, spl@set)

cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
1:, spl@set)
2: structure(function (x, y, ...)
if (length(list(...)) > 0L) {
callGeneric(x,, list(y, ...)))
else {
}, generic = structure("combine", package = "BiocGenerics"), package = "BiocGenerics", group = list(), valueClass = character(0), signature = c("x", "y"), default = \001NULL\001, skeleton = function (x, y, ...)
stop("invalid call in method dispatch to "combine" (no default method)", domain = NA)(x, y, ...), class = structure("nonstandardGenericFunction", package = "methods"))(1 = <S4 object of class structure("SingleCellAssay", package = "SingleCellAssay")>, 2 = <S4 object of class structure("SingleCellAssay", package = "SingleCellAssay")>, 3 = <S4 object of class structure("SingleCellAssay", package = "SingleCellAssay")>)
3: callGeneric(x,, list(y, ...)))
4: as.character(call[[1L]])
5: as.character.default(call[[1L]])

Filtering returns wellKey labelled logical vector

The logical matrix returned when apply_filter=FALSE and filt_control(filter=TRUE) is labelled by wellKey. This is not very legible. We should label it with the set of idvars before feeding it to the user.

Can't build devel branch

During R CMD build, I get

Error in setMethod("fit", signature = c(object = "GLMlike", response = "missing"),  :
  no existing definition for function ‘fit’
Error : unable to load R code in package ‘SingleCellAssay’
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘SingleCellAssay’

threshold (Nanostring)

Create method for NanostringAssay objects that updates the "measurement" field of the mapping to contain thresholded data.

threshold(NanoObject, groups, manualThresholds=NULL)
NanoObject: NanostringAssay object
groups: optional grouping variable, thresholds will be calculating per each group
manualThresholds: dataframe giving manual cutoffs for various genes/groups. If not provided gaussian mixture models are used instead.

Slots/Mappings required:
-Number.of.Cells (already available if we subclass FluidigmAssay)

-Do we want to mark indeterminate values as NA? (values without definitive cluster membership posterior probabilities)
-We should log2 +1 transform the data either here or when the NanostringAssay object is constructed

Construct a FluidigmAssay from raw NanoString data

I'll start by constructing a FluidigmAssay from NanoString data, then work on specializing a NanoStringAssay class that captures anything which is missing.

Okay, I'm able to construct a FluidigmAssay object without much trouble.

GSEA improvements

-Test coverage
-Needs to be profiled
-Support arbitrary contrasts
-Needs friendlier interface
-Look for a way to avoid the bootstrap
-Return average correlation in test set

combine error on NanostringAssay

constructors were expected to take certain named parameters so that combine would work properly and construct the appropriate type of assay. I broke this with the NanostringAssay constructor (bacause I forgot about it).
Needs to be fixed.

NanoStringAssay class constructor fails on exprs() when geneid is not unique

Lucas mentioned that some genes were not unique and should be summed to get a count within the lane.
Calling exprs() on a NanoStringAssay object tries to construct a matrix of columns = number of genes (or maybe rows). This does not agree with the unique number of genes and errors out.

We should either sum over the replicates before constructing the object, or define a unique primer id , or change the way exprs() gets the number of rows to take replicate genes into account.

lme4 > .999 breaks car::lht

We probably should submit a patch to car for lht rather than fixing this here.

But on the bright side, now the model fit objects from lmer support drop1. so our LRT testing code should work out of the box.

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