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ae-zoning-api's Issues

Implementation of zoning district adjacent endpoints (Drizzle)


Implement zoning district endpoints using Drizzle. The drizzle endpoints implementation may have outpaced the implementation in Mikro-orm. If the endpoint is not yet suppporeted in Mikro-orm, then the Feature flag route for Mikro Orm should throw an error.

Acceptance criteria

  • The database query is behind a feature flag
  • If the endpoint has not yet been implemented in Mikro-orm, then that Mikro-Orm path should throw an error.
  • The following routes are implemented with drizzle as the orm
    • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
      • non-spatial fields of zoning districts that spatially intersect the tax lot
    • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
      • all fields of zoning district classes for zoning districts that spatially intersect the tax lot
    • zoning-district-classes
      • all fields of all zoning-district-classes
    • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
      • list of color and the class category it represents
    • zoning-district-classes/<id>
      • all fields of the specified zoning-district-class
    • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
      • all fields of all zoning-district-classes associated with the specified zoning district
    • zoning-districts/<uuid>
      • non-spatial fields of specified zoning district


  • blocked by #52

Open API documentation: Document the zoning district class error responses


From discussion #55, document the possible errors for zoning district class endpoints

Acceptance criteria

The following endpoints describe their listed error codes

  • zoning-district-classes
    • 400: Bad request
    • 500: Internal Server Error
  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
    • 400: Bad request
    • 500: Internal Server Error
  • zoning-district-classes/<id>
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error

Related tickets

Blocked by #67

Relevant documentation

The Reusing Responses documentation describes how to use response components to describe a response on an endpoint. Use the appropriate responses created in ticket #67 to describe the responses for these endpoints.

Implement Zod schemas based on OpenAPI document


From discussion #55, we need to validate route parameters. We want to base this validation on the route params detailed in the openapi.yaml file. We are going to use Kubb to generate types and zod schemas based on the openapi spec file. This initial ticket is to create the schemas used for validation, and to implement the 400 validation response for one endpoint. It will be followed by other tickets to actually implement the validation for other endpoints.

Acceptance criteria

  • Install and configure necessary Kubb packages to generate typescript types and Zod schemas based on OpenAPI spec document.
  • Generate types and schema code with Kubb
  • Implement custom Nest validation pipe that uses Zod for validation based on Nest example
  • Implement route param validation for the /tax-lots/<bbl> endpoint to serve as reference code for other endpoints

Open API documentation for colors missing opacity


The description for the colors types omit the opacity from the format and the example. This is reflected in the length of the regex and the structure of the example. These need to be updated.

Also, the index.html has not been rerendered to reflect the restructuring of the category colors.

Acceptance criteria

  • The regex for the category color format is increased from 6 to 8 characters
    • in category colors
    • in land use colors
  • The example color has an opacity of ff appended to it
    • in category colors
    • in land use colors
  • The index.html is regenerated with npm run redoc:build

Implement borough and land use error responses (mikro)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for borough and land use endpoints. Database access is the primary point of errors. This is accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement mikro.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • boroughs
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • land-uses
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #68 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw

Implement zoning district error responses (mikro)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for zoning district endpoints. Schema enforcement and database access are primary points of errors. Each of these are accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement mikro.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>
    • Throws a 400 when the uuid does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no zoning district is are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
    • Throws a 400 when the uuid does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no zoning district is are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #70 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw
blocked by #74 to implement zod schemas

Endpoint implementation: Refactor endpoints that return top-level arrays to instead return objects (Drizzle and Mikro)


Discussion #58 outlines the pitfalls of returning top-level arrays and suggests a refactor to instead return an object in which the array is held as a value in an object. This issue is to update the existing implementations to reflect this structure. (Drizzle and Mikro each have their own queries to implement these endpoints. Though, not all of the endpoints have been implemented in Mikro. If Mikro has implemented this endpoint, then it should be updated to reflect the structure. If Mikro has not implemented this endpoint, it does not need to be updated).

