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Comments (4)

levitte avatar levitte commented on July 28, 2024
  1. Those build scripts are internal to our infrastructure. They essentially run make, but with specific targets that only builds the simple web files, or that only builds the docs.
  2. The link to OpenSSL::Query is incorrect, it should be
  3. omc/data is an internal repository, and should not be to build. OpenSSL::Query does the job of actually getting most of the the necessary data. newsflash.txt is an exception... for now, I suggest doing mkdir data; touch data/newsflash.txt.
  4. You got the 4th question right.

from web.

hwhsu1231 avatar hwhsu1231 commented on July 28, 2024

Hello, @levitte

After preparing the prerequisites, I tried to build the openssl website with the following commands:

git clone --depth=1
cd web
git clone --depth=1 general-policies
git clone --depth=1 technical-policies
git clone --depth=1 --branch=master openssl
git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.1 openssl-3.1
git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.0 openssl-3.0
git clone --depth=1 --branch=OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable openssl-1.1.1-stable
mkdir data; touch data/newsflash.txt
make CHECKOUTS=$(pwd)

However, it stoped at an error message:

make: *** No rule to make target '/home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.3/', needed by 'news/'.  Stop.
Click to expand the log
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing$ git clone --depth=1
Cloning into 'web'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 184, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (184/184), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (176/176), done.
remote: Total 184 (delta 9), reused 119 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (184/184), 6.46 MiB | 3.04 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9/9), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing$ cd web
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 general-policies
Cloning into 'general-policies'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 60, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (60/60), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53/53), done.
remote: Total 60 (delta 6), reused 35 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (60/60), 46.53 KiB | 916.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 technical-policies
Cloning into 'technical-policies'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 78, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (78/78), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (62/62), done.
remote: Total 78 (delta 16), reused 60 (delta 14), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (78/78), 46.15 KiB | 964.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16/16), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 --branch=master openssl
Cloning into 'openssl'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 5509, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5509/5509), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4841/4841), done.
remote: Total 5509 (delta 1039), reused 2121 (delta 606), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (5509/5509), 19.18 MiB | 3.28 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1039/1039), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.1 openssl-3.1
Cloning into 'openssl-3.1'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 24626, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24626/24626), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19546/19546), done.
remote: Total 24626 (delta 1936), reused 22089 (delta 1624), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (24626/24626), 22.36 MiB | 3.23 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1936/1936), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.0 openssl-3.0
Cloning into 'openssl-3.0'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 24500, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24500/24500), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19566/19566), done.
remote: Total 24500 (delta 1871), reused 21040 (delta 1481), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (24500/24500), 21.98 MiB | 3.21 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1871/1871), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 --branch=OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable openssl-1.1.1-stable
Cloning into 'openssl-1.1.1-stable'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 18408, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18408/18408), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15196/15196), done.
remote: Total 18408 (delta 963), reused 15616 (delta 679), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (18408/18408), 14.55 MiB | 3.03 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (963/963), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ mkdir data; touch data/newsflash.txt
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ make CHECKOUTS=$(pwd)
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/secadv/
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/vulnerabilities-json/
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/secadv/
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/vulnerabilities-json/
pandoc --print-default-template=html5 \
        | ./bin/mk-pandoc-template html5 > inc/pandoc-template.html5
sed </home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/newsflash.txt >news/ \
    -e '/^#/d' \
    -e 's@^@<tr><td class="d">@' \
    -e 's@: @</td><td class="t">@' \
    -e 's@$@</td></tr>@'
head -7 news/ >
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
wget -q
./bin/mk-committers <Members >community/
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-omc -n -l -t 'OMC Alumni' omc-alumni omc-emeritus > community/
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-omc -n -e -l -p -t 'OMC Members' omc omc-inactive > community/
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-omc -n -p -t 'OTC Members' otc otc-inactive > community/
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
make: *** No rule to make target '/home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.3/', needed by 'news/'.  Stop.

from web.

levitte avatar levitte commented on July 28, 2024

Ah, you need these too:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.2 openssl-3.2
git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.3 openssl-3.3

from web.

hwhsu1231 avatar hwhsu1231 commented on July 28, 2024

Hello, @levitte

Ah, you need these too:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.2 openssl-3.2
git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.3 openssl-3.3

This time, this error showed up:

make: *** No rule to make target '/home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/vulnerabilities-json/.github/workflows/doc_manual.yml', needed by 'news/secjson/.github/workflows/doc_manual.yml'.  Stop.
Click to expand the log
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.2 openssl-3.2
Cloning into 'openssl-3.2'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 5386, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5386/5386), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4725/4725), done.
remote: Total 5386 (delta 1010), reused 2078 (delta 599), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (5386/5386), 18.88 MiB | 2.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1010/1010), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ git clone --depth=1 --branch=openssl-3.3 openssl-3.3
Cloning into 'openssl-3.3'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 5509, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5509/5509), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4839/4839), done.
remote: Total 5509 (delta 1038), reused 2080 (delta 608), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (5509/5509), 19.19 MiB | 2.74 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1038/1038), done.
hwhsu1231@vb-kubuntu:~/Repo/testing/web$ make CHECKOUTS=$(pwd)
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/secadv/
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/vulnerabilities-json/
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/secadv/
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/vulnerabilities-json/
wget -q
./bin/mk-committers <Members >community/
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-omc -n -l -t 'OMC Alumni' omc-alumni omc-emeritus > community/
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-omc -n -e -l -p -t 'OMC Members' omc omc-inactive > community/
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-omc -n -p -t 'OTC Members' otc otc-inactive > community/
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSSL/Query/ line 75.
./bin/from-tt community/
./bin/md-to-html5 community/
./bin/mk-notes 3.3 < /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.3/ > news/
./bin/from-tt -d news -i news/ -o news/ release='3.3'
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/mk-notes 3.2 < /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.2/ > news/
./bin/from-tt -d news -i news/ -o news/ release='3.2'
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/mk-notes 3.1 < /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.1/ > news/
./bin/from-tt -d news -i news/ -o news/ release='3.1'
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/mk-notes 3.0 < /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.0/ > news/
./bin/from-tt -d news -i news/ -o news/ release='3.0'
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
cp /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl/ news/changelog.txt
(echo 'Table of contents'; sed -e '1,/^OpenSSL Releases$/d' < news/changelog.txt) \
        | pandoc -t html5 -f commonmark | ./bin/post-process-html5 >news/
./bin/from-tt 'releases=3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 ' news/
cp /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.3/ news/cl33.txt
cp /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.2/ news/cl32.txt
cp /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.1/ news/cl31.txt
cp /home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/openssl-3.0/ news/cl30.txt
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/from-tt news/
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
./bin/from-tt news/
./bin/md-to-html5 news/
mkdir -p news/secjson
make: *** No rule to make target '/home/hwhsu1231/Repo/testing/web/data/vulnerabilities-json/.github/workflows/doc_manual.yml', needed by 'news/secjson/.github/workflows/doc_manual.yml'.  Stop.

from web.

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