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rust-decimal's Introduction

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A Decimal number implementation written in pure Rust suitable for financial calculations that require significant integral and fractional digits with no round-off errors.

The binary representation consists of a 96 bit integer number, a scaling factor used to specify the decimal fraction and a 1 bit sign. Because of this representation, trailing zeros are preserved and may be exposed when in string form. These can be truncated using the normalize or round_dp functions.


$ cargo add rust_decimal

In addition, if you would like to use the optimized macro for convenient creation of decimals:

$ cargo add rust_decimal_macros

Alternatively, you can edit your Cargo.toml directly and run cargo update:

rust_decimal = "1.36"
rust_decimal_macros = "1.36"


Decimal numbers can be created in a few distinct ways. The easiest and most efficient method of creating a Decimal is to use the procedural macro that can be enabled using the macros feature:

// Import the `rust_decimal_macros` crate and use the macro directly from there.
use rust_decimal_macros::dec;

let number = dec!(-1.23) + dec!(3.45);
assert_eq!(number, dec!(2.22));
assert_eq!(number.to_string(), "2.22");

Alternatively you can also use one of the Decimal number convenience functions (see the docs for more details):

// Using the prelude can help importing trait based functions (e.g. core::str::FromStr).
use rust_decimal::prelude::*;

// Using an integer followed by the decimal points
let scaled = Decimal::new(202, 2);
assert_eq!("2.02", scaled.to_string());

// From a 128 bit integer
let balance = Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(5_897_932_384_626_433_832, 2);
assert_eq!("58979323846264338.32", balance.to_string());

// From a string representation
let from_string = Decimal::from_str("2.02").unwrap();
assert_eq!("2.02", from_string.to_string());

// From a string representation in a different base
let from_string_base16 = Decimal::from_str_radix("ffff", 16).unwrap();
assert_eq!("65535", from_string_base16.to_string());

// From scientific notation
let sci = Decimal::from_scientific("9.7e-7").unwrap();
assert_eq!("0.00000097", sci.to_string());

// Using the `Into` trait
let my_int: Decimal = 3_i32.into();
assert_eq!("3", my_int.to_string());

// Using the raw decimal representation
let pi = Decimal::from_parts(1_102_470_952, 185_874_565, 1_703_060_790, false, 28);
assert_eq!("3.1415926535897932384626433832", pi.to_string());

Once you have instantiated your Decimal number you can perform calculations with it just like any other number:

use rust_decimal::prelude::*;
use rust_decimal_macros::dec;

let amount = dec!(25.12);
let tax_percentage = dec!(0.085);
let total = amount + (amount * tax_percentage).round_dp(2);
assert_eq!(total, dec!(27.26));


Behavior / Functionality




Enables Borsh serialization for Decimal.


Forces Decimal to use [repr(C)]. The corresponding target layout is 128 bit aligned.


Enables a PostgreSQL communication module. It allows for reading and writing the Decimal type by transparently serializing/deserializing into the NUMERIC data type within PostgreSQL.


Enables the tokio postgres module allowing for async communication with PostgreSQL.


Enable diesel PostgreSQL support.


Enable diesel MySQL support.


Warning: This is deprecated and will be removed from a future versions.

As of 1.10 the algorithms used to perform basic operations have changed which has benefits of significant speed improvements. To maintain backwards compatibility this can be opted out of by enabling the legacy-ops feature.


The maths feature enables additional complex mathematical functions such as pow, ln, enf, exp etc. Documentation detailing the additional functions can be found on the MathematicalOps trait.

Please note that ln and log10 will panic on invalid input with checked_ln and checked_log10 the preferred functions to curb against this. When the maths feature was first developed the library would instead return 0 on invalid input. To re-enable this non-panicking behavior, please use the feature: maths-nopanic.


Enables arithmetic operations using ndarray on arrays of Decimal.


Enables a proptest strategy to generate values for Rust Decimal.


Implements rand::distributions::Distribution<Decimal> to allow the creation of random instances.

Note: When using rand::Rng trait to generate a decimal between a range of two other decimals, the scale of the randomly-generated decimal will be the same as the scale of the input decimals (or, if the inputs have different scales, the higher of the two).


Enables rkyv serialization for Decimal. Supports rkyv's safe API when the rkyv-safe feature is enabled as well.


Enable support for Rocket forms by implementing the FromFormField trait.


Enable rust-fuzz support by implementing the Arbitrary trait.