Related Ticket

  • This work is blocked by the Open API documentation in #59

Acceptance criteria

The implementations for the following endpoints are updated to return objects with the following structures:

  • /boroughs
    • { boroughs: Array<borough> }
  • /land-uses
    • { landUses: Array<landUse> }
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
    • { zoningDistricts: Array<zoningDistrict> }
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
    • { zoningDistrictClasses: Array<zoningDistrictClass> }
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
    • { zoningDistrictClasses: Array<zoningDistrictClass> }
  • zoning-district-classes
    • { zoningDistrictClasses: Array<zoningDistrictClass> }
  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
    • { zoningDistrictCatagoryColors: Array<zoningDistrictCatagoryColor> }

Implement tax lot error responses (drizzle)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for tax lot endpoints. Schema enforcement and database access are primary points of errors. Each of these are accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement drizzle. The code examples are meant to show general structure. Actual implementation may vary.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • tax-lots/<bbl>
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format code example
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned code example
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database code example
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/geojson
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #69 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw
blocked by #73 to implement zod schemas

MikroORM Multipolygons


In support of tax lot and zoning district tables, Mikro Orm will need multipolygon geometry and geography types

Acceptance criteria

  • A multipolygon geometry type is usable for table schemas
    • Support multiple coordinate reference systems
  • A multipolygon geography type exists
    • Support multiple coordinate reference systems
    • returns json compatible coordinates

Related issues

  • Blocks #2 and a yet to be created zoning district ticket

Open API documentation for tax lot adjacent endpoints


Open API documentation as outlined in #21, second ticket of three

Acceptance Criteria

  • Open API schemas are written for:
    • land uses with fields that mirror the land use entity
    • tax lots with fields that mirror the tax lot entity
      • replace the land use id with a land use field that returns a whole land use object, instead of just its id
      • replace the borough id with a borough field that returns a whole borough object, instead of just its id
        • (Note: borough schema is already implemented and can be reused here)
      • exclude the spatial fields (wgs84 and li_ft)
  • Open API endpoints with 200 responses are written for the following paths:
    • land-uses
      • returns schema of all land use records
    • tax-lots/<bbl>
      • returns schema for specified tax lot
    • tax-lots/<bbl>/geojson
      • returns geojson for specified tax lot with
        • tax lot schema as properties
        • wgs84 coordinates as geometry
    • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
      • returns list of schema for zoning districts that spatially intersect the tax lot

Is blocked by

OpenAPI documentation: Mark schema properties in Open API as required


Mark all properties guaranteed to be returned by the API as "required" in the OpenAPI documentation

Acceptance Criteria

  • All properties guaranteed to be returned by successful API calls are marked as required.

Discussed in #87

Originally posted by TangoYankee December 6, 2023
@TylerMatteo Should we be more diligent in marking properties/parameters as required in the Open API documentation? I noticed that when we neglect to mark them, Kubb marks them as possible undefined. I think this will lead to more defensive programming than necessary- checking for undefined values where they will never reasonably occur (because an error would have occurred first).

Relevant to any @NYCPlanning/open-source-engineering writing documentation

Refactor: Boroughs and Land Uses - Move database access from service to repository layer (drizzle)


From discussion #63, our placement of database calls in the service files violates the separation of concerns between services and repositories. Services should handle the business logic and repositories should handle the database access.

We want to move the database access from the service to a repository. This is a drizzle-specific implementation. As such, we will need a drizzle specific repository. Mikro-orm already has the repository namespace: ie) borough.repository.ts with a class named BoroughRepository. Consequently, drizzle will use the abbreviated repo namespace to avoid a conflict ie) borough.repo.ts with a class named BoroughRepo.

