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Do we want to add screenshots for the projects ourselves or wait for the creators to do this?

Dark mode

Do we want dark mode for this website?

Stories ๐ŸŽ™ pages design changes

Here are a few of the updated design changes to the Stories ๐ŸŽ™ pages on BOLT๐Ÿ”ฉFUN's makers platform...

a). Introduction of a page title in the centre column "Stories ๐ŸŽ™"

b). Underneath this title we introduce a new form of navigation using a combination of chips (Popular | Newest | Following/Saved) + a 'Sort By' time preference dropdown (Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly) over to the right

d). In the right hand column can we add a banner advertising the STW2 hackathon? (as seen in the design). This could be any advertisement we wish, but pre-hackathon it make sense to push our own event!

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 11 12 37

About us

Is there a design for this? I saw moritz mentioned it in the Slack channel.

Link discord account so that changes to roles would trigger and update to a profile's meta data

This will serve as a meta issue to gather requirements.

Task: Create a list of v1 badges

Task: Map discord roles to badges

Scenario: Connect discord to maker profile

Scenario: Update profile when discord role is added/removed

  1. Given I have created an account on
  2. And my username is "janedoe"
  3. And I have joined the discord server
  4. And I have the discord role/s of "maker"
  5. When I view my profile ""
  6. Then I see "maker" as a ...

Create new story

ATM this action has a side menu of "Story | Question | Bounty". I think that as users will take the action of creating one of the above directly through the page "e.g Story, Discussions (future), Bounties (future)" , it seems odd to bundle them up together. So, how much work would it be to remove these options and just insert a "X" icon or back menu? See the design attached.

Open Question: do we allow users to save draft stories? If so, we could use a right column of draft titles

Current design:

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 14 10 58

New design:

  • Centred content (910px wide)
  • Back/Exit button

If it's the users first post (or if they don't have any saved drafts, the markdown editor is centred), like so ๐Ÿ‘‡

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 14 00 27

If the user has some saved drafts, we can move the markdown editor over to the left and create a "Saved Drafts" column to the right, like so ๐Ÿ‘‡

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 14 03 49

Alternatively, we could also keep this column (even if its the users first post) and use it for "Suggested stories", such as "Your maker story", or "What i've been up to this week", like so. Then if the user has drafts, we can just stack this column...

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 14 10 09

Feature: Story tags ๐Ÿท

Currently we only have 3 topics for Stories (bitcoin, lightning, gaming)

Let's create some more...

  • ๐ŸŽ™ Podcast
  • ๐Ÿ’ป Workshop
  • ๐Ÿšฆ Standup Report
  • ๐Ÿ—“ Event

Question: Emojis vs Icons

As seen in the recently designed page title elements (e.g Stories ๐ŸŽ™, Hackathons ๐Ÿฟ)... we are mixing and matching the use of emojis throughout the platform when it comes to category pills, page titles, etc. However, in the dropdown menu under Community section we are differentiating the pages visually using icons (similar to the emojis, but still a different style).

So, the question is do we keep the icon styles we have or switch everything to emojis? It might be worth deciding now before this version is released and new pages are built out.

Here's a side by side comparison for you to visualise...

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 13 36 02

NOTE: We can keep the use of emojis in buttons or CTAs (e.g comment, save, share icons etc for actions)

If we decide to use the emojis, we should use the following ones for pages:

  • Stories = ๐ŸŽ™
  • Discussions = ๐Ÿ’ฌ
  • Hackathons = ๐Ÿฟ or ๐Ÿ†
  • Bounties = ๐ŸŽฏ
  • Grants = ๐Ÿ’ธ

For categories...

  • Design = ๐ŸŽจ
  • Development = ๐Ÿ’ป
  • Lightning = โšก๏ธ
  • WebLN = ๐ŸŽ›
  • LNURL = ๐Ÿšฆ

(backend) querying for project in mutations throws error

for example this query works fine:
mutation Mutation($projectId: Int!, $amountInSat: Int!) { vote(project_id: $projectId, amount_in_sat: $amountInSat) { id amount_in_sat } }

but this throws an error:
mutation Mutation($projectId: Int!, $amountInSat: Int!) { vote(project_id: $projectId, amount_in_sat: $amountInSat) { id amount_in_sat project { id title } } }

Add back button to top of Create Story page on mobile

When reviewing the mobile version of the new updates to the makers platform, I noticed that there isn't a back button on this page (unlike the web version).

Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 11 04 50

Insert back button, like so ๐Ÿ‘‡

Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 11 15 33


Do we have an asset we want to use for this?

Category filters not yet working

Looks like when you click on a category it does not initiate a filter yet, did anyone have a plan on how they wanted this implemented?

Alby send payment not returning preimage of transaction

Making a tip to a project consists of three steps:
1- Getting an invoice from the backend to the client
2- Confirming the invoice from client and sending it using a webln provider
3- sending the payment preimage to the backend after completion to confirm it.