Note: This feature applies float serialization/deserialization rules as the default method for handling Decimal numbers. See also the serde-with-* features for greater flexibility.

Enable this so that JSON serialization of Decimal types are sent as a float instead of a string (default).

e.g. with this turned on, JSON serialization would output:

  "value": 1.234


Note: This feature applies string serialization/deserialization rules as the default method for handling Decimal numbers. See also the serde-with-* features for greater flexibility.

This is typically useful for bincode or csv like implementations.

Since bincode does not specify type information, we need to ensure that a type hint is provided in order to correctly be able to deserialize. Enabling this feature on its own will force deserialization to use deserialize_str instead of deserialize_any.

If, for some reason, you also have serde-float enabled then this will use deserialize_f64 as a type hint. Because converting to f64 loses precision, it's highly recommended that you do NOT enable this feature when working with bincode. That being said, this will only use 8 bytes so is slightly more efficient in terms of storage size.


Note: This feature applies arbitrary serialization/deserialization rules as the default method for handling Decimal numbers. See also the serde-with-* features for greater flexibility.

This is used primarily with serde_json and consequently adds it as a "weak dependency". This supports the arbitrary_precision feature inside serde_json when parsing decimals.

This is recommended when parsing "float" looking data as it will prevent data loss.

Please note, this currently serializes numbers in a float like format by default, which can be an unexpected consequence. For greater control over the serialization format, please use the serde-with-arbitrary-precision feature.


Enable this to access the module for serializing Decimal types to a float. This can be used in struct definitions like so:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FloatExample {
    #[serde(with = "rust_decimal::serde::float")]
    value: Decimal,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct OptionFloatExample {
    #[serde(with = "rust_decimal::serde::float_option")]
    value: Option<Decimal>,

Alternatively, if only the serialization feature is desired (e.g. to keep flexibility while deserialization):

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FloatExample {
    #[serde(serialize_with = "rust_decimal::serde::float::serialize")]
    value: Decimal,


Enable this to access the module for serializing Decimal types to a String. This can be used in struct definitions like so:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StrExample {
    #[serde(with = "rust_decimal::serde::str")]
    value: Decimal,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct OptionStrExample {
    #[serde(with = "rust_decimal::serde::str_option")]
    value: Option<Decimal>,

This feature isn't typically required for serialization however can be useful for deserialization purposes since it does not require a type hint. Consequently, you can force this for just deserialization by:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StrExample {
    #[serde(deserialize_with = "rust_decimal::serde::str::deserialize")]
    value: Decimal,


Enable this to access the module for deserializing Decimal types using the serde_json/arbitrary_precision feature. This can be used in struct definitions like so:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ArbitraryExample {
    #[serde(with = "rust_decimal::serde::arbitrary_precision")]
    value: Decimal,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct OptionArbitraryExample {
    #[serde(with = "rust_decimal::serde::arbitrary_precision_option")]
    value: Option<Decimal>,

An unexpected consequence of this feature is that it will serialize as a float like number. To prevent this, you can target the struct to only deserialize with the arbitrary_precision feature:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ArbitraryExample {
    #[serde(deserialize_with = "rust_decimal::serde::arbitrary_precision::deserialize")]
    value: Decimal,

This will ensure that serialization still occurs as a string.

Please see the examples directory for more information regarding serde_json scenarios.


Enable std library support. This is enabled by default, however in the future will be opt in. For now, to support no_std libraries, this crate can be compiled with --no-default-features.


Please refer to the Build document for more information on building and testing Rust Decimal.

Minimum Rust Compiler Version

The current minimum compiler version is 1.60.0 which was released on 2022-04-07.

This library maintains support for rust compiler versions that are 4 minor versions away from the current stable rust compiler version. For example, if the current stable compiler version is 1.50.0 then we will guarantee support up to and including 1.46.0. Of note, we will only update the minimum supported version if and when required.

Comparison to other Decimal implementations

During the development of this library, there were various design decisions made to ensure that decimal calculations would be quick, accurate and efficient. Some decisions, however, put limitations on what this library can do and ultimately what it is suitable for. One such decision was the structure of the internal decimal representation.

This library uses a mantissa of 96 bits made up of three 32-bit unsigned integers with a fourth 32-bit unsigned integer to represent the scale/sign (similar to the C and .NET Decimal implementations). This structure allows us to make use of algorithmic optimizations to implement basic arithmetic; ultimately this gives us the ability to squeeze out performance and make it one of the fastest implementations available. The downside of this approach however is that the maximum number of significant digits that can be represented is roughly 28 base-10 digits (29 in some cases).

