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api-plugin-orders's Issues

Shop owners should be able to configure order processing time

Shop owners should be able to set their order processing time in business days.

There should be a default amount of time for shop owners that to not change this number.

If an order is not shipped in the set amount of time, it is marked as LATE => #2344

Log IP address for each order

@eziel commented on Sat Feb 17 2018

Having the IP address from the computer creating the order could be very helpful for fraud detection and analysis. please add a field to the order collection with the users IP address.

Thank you.

Order has status "new" and primary shop owner can nothing to do with it

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Issue Description

Then I got the new order to the shop admin with testing stripe credentials I can't process the order even I approve It inside stripe account
Steps to Reproduce

Please provide starting context, i.e. logged in as a user, configure a particular payment method.
1.Get new payed order with testing credentials
2. Approve order inside stripe dashboard
3.Go to the orders and order has still new status and nothing can do with it

Possible Solution

Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug

Possibly change how we do factories for tests

We are currently imports our api-plugin-shops and api-plugin-catalog as dev dependencies, in order to use their schemas for testing in this package.

We can do this another way, just create these objects internally, but this keeps the tests as they were before with the same schemas.

Add some account fields to order

Copy some properties of order.account to order itself. The full order.account can be queried using GraphQL, but not everyone dealing with orders will have permission to read it. Some fields are handy and need not be behind these strict permissions:

  • The main thing order does not currently have is firstName/lastName/name from the account. We have names with each address, but it is not necessarily paid for by or shipped to the orderer.
  • Any others? (Email is already copied to order.)

add peerDependency for Tags plugin

Orders uses the TagSortByField and TagConnection type in GraphQL, which lives in the tags plugin.

When work is done to move orders over here, we need to be sure to install api-plugin-tags as a peerDependency.

Generate and send RMA and return instructions to customer

When an order return is authorized, an RMA should be generated.

Workflow for generating return authorization.

  1. Customer can request a return via phone or email.
  2. Admin should be able to authorize a return by either clicking "create return", or by reducing the quantity of an order item or removing an order item and then clicking "create partial return"
  3. Admin should be prompted to confirm that they want to authorize the return of [items they are returning]
  4. Upon confirmation, an email should be sent out to the customer with instructions for returning the items, and the order should be put into the "Returning" state.

Order Followup

After an order has been marked as delivered, and order followup email and notification should be sent to the customer.

This should

  • Thank the customer for shopping with the shop(s)
  • provide contact information the shop(s) that sold products to the customer
  • give the customer a roadmap for what to do if they are not satisfied
  • Include or link to the return policy for the shop(s) associated with this order

Future case:

  • This email should provide a link for the customer to leave a review of the vendor they bought products from in the case of a marketplace.
  • This email should provide a link for the customer to review for a product they bought

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