Acceptance criteria

  • boroughs
    • There is a file created within the borough folder called borough.repo.ts
    • The borough.repo.ts file exports a class called BoroughRepo
    • The BoroughRepo class has db property with access to the drizzle DB provider (tax lot example)
    • Code segments within the borough service that directly access the database are moved to methods within the BoroughRepo class
      • The try-catches wrapping the database access should also be moved to the method inside the BoroughRepo
    • The borough service calls the newly created BoroughRepo methods
    • Add BoroughRepo to list of providers in the borough module
  • land-uses
    • There is a file created within the land-use folder called land-use.repo.ts
    • The land-use.repo.ts file exports a class called LandUseRepo
    • The LandUseRepo class has db property with access to the drizzle DB provider (tax lot example)
    • Code segments within the land use service that directly access the database are moved to methods within the LandUseRepo class
      • The try-catches wrapping the database access should also be moved to the method inside the LandUseRepo
    • The land use service calls the newly created LandUseRepo methods
    • Add LandUseRepo to list of providers in the land use module

Implement tax lot endpoints (drizzle)


In continuation of #46 , we will implement tax-lot related end points using Drizzle. This will require spatial types, schemas, and the endpoints themselves. An example of the spatial types can be found in the drizzle-pgis folder of purple-hawk

Acceptance critera

  • Spatial types are created within a drizzle-pgis folder, inspired by purple-hawk
  • Drizzle schema are implemented for
    • land use
    • tax lot
  • Migrations are created to apply these schema to the database
  • The following endpoints for tax lots are implemented in Drizzle
    • land-uses
    • tax-lots/<bbl>
      • non-spatial tax-lot fields
        • land use value should be a nested land use object
        • borough value should be a nested borough object
    • tax-lots/<bbl>/geojson
      • non-spatial fields as properties
        • land use value should be a nested land use object
        • borough value should be a nested borough object
      • wgs84 as geometry


  • blocked by PR #48 / Issues #46

Open API documentation: Document the borough and land use error responses


From discussion #55, document the possible errors for borough and land use endpoints

Acceptance criteria

  • The boroughs endpoint describes response codes of
    • 400
    • 500
  • The land-uses endpoint describes response codes of
    • 400
    • 500

Related tickets

Blocked by #67

Relevant documentation

The Reusing Responses documentation describes how to use response components to describe a response on an endpoint. Use the appropriate responses created in ticket #67 to describe the responses for these endpoints.

Implement the boroughs endpoint


  • implement the boroughs endpoint in compliance with the openapi documentation
  • Utilize joi to validate requests to the endpoint


  • Depends on the changes for #9 implemented by #17

Implement zoning district class error responses (drizzle)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for zoning district class endpoints. Schema enforcement and database access are primary points of errors. Each of these are accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement drizzle.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • zoning-district-classes
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • zoning-district-classes/<id>
    • Throws a 400 when the id does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no zoning district class is are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #70 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw
blocked by #73 to implement zod schemas

Implement zod schemas (mikro)


From discussion #55, we need to validate route parameters. To facilitate this validation, we will first create zod schemas for the route parameters. (These schemas will apply specifically to mikro-orm because drizzle will have its own schemas generated from its own package.)

Acceptance criteria

  • The following zod schemas are defined within the corresponding entity file.
    • taxLotBblSchemaM
      • format is 10 character string
      • file is tax-lot.entity.ts
    • zoningDistrictIdSchemaM
      • format is uuid
      • file is zoning-district.entity.ts
    • zoningDistrictClassIdSchemaM
      • format is regex of ^((C[1-8])|(M[1-3])|(R([1-9]|10)))$
      • file is zoning-district-class.entity.ts

Implement borough and land use error responses (drizzle)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for borough and land use endpoints. Database access is the primary point of errors. This is accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement drizzle.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • boroughs
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • land-uses
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #68 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw

Implement endpoints to redirect to tilesets


We want frontends to be able to reference a single service for their data needs. However, the vector tilesets are hosted under a digital ocean space with a separate url. To consolidate these services from the perspective of frontends, we want the api to redirect to the spaces

Acceptance criteria

  • There are endpoints in the api that redirect to the tilesets
    • /api/zoning-districts/<z>/<x>/<y>.pbf Redirects to the zoning district tileset where z, x, and y are zoom parameters
    • /api/tax-lots/<z>/<x>/<y>.pbf Redirects to the tax lot tileset, where z, x, and y are zoom parameters
  • The redirect code is 302