While this constraint is not an issue for many applications (e.g. when dealing with money), some applications may require a higher number of significant digits to be represented. Fortunately, there are alternative implementations that may be worth investigating, such as:

If you have further questions about the suitability of this library for your project, then feel free to either start a discussion or open an issue and we'll do our best to help.

rust-decimal's People


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rust-decimal's Issues

Support floats within serde deserialization

Commonly, amounts in JSON are sent unquoted, i.e.

{ "amount": 100.20 }

At the moment, this causes the deserialization to raise an error whereas it'd be convenient if it could also parse this format successfully.

Add Continuous Integration

Continuous integration should be added to test the crate on Rust stable, beta and nightly.

Along with this, it will possible to have the master branch be protected so that only changes which pass the CI can be merged, and then the main development will happen on the develop branch (where things might break temporarily).

implement std::ops::Neg for Decimal

the following code fails to compile:

let x = dec!(7314);
let y = -x;

with error:

40 |     let y = -x;
   |             ^^ cannot apply unary operator `-`
   = note: an implementation of `std::ops::Neg` might be missing for `rust_decimal::Decimal`

do you want std::ops::Neg implemented? then i'd do so and open a PR : )

Improve postgres perfomance by precalculating groups

Currently we precalculate constants based on the number of groups that a postgres type has. We do this at runtime upon read. Each runtime group is 10000x the previous group.

We could comfortably pre-calculate this set of constants since they are the same between reads which should improve read performance.

Implement `abs` function

This should be relatively easily since we store the negative bit within the flag however would still be a useful function to have.


Have you any plans for stabilization or moving forward in short term for this crate?

Implement format instructions

The following code:

let a = Decimal::new(100, 2);
let b = Decimal::new(300, 2);
let c = a / b;
println!("{}", c);
println!("{:.2}", c);

produces the output:


This is because the implementation converts to a string first and applies the pad method. Decimal should implement further format instructions to support producing 2dp without requiring rounding first up.

Review error handling within Decimal

There are some areas where panic is warranted however there are others (e.g. rescale, from_bytes_le) that we could utilize Rust's error handling further. In addition, with libraries such as error-chain we can perhaps make the error handling experience richer with little overhead.

Improve/validate micro-benchmarking results

At the moment, there is a lot of variance between runs which can be mitigated with some libraries such as I want to make sure that an appropriate range of inputs is benchmarked as well as validate that the results are able to be accurately compared for improvements.

Use of deserialize_any breaks deserialization with bincode

Currently the deserialize implementation calls the serde deserialize_any function, which breaks Decimal serialization with non-self describing formats like bincode [0].

When implementing Deserialize, you should avoid relying on Deserializer::deserialize_any unless you need to be told by the Deserializer what type is in the input. Know that relying on Deserializer::deserialize_any means your data type will be able to deserialize from self-describing formats only, ruling out Bincode and many others.

There are two possible easy fixes:

  • Replace deserialize_any with deserialize_str
  • Simply have Decimal derive Serialize, Deserialize


change Debug for Decimal to print represented number

currently Decimal derives Debug

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]

when printing out for a example a vec of some structs containing decimals with {:?} or {:#?}
in place of the decimals one gets a lot of Decimal { flags: 131072, hi: 0, lo: 3260, mid: 0 }
and has to do additional annoying work to print the actual number represented.

implementing Debug like Display and printing the number represented by the decimal would help me a lot.

is this something you want?

would be happy to implement this then!

std::cmp::min() doesn't work as expected

the following assertions fails for me using version 0.7.0

assert_eq!(cmp::min(Decimal::from_str("-0.5").unwrap(), Decimal::from_str("-0.01").unwrap()), Decimal::from_str("-0.5").unwrap());

Implement `floor` and `ceil` functions

We currently support a round function - it's natural to also extend this to also support floor (Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number) and ceil (Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number) functions.

`round_dp` limited to 20dp

Currently round_dp limits to 20dp to assist in pow10 lookups however is an unnecessary arbritrary limit. This should be updated to include an overflow word instead of relying on default implementations.

