A repository of Reflex template apps.
templates's Introduction
templates's People
xamr0n matttttam obourdon a-wpro juanpgm kkawan mavridischristos smartyhouses mz0in jwu049 yvankob mcw0933 eze64 wanga-bill kevmbatia nuanyangyoyo jachiwayne ooeddy diogomic machiavelli-davinci yoeriapts llm-dev-cosco bunsdev jrybergtemplates's Issues
Replace all occurences of @rx.cached_var with @rx.var(cache=True)
Some CSS errors are displayed in browser developer tools inspector due to attributes mispelling
Customer Data App issues
Should maybe make the db non persistance, a user could add profane things
also if you spam click delete it will pop up an error
Some __init__.py files are almost empty
Here they are:
find . -name .git -prune -o -name __pycache__ -prune -o -name .web -prune -o \! -name '*~' -type f -ls | grep __init | awk '$7==1{print}'
13112085726 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 olivierbourdon staff 1 Sep 27 16:39 ./ci_template/cijob/backend/__init__.py
13112085727 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 olivierbourdon staff 1 Sep 27 16:39 ./dashboard/dashboard/backend/__init__.py
and their contents:
(reflex) MacBook-Pro-Olivier-3:templates olivierbourdon$ od -x ./dashboard/dashboard/backend/__init__.py
0000000 000a
(reflex) MacBook-Pro-Olivier-3:templates olivierbourdon$ od -x ./ci_template/cijob/backend/__init__.py
0000000 000a
Should be empty like all other ones to avoid any confusion
Sales App Form bug
Lets you submit with anything but if it fails validation it wont add to table... should maybe not let you submit the form
API Admin Panel Throws Error
Throws error when you try to submit any request
set_search_value is called, but doesn't exist
Line 151 in 2e03b4a
Line 151 in 2e03b4a
Line 201 in 2e03b4a
Chat App
Chat app is failing
Cyclic object value error detected in dashboard template
Some former reference to account remain in dashboard template instead of profile
Subject says it all, just minor cleanup
DeprecationWarning: Unannotated event handler arguments has been deprecated in version 0.6.3
Hi! I see that in this part of the code (from dashboard template):
def template(
route: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
description: str | None = None,
meta: str | None = None,
script_tags: list[rx.Component] | None = None,
on_load: rx.event.EventHandler | list[rx.event.EventHandler] | None = None,
) -> Callable[[Callable[[], rx.Component]], rx.Component]:
With the recent changes, it’s throwing this warning:
DeprecationWarning: Unannotated event handler arguments have been deprecated in version 0.6.3. Provide type annotations for event handler arguments. It will be completely removed in version 0.7.0.
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Recommend Topics
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
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Machine learning
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Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
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We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
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