Implementation of zoning district endpoint


Implement the zoning district endpoint

Acceptance criteria

  • An endpoint exists that fulfills the OpenApi description outlined in #25
    • Omit tests to expedite development


  • blocked by #25
  • blocked by merging of #24

Add Zoning District db tables schema to Zoning API


Add the schemas related to the zoning district tables outlined in Data Engineering 302 ERD

Acceptance Criteria

  • There is an entity to implement the zoning_district table
    • The spatial types (geometry and geography) are blocked until #16 is merged
    • On branch 2/tax-lot-schema, the tax-lot entity demonstrates how to use the spatial types
  • There is an entity to implement the zoning_district_class table
  • There is a Many to Many relationship between zoning_district and zoning_district_class
  • There is a single migration that creates these two entities and their relationship

Implement tax lot error responses (mikro)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for tax lot endpoints. Schema enforcement and database access are primary points of errors. Each of these are accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement mikro.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • tax-lots/<bbl>
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/geojson
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
    • Throws a 400 when the bbl does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no tax lots are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #69 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw
blocked by #74 to implement zod schemas

Open API documentation: Create the error components


From discussion #55 , create the reusable components of the errors. This includes the error schema and the three responses that use it.

Acceptance criteria

  • There is an error schema following the general structure of the code sample
  • There are error responses following the general structure of the code sample
    • Bad Request
    • Not Found
    • Internal Server Error

Sample code

If copying code directly, be careful to adjust indentation to valid depths. Also, be mindful that the schema key may already exist in the documentation. The error schema should be placed within the existing schema key, rather than creating a new one.

    Bad Request:
      description: Invalid client request.
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
    Not Found:
      description: Requested resource does not exist or is unavailable.
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
    Internal Server Error:
      description: Server side error.
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'

      type: object
          type: number
          type: string
          type: string
        - statusCode
        - message

Endpoint implementation: Refactor Zoning District Classes Category Colors endpoint to return an object (Drizzle and Mikro)


The zoning-district-classes/category-colors endpoint was overlooked in #88. The documentation for the endpoint has been previously updated.

Related Ticket

  • Work to refactor affected endpoints: #88

Acceptance criteria

The implementation for the following endpoint is updated to return an object with the following structure:

  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
    • { zoningDistrictClassCategoryColors: Array<zoningDistrictClassCategoryColor > }

Add Zoning District and Zoning District Class schemas (Drizzle)


Create the drizzle schemas for zoning district, zoning district classes, and their relationships. These schemas are outlined in the ERD written on Data Engineering ticket 302

Acceptance criteria

  • There is a schema for zoning districts
  • There is a schema for zoning district classes
  • There is a schema to hold the relationship between zoning districts and zoning district classes.
  • There is a migration to apply these changes to the database
  • The load.sql file is updated to load the relevant data into the the database

Open API documentation: Document the tax lot error responses


From discussion #55, document the possible errors for tax lot endpoints

Acceptance criteria

The following endpoints describe their listed error codes

  • tax-lots/<bbl>
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/geojson
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error

Related tickets

Blocked by #67

Relevant documentation

The Reusing Responses documentation describes how to use response components to describe a response on an endpoint. Use the appropriate responses created in ticket #67 to describe the responses for these endpoints.

Refactor: Tax Lots - Move database access from service to repository layer (drizzle)


From discussion #63, our placement of database calls in the service files violates the separation of concerns between services and repositories. Services should handle the business logic and repositories should handle the database access.

We want to move the database access from the service to a repository. This is a drizzle-specific implementation. As such, we will need a drizzle specific repository. Mikro-orm already has the repository namespace: ie) tax-lot.repository.ts with a class named TaxLotRepository. Consequently, drizzle will use the abbreviated repo namespace to avoid a conflict ie) tax-lot.repo.ts with a class named TaxLotRepo.

