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Comments (24)

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

I have a preliminary update on this:
The failure occurs in

for name, weights, type in prepare_contrasts(self.inputs.contrast_info, names):
# Need to add F-test support for intercept (more than one column)
# Currently only taking 0th column as intercept (t-test)
weights = weights[0]
input = (np.array(filtered_files)[weights != 0]).tolist()
design_matrix = pd.DataFrame({'intercept': weights[weights != 0]}), design_matrix=design_matrix)
stat = model.compute_contrast(second_level_stat_type=type)
stat_fname = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, '{}.nii.gz').format(name)
contrast_metadata.append({'contrast': name, **out_ents})

during the third level model. The problem is that self.input.contrast_info for a reason I do not yet understand ingests entries from the participants.tsv file and turns them into contrasts.

This is how `self.input.contrast_info` looks like for a 3rd level model
(Pdb) self.inputs.contrast_info
[{'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_av_rating': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_av_rating'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_seen_languages': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_seen_languages'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'hearing_problems_current': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'hearing_problems_current'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_seen_dist': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_seen_dist'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_av_feeling': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_av_feeling'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'age': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'age'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_seen_count': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_seen_count'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_av_storydepth': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_av_storydepth'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_ad_known': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_ad_known'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'vision_problems_current': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'vision_problems_current'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_av_fatigue': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_av_fatigue'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'amplitude_.RIGHT': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'amplitude_.RIGHT'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'handedness': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'handedness'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'hearing_problems_past': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'hearing_problems_past'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_seen': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_seen'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'vision_problems_past': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'vision_problems_past'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'gender': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'gender'}, {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'forrest_av_artist_count': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'forrest_av_artist_count'}]

where everything apart from the entry {'entities': {'session': 'movie', 'task': 'avmovie'}, 'weights': [{'amplitude_.RIGHT': 1}], 'type': 't', 'name': 'amplitude_.RIGHT'} stems from the participants.tsv file.

The following

for name, weights, type in prepare_contrasts(self.inputs.contrast_info, names):
will then go and assign weights of zero to the first contrast_info entry (as it should), but then in the following
input = (np.array(filtered_files)[weights != 0]).tolist()
design_matrix = pd.DataFrame({'intercept': weights[weights != 0]}), design_matrix=design_matrix)
attempts to give an empty list as input to, which results in the failure I observed.

I'm not sure whether the problem lies in the fact that contrast_info is given contrast information that I did not consciously specify anywhere in my model.json (and it is weird that this only happens on third, not second level), or in the fact that it will attempt to give an empty list as input. As for a temporary fix, I modified it like this:

        for name, weights, type in prepare_contrasts(self.inputs.contrast_info, names):
            # Need to add F-test support for intercept (more than one column)
            # Currently only taking 0th column as intercept (t-test)
            weights = weights[0]
            if all(weights == np.zeros(len(names))):
            input = (np.array(filtered_files)[weights != 0]).tolist()
            design_matrix = pd.DataFrame({'intercept': weights[weights != 0]})

from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

(I could also be entirely wrong with all of this, but it runs without failure with this added conditional statement)

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

Sorry, I'm having a lot of trouble getting this to work. I've forgotten... how did we resolve this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/plugins/", line 69, in run_node
    result['result'] =
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 473, in run
    result = self._run_interface(execute=True)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 557, in _run_interface
    return self._run_command(execute)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 637, in _run_command
    result =
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 369, in run
    runtime = self._run_interface(runtime)
  File "/src/fitlins/fitlins/interfaces/", line 180, in _run_interface
    analysis.setup(drop_na=False, **selectors)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/analysis/", line 89, in setup
    b.setup(input_nodes, drop_na=drop_na, **selectors)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/analysis/", line 211, in setup
    coll = apply_transformations(coll, self.transformations)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/analysis/", line 508, in apply_transformations
    func(collection, cols, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/analysis/transformations/", line 87, in __new__
    return t.transform()
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/analysis/transformations/", line 261, in transform
    result = self._transform(data[i], **kwargs)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/analysis/transformations/", line 318, in _transform
    return var.to_dense(sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/variables/", line 325, in to_dense
    duration = int(math.ceil(sampling_rate * self.get_duration()))
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/variables/", line 311, in get_duration
    return sum([r.duration for r in self.run_info])
  File "/opt/conda/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/variables/", line 311, in <listcomp>
    return sum([r.duration for r in self.run_info])
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'duration'

