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Comments (7)

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024

참고 코드

class Tokenizer:
    """ Tokenizer class"""

    def __init__(self, vocab, split_fn, pad_fn, maxlen):
        self._vocab = vocab
        self._split = split_fn
        self._pad = pad_fn
        self._maxlen = maxlen

    # def split(self, string: str) -> list[str]:
    def split(self, string):
        tokens = self._split(string)
        return tokens

    # def transform(self, list_of_tokens: list[str]) -> list[int]:
    def transform(self, tokens):
        indices = self._vocab.to_indices(tokens)
        pad_indices = self._pad(indices, pad_id=0, maxlen=self._maxlen) if self._pad else indices
        return pad_indices

    # def split_and_transform(self, string: str) -> list[int]:
    def split_and_transform(self, string):
        return self.transform(self.split(string))

    def vocab(self):
        return self._vocab

    def list_of_tokens_to_list_of_token_ids(self, X_token_batch):
        X_ids_batch = []
        for X_tokens in X_token_batch:
            X_ids_batch.append([self._vocab.transform_token2idx(X_token) for X_token in X_tokens])
        return X_ids_batch

    def list_of_string_to_list_of_tokens(self, X_str_batch):
        X_token_batch = [self._split(X_str) for X_str in X_str_batch]
        return X_token_batch

    def list_of_tokens_to_list_of_token_ids(self, X_token_batch):
        X_ids_batch = []
        for X_tokens in X_token_batch:
            X_ids_batch.append([self._vocab.transform_token2idx(X_token) for X_token in X_tokens])
        return X_ids_batch

    def list_of_string_to_list_token_ids(self, X_str_batch):
        X_token_batch = self.list_of_string_to_list_of_tokens(X_str_batch)
        X_ids_batch = self.list_of_tokens_to_list_of_token_ids(X_token_batch)

        return X_ids_batch

    def list_of_string_to_arr_of_pad_token_ids(self, X_str_batch, add_start_end_token=False):
        X_token_batch = self.list_of_string_to_list_of_tokens(X_str_batch)
        # print("X_token_batch: ", X_token_batch)
        if add_start_end_token is True:
            return self.add_start_end_token_with_pad(X_token_batch)
            X_ids_batch = self.list_of_tokens_to_list_of_token_ids(X_token_batch)
            pad_X_ids_batch = self._pad(X_ids_batch, pad_id=self._vocab.PAD_ID, maxlen=self._maxlen)

        return pad_X_ids_batch

    def list_of_tokens_to_list_of_cls_sep_token_ids(self, X_token_batch):
        X_ids_batch = []
        for X_tokens in X_token_batch:
            X_tokens = [self._vocab.cls_token] + X_tokens + [self._vocab.sep_token]
            X_ids_batch.append([self._vocab.transform_token2idx(X_token) for X_token in X_tokens])
        return X_ids_batch

    def list_of_string_to_arr_of_cls_sep_pad_token_ids(self, X_str_batch):
        X_token_batch = self.list_of_string_to_list_of_tokens(X_str_batch)
        X_ids_batch = self.list_of_tokens_to_list_of_cls_sep_token_ids(X_token_batch)
        pad_X_ids_batch = self._pad(X_ids_batch, pad_id=self._vocab.PAD_ID, maxlen=self._maxlen)

        return pad_X_ids_batch

    def list_of_string_to_list_of_cls_sep_token_ids(self, X_str_batch):
        X_token_batch = self.list_of_string_to_list_of_tokens(X_str_batch)
        X_ids_batch = self.list_of_tokens_to_list_of_cls_sep_token_ids(X_token_batch)

        return X_ids_batch

    def add_start_end_token_with_pad(self, X_token_batch):
        dec_input_token_batch = [[self._vocab.START_TOKEN] + X_token for X_token in X_token_batch]
        dec_output_token_batch = [X_token + [self._vocab.END_TOKEN] for X_token in X_token_batch]