Acceptance criteria

  • tax-lots
    • There is a file created within the tax-lot folder called tax-lot.repo.ts
    • The tax-lot.repo.ts file exports a class called TaxLotRepo
    • The TaxLotRepo class has db property with access to the drizzle DB provider (tax lot example)
    • The #checkTaxLotByBbl prepared query statement is moved to the TaxLotRepo.
      • The execution of the prepared statement should accessed via method on the TaxLotRepo. (In line with the next listed acceptance criteria)
    • Code segments within the tax lot service that directly access the database are moved to methods within the TaxLotRepo class
      • The try-catches wrapping the database access should also be moved to the method inside the TaxLotRepo
    • The tax lot service calls the newly created TaxLotRepo methods
    • Add TaxLotRepo to list of providers in the tax lot module

Integrate drizzle as a feature-flagged option


As a developer, I would like an opportunity to compare Mikro-orm and Drizzle orm. Mikro orm is already integrated into the application but Drizzle is not. I would like to install drizzle orm. Because applications should only be served by a single orm at a time, the use of drizzle should be kept behind a feature flag. Future tickets will implement the full application functionality. However, this ticket should also have an MVP endpoint, to verify a successful installation. An example of integrating drizzle with nest is available at @tangoyankee/purple-hawk

Acceptance criteria

  • A feature flag is configured with an environment variable
    • The variable name is 'FEATURE_FLAG_DRIZZLE' and the value is 1
      • The guard merely checks that the feature flag was set
    • When the feature is disabled (the default), the application uses mikro features and configurations only
    • When the feature is enabled, the application uses drizzle features and configurations only
      • Endpoints that are only implemented with mikro should error when drizzle is the active orm
    • it is not necessary to change the existing npm migration scripts
  • There is a configuration for Drizzle migrations
  • There is a configuration for the application make to database requests using Drizzle
  • The borough endpoint is configured to serve data using Drizzle orm, as a test of the configurations
    • A schema folder is created within the src directory to store drizzle schemas
    • A borough schema is written to implement the borough structure in drizzle.
      • It is contained in a borough.ts file within the schema folder
    • A migration is created to apply the borough schema to a fresh database
    • The borough service makes its database call using drizzle orm

Open API documentation for zoning district adjacent endpoints


Open API documentation as outlined in #21, third ticket of three

Acceptance Criteria

  • Open API schema is written for zoning district classes with fields that mirror the zoning district class entity
    • (Note: zoning district schema is already implemented and can be reused throughout this ticket)
  • Open API endpoints with 200 responses are written for the following paths:
    • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
      • returns class schemas for all zoning districts that spatially intersect the tax lot
    • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
      • returns all class schemas for the specified zoning district
    • zoning-district-classes
      • returns all rows of class schemas
    • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
      • list of color and the class category it represents (may or may not be its own Open API schema)
    • zoning-district-classes/<id>
      • returns class schemas for the specified class

Is blocked by

Open API documentation for zoning district endpoint


Open API documentation as outlined in #21, first ticket of three

Acceptance Criteria

  • An Open API schema is written for zoning districts with fields that mirror the zoning district entity
    • exclude the spatial fields (wgs84 and li_ft)
  • An Open API endpoint with a 200 response is written for the following path:
    • zoning-districts/<uuid>
      • returns non-spatial fields of specified zoning district


Implement zoning district error responses (drizzle)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for zoning district endpoints. Schema enforcement and database access are primary points of errors. Each of these are accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement drizzle.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>
    • Throws a 400 when the uuid does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no zoning district is are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
    • Throws a 400 when the uuid does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no zoning district is are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #70 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw
blocked by #73 to implement zod schemas

Documentation implementation: Refactor documentation for endpoints that return objects instead top-level arrays


Update documentation for endpoints to returning an object in which the array is held as a value in an object.

Related Ticket

  • Work to refactor affected endpoints: #88

Acceptance criteria

The documentation for the paths => /<path> => response => description following endpoints are updated to indicate endpoint will return return objects:

  • /boroughs
  • description: An object containing a list of boroughs
  • /land-uses
  • description: An object containing a list of land uses
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
  • description: An object containing zoning districts
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
  • description: An object containing zoning district class schemas
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
  • description: An object of class schemas for the zoning district
  • zoning-district-classes
  • description: An object containing list of all zoning district class schemas
  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
  • description: An object containing list of all zoning district category colors

Implement zoning district class error responses (mikro)


From discussion #55, we need to implement error handling for zoning district class endpoints. Schema enforcement and database access are primary points of errors. Each of these are accomplished differently in drizzle and mikro. Consequently, they will be implemented separately. This is the ticket to implement mikro.