from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

@yarikoptic, do you remember? I've seen this before many times but can't recollect exactly and my computer is a bit disabled due to the model running in the background. Might that have been related to #353 (but thats merged already...)?

from fitlins.

tyarkoni avatar tyarkoni commented on July 17, 2024

Have not read everything carefully, but regarding the automatic inclusion of columns available in participants.tsv, scans.tsv, etc., that's by design—otherwise we would need to add a separate set of instructions to BIDS-StatsModels that governs where/how to get variables, and that's out of its scope. The idea is that if you explicitly want to exclude variables, you can use the Select transformation, passing in the names of only the variables you want to keep. So typically you would add that as the first transformation in the list at each new level, and thereafter you can be certain that you don't have unexpected variables popping up. (I believe there may also be a Delete or Remove that does the inverse, if it's preferred.)

(FWIW, this shouldn't only be happening at the 3rd level; it happens at all levels. E.g., if you have confounds.tsv or physio.tsv.gz files, you should also be seeing extra variables show up in your run-level models, unless you're explicitly selecting what you want in a transformation. If you're not seeing available run-level variables show up, please open a separate issue, as that would be a bug.)

from fitlins.

adelavega avatar adelavega commented on July 17, 2024

Doesn't X in Model also operate as a Select transformation?

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

It looks like the issue is with variables created by the Split transform. Digging deeper now.

from fitlins.

yarikoptic avatar yarikoptic commented on July 17, 2024

As Adina, isn't it @effigies this fix in pybids? bids-standard/pybids#353, if not then may be something similar, what is the string value there?

from fitlins.

tyarkoni avatar tyarkoni commented on July 17, 2024

@adelavega yes, but that would only make sense for the first level; past that, there's no new model being fit, just contrasts applied to estimates propagated forward. So in the subject-level model, transformations would be needed to explicitly limit what autocontrasts gets applied to.

from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

Thanks for this information!
Yes, I noticed this automatic ingestions and iirc every column name of something ingestible (e.g. regressor.tsv files on the run level) was showing up at some point of the analysis. But only for the third level I ran into a problem. I've been wondering whether this 'only third-level' issue has something to do with the Step of the model? If I understand the contrast_info related code correctly, it is dependent on the analysis level, and the participant.tsv file is specified in the root of the dataset, and its column names are the only ones showing up (and not those from the run-specific regressors.tsv files anymore for example). So if I understand it correctly, this file would be only ingested during a dataset level analysis step (which would explain to me why it did not cause trouble on the second level)?

from fitlins.

tyarkoni avatar tyarkoni commented on July 17, 2024

It definitely shouldn't be happening only at the third level. As @adelavega pointed out, the X field in the first-level model will implicitly drop any unnamed variables, so that's why you may not see it happening there. But it should also be happening at subsequent levels, assuming you have a scans.tsv or sessions.tsv file containing extra columns. If you don't have anything in those files, then the behavior you see is exactly as intended.

The mapping, per the BIDS spec, is that session-level analysis automatically pulls in scans.tsv, subject-level analysis pulls in sessions.tsv, and dataset-level analysis pulls in participants.tsv.

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

As Adina, isn't it @effigies this fix in pybids? bids-standard/pybids#353, if not then may be something similar, what is the string value there?


from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

@yarikoptic we ran into the string events.

from fitlins.

tyarkoni avatar tyarkoni commented on July 17, 2024

I'm guessing that this line may be passing variables in the wrong order, so that source (which can be 'events') is getting read instead of run_info.

