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react-diagrams's Introduction


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DOCS (wip)

Docs are currently being worked on, along with a migration path.


A flow & process orientated diagramming library inspired by Blender, Labview and Unreal engine.

  • Modern Codebase written entirely in Typescript and React, the library makes use of powerful generics, advanced software engineering principles and is broken up into multiple modules.
  • Hackable and extensible the entire library including its core can be extended, rewired and re-assembled into fundamentally different software to suit your own software needs.
  • HTML nodes as a first class citizen the library was originally written to represent advanced dynamic nodes, that are difficult to represent as SVG's due to complex input requirements ux requirements.
  • Designed for process the library is aimed for software engineers that want to rewire their programs at runtime, and that want to make their software more dynamic.
  • Fast diagram editing the defaults provided give the highest priority to editing diagrams as fast as possible.


Example implementation using custom models: (Dylan's personal code)

Personal Project

Get started with the default models right out of the box:


For all the bells and whistles:

yarn add @projectstorm/react-diagrams

This includes all the packages listed below (and works (mostly and conceptually) like it used to in version 5.0)

A more modular approach

This library now has a more modular design and you can import just the core (contains no default factories or routing)

yarn add @projectstorm/react-diagrams-core

this is built ontop of the evolving react-canvas-core library

yarn add @projectstorm/react-canvas-core

which makes use of

yarn add @projectstorm/geometry

and of course, you can add some extras:

yarn add @projectstorm/react-diagrams-defaults
yarn add @projectstorm/react-diagrams-routing

How to use

Before running any of the examples, please run pnpm build in the root. This project is a monorepo, and the packages (including the demos) require the packages to first be built.

Take a look at the diagram demos


Take a look at the demo project which contains an example for ES6 as well as Typescript


Checkout the docs

Run the demos

After running pnpm install and pnpm build, you must then run: cd diagrams-demo-gallery && pnpm run start

Building from source

Simply run pnpm then pnpm build or pnpm build:prod in the root directory and it will spit out the transpiled code and typescript definitions into the dist directory as a single file.

Built with react-diagrams

Do you have an interesting project built with react-diagrams? PR it into this section for others to see.

react-diagrams's People


dylanvorster avatar gen4sp avatar danielazarldapps avatar vadimshvetsov avatar yngndrw avatar drummerhead avatar jokernn avatar klaus-atlassian avatar mathiasbaldissera avatar renato-bohler avatar github-actions[bot] avatar alex-enchi avatar kfrajtak avatar gitbook-bot avatar sljuka avatar ajthinking avatar dasilvaremi avatar gothy avatar frank-martinez-27 avatar joase avatar rkesters avatar sergnek avatar adaladam avatar maxleiko avatar tkolanko avatar chlumper avatar tentakano avatar jeevcat avatar siosphere avatar wader avatar


Lyuben Deninski avatar netaudio avatar Suturekey avatar Yongyuth "First" Chuankhuntod avatar X5 Engine avatar amaoxiaoxiao avatar Benoît Claveau avatar Tomoaki Iwaya Villalobos avatar  avatar  avatar Andrew Calder avatar Shakthi Senavirathna avatar Dr Umran Ali avatar nanafa avatar Beck H Pol avatar Claudiu Andrei avatar Louis-Philippe Préfontaine-Dastous avatar erfanmazraei avatar  avatar  avatar Viacheslav 'SLEL' Solomin avatar  avatar  avatar Oleg Veselkov avatar UniqueUlysees avatar Richard Zen avatar  avatar  avatar Markia Theus avatar  avatar Oguzhan Ozcan avatar Jesper avatar  avatar  avatar MateoBocchiardo avatar Afham Irfan avatar Ali Kazzazi avatar Leo avatar Mohammed Ibrahim avatar kepler avatar Ricardo Loureiro avatar  avatar  avatar PETRO YAKOVYSHYN avatar Rodney Folz avatar Ashish Makwana avatar  avatar  avatar Manuel Pinto avatar Yewei Jia avatar ge.of avatar  avatar Philip avatar Kuray Karaaslan avatar Je Hon Tan avatar Shaan Patel avatar anhnhoktvn avatar Sul  avatar  avatar avatar Carl_JWQ avatar Filippi Araujo avatar 前端市界 avatar Robbert Streng avatar Azim Ahmed avatar Netty avatar  avatar Jimin (Sam) Son avatar Matej Jurišić avatar 伏毅 avatar Ashley Long avatar HarmanByte avatar Min Htet Myet (Mattral) avatar Amir M. Mohamadi avatar 一个马鹿的少年 avatar  avatar yesin avatar  avatar bckoay avatar  avatar Jonathan King avatar Jessica Lee avatar Andrés Carvajal avatar Marq Roldan avatar  avatar Akib Saleh avatar dong avatar  avatar Saikat avatar Sibai avatar Cody Mitchell avatar Aleksandr Ilin avatar Nicolas Gong avatar Harri Siva avatar h4nyu avatar  avatar Guilherme Selair avatar Zach Leahan avatar Shariar Islam avatar AmirHossein MOjvar avatar