But currently, it seems that paying invoices through alby provider is not returning a preimage variable, only "paymentHash" and "route"

Review the Hackathons page

ATM when a user clicks on the Hackathons page, the main view is empty. This is because the default view is set using the "Upcoming" or "Live" filter view, and we have no upcoming hackathons...

Solution 1
In the left column I suggest having the Header, Sort By chips in the side menu to remain stylistically consistent, "List your hackathon" button, plus and adding Fulgurโ€™s promotional banner.

For the right hand grid (3 columns) and suggest showing "All" as the primary filter, showing all of the hackathons in time order from newest to oldest. We then use an empty state for filter options which do not have any hackathons listed (e.g Live or upcoming).

Screenshot 2022-07-04 at 14 43 27

Solution 2
In the left column we could remove the chip navigation entirely, and just show the hackathons in time order from newest to oldest, thereby removing the need for an empty state.

I think I prefer Solution 1 as it could scale a bit better with time and can reuse stylistic navigation elements.

generate dynamic social media share images for category pages

Scenario: Generate dynamic social share images for categories 
Given a category has 4 applications
And some have won awards
When someone shares a link to the category page on social media 
Then the image that's shown has some details about the category
And the background of the category
And shows there are 4 applications in this category
And shows x have won awards


Design review 0.0.1

Great job on the initial implementation @MTG2000, the application is really coming to life! I've viewed this page on two different devices and have been generally impressed by how responsive you've made it so nice work!

Here are a few thoughts and ideas for improvements after taking a look through:


  1. Organism / modal / project-details
  • a). Screenshots: Could we incorporate a bit of spacing between the title and the screenshot grids? Currently looks like this is set at 0px and it looks a bit cramped.

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 10 55 37

  • b). Screen grid spacings. Currently set to 24px x 20py. Can we make this either 16x16px or 24x24px?

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 10 56 47

  • c). This component on mobile uses a vertical grid layout for the screenshots. Could we arrange them into a 2 column grid or at least get them to fit the full width of the modal.

  • d). Project tags. The spacing for these tags seems a bit too large. Could we use the same spacing for buttons which is 16px rather than 24px.

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 11 40 24

  1. Full-width header navigation / Mobile
  • a). The alignment on mobile looks like this component is left of centre. It should be in line with the rest of the page grid.

3). Organism / App-list

  • a). The spacing between the Header and the list horizontally scrolling list of applications is 20px + an extra 10px padding from the molecule/app-list. Can we make this 24px total?

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 11 02 38

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 10 25 43

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 11 03 14

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 10 25 19

  1. Organism / modal / ln-url
  • a). You seem to have used a darker colour for the link text as opposed to the primary colour used elsewhere in the application. This colour fails the AAA colour test for 7.1 contrast (WCAG), however one hue darker (Primary / 700 #4230B7) passes. If we aren't using Primary 600 as seen elsewhere, let's try keep it as close to as possible.
  1. Organism / modals / upvote / select-amount
  • a). Spacing between pre-set amounts and micro-copy. Let's make sure this is a factor of 4/8px. So perhaps 16px? or 12px?

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 11 21 28

  1. Organism / modal / wallet
  • a). Currently this wallet modal is centred. I think eventually we'll want this to open just below (aligned) to the button itself in the top right hand part of the screen. This may not be a focus for now but worth baring in mind.

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 11 24 16

  1. Mobile / Menu
  • a). Reduce this spacing to either 24, 32, or 40px max.

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 12 11 51

Spacings, Layouts, and Grids

  • All spacings should adhere to the units of 4 or 8px (4, 8, 12, 16, 24,3 2, 40, 48px...). You seem to have done a really good job on this so well done :) The only complications seem to be when we combine two components with their own paddings (e.g 1b). above)

Interactions & Behaviours

  • a). Scrolling behaviours for lists. Horizontally scrolling app lists (e.g Hottest apps). At the moment these apps scroll continuously like a wheel feature. However, these lists should have a fixed starting point (i.e {First App}) on the left, and then scroll horizontally to the right until the final app on the list has been reached. We can use a slight elastic feel when attempting to continue scrolling to indicate that the final app has been reached and then have to scroll back to the left. This interaction would be similar to something like Netflix.

ezgif com-gif-maker (5)

Responsive scaling

  • I have been a little bit confused as to the responsive nature of the application. If I "inspect" the page on my desktop computer and scale down to a smaller screen, the app list in particular do not scale and they begin to overlap. However if I go straight to the web page on my mobile it works fine. For reference though, here is a screenvideo if I scale down from large to small screen size.

Here's an example...

Add > quote button to text editor toolbar

Some markdown editors (such as Medium) allow users to add a quote to their story with the use of a text editor toolbar shortcut/button. Take for example Medium or even Github. Currently, BOLT๐Ÿ”ฉFUN's editor does not contain this button.

Insert the > Quote button shortcut into our text editor toolbar. If a user highlights text and clicks it, it should show in preview form rather than raw markdown form.

Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 17 30 58

Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 17 31 36

Header design?

Is this what the header is supposed to look like or should we make it better?


Assets missing

This screen is missing the asset lightning-big.svg, does someone have this that we can add?