Improve `from_scientific` performance

At the moment, the performance of this function has not been optimized. Essentially the format of scientific notation is similar to the internal representation of Decimal so we should be able to take advantage of this.

i128/u128 based implementation

My small experiments shows that implementation Decimal on top of types i128/u128 should be simpler and more performant. In my rough reimplementation of add method, timings of bench add_negative_pi drops from 133 ns/iter to 41 ns/iter. As I know, i128/u128 types supported on all rust targets.
I suppose it enough reasons to consider reimplementation or alternative implementation of Decimal type on top of i128/u128.

Separate tests into `tests/`, or a `test` submodule.

At the moment, there are a lot of tests at the end of each file. It should not be difficult to move these tests over into the tests/ directory, and that'll help keep the main source files nice and tidy. If for some reason a test can't be moved outside, it should be moved into a separate submodule (as opposed to being their own stand-alone functions).

Stabalize the shorthand Decimal notation

Creating a new decimal object is rather verbose. It'd be nice to have a shorthand option to define a decimal such as: 12.4M. This could possibly be implemented via a file.

Optimize div operation

The current implementation of div focused on correctness over performance therefore can use some optimization.

Current benchmarks on 2.3GHz i7, 16GB DDR3, macOS High Sierra:

test bench_decimal_div ... bench:  47,344,736 ns/iter (+/- 6,536,510)

Extend test suites

Extend the test suites so that the tests are more dynamic. e.g. loop through an array of examples + results asserting along the way.

As part of this I want to also implicitly test transitive operations as appropriate. e.g. a + b = b + a, a * b = b * a.

Approximate FromPrimitive f32/f64 impls

Right now FromPrimitive is implemented with the default f32/f64 behavior of rounding to an int.... I would propose that there be a lossy implementation or that it always return None -- I much prefer the former.

In C# it is handled as follows:

When you convert float or double to decimal, the source value is converted to decimal representation and rounded to the nearest number after the 28th decimal place if required. Depending on the value of the source value, one of the following results may occur:

If the source value is too small to be represented as a decimal, the result becomes zero.

If the source value is NaN (not a number), infinity, or too large to be represented as a decimal, an OverflowException is thrown.

Optimize mul operation

Current benchmarks on 2.3GHz i7, 16GB DDR3, macOS High Sierra:

test bench_decimal_mul ... bench:   1,560,175 ns/iter (+/- 379,456)

missing panic on overflow !?

thanks for your work on this crate : ) so far it's been very useful to me.

i've replaced some code that previously used f64s by Decimals.
the code did some plotting in the end.
when comparing the plots i noticed a lot of differences.
i was able to reduce it to a minimal example:

    let mut x = dec!(7314.6229858868828353570724702);
    let y = dec!(1000);
    x += y;
    println!("{}", x);



this seems pretty bad to me : /

i guess it's an overflow. i think it should absolutely panic in this case instead of silently breaking math!

using rust decimal 0.8.1 and rustc 1.27.0-nightly (f0fdaba04 2018-05-15)

Optimize add/sub operations

These operations should be the easiest to optimize.

Current benchmarks on 2.3GHz i7, 16GB DDR3, macOS High Sierra:

test bench_decimal_add ... bench:   1,408,588 ns/iter (+/- 219,523)
test bench_decimal_sub ... bench:   1,357,040 ns/iter (+/- 256,864)

Panic when formatting precision on fractional number.

Version: 0.7.2 (c22883b)

Decimal panics when formatting precision on a fractional number between 1 > n > -1 which contains leading zeros.

let foo: Decimal = "0.0023554701772169".parse().unwrap();
println!("{:.4}", foo);

thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to subtract with overflow', /home/terry/.cargo/git/checkouts/rust-decimal-5e2779474ac0f95f/c22883b/src/

The expected output is:


Implement add_assign traits et al

The introduction of add_assign, mul_assign et al allows us to easily do an arithmetic operation and an assign in a single operation. e.g. x += 2.

Replace ToDecimal with Into and From?

I was having a quick look through your code, and I see you have a new trait called ToDecimal which simply converts integer types into a decimal. I was curious as to why you didn't opt for the Into and From traits from the standard library which do exactly that?

Would you like a pull request to remove the ToDecimal trait and replace it with the standard library equivalent?