Rocco Di Leo avatar pingz avatar  avatar pgibler avatar Denes Pal avatar  avatar Mikal avatar  avatar Cristiano Contin avatar tinyms avatar Damien Chaillou avatar snehal dangroshiya avatar Chen Bruce avatar Ken Olling avatar Yevhen Hrytsai avatar Sreenivas Vemulapalli avatar timelyportfolio avatar James Cloos avatar RaisCui avatar Charlie McClung avatar codekk avatar Janar Jürisson avatar Kondal Rao Komaragiri avatar aurimas avatar Georgii Ivanov avatar Bon avatar Martin Dahlgren avatar Dimitri Berman Boccanera avatar Rampragadeesh avatar Jinsung.Lee avatar Steve avatar Kavith Thiranga Lokuhewage avatar Tony Brown avatar Wang, Enjun avatar ruffy gao avatar 大漠穷秋 avatar Uma Krishnan avatar Ars Wysocki avatar sha avatar Giovanne Feitosa avatar  avatar 杨恒 avatar Cody Averett avatar  avatar Anil Kornepati avatar  avatar John Masse avatar fanerstar avatar  avatar Simon avatar Calvin M avatar  avatar  avatar  jeffy avatar Khalil Charfi avatar  avatar Noel Koutlis avatar De Lille Felix avatar MeiLin avatar Jeremy Leach avatar ipadorusa avatar kaibo avatar JOYDEEP HAZRA avatar Aymen jeddi avatar Ye Chao avatar Andre Sazonov avatar  avatar  avatar TrucTH avatar  avatar  avatar Ariel Fischer avatar CodeHapper avatar Sebastian Fresta avatar  avatar  avatar Zack Lee avatar Fernando Cheong avatar  avatar  avatar Jacob McCollum avatar Kai Tan avatar vlad avatar Ramazan Uluçay avatar Michal Vodicka avatar Nick Alam avatar Rahul Y Gupta avatar Arpit Aggarwal avatar Ramesh Kunkalaguntla avatar jsweber avatar  avatar Michael Bogaerts avatar  avatar  avatar OH JAEHO avatar namdoraemon avatar wangxingkang avatar Jeffer Barragán avatar Seb Baker avatar  avatar

react-diagrams's Issues

Why not use JSX?

I would love to contribute but I don't think I could/would build for React without JSX. Any particular reason for the choice?

How to run react-diagrams for dev?

I am trying to test react-diagrams but I could not figure out how to run it locally.

I have cloned the repo used webpack in the root directory to start it but everytime I got some some lacking dependencies. I have installed them one by one at the end I got this types of errors:

    ERROR in ./src/defaults/DefaultLinkWidget.ts
    (181,13): error TS2339: Property 'props' does not exist on type 'DefaultLinkWidget'.

    ERROR in ./src/defaults/DefaultLinkFactory.ts
    (15,69): error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'JSX'.

I have tried to run a demo in runkit but it's giving an error.