        dec_input_token_batch = self.list_of_tokens_to_list_of_token_ids(dec_input_token_batch)
        pad_dec_input_ids_batch = self._pad(dec_input_token_batch, pad_id=self._vocab.PAD_ID, maxlen=self._maxlen)

        dec_output_ids_batch = self.list_of_tokens_to_list_of_token_ids(dec_output_token_batch)
        pad_dec_output_ids_batch = self._pad(dec_output_ids_batch, pad_id=self._vocab.PAD_ID, maxlen=self._maxlen)
        return pad_dec_input_ids_batch, pad_dec_output_ids_batch

    def decode_token_ids(self, token_ids_batch):
        list_of_token_batch = []
        for token_ids in token_ids_batch:
            token_token = [self._vocab.transform_idx2token(token_id) for token_id in token_ids]
            # token_token = [self._vocab[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
        return list_of_token_batch

class Vocabulary(object):
    """Vocab Class"""

    def __init__(self, token_to_idx=None):

        self.token_to_idx = {}
        self.idx_to_token = {}
        self.idx = 0

        self.PAD = self.padding_token = "[PAD]"
        self.START_TOKEN = "<S>"
        self.END_TOKEN = "<T>"
        self.UNK = "[UNK]"
        self.CLS = "[CLS]"
        self.MASK = "[MASK]"
        self.SEP = "[SEP]"
        self.SEG_A = "[SEG_A]"
        self.SEG_B = "[SEG_B]"
        self.NUM = "<num>"

        self.cls_token = self.CLS
        self.sep_token = self.SEP

        self.special_tokens = [self.PAD,

        if token_to_idx is not None:
            self.token_to_idx = token_to_idx
            self.idx_to_token = {v: k for k, v in token_to_idx.items()}
            self.idx = len(token_to_idx) - 1

            # if pad token in token_to_idx dict, get pad_id
            if self.PAD in self.token_to_idx:
                self.PAD_ID = self.transform_token2idx(self.PAD)
                self.PAD_ID = 0

    def init_vocab(self):
        for special_token in self.special_tokens:
        self.PAD_ID = self.transform_token2idx(self.PAD)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.token_to_idx)

    def to_indices(self, tokens):
        return [self.transform_token2idx(X_token) for X_token in tokens]

    def add_token(self, token):
        if not token in self.token_to_idx:
            self.token_to_idx[token] = self.idx
            self.idx_to_token[self.idx] = token
            self.idx += 1

    def transform_token2idx(self, token, show_oov=False):
            return self.token_to_idx[token]
            if show_oov is True:
                print("key error: " + str(token))
            token = self.UNK
            return self.token_to_idx[token]

    def transform_idx2token(self, idx):
            return self.idx_to_token[idx]
            print("key error: " + str(idx))
            idx = self.token_to_idx[self.UNK]
            return self.idx_to_token[idx]

    def build_vocab(self, list_of_str, threshold=1, vocab_save_path="./data_in/token_vocab.json",
        """Build a token vocab"""

        def do_concurrent_tagging(start, end, text_list, counter):
            for i, text in enumerate(text_list[start:end]):
                text = text.strip()
                text = text.lower()

                    tokens_ko = split_fn(text)
                    # tokens_ko = [str(pos[0]) + '/' + str(pos[1]) for pos in tokens_ko]

                    if i % 1000 == 0:
                        print("[%d/%d (total: %d)] Tokenized input text." % (
                            start + i, start + len(text_list[start:end]), len(text_list)))

                except Exception as e:  # OOM, Parsing Error

        counter = Counter()

        num_thread = 4
        thread_list = []
        num_list_of_str = len(list_of_str)
        for i in range(num_thread):
            thread_list.append(Thread(target=do_concurrent_tagging, args=(
                int(i * num_list_of_str / num_thread), int((i + 1) * num_list_of_str / num_thread), list_of_str,

        for thread in thread_list:

        for thread in thread_list:

