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Comments (11)

dignifiedquire avatar dignifiedquire commented on July 16, 2024

👍 I would suggest using highlight.js. I had once a take on docco where I switched the highlighting with highlight.js and it was about 10min of work and less loc.

from groc.

dignifiedquire avatar dignifiedquire commented on July 16, 2024

If there is interest I can provide a PR for highlight.js

from groc.

gersongoulart avatar gersongoulart commented on July 16, 2024

I think that would be cool. I was having a look on highlight.js and it is indeed very interesting.

from groc.

nevir avatar nevir commented on July 16, 2024

Definitely interested in this; I really dislike the dependency on pygments. When I was originally building groc, highlight.js didn't give great results for some languages (Ruby, I think). There's also Ace's syntax highlighters as another option; though I'm not sure how composable they are

from groc.

jaredly avatar jaredly commented on July 16, 2024

highlightjs recomputes every time the page is loaded, if I understand correctly. ... which doesn't seem practical. Unless there's a precompile option...

from groc.

gersongoulart avatar gersongoulart commented on July 16, 2024

@jabapyth the point here is to get rid of the external dependency so we don't have to manually install it every time you set up the document generation in a new machine. Practically, what difference does it make to load highlightjs every time you load a page? Don't you already load tons of javascript in every page you load from the internet anyways (including this one where you're reading this comments)!? Lol :D

from groc.

jaredly avatar jaredly commented on July 16, 2024

hmm right. Although you are already installing groc, so it can't be too much more of a hassle.
I'm generally in favor of avoiding useless work; the docs wont change so it makes sense to me to avoid recomputing everything every pageload. Not to say it will produce a noticable slowdown (though it might on mobile or low-powered clients)...

from groc.

nevir avatar nevir commented on July 16, 2024

When I tried out highlight.js when initially building groc, it didn't cover all the languages I was interested in supporting, and some of the syntax support was subpar compared to pygments. I haven't gone back to take a look at it again, though.

If syntax support has improved; highlight.js would be a reasonable alternative - though I'd much prefer it be an offline process.

What I really want is a library that runs a tmtheme over source and spits out annotated HTML (or an AST). That seems to have the best coverage; plus, it's more consistent with the popular editors (aka TextMate, Sublime, etc)

from groc.

sjorek avatar sjorek commented on July 16, 2024

Please, don't substitute pygments. Make it configurable or separated into packages instead ! If anybody has trouble with implementing an adequate solution, please ping me here in this thread !

But I also like the idea of having less required dependencies, therefore a solution which has an Javascript-based syntax-highlighter as a default without dropping pygments gets definitely a 👍

My reason for not dropping pygments - as far as I know, no other solution provides support for so many syntax-defintions :

$ pygmentize -L

Pygments version 1.6, (c) 2006-2013 by Georg Brandl.


