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Comments (18)

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024

Which package are you downloading?

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

hi, first thxs, the windows one here.
the 1.3.3 i prove both for win the .zip of 1.93mb
and the .7z of 58.2mb....
everytime i start with admin rights the .bat file:

@echo OFF
REM Copyright (c) 2013-2019, The PurpleI2P Project
REM This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
REM See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree

title Starting I2Pd Browser 1.2.8
set $pause=ping.exe -n
set $cd=%CD%
ver| find "6." >nul && set $pause=timeout.exe /t

set fire=firefox.exe
set port=FirefoxPortable.exe
set i2pd=i2pd.exe

if not exist Firefox ( echo Firefox not found... Start building... && cd build && call build.cmd )

taskList|find /i "%port%">nul&&(taskkill /im "%port%" /t>nul)&&(%$pause% 2 >nul)
REM taskList|find /i "%fire%">nul&&(taskkill /im "%fire%" >nul)
taskList|find /i "%i2pd%">nul&&(goto runfox)||(goto starti2p)

cd i2pd
start "" "%i2pd%"

echo i2pd Browser starting
echo Please wait
echo -------------------------------------
for /L %%B in (0,1,35) do (call :EchoWithoutCrLf "." && %$pause% 2 >nul)
echo .
echo -------------------------------------
echo Welcome to I2P Network
cd %$cd%

cd Firefox
start "" "%port%"
cd %$cd%
exit /b 0


<nul set /p strTemp=%~1
exit /b 0


i got the error showed in my first post of the topic there a package you suggest?...if yes pls give here the lik to its download. thxs so much again for yr kind helping

from i2pdbrowser.

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024
  1. I hope you extracted package before starting batch?
  2. No admin rights is required.

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

of course i extracted the package before...cause the .bat file is in the how to execute it before...??
the problem, it was the first time for that as you say you do not have to start it with admin rights....

infact if i start the .bat simply clicking it the browser starts!!...fine!!
another question do you know xd torrent..??...cause i dl i2pd because i want to use that torrent client...but i have no ways to be able to have it working...

what you think...??
thxs again for yr kind attn

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

and also what about: there a way to be able to easly have it on win 10 home 64...??

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

anyway unable to surf with yr browser...:


any ideas...??

from i2pdbrowser.

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024
  1. Check if http://i2pd.i2p/ works. If it is, that can only mean that requested site is really offline. Detailed information about alive sites can be found on http://notbob.i2p/ or http://reg.i2p/.

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

hi, first thxs so much
i got this:


but how if i simply want to see which is my ip address...??...

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024
  1. but how if i simply want to see which is my ip address...??...
  2. and where we are able to find: ONLY I2P torrents and magnets....
  3. and why the i2pd.exe process do not stop if i exit...??...i see it still running in task manager...
    and the only way is to kill it manually...
    is it a bug...??

from i2pdbrowser.

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024
  1. There is no IP addresses.
  2. http://tracker2.postman.i2p/
  3. No. i2pd will stop after expiring of all transit tunnels. How do you stop it?

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024
  1. which is yr search engine...??...i mean a search engine , like google for example, suitable with yr sw...??
    yr yacy legwork do not work at all...:


  1. in the tray bar icon of i2pd there is the option to shutdown gracelly or to exit...why in both cases the process
    remains active in task manager...??...all sw where you exit should have to terminate their action in task manager...

  2. also yr i2p tracker lead to this frustrating error:
    [WRN] 2023-11-12 21:32:23.9228185 +0100 CET m=+332.326041801 announce to http://swhb5i7wcjcohmus3gbt3w6du6pmvl3isdvxvepuhdxxkfbzao6q.b32.i2p/a failed: Get "http://swhb5i7wcjcohmus3gbt3w6du6pmvl3isdvxvepuhdxxkfbzao6q.b32.i2p:80/a?compact=1&downloaded=0&info_hash=%D5%E0%AC%A9%1Cb%F2%F2%CE0%C3%00%1B%D2%E8%8D%98%27j%FD&ip=CvJoeH3vWi0sjDc07L14CPEiMlLDsKXHbAncIcnhy7VIN17cbWjL3JN85i1HRbVR1FrTjvPFNh1JBMjwgAzsX1ovcjky8lVAtYb1RlQ6dl60mBfmhtailLcXrvqp3kYOZLHdb3-88OT7bnFGimVN3XoMasX5Y5X7xeVfy2o9kMBqT-hW682WcWIQhrTGJJyksDBO33MATeOCXHbKMq0Zz5FxkuTdJiVTZWpetZ36QrAqyLI0zEmREvOBjBDC49PQ25PM7t0IY5GK7aBRFeShxhFzzg9eYlktrU0eqAzBFPIP4sxXlfYQcRRauLhC1ddyB7KF47-DdqqpNQdEsFajjkOK4uw-Kiq15yOe9y8EWmwZHHMff8h0g79Wd9izLv0GPD6F0OkI501sEDogjncj7RvE0d-CuohlNxUe3qKTBtt3NMMqCybRk71UgaJsAoCxYtgKLbwoNGqvwX0hm~ONW-JjaE70XBu1dQSV30xJov-rZqvqEBj9fvRnBQAEAAcAAA%3D%3D.i2p&left=320498430&numwant=10&peer_id=-XD0440-%E7%E6%0D%DAR%92%E4%DC_%A6%04%0D&port=6881&uploaded=0": NAMING REPLY RESULT=INVALID_KEY NAME=swhb5i7wcjcohmus3gbt3w6du6pmvl3isdvxvepuhdxxkfbzao6q.b32.i2p

why...??...this is a I2P torrent and magnet urls dl from the site you give:

so where is the BUG...???