        # vocab_report
        print(counter.most_common(10))  # print most common tokens
        tokens = [token for token, cnt in counter.items() if cnt >= threshold]

        for i, token in enumerate(tokens):

        print("len(self.token_to_idx): ", len(self.token_to_idx))

        import json
        with open(vocab_save_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            json.dump(self.token_to_idx, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)

        return self.token_to_idx

import keras
import numpy as np
def keras_pad_fn(token_ids_batch, maxlen, pad_id=0, padding='post', truncating='post'):
    padded_token_ids_batch = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(token_ids_batch,
                                                                        value=pad_id,  # vocab.transform_token2idx(PAD),
    return np.array(padded_token_ids_batch)

import gluonnlp as nlp
from import SentencepieceTokenizer, SentencepieceDetokenizer
ptr_tokenizer = SentencepieceTokenizer("/Users/david/Downloads/kobert_news_wiki_ko_cased-ae5711deb3.spiece")
vocab_b_obj = nlp.vocab.BERTVocab.from_sentencepiece("/Users/david/Downloads/kobert_news_wiki_ko_cased-ae5711deb3.spiece", padding_token='[PAD]')
token2idx = vocab_b_obj.token_to_idx
vocab = Vocabulary(token2idx)
tokenizer = Tokenizer(vocab=vocab, split_fn=ptr_tokenizer, pad_fn=keras_pad_fn, maxlen=32)

text = "첫 회를 시작으로 13일까지 4일간 총 4회에 걸쳐 매 회 2편씩 총 8편이 공개될 예정이다."
label_text = "첫 회를 시작으로 <13일:DAT>까지 <4일간:DUR> 총 <4회:NOH>에 걸쳐 매 회 <2편:NOH>씩 총 <8편:NOH>이 공개될 예정이다."
# tokens = ['▁첫', '▁', '회를', '▁시작으로', '▁13', '일까지', '▁4', '일간', '▁총', '▁4', '회', '에', '▁걸쳐', '▁매', '▁회', '▁2', '편', '씩', '▁총', '▁8', '편', '이', '▁공개', '될', '▁예정이다', '.']
# list_of_ner_label = ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'B-DAT', 'I-DAT', 'B-DUR', 'I-DUR', 'O', 'B-NOH', 'I-NOH', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'B-NOH', 'I-NOH', 'O', 'O', 'B-NOH', 'I-NOH', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O']

# source fn
tokens = tokenizer.split(text) # wordpiece(BPE) tokenize와 동일 => tokenizer.tokenize(text)
token_ids_with_cls_sep = tokenizer.list_of_string_to_arr_of_cls_sep_pad_token_ids([text]) # => tokenizer(text)["input_ids"]
prefix_sum_of_token_start_index = []
sum = 0
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
    if i == 0:
        sum += len(token) - 1
        sum += len(token)

# target fn
import re
regex_ner = re.compile('<(.+?):[A-Z]{3}>') # NER Tag가 2자리 문자면 {3} -> {2}로 변경 (e.g. LOC -> LC) 인경우
regex_filter_res = regex_ner.finditer(label_text)

list_of_ner_tag = []
list_of_ner_text = []
list_of_tuple_ner_start_end = []

count_of_match = 0
for match_item in regex_filter_res:
    ner_tag = match_item[0][-4:-1]  # <4일간:DUR> -> DUR
    ner_text = match_item[1]  # <4일간:DUR> -> 4일간
    start_index = match_item.start() - 6 * count_of_match  # delete previous '<, :, 3 words tag name, >'
    end_index = match_item.end() - 6 - 6 * count_of_match

    list_of_tuple_ner_start_end.append((start_index, end_index))
    count_of_match += 1

list_of_ner_label = []
entity_index = 0
is_entity_still_B = True
for tup in zip(tokens, prefix_sum_of_token_start_index):
    token, index = tup