Correct card border radiuses

It seems like some of the cards have different border radiuses. This might be due to their size which creates a distorting visual effect.

Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 11 45 22

Check all radiuses and make sure they adhere to units of 4.

Mobile: 12px

(backend) create an api for the hottest page

an api that will return a bunch of hottest projects according to some specific criterias
the api needs to be in this form:


  hottestProjects {

    title: String // Will mostly be "Hottest"
    cover_image: String // A url for a cover image to display
    apps_count: number // The number of hottest projects available

    project: [Project!]!


Create image upload service

  1. We need to have a service to handle the uploading of static image content.
  2. Uploaded images need to be transformed. Some services also provide such functionality built-in to the same offering / API.
  3. We currently use CloudFlare and Netlfiy, so it's preferred to use at little services as possible. Cloudflare currently offers an image store.
  4. There are various resources that could include images (stories, comments, user profiles, projects, ...) they all should be using this image upload and retrieval service.

Potential Solutions

Create new story: insert tags UX

Whilst creating a post, we ask users to insert tags. The UX of this process is a little confusing because of the pre-text inside the input field. My impression was that I could type "webln, alby, ..." and click enter to create separate tags.

Perhaps the pre-text should be something like "Enter your tag and click enter. You can add multiple tags to your post". Does this make sense?

Support pasting MD into text editor

Currently, if I copy markdown from another editor (either in raw or previewed format), it currently does not translate to the BOLT๐Ÿ”ฉFUN markdown editor, converting it into a previewed format. I often have this issue when copying markdown text from one editor to another (e.g ClickUp -> Slack, Github, Discord, Medium, etc)

Would it be possible to have this functionality? That way, makers will be able to copy + paste their markdown editions of stories straight into our editor and hit "Publish" without having to translate the text themselves.

Come up with a more human/seo friendly story url scheme

  • Given there is a post with a database ID of 6 and a title of "STW1โšก๏ธ: Introduction to Alby"
  • And the user public key is "b5f3729e5418905ad2b21ce186b1c01d"
  • When there is no username set
  • Then the url path of the article is /blog/post/Story/6
    • this blog/post/story are redundant
    • Story is capitalised
    • last segment is a 6 which doesn't give an indication of what the article title is
Possible solution
  • Given there is a post with a database ID of 6 and a title of "STW1โšก๏ธ: Introduction to Alby"
  • And the user public key is "b5f3729e5418905ad2b21ce186b1c01d"
  • When there is no username set
  • Then the url path of the article is /story/stw1-introduction-to-alby-b5f37


  • Given there is a post with a database ID of 6 and a title of "STW1โšก๏ธ: Introduction to Alby"
  • And the user public key is "b5f3729e5418905ad2b21ce186b1c01d"
  • When there is a username set and it is "mtg"
  • Then the url path of the article is /mtg/stw1-introduction-to-alby-b5f37


  • Please ensure older URL schemes redirect to the new structure either on the server side or in the frontend since links have been posted on twitter already. Alternatively a custom 404 page for stories can provide suggestions of articles that could match

Derive lnurl-auth keys from a more long term domain


  1. for staging, currently authentication is set to the preview domain on netlify
  2. once we move to it will cause problems with accounts as new keys are going to be derived and people will lose access to their accounts
  3. then when moves to just it will again cause problems as lnurl-auth keys are derived from a specific domain

Possible Solution

use as a generic authentication endpoint that would be less subject to change

Implement a nostr based commenting system

@fiatjaf has created a commenting widget after a discussion about the topic with him some weeks ago. It is built in react and is a great starting point for us to implement on stories.

One of the limitations of this current widget is that it does not support threaded conversation, but I've learned that Nostr

The initial goal was to create something along the lines of Disqus, which we can still do but since we need comments first to be able to increase engagement on posts on the platform we can bookshelf it until we learn more about Nostr and how to go about creating this widget. There are some open issues in the repo which can help in that future planning.

UX issues with markdown editor

Whilst uploading a new story to the makers platform, I noticed a few issues with the platforms markdown editor. Here are some thoughts and potential ideas of how we could improve them (this might be limited by the markdown integration we use).

a). Every time I want to add a title I have to highlight the word and scroll to the top, click T... it then takes me back down to where I was typing. This was annoying when I wanted to change an Italicised word to only Bold. I had to highlight it, scroll up, click off 'Italic', it then shot me back down the page, I had to highlight it again, scroll up to the top and click 'Bold' ... not so annoying when it's only once but when it's over and over it could get frustrating

How can we solve this?
It seems like the easiest way to solve this might be to fix the height of the ui component which contains the bulk of the story text, whilst fixing the markdown shortcuts to the top of it (e.g H B i ) .. I have attached a screenshot of the Github markdown editor for reference! If the user then has their mouse within the text box and scrolls, they can scroll the content of their writing easily without having to constantly go to the top of the website page and back over and over.

Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 13 18 11

This second point is to do with editing functionality after a post has been created...

b). When I clicked 'Edit post' and then saved it, it actually created a duplicate of the post! This seems like a backend issue rather than UI

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