Could you please explain step by step how to run the demos locally?


Background image

Hey guys,
Is there any built-in way to make an image as scalable background?
I've tried to set background for SVG, but result is not looking so good )
screen shot 2017-03-16 at 13 31 10

More complex examples / docs / guides

A project is look very good.
I have to create something more like on you first images. Different types of ports and nodes.
What the best way to extend default ones?

Using React.createElement(x,...) instead of React.DOM.x

Since using the React.DOM.x convenience wrapper is considered legacy, what do you think about converting this to React.createElement?

(Raising this as recently our company deprecated the use of React.DOM.x causing our app which uses this lib to break. I made codemods myself to fix this for now, but think it will be better for everyone to move to standards that have more support)

Better Gif.

Bra, don't you want to improve the gif. This shit doesn't do it justice.

Server side rendering

I receive:

[2] C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:2
[2] var n=o.getZoomLevel()/100;return(t+o.getOffsetX())*n>this.mouseX&&(t+o.getOffsetX())*n<this.mouseX2&&(e+o.getOffsetY())*n>this.mouseY&&(e+o.getOff
setY())*n<this.mouseY2},SelectingAction}(p);e.SelectingAction=u;var f=function(t){function MoveCanvasAction(e,o,n){var,e,o)||this;return
i.initialOffsetX=n.getOffsetX(),i.initialOffsetY=n.getOffsetY(),i}return n(MoveCanvasAction,t),MoveCanvasAction}(p);e.MoveCanvasAction=f;var g=function
(t){function MoveItemsAction(e,o,n){var,e,o)||this;i.moved=!1,n.enableRepaintEntities(n.getDiagramModel().getSelectedItems());var r=n.get
DiagramModel().getSelectedItems();return r=r.filter(function(t){return!n.isModelLocked(t)}),{return{model:t,initialX
:t.x,initialY:t.y}}),i}return n(MoveItemsAction,t),MoveItemsAction}(p);e.MoveItemsAction=g;var h=function(t){function DiagramWidget(e){var
s,e)||this;return o.onMouseMove=o.onMouseMove.bind(o),o.onMouseUp=o.onMouseUp.bind(o),o.state={action:null,wasMoved:!1,renderedNodes:!1,windowListener:
null,diagramEngineListener:null,document:null},o}return n(DiagramWidget,t),DiagramWidget.prototype.componentWillMount=function(){var t=this;this.setSta
get.prototype.componentDidMount=function(){var t=this;this.props.diagramEngine.setCanvas(this.refs.canvas),this.setState({document:document,renderedNod
eElement=function(t){var,o=this.props.diagramEngine.diagramModel,n=l.Toolkit.closest(e,".port[data-name]");if(n){var i=l.Toolkit.closest(e,"
tate.action),this.setState({action:null})},DiagramWidget.prototype.startFiringAction=function(t){var e=!0;this.props.actionStartedFiring&&(e=this.props
.actionStartedFiring(t)),e&&this.setState({action:t})},DiagramWidget.prototype.onMouseMove=function(t){var e=this,o=this.props.diagramEngine,n=o.getDia
gramModel();if(this.state.action instanceof u){var r=o.getRelativePoint(t.pageX,t.pageY);return s.forEach(n.getNodes(),function(t){e.state.action.conta
insElement(t.x,t.y,n)&&t.setSelected(!0)}),s.forEach(n.getLinks(),function(t){var o=!0;s.forEach(t.points,function(t){e.state.action.containsElement(t.
x,t.y,n)?t.setSelected(!0):o=!1}),o&&t.setSelected(!0)}),this.state.action.mouseX2=r.x,this.state.action.mouseY2=r.y,this.fireAction(),void this.setSta
te({action:this.state.action})}this.state.action instanceof g?(this.state.wasMoved||this.setState(i({},this.state,{wasMoved:!0})),s.forEach(this.state.
action.selectionModels,function(o){(o.model instanceof a.NodeModel||o.model instanceof a.PointModel)&&(o.model.x=o.initialX+(t.pageX-e.state.action.mou
tate.action instanceof f&&this.props.allowCanvasTranslation&&(n.setOffset(this.state.action.initialOffsetX+(t.pageX-this.state.action.mouseX)/(n.getZoo