    if '▁' in token:  # 주의할 점!! '▁' 이것과 우리가 쓰는 underscore '_'는 서로 다른 토큰임
        index += 1  # 토큰이 띄어쓰기를 앞단에 포함한 경우 index 한개 앞으로 당김 # ('▁13', 9) -> ('13', 10)

    if entity_index < len(list_of_tuple_ner_start_end):
        start, end = list_of_tuple_ner_start_end[entity_index]

        if end < index:  # 엔티티 범위보다 현재 seq pos가 더 크면 다음 엔티티를 꺼내서 체크
            is_entity_still_B = True
            entity_index = entity_index + 1 if entity_index + 1 < len(list_of_tuple_ner_start_end) else entity_index
            start, end = list_of_tuple_ner_start_end[entity_index]

        if start <= index and index < end:  # <13일:DAT>까지 -> ('▁13', 10, 'B-DAT') ('일까지', 12, 'I-DAT') 이런 경우가 포함됨, 포함 안시키려면 토큰의 length도 계산해서 제어해야함
            entity_tag = list_of_ner_tag[entity_index]
            if is_entity_still_B is True:
                entity_tag = 'B-' + entity_tag
                is_entity_still_B = False
                entity_tag = 'I-' + entity_tag
            is_entity_still_B = True
            entity_tag = 'O'
        entity_tag = 'O'

from nlpbook.

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024

raw data

from nlpbook.

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024

split code

import random

corpus = open("/Users/david/Downloads/original_data.txt").read()
data = corpus.split("\n\n")
num_total_samples = len(data)
num_valid_samples = int(num_total_samples * 0.1)
valid_idxes = random.sample(range(num_total_samples), num_valid_samples)

train_dataset = []
valid_dataset = []

for idx, el in enumerate(data):
    if idx in valid_idxes:

with open("/Users/david/Downloads/train2.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    for el in train_dataset:
        line = el[1].replace("## ", "") + "\u241E" + el[2].replace("## ", "") + "\n"

with open("/Users/david/Downloads/valid.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    for el in valid_dataset:
        line = el[1].replace("## ", "") + "\u241E" + el[2].replace("## ", "") + "\n"
  • gdrive > train2.txt, valid.txt

from nlpbook.

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024

학습데이터 추가 확보

# git clone
import glob
fpaths = glob.glob("/Users/david/works/NER/말뭉치 - 형태소_개체명/*.txt")

with open("/Users/david/Downloads/train1.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    for fpath in fpaths:
        raw_lines = open(fpath, "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines()
        lines = [line.replace("\ufeff", "").replace("## ", "") for line in raw_lines if line.replace("\ufeff", "").startswith("## ")]
        assert len(lines) % 3 == 0, f"{fpath} # of line error!"
        for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
            if idx > 0 and idx % 3 == 2:
                processed_line = lines[idx - 1].strip() + "\u241E" + lines[idx].strip()
                f.writelines(processed_line + "\n")
  • gdrive > train1.txt

from nlpbook.

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024


  • 두 파일을 하나로 합쳐 train.txt 제작

from nlpbook.

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024

성능 저하 문제 발생

  • 학습데이터를 wordpiece로 토크나이즈하는데,
  • sentencepiece 기준으로 학습을 진행하고 있었음

from nlpbook.

ratsgo avatar ratsgo commented on July 18, 2024

20200306 기준 train/valid 데이터

  • train : 아래 train1.txt와 train2.txt를 합침
    • train1.txt : 구축 방법
    • train2.txt
      • 자체 제작한 데이터
      • 원본은 KorQuAD-ver1 데이터를 윤주성 님 모델로 레이블링한 데이터
      • 이후 사람이 수작업으로 레이블 정확도 체크 및 레이블 정정
      • 마지막으로 이를 train2.txt와 valid.txt로 스플릿 (분리 방법)
  • valid : 위에서 만든 valid.txt

from nlpbook.

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