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Comments (28)

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024



整体流程是没有问题的。应该是你的 callback 函数体写得有问题。

this.utils 里并没有 File 这个对象,具体你可以看一下 .\plugin\global\core\plugin.js 文件里的 utils 类

我将上面的 callback 改成如下,发现是可以的:

callback = anchorNode => {
        alert("this is ReplaceBackslash  callback")


from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024



整体流程是没有问题的。应该是你的 callback 函数体写得有问题。

this.utils 里并没有 File 这个对象,具体你可以看一下 .\plugin\global\core\plugin.js 文件里的 utils 类

我将上面的 callback 改成如下,发现是可以的:

callback = anchorNode => {
        alert("this is ReplaceBackslash  callback")



from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024



class ReplaceBackslash extends BaseCustomPlugin {
    callback = async anchorNode => {
        const filepath = this.utils.getFilePath();
        const content = await this.utils.Package.Fs.promises.readFile(filepath, 'utf-8');
        const replacedContent = this.replaceBackslash(content);
        await this.utils.Package.Fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, replacedContent);
        File.reloadContent(replacedContent, {fromDiskChange: false});

    // 在这里写主要的逻辑代码
    replaceBackslash = content => {
        const replacedContent = content.replace(/\\/g, '/');
        return replacedContent

module.exports = { plugin: ReplaceBackslash };

上面代码功能是【将文件中所有的 \ 转换为 /】,并不符合您的预期。


你可以参考 .\plugin\custom\plugins\resourceOperation.js 的做法,它就是先将文件中的图片使用正则匹配出来,再进行其他操作的。

from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024

注意,上面 callback 方法代码的最后一行我写错了,

应该是 File.reloadContent(replacedContent, {fromDiskChange: false});,而不是 File.reloadContent(content, {fromDiskChange: false});

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024

File.reloadContent(replacedContent, {fromDiskChange: false});


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024

File.reloadContent(replacedContent, {fromDiskChange: false});



  • 此插件的难点在于如何才能匹配到正确的 markdown 图片
  • 比如 ![image](assets/image (30).png) ,使用正则很容易匹配成 ![image](assets/image (30
  • 此时需要使用贪婪匹配,然后逐个匹配
  • 可以使用如下正则去匹配 regexp = new RegExp("!\\[.*?\\]\\((?<src1>.*)\\)", "g")

具体可以参考 .\plugin\custom\plugins\resourceOperation.js 的做法

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024
  • regexp = new RegExp("!\[.?\]\((?.)\)", "g")



from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024
class ReplaceBackslash extends BaseCustomPlugin {
    callback = async anchorNode => {
        const filepath = this.utils.getFilePath();
        const content = await this.utils.Package.Fs.promises.readFile(filepath, 'utf-8');
        const replacedContent = this.replaceBackslash(content);
        await this.utils.Package.Fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, replacedContent);
        File.reloadContent(replacedContent, {fromDiskChange: false});

    // 在这里写主要的逻辑代码
    replaceBackslash = content => {
        const regexp = /!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g;
        const replacedContent = content.replace(regexp, (match, desc, src) => {
            // 对图片路径中的反斜杠进行替换
            const replacedSrc = src.replace(/\\/g, '/');
            return `![${desc}](${replacedSrc})`;
        return replacedContent;

module.exports = { plugin: ReplaceBackslash };


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024

好的。此 issue 关闭,有问题麻烦在下面留言,或者另开 issue。

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024

好的。此 issue 关闭,有问题麻烦在下面留言,或者另开 issue。


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024


负责此功能的是 quickButton 插件,你可以通过修改配置添加。

对于你的情况,你可以在 custom_plugin.user.toml 添加如下配置:

#   disable:      禁用此按钮
#   coordinate:   按钮坐标。往上为x轴正方向,往左为y轴正方向,从零开始计数
#   icon:         按钮图标。填入css class。支持font-awesome-4.1.0和ionicons-2.0.1,所有的图标及其对应的css class请参考:  和
#   size(可选):    图标大小。默认17px
#   color(可选):   图标颜色。默认跟随当前主题的配色方案
#   bgColor(可选): 图标背景色。默认跟随当前主题的配色方案
#   hint:         提示信息
#   callback:     回调函数。采用pluginName.MethodName的形式(功能就像hotkey.default.toml中的plugin参数和function参数的合体)
#                     MethodName请通过阅读源码查找。如果您不懂代码,但还是想添加按钮,有个碰运气技巧:在【右键菜单->常用插件->自定义插件下的插件】基本都是XXX.callback,其余插件基本都是
#   evil(危险):    自定义回调函数。功能同hotkey.default.toml中的evil参数(它能用的,这里也能用)。这里的文本内容会被eval()。如果设置此参数,callback参数会失效
buttons = [
    # 默认的按钮
    { disable = false, coordinate = [0, 0], hint = "直达底部", size = "28px", icon = "fa fa-angle-down", callback = "go_top.goBottom" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [1, 0], hint = "直达顶部", size = "28px", icon = "fa fa-angle-up", callback = "go_top.goTop" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [2, 0], hint = "文字风格", size = "17px", icon = "fa fa-font", callback = "" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [3, 0], hint = "混排优化", size = "17px", icon = "fa fa-align-justify", callback = "" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [0, 1], hint = "思维导图", size = "22px", icon = "fa fa-code-fork", callback = "markmap.onButtonClick" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [1, 1], hint = "图片管理", size = "17px", icon = "fa fa-image", callback = "imageReviewer.callback" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [2, 1], hint = "书签管理", size = "17px", icon = "fa fa-bookmark", callback = "scrollBookmarker.callback" },
    { disable = false, coordinate = [3, 1], hint = "高亮搜索", size = "17px", icon = "fa fa-search", callback = "" },

    # 你的按钮
    { disable = false, coordinate = [4, 1], hint = "正斜杠替换斜杠", size = "17px", icon = "fa fa-book", callback = "ReplaceBackslash.callback" },

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024



from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024
  1. 刚刚上面的配置又写错了 😂,是 # 默认的按钮,不是 // 默认的按钮,请看一下编辑历史
  2. 具体的参数你可以看一下上面的注释中的说明
  3. 如有必要,你可以删除默认的按钮(disable置为true),全部都是可配置的。

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024
  1. 刚刚上面的配置又写错了 😂,是 # 默认的按钮,不是 // 默认的按钮,请看一下编辑历史
  2. 具体的参数你可以看一下上面的注释中的说明
  3. 如有必要,你可以删除默认的按钮(disable置为true),全部都是可配置的。


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024

稍后我可能会写个文档发在 issues,因为我做这个插件是用来替换 Hexo 博客图片路径的,希望能帮到同样有这个需求的的 Hexo 用户


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024


//————注意————,这里的 img 路径可以替换为你自己实际的路径

给个建议,插件本身是可以添加配置选项的,可以将硬编码的配置提到 custom_plugin.user.toml 中


# ./plugin/custom/custom_plugin.user.toml

name = "你好世界"
enable = true

	show_message = "this is hello world plugin"
// ./plugin/custom/plugins/helloWorld.js

class helloWorld extends BaseCustomPlugin {
    callback = anchorNode => {

module.exports = { plugin: helloWorld };

from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024

还有英雄所见略同的一点就是,几年以前,我也整过 hexo 的自动化部署,果然大家都比较懒 😂

事实是,就算有了自动化部署工具,我的博客也停在了 2022 年(悲

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024


//————注意————,这里的 img 路径可以替换为你自己实际的路径

给个建议,插件本身是可以添加配置选项的,可以将硬编码的配置提到 custom_plugin.user.toml 中


# ./plugin/custom/custom_plugin.user.toml

name = "你好世界"
enable = true

	show_message = "this is hello world plugin"
// ./plugin/custom/plugins/helloWorld.js

class helloWorld extends BaseCustomPlugin {
    callback = anchorNode => {

module.exports = { plugin: helloWorld };


from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024

还有英雄所见略同的一点就是,几年以前,我也整过 hexo 的自动化部署,果然大家都比较懒 😂

事实是,就算有了自动化部署工具,我的博客也停在了 2022 年(悲


from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024

给个建议,插件本身是可以添加配置选项的,可以将硬编码的配置提到 custom_plugin.user.toml 中


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024

其实我的意思是,你的新的 issue 中,可以将代码中硬编码的 /img/ 改成一个配置选项,毕竟每个人的 hexo 配置都不一样

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024

其实我的意思是,你的新的 issue 中,可以将代码中硬编码的 /img/ 改成一个配置选项,毕竟每个人的 hexo 配置都不一样


img = "img"



from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024


from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024



from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024


from typora_plugin.