Incorrect results when converting and printing long numbers from strings.

println!("{}", Decimal::from_str("11.111111111111111111111111111").unwrap());
// Prints: 11.111111111111111111111111111 (Correct)
println!("{}", Decimal::from_str("11.11111111111111111111111111111").unwrap());
// Panics; scale exceeds max precision. That's fine. However...

println!("{}", Decimal::from_str("11.1111111111111111111111111115").unwrap());
// Prints: 3.1882948596846773517567160779 (Incorrect)
println!("{}", Decimal::from_str("115.111111111111111111111111111").unwrap());
// Prints: 35.882948596846773517567160775 (Incorrect)
println!("{}", Decimal::from_str("1115.11111111111111111111111111").unwrap());
// Prints: 322.82948596846773517567160775 (Incorrect)

Unexpected Panics


I understand that rust-decimal panics in case of unrecoverable errors. However, Today I encountered two panics that seem odd.

    let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2);
    let part = rate / (rate + Decimal::new(1, 0));
    let result = Decimal::new(169, 0) * part; // panics

This will panic with Multiplication underflowed. However if I switch the operands (to part * Decimal::new(169, 0)), it does not panic anymore.

I tried to also fix this issue by rounding the part variable first, but this panicked as well:

    let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2);
    let part = rate / (rate + Decimal::new(1, 0));
    let part = part.round_dp(2); // panics

It panics with Cannot have an exponent greater than 28 (29 > 28).


Panic during comparison

The following test cases will fail with Decimal Overflow due to rescaling

    fn test_max_compares() {
        let x = "225.33543601344182".parse::<Decimal>().unwrap();
        let y = Decimal::max_value();
        assert!(x < y);
        assert!(y > x);
        assert!(y != x);

    fn test_min_compares() {
        let x = "225.33543601344182".parse::<Decimal>().unwrap();
        let y = Decimal::min_value();
        assert!(x > y);
        assert!(y < x);
        assert!(y != x);

Multiplication underflow should be rounded instead of panicing

Currently, multiplication can underflow in certain situations from the following lines:


Lines 1809 to 1817 in 7a3728a

// We underflowed, we'll lose precision.
// For now we panic however perhaps in the future I could give the option to round
if final_scale > MAX_PRECISION {
"Multiplication underflowed: {} > {}",

For consistency, we should attempt to round on underflow situations whilst applying checked functions for overflow.

Create Benchmark tests for common operations

There are a number of functions in the library that can be optimized, however before optimization it'd be nice to be able to measure performance (so that performance gains are measured).

Error using csv/serde

CSV deserialize error: record 1 (line: 2, byte: 523): invalid type: floating point `17.19287`, expected a Decimal type representing a fixed-point number

It doesn't seem to be related to parsing, since Decimal::from_str("17.19287") works fine.

Postgres integration

I'm interested in ability of saving/loading rust Decimal in Postgres number and saw some implementation in this crate. But I have a list of questions.

What is current status of integration with Postgres? (ready to use or need some changes)
Is there any documentation about this feature?
Is there any restrictions of usage for current implementation?

Rescaling can overflow a number during standard operations

Currently, rescaling can cause a silent overflow during some common operations which leads to incorrect results. A good test case as raised by @rkusa is:

---- it_adds_decimals stdout ----
	thread 'it_adds_decimals' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `"12.45378151260504201681"`,
 right: `"4.5309652611786082574523276562"`: 11.815126050420168067226890757 + 0.6386554621848739495798319328', tests/

In this particular case, 11.815126050420168067226890757 (scale 27) is being rescaled to a representation of 28. This causes an expected overflow logically however because the overflow is consequently ignored it leads to incorrect results. Behind the scene's it currently loses the significance and converts 11.815126050420168067226890757 to 3.8923097989937343078724957234. Consequently, 0.6386554621848739495798319328 + 3.8923097989937343078724957234 = 4.5309652611786082574523276562.

In order to resolve this; the rescale logic should be refactored and instead return an extra 32 bit's for overflow, which is ultimately used in any resulting calculations (as required).

Something ain't right with arithmetics here...Overflow?

I'm doing some math in my rust code and it looks like the scale is messed up:

((844.13000000 -  843.65000000) * 0.1818181818181818181818181818 ) + 843.65000000
              ^^^              ^^^                                ^^^
      0.48000000      0.0457142857142857142857142856     84369571428571428571.42857143

It looks like there is an overflow. Shouldn't this be a panic?

Implement `checked` operator functions

To help alleviate some of the panic scenario's currently present in the library we should introduce checked methods. Checked returns an Option<Decimal> and returns None on overflow.

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