mWidget.prototype.onMouseUp=function(t){var e=this.props.diagramEngine;e.getDiagramModel();if(this.state.action instanceof g){var o=this.getMouseElemen
t(t),n=!1;s.forEach(this.state.action.selectionModels,function(t){if(t.model instanceof a.PointModel&&o.model instanceof a.PortModel){n=!0;var e=t.mode
l.getLink();e.setTargetPort(o.model)}}),n||this.props.allowLooseLinks||s.forEach(this.state.action.selectionModels,function(t){if(t.model instanceof a.
PointModel){var e=t.model.getLink();e.isLastPoint(t.model)&&e.remove()}}),e.clearRepaintEntities(),this.stopFiringAction(!this.state.wasMoved)}else e.c
ener("mouseup",this.onMouseUp)},DiagramWidget.prototype.render=function(){var t=this,e=this.props.diagramEngine,o=e.getDiagramModel();return r.DOM.div(
(i({},t.state,{wasMoved:!1})),e.clearRepaintEntities();var r=t.getMouseElement(n);if(null===r)if(n.shiftKey){var s=e.getRelativePoint(n.pageX,n.pageY);
t.startFiringAction(new u(s.x,s.y))}else o.clearSelection(),t.startFiringAction(new f(n.pageX,n.pageY,o));else if(r.model instanceof a.PortModel){var s
=e.getRelativeMousePoint(n),c=new a.LinkModel;c.setSourcePort(r.model),c.getFirstPoint().updateLocation(s),c.getLastPoint().updateLocation(s),o.clearSe
lection(),c.getLastPoint().setSelected(!0),o.addLink(c),t.startFiringAction(new g(n.pageX,n.pageY,e))}else n.shiftKey||r.model.isSelected()||o.clearSel
ection(),r.model.setSelected(!0),t.startFiringAction(new g(n.pageX,n.pageY,e));t.state.document.addEventListener("mousemove",t.onMouseMove),t.state.doc
n(n),t.setState({action:new g(i.pageX,i.pageY,e)})}}):null,r.createElement(d.NodeLayerWidget,{diagramEngine:e}),this.state.action instanceof u?r.DOM.di
CanvasTranslation:!0,allowCanvasZoom:!0},e.DiagramWidget=h},function(t,e,o){var n=o(24);t.exports=function(t,e,o){for(var i=o?t:t.parentNode;i&&i!==doc
ument;){if(n(i,e))return i;i=i.parentNode}}},function(t,e){function match(t,e){if(n)return,e);for(var o=t.parentNode.querySelectorAll(e),i=0;i
<o.length;++i)if(o[i]==t)return!0;return!1}var o=Element.prototype,n=o.matchesSelector||o.webkitMatchesSelector||o.mozMatchesSelector||o.msMatchesSelec
tor||o.oMatchesSelector;t.exports=match},function(t,e,o){"use strict";function __export(t){for(var o in t)e.hasOwnProperty(o)||(e[o]=t[o])}__export(o(1
[2] ^
[2] ReferenceError: Element is not defined
[2]     at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:2:1)
[2]     at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at Object.o (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:2:1)
[2]     at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at Object.AbstractInstanceFactory.getName (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)
[2]     at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\User\Documents\blogs\webpack:\node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\dist\main.js:1:1)

problem with offset

I've placed SRD with little offset and moving event now is broken.
I've tried to fix it with this code, but it didn't workout.

var relative = diagramEngine.getRelativePoint(event.pageX + diagramModel.getOffsetX(), event.pageY + diagramModel.getOffsetY()); //here
this.startFiringAction(new MoveCanvasAction(relative.x, relative.y, diagramModel));

Give me a hint and I'll fix it

window.addEventListener return noting

I noticed that your code if unmount the component out later, window.keyup will still trigger. and we can get some error message.

the problem is:

windowListener: window.addEventListener('keyup',(event)

the window.addEventListener return noting.

windowListener: window.addEventListener('keyup',(event) => {

So when you in the unmount event is not work


License ?