Acceptance criteria

  • Error handling should be done within the drizzle featureFlag whenever it is an orm-specific handler.
  • Custom exceptions implemented in ticket #72 should be used whenever applicable
  • zoning-district-classes
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database
  • zoning-district-classes/<id>
    • Throws a 400 when the id does not meet the required format
    • Throws a 404 when no zoning district class is are returned
    • Throws a 500 when there is an error accessing the database

Related tickets

blocked by #70 to document the endpoints
blocked by #72 to implement the messages to throw
blocked by #74 to implement zod schemas

OpenAPI documentation: Refactor endpoint that return top level arrays to instead return objects.


Discussion #58 outlines the pitfalls of returning top-level arrays and suggests a refactor to instead return an object in which the array is held as a value in an object. This issue is to update the OpenAPI documentation to reflect this structure.

Acceptance criteria

Open API documentation for the following endpoints are updated to reflect returning objects with the following structures

  • /boroughs
    • { boroughs: Array<borough> }
  • /land-uses
    • { landUses: Array<landUse> }
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts
    • { zoningDistricts: Array<zoningDistrict> }
  • tax-lots/<bbl>/zoning-districts/classes
    • { zoningDistrictClasses: Array<zoningDistrictClass> }
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
    • { zoningDistrictClasses: Array<zoningDistrictClass> }
  • zoning-district-classes
    • { zoningDistrictClasses: Array<zoningDistrictClass> }
  • zoning-district-classes/category-colors
    • { zoningDistrictClassCategoryColors: Array<zoningDistrictClassCategoryColor> }


The actual schema change will be to take the existing schema and nest it inside a property. For example, borough will go from:

                type: array
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Borough'

example branch

                type: object
                    type: array
                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Borough'

Open API documentation: Document the zoning district error responses


From discussion #55, document the possible errors for zoning district endpoints

Acceptance criteria

The following endpoints describe their listed error codes

  • zoning-districts/<uuid>
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error
  • zoning-districts/<uuid>/classes
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500: Internal Server Error

Related tickets

Blocked by #67

Relevant documentation

The Reusing Responses documentation describes how to use response components to describe a response on an endpoint. Use the appropriate responses created in ticket #67 to describe the responses for these endpoints.

Implement reusable exceptions with custom messages


From discussion #55, custom handled errors (in contrast to errors handled automatically by nest) should use exceptions with standardized messages. The standard messages are:

  • 400 from bad url parameter type or format
    • "Invalid data type or format for request parameter"
  • 404 from specified resource id not existing
    • Use the standard "Not Found" Message
  • 500 from database failure
    • "Error while retrieving data"


As these are the first error messages, we will need to create place to hold them (and any future exceptions). This structure is outlined in the first half of the acceptance criteria. An example of this structure is on the experimental branch exp/repo. The custom errors are defined within an error folder. An example of using the error is shown on tax-lot service, line 25

Acceptance Criteria

  • There is an error folder under the src folder
    • The error folder contains three files
      • index.ts
      • exception.ts
      • message.ts
    • the message file defines and exports error messages
      • The messages are constants and use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
    • the exception file defines and exports exceptions
      • The messages use FirstLetterUpperCase and end with Exception, ex) ResourceNotFoundException
      • The exceptions are defined using the appropriate Nest exception initiated with a custom message
    • The index file exports the definitions from the message and exception files to the rest of the application
  • They are defined messages with strings of
    • "Invalid data type or format for request parameter"
    • "Error while retrieving data"
  • There are custom exceptions for
    • Bad url parameters (using the appropriate message and base nest 400 exception)
    • Data retrieval failures (using the appropriate message and base nest 500 exception)
    • Not found resources (use base nest 404 exception, but not a custom message)
  • the index file exports all messages and exceptions

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