obgnail avatar obgnail commented on September 16, 2024



  1. 需要考虑到 <img src="example.jpg"> 的 HTML 图片的情况
  2. 需要考虑到图片的路径中存在右括号的情况: ![image](assets/image (1).png),此时图片路径中的右括号会和图片语法中 []() 的右括号造成歧义
  3. 需要考虑特殊格式的图片(如base64)和网络图片


  1. 贪婪匹配。如下内容 ![image](assets/image (30).png)asdasdasdasd)aaaaa,使用贪婪匹配会得到 ![image](assets/image (30).png)asdasdasdasd)
  2. 从右往左依次重新贪婪匹配,然后挨个检测文件是否存在,一旦检测到文件存在,则返回:
    1. ![image](assets/image (30).png)asdasdasdasd),检测是否存在文件 assets/image (30).png)asdasdasdasd
    2. ![image](assets/image (30).png),检测是否存在文件 assets/assets/image (30).png
    3. ![image](assets/image (30),检测是否存在文件 assets/image (30


name = "替换反斜杠为正斜杠"
enable = true

# 是否忽略html标签<img src="example.jpg">里的资源(markdown是支持插入html的,此选项问是否要忽略img标签)
ignore_image_div = false
img_folder = "img"
class ReplaceBackslash extends BaseCustomPlugin {
    callback = async anchorNode => {
        const filepath = this.utils.getFilePath();
        const content = await this.utils.Package.Fs.promises.readFile(filepath, 'utf-8');
        const replacedContent = await this.format(content);
        await this.utils.Package.Fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, replacedContent);
        File.reloadContent(replacedContent, {fromDiskChange: false});

    format = async content => {
        const dir = this.utils.getCurrentDirPath();
        const regexp = this.config.ignore_image_div
            ? new RegExp("!\\[.*?\\]\\((?<src1>.*)\\)", "g")
            : new RegExp("!\\[.*?\\]\\((?<src1>.*)\\)|<img.*?src=\"(?<src2>.*?)\"", "g")

        return await this.asyncReplace(content, regexp, async (match, src1, src2) => {
            const src = src1 || src2;

            // 跳过特殊格式的图片(如base64)和网络图片
            if (!src || this.utils.isSpecialImage(src) || this.utils.isNetworkImage(src)) return match;

            // 检测图片是否存在于当前电脑中,若不存在,则不处理
            // 如果不希望检测,可以注释掉下面两行
            const realPath = await this.checkImageExist(dir, src);
            if (!realPath) return match;

            return this.replaceBackslash(match, src, realPath);

    // TODO: 我并不了解具体业务,需要你自行编写(下面函数代码是瞎写的)
    // 当前可以使用的变量
    //   1. match: 匹配到子串,如: ![image](assets/image (30).png)
    //   2. src: 匹配到的路径,如:assets/image (30).png
    //   3. realPath: 图片在电脑中的绝对路径,如:D:\\assets\\image (30).png
    replaceBackslash = (match, src, realPath) => {
        const imgFolder = this.config.img_folder;
        if (src.includes('/' + imgFolder + '/')) {
            const newSrc = '/' + imgFolder + src.substring(src.indexOf('/' + imgFolder + '/') + imgFolder.length + 1);
            const index = match.indexOf(src);
            return match.slice(0, index) + match.slice(index).replace(src, newSrc)
        return match

    asyncReplace = (content, regexp, placement) => {
        let match;
        let lastIndex = 0;
        const reg = new RegExp(regexp);
        const promises = [];

        while ((match = reg.exec(content))) {
            const str = content.slice(lastIndex, match.index);
            lastIndex = reg.lastIndex;
            const args = [...match, match.index, match.input];
            if (match.groups) {
            const promise = placement(...args);
            promises.push(str, promise);
        return Promise.all(promises).then(results => results.join(""))

    checkImageExist = async (currentDir, path) => {
        let absolutePath = this.utils.Package.Path.resolve(currentDir, path);

        while (!(await this.utils.existPath(absolutePath))) {
            const idx = absolutePath.lastIndexOf(")");
            if (idx === -1) {
                return new Promise(resolve => resolve(null))
            } else {
                absolutePath = absolutePath.slice(0, idx);
        return new Promise(resolve => resolve(absolutePath))

module.exports = {plugin: ReplaceBackslash};

from typora_plugin.

W1ndys avatar W1ndys commented on September 16, 2024




from typora_plugin.

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