Is the code licensed under tthe MIT ?

If yes, can you please add the following in the root of the repository :

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 projectstorm

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Source :

Node renaming

Hi. Is there a way to introduce some form of node renaming? e.g. double-click a node changes the name to an input which when saved updates the model.
This is quite a common feature of diagram builders and it'd be great to see a demo of this. I have quite a large diagram to build and this would certainly help.

Backspace removes element - interferes with textboxes (make binding pluggable)

Hello. First of all, thanks for the lib, really well-thought architecture here.
While building a real-world app I have encountered an annoying problem with backspace. In my app there is a "details" area with node parameters that user can edit. This area consists of textboxes and other form elements. Now, since lib is using window event handler, every backspace press in a textbox removes selected element from diagram. Maybe 'delete' key should be more than enough?

how to remove the link

In the gif I can see the operation of removing the link, but I couldn't figure out in the test.

Error when importing in MacOS

Hey there!

I'm trying to spike the lib, currently on a create-react-app default install on MacOS. When I import it on a JSX as import * as SRD from "storm-react-diagrams"; it throws the following error:

Failed to compile.

Error in ./~/storm-react-diagrams/dist/main.js
Module not found: [CaseSensitivePathsPlugin] /Users/mzr/projetos/react-diagrams-example/node_modules/React/react.js does not match the corresponding path on disk react.

@ ./~/storm-react-diagrams/dist/main.js 1:82-98

Apparently this means something is requiring "React" while the folder is actually "react"; since the only placed that seemed to do that was webpack.config.js, I changed it to the following on my local (linked) file and rebuilt:

externals: {
-  "react": 'React',
+  "react": 'react',

It seemed to work (at least it compiled), but is that a proper fix?

(btw, the lib seems great. From the demos, it looks much easier to use than any other available ones)

Cannot drag links between ports with webpack production build

It works without passing -p to webpack. With -p I see this in the console:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'diagramEngine' of undefined
    at bundle.js:35
    at bundle.js:29
    at bundle.js:29
    at tr (bundle.js:29)
    at bundle.js:29
    at zr (bundle.js:29)
    at Function.yu [as map] (bundle.js:30)
    at t.render (bundle.js:35)
    at bundle.js:31
    at u (bundle.js:31)
bundle.js:35 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'model' of null
    at http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:35:25977
    at c (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:28:27584)
    at (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:30:2172)
    at onMouseUp (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:35:25889)
    at Object.o.invokeGuardedCallback (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:7:17135)
    at a (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:7:10910)
    at Object.u [as executeDispatchesInOrder] (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:7:11161)
    at h (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:6:26323)
    at g (http://localhost:3000/js/bundle.js:6:26449)
    at Array.forEach (native)

I know that isn't particularly helpful, but it seems to be an issue caused by symbol name mangling. The diagram does render and I can drag around nodes.

Zoom centering at mouse position with mouse wheel

Right now the diagram ignores where you point the mouse pointer when spinning the wheel / swiping the touchpad, so the diagram is always scaling to the left top corner, which is counter-intuitive UX compared to, for example, Google Maps.

Question on editing properties of Node/ Port Models

Hey dylanvoster,

Firstly, huge thanks for creating this awesome project. This is really helpful for usecases dealing with flows.

I have an issue that I am unable to figure out how to solve.

I am building a flow-builder tool and I want to provide users the ability to change port/node properties on the fly. Is there a way to do this without re-rendering the whole model?

Problem is that when I change the title of the node by directly mutating the digramModel, the link gets deleted.

So I save the links' state and re-render the whole model and add all the links back again for editing to work seemlessly.