another issue is that there is no way to add torrent ip2 url in the webui.....only magnet urls...but the webui state in its address bar to paste also torrent this is another bug..isn't it..??

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024 ask to stop issueing...but if you do not to be able to use yr sw...?? yr webpage you ask the majority of user to use yr should be in yr principal interest to have it working...or not..??

from i2pdbrowser.

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024

First of all: know your place and remember that everything related to i2p (i2pd/i2pdbrowser/xd) is open source and done when we (the developers) have free time and no one pays us to fix problems instantly and instant response to anyone.

  1. Do your search engine if you want. Legwork was one and only for years, and if died now - we can't do anything. It was created by some user, not us.
  2. In that case i2pd logs is needed to find where it is stucks in shutdown process. But I guess that you are trying to stop it with XD running.
  3. Ignore it. It is SAM protocol response for announcing requests, to addresses in torrents.
  4. This is XD issue. and must be posted in their repository. You are messing issues again.
    Torrent URL works perfectly. You must copy that link:

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

so now which is the search engine working in yr i2p browser?..i hope yr browser should have at least one working..isn't it..?

i showed the bug in the right repository of XD...where you replied to past only magnet and torrent I2P urls in webui
so i'm asking here to the right person,the one who replied that, why this is not working at all, with the torrent's urls i specify, ...:
see the screenshoots just done:



when i push the green botton on the right : "add" in the webui
nothing happens:
[NFO] 2023-11-14 20:56:00.7118568 +0100 CET m=+27.598771501 fetching torrent from http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305 [ERR] 2023-11-14 21:01:13.3621293 +0100 CET m=+340.249010401 failed to fetch torrent: Get "http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305": EOF [NFO] 2023-11-14 21:01:56.5968622 +0100 CET m=+383.483739001 fetching torrent from http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305 [NFO] 2023-11-14 21:02:04.4372118 +0100 CET m=+391.324087801 fetching torrent from http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305 [ERR] 2023-11-14 21:07:02.6608121 +0100 CET m=+689.547658201 failed to fetch torrent: Get "http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305": EOF [ERR] 2023-11-14 21:07:10.4985081 +0100 CET m=+697.385353501 failed to fetch torrent: Get "http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305": EOF [NFO] 2023-11-14 21:21:30.0142494 +0100 CET m=+1556.901008801 fetching torrent from http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305 [ERR] 2023-11-14 21:26:36.5388222 +0100 CET m=+1863.425551001 failed to fetch torrent: Get "http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=73305": EOF

only the magnet urls are managed and it is possible to add them with that green button in the webui
the torrent urls really no at all...have you tried...???.....

...i re-ask : but have you tried what you stated...??...

from i2pdbrowser.

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024


[NFO] <<edited>> m=+214.756876501    fetching torrent from http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=<<edited>>
[NFO] <<edited>> m=+219.888819601    checking local data for <<edited>>
[WRN] <<edited>> m=+219.890915501    piece missmatch: <<edited>>!= <<edited>>
... <<metadata downloaded here>>
[WRN] <<edited>> m=+235.850994501    piece missmatch: <<edited>>!= <<edited>>
[NFO] <<edited>> m=+235.851995101    local data check done for <<edited>>

What you can try to do: open torrents.ini in XD directory, find [i2p] section and edit it to look like:


and than restart XD.

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024

hi, first thxs for yr reply
now it finally works! thxs so much indeed for having solved this frustrating XD's issue!
and what about the other question:

which is the search engine working in yr i2p browser?..i hope yr browser should have at least one working..isn't it..?

and another question:
why the webui of XD: do not work in yr i2pdbrowser...??...
you think that is a proper XD bug/issue , and not due to yr browser behaviour
and you sugget me to ask in XD repo ?

thxs for yr kind attn

from i2pdbrowser.

r4sas avatar r4sas commented on June 2, 2024
  1. If legwork is dead, so there is no search engines publicly available.
  2. Enable javascript for page. i2pdbrowser comes with noscript extension.

from i2pdbrowser.

p060477 avatar p060477 commented on June 2, 2024
  1. thxs now also webui is working fine! thxs again
    and about point 1. :
    so if we are searching for i2p site to manage with the i2pdbrowser...? to...?
    thxs again for yr kind and precious helping

from i2pdbrowser.

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