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

Yeah. That's where I'm looking. It looks like #353 was a partial fix. Though I'm not sure why they can run these models and I can't...

from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

It definitely shouldn't be happening only at the third level. As @adelavega pointed out, the X field in the first-level model will implicitly drop any unnamed variables, so that's why you may not see it happening there. But it should also be happening at subsequent levels, assuming you have a scans.tsv or sessions.tsv file containing extra columns. If you don't have anything in those files, then the behavior you see is exactly as intended.

The mapping, per the BIDS spec, is that session-level analysis automatically pulls in scans.tsv, subject-level analysis pulls in sessions.tsv, and dataset-level analysis pulls in participants.tsv.

huh. I actually don't have these files and had no clue I needed them (sorry, must have over-read this when studying the BIDS-spec, but I happily blame Michael for not having them in the first place in the sourcedata).

from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

@effigies would it be helpful if I push my local branch where I committed, merged and cherry-picked all changes we found relevant to my fork here on Github?

from fitlins.

tyarkoni avatar tyarkoni commented on July 17, 2024

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

@AdinaWagner Sure, you can go ahead and cherry-pick. I've fixed a couple things, so we're likely to have some clashes, but it would be good to see what you have.

from fitlins.

adswa avatar adswa commented on July 17, 2024

okay, so my current software state is AdinaWagner/pybids branch runinfo-merge and AdinaWagner/fitlins branch BIDSSacc.

from fitlins.

mgxd avatar mgxd commented on July 17, 2024

I'm also running into the same issue with an image built off current master (ca40343)

File: /om/project/voice/bids/scripts/fitlins/crash-20190315-170528-mathiasg-l3_model-2f07306c-9009-48f6-8009-8da1f86d937d.pklz Node: fitlins_wf.l3_model Working directory: /tmp/tmp4nwpaui8/fitlins_wf/l3_model

Node inputs:

contrast_info = [[{'entities': {'session': '1', 'subject': 'voice969', 'task': 'emosent'}, 'name': 'speech', 'type': 't', 'weights': [{'speech': 1}]}]]
stat_files =
stat_metadata =

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/plugins/", line 69, in run_node
result['result'] =
File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 473, in run
result = self._run_interface(execute=True)
File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 1253, in _run_interface
File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 1175, in _collate_results
(, '\n'.join(msg)))
Exception: Subnodes of node: l3_model failed:
Subnode 0 failed
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 99, in nodelist_runner
result =

File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 473, in run
result = self._run_interface(execute=True)

File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 557, in _run_interface
return self._run_command(execute)

File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", line 637, in _run_command
result =

File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 375, in run
runtime = self._run_interface(runtime)

File "/src/fitlins/fitlins/interfaces/", line 178, in _run_interface, design_matrix=design_matrix)

File "/opt/miniconda-latest/envs/neuro/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nistats/", line 170, in fit
raise ValueError('A second level model requires a list with at'

ValueError: A second level model requires a list with atleast two first level models or niimgs

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

@mgxd Can you provide your model? If this is somewhere I can login, it might be easiest to dig through your working directory.

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024

@mathias It looks like you have degenerate inputs. You have two files, that you collapse in layer 2 to one file. Then at layer 3, you only have one file.

from fitlins.

effigies avatar effigies commented on July 17, 2024


Node: nistats

 Hierarchy : _l3_model0
 Exec ID : _l3_model0

Original Inputs

* contrast_info : [{'entities': {'session': '1', 'subject': 'voice969', 'task': 'emosent'}, 'name': 'speech', 'type': 't', 'weights': [{'speech': 1}]}]
* stat_files : [['/working/fitlins_wf/l2_model/mapflow/_l2_model0/speech.nii.gz']]
* stat_metadata : [[{'contrast': 'speech', 'session': '1', 'subject': 'voice969', 'suffix': 'stat', 'task': 'emosent'}]]

from fitlins.

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