Want to check if there is an easier way to do this.

screen shot 2017-03-30 at 3 31 47 pm

screen shot 2017-03-30 at 3 32 10 pm

screen shot 2017-03-30 at 3 32 18 pm


Serialization/deserialization of default models broken

e.g., The serialized representation of a DefaultPortModel instance has a _class of "e". I suspect Uglify is mangling it.

e.g. ConsumerNodeModel is a custom node, but its ports use DefaultPortModel. Points, links, etc also all get a "_class" of "e", (their (Note: below is a JS Object literal printed by ClojureScript):

#js{:id "e06e9816-0c88-4ac3-9ac5-f26b85be224e",
    :offsetX 0,
    :offsetY 0,
    :zoom 100,
    :links #js[],
    :nodes #js[#js{:id "89308dfe-4ea9-41d0-a0b0-7a1ab54de899",
                   :_class "ConsumerNodeModel",
                   :selected false,
                   :type "consumer",
                   :x 20,
                   :y 115,
                   :extras #js{},
                   :ports #js[#js{:id "8ef7d2fe-91be-446a-b6ee-885cb03c2d72",
                                  :_class "e",
                                  :selected false,
                                  :name "in1",
                                  :parentNode "89308dfe-4ea9-41d0-a0b0-7a1ab54de899",
                                  :links #js[],
                                  :in true,
                                  :label "in1"}]}]}

Any plans on `group-nodes` support?

Hi again :)

Looking at this image I had a feeling that group nodes are supported like a droppable target for some types of nodes.
But it's clearly not the case now.

Any plans on implementing those? Maybe you can point me in the right direction if I'm going to investigate this possibility deeper?


Usage with JSX

The demos create everything on window.onload and render directly to document.body.
The closest thing I could find was adventure-weave's index.tsx which returns a DiagramWidget on its render(), but that's just a wrapper and the actual work is also done during window.onload.

In my case that wouldn't really work - I already have a full app with redux, grommet, routing, other "pages" (so the diagram would not be always visible), etc. The ideal way would be for DiagramWidget to be wrapped by a Component that abstracts all that and just renders the diagram in the provided div, I guess.

I realize you guys are not fans of JSX, but many people don't really have an option there (: - plus the "default" way to start learning React usually uses JSX.

Apologies if this looks like a noobish request, but Is there an example about linking it? What would be the best way to do it?

Publish to npm


i like to use this engine in for my open source project. Is there a npm install available?


Can't seem to build with Rollup.js (0.41.4) / possibility of converting to ES6 modules?

I'm making a toy project to get the hang of this library, but can't seem to be able to build it with rollup.

I've tried several approaches, but none of them is working: I keep ending up with either 'CanvasWidget' is not exported by node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\src\main.js or 'default' is not exported by node_modules\storm-react-diagrams\src\main.js. This happens regardless of whether I specify namedExports for rollup's commonJS plugin.

For reference, my rollup config is mostly derived from the one available here

Secondary question: would you be interested in PRs that migrate the codebase to ES6 modules? If so, how would you propose to best handle it?

Control Link creation

Is there a way to control which ports are connected to which?
Meaning that only certain ports should be able to be connected to others, but to do this not programmatically but through the canvas

Link has been linked event | Auto remove unlinked wires bahavior

Two things I want to implement:

  1. It would be great to have an event right after connection wire or disconnection (on mouse up). Could you point me, where is the best place to place it?

  2. It would be great if unlinked wires will be automatically removed right after mouse up. Do you want this behavoir in the lib? Or i can implement it optionaly

TS2559 error in DefaultPortLabelWidget.ts

After installing all devdependencies and dependencies, I am running into this 1 error:

ERROR in ./src/defaults/DefaultPortLabelWidget.ts (17,2): error TS2559: Type '{ in: boolean; label: string; }' has no properties in common with type 'DefaultPortLabelProps'.

Any clue about this? Can't find anything online.

View-only mode?

Hi folks, thanks for the great tool!

I'm trying to wrap react-diagrams into a react component that would take some list of nodes and links between them and (maybe) auto-position them.
The thing is DiagramWidget is stateful and events are emitted just to notify on the change.
Is there (planned?) a way to disable some user interactions like removing the node or a link?

