Pete Hunt's Projects
A self-contained, ready to run Airflow ELT project. Can be run locally or within codespaces.
Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware
Fundoo Solution's AngularJS tutorials
Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
Third-party login plugin for hapi
🕸 Simple, robust, BitTorrent DHT implementation
Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
Bucket brigade for bundling browser modules
Bugspots is a Python implementation of the Google's bug prediction algorithm.
Small bits of Python computation for static files
Brutally simple tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript to Node-readable CommonJS modules
connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response
css loader module for webpack
An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
A Dagster plugin that allows you to run Meltano in Dagster
A JavaScript Double Array Trie
not really sure what this is yet