The only way to do it that I see now is to just re-create the engine, model, etc. and re-render the new DiagramWidget.

Zoom to fit

I'm wondering if there's a way to auto zoom the diagram to the canvas size? Fitting all the nodes and links into the frame. Thanks.

links deSerialize problem

I've faced a problem. While deserializing simple diagram with custom nodes and ports this line returns null. But if I call it in a few msec - it returns correct value.
It seems the canvas doesn't rendered yet when this code is run.

Where could be a problem?

diagramEngine.js - getNodePortElement()

var selector = this.canvas.querySelector('.port[data-name="' + port.getName() + '"][data-nodeid="' + port.getParent().getID()+'"]');

Adding new Nodes

Hi there,

I really like what you have started here - its super fast and responsive.

Is it possible to add new Node's and Connections dynamically to the diagram at runtime? I tried running the demos but not quite sure how to access the diagram after its already rendered. Would like to have a button or do a drag and drop from outside the diagram to add new members.. let me know..


Typescript is not compiled in npm distribution

The prepublishOnly script is executed after tarball creation. I think Webpack needs to run as part of the "prepare" script.

The npm package might work in projects that have a webpack loader for typescript, but that is suboptimal because it requires the library consumer to manually satisfy the libraries dev dependencies.

aligning HTML and SVG with drag, drop, pan and zoom

Really cool project. Thanks for making this.

You've solved a general problem of integrating HTML and SVG, which I think a lot of people will face, and I was hoping hoping you could say a bit about how you did it. In particular, how did you get the links to point to a particular part of an HTML element when the HTML element moves, and how did you get pan/zoom to work (while having good performance)? I'll be reading your code in the mean time, but thought this would be generally useful to a lot of people doing interactive dataviz.

DiagramWidget always gets height of 0

I'm rendering the DiagramWidget in a subtree of my React view (i.e., not the top level component) and, no matter what width/height styles I apply to its container it always has a height of 0. If I explicitly specify a min-height from the browser inspector, it renders correctly.

Its styling is specified in the storm-diagrams-canvas css class. Would it make sense to allow inline styling of this component? Am I missing something obvious?

Import error after build

I've got an error while importing brand new built library.
It completely ok with importing your git version.
But I got an error after importing a library just right after built with webpack command. Even if no any single change.

Uncaught (in promise) Error: addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render` method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded (details:
    at invariant (invariant.js:38)
    at Object.addComponentAsRefTo (ReactOwner.js:68)
    at attachRef (ReactRef.js:23)
    at Object.ReactRef.attachRefs (ReactRef.js:42)
    at ReactDOMComponent.attachRefs (ReactReconciler.js:23)
    at CallbackQueue.notifyAll (CallbackQueue.js:76)
    at ReactReconcileTransaction.close (ReactReconcileTransaction.js:80)
    at ReactReconcileTransaction.closeAll (Transaction.js:206)
    at ReactReconcileTransaction.perform (Transaction.js:153)
    at ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.perform (Transaction.js:140)

Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

Add ability to select link without creating a point if the mouse is not moved

I've tried this on a Windows machine and a Mac on Chrome: I'm unable to find a way to delete a link if it is connected to two nodes. Delete, fn-backspace, backspace all don't work. If I drag a link from a port to nowhere and hover over the end, then I can delete with backspace, but it seems that because you can't see the ends of a connected link then you can't hover over an end to delete it.

Adding additional properties to default nodes

Hi and thank you for everything you guys did.

I was wondering if there is any built-in feature to add properties when using the DefaultNodeModel rather than creating a custom node model. The defaultNodeModel currently accepts a color property/string to adjust the background node color but would it be possible to take an object to pass its properties to the node.

Maybe this feature was already included or I am also open to creating a PR.


Also, I am looking for a way to implement events, such as nodeSelected, nodeAdded, nodeRemoved and custom nodeConfigChanged.
I've looked through the code, but didn't get what is the best way to do it.

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