  • Clipper, XBase:
    FoxPro (filenames *.PRG, *.prg)
  • Cucumber, cucumber, Gherkin, gherkin:
    Gherkin (filenames *.feature)
  • RobotFramework, robotframework:
    RobotFramework (filenames *.txt, *.robot)
  • abap:
    ABAP (filenames *.abap)
  • ada, ada95ada2005:
    Ada (filenames *.adb, *.ads, *.ada)
  • ahk:
    autohotkey (filenames *.ahk, *.ahkl)
  • antlr-as, antlr-actionscript:
    ANTLR With ActionScript Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-cpp:
    ANTLR With CPP Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-csharp, antlr-c#:
    ANTLR With C# Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-java:
    ANTLR With Java Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-objc:
    ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-perl:
    ANTLR With Perl Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-python:
    ANTLR With Python Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr-ruby, antlr-rb:
    ANTLR With Ruby Target (filenames *.G, *.g)
  • antlr:
  • apacheconf, aconf, apache:
    ApacheConf (filenames .htaccess, apache.conf, apache2.conf)
  • applescript:
    AppleScript (filenames *.applescript)
  • as, actionscript:
    ActionScript (filenames *.as)
  • as3, actionscript3:
    ActionScript 3 (filenames *.as)
  • aspectj:
    AspectJ (filenames *.aj)
  • aspx-cs:
    aspx-cs (filenames *.aspx, *.asax, *.ascx, *.ashx, *.asmx, *.axd)
  • aspx-vb:
    aspx-vb (filenames *.aspx, *.asax, *.ascx, *.ashx, *.asmx, *.axd)
  • asy, asymptote:
    Asymptote (filenames *.asy)
  • autoit, Autoit:
    AutoIt (filenames *.au3)
  • awk, gawk, mawk, nawk:
    Awk (filenames *.awk)
  • basemake:
    Base Makefile
  • bash, sh, ksh:
    Bash (filenames .sh, *.ksh, *.bash, *.ebuild, *.eclass, .bashrc, bashrc, .bash_, bash_*)
  • bat:
    Batchfile (filenames *.bat, *.cmd)
  • bbcode:
  • befunge:
    Befunge (filenames *.befunge)
  • blitzmax, bmax:
    BlitzMax (filenames *.bmx)
  • boo:
    Boo (filenames *.boo)
  • brainfuck, bf:
    Brainfuck (filenames *.bf, *.b)
  • bro:
    Bro (filenames *.bro)
  • bugs, winbugs, openbugs:
    BUGS (filenames *.bug)
  • c-objdump:
    c-objdump (filenames *.c-objdump)
  • c:
    C (filenames *.c, *.h, *.idc)
  • ca65:
    ca65 (filenames *.s)
  • cbmbas:
    CBM BASIC V2 (filenames *.bas)
  • ceylon:
    Ceylon (filenames *.ceylon)
  • cfengine3, cf3:
    CFEngine3 (filenames *.cf)
  • cfm:
    Coldfusion HTML (filenames *.cfm, *.cfml, *.cfc)
  • cfs:
  • cheetah, spitfire:
    Cheetah (filenames *.tmpl, *.spt)
  • clojure, clj:
    Clojure (filenames *.clj)
  • cmake:
    CMake (filenames *.cmake, CMakeLists.txt)
  • cobol:
    COBOL (filenames *.cob, *.COB, *.cpy, *.CPY)
  • cobolfree:
    COBOLFree (filenames *.cbl, *.CBL)
  • coffee-script, coffeescript:
    CoffeeScript (filenames *.coffee)
  • common-lisp, cl:
    Common Lisp (filenames *.cl, *.lisp, *.el)
  • console:
    Bash Session (filenames *.sh-session)
  • control:
    Debian Control file (filenames control)
  • coq:
    Coq (filenames *.v)
  • cpp, c++:
    C++ (filenames *.cpp, *.hpp, *.c++, *.h++, *.cc, *.hh, *.cxx, *.hxx, *.C, *.H, *.cp, *.CPP)
  • cpp-objdump, c++-objdumb, cxx-objdump:
    cpp-objdump (filenames *.cpp-objdump, *.c++-objdump, *.cxx-objdump)
  • croc:
    Croc (filenames *.croc)
  • csharp, c#:
    C# (filenames *.cs)
  • css+django, css+jinja:
  • css+erb, css+ruby:
  • css+genshitext, css+genshi:
    CSS+Genshi Text
  • css+lasso:
  • css+mako:
  • css+myghty:
  • css+php:
  • css+smarty:
  • css:
    CSS (filenames *.css)
  • cuda, cu:
    CUDA (filenames *.cu, *.cuh)
  • cython, pyx:
    Cython (filenames *.pyx, *.pxd, *.pxi)
  • d-objdump:
    d-objdump (filenames *.d-objdump)
  • d:
    D (filenames *.d, *.di)
  • dart:
    Dart (filenames *.dart)
  • delphi, pas, pascal, objectpascal:
    Delphi (filenames *.pas)
  • dg:
    dg (filenames *.dg)
  • diff, udiff:
    Diff (filenames *.diff, *.patch)
  • django, jinja:
  • dpatch:
    Darcs Patch (filenames *.dpatch, *.darcspatch)
  • dtd:
    DTD (filenames *.dtd)
  • duel, Duel Engine, Duel View, JBST, jbst, JsonML+BST:
    Duel (filenames *.duel, *.jbst)
  • dylan-console, dylan-repl:
    Dylan session (filenames *.dylan-console)
  • dylan-lid, lid:
    DylanLID (filenames *.lid, *.hdp)
  • dylan:
    Dylan (filenames *.dylan, *.dyl, *.intr)
  • ec:
    eC (filenames *.ec, *.eh)
  • ecl:
    ECL (filenames *.ecl)
  • elixir, ex, exs:
    Elixir (filenames *.ex, *.exs)
  • erb:
  • erl:
    Erlang erl session (filenames *.erl-sh)
  • erlang:
    Erlang (filenames *.erl, *.hrl, *.es, *.escript)
  • evoque:
    Evoque (filenames *.evoque)
  • factor:
    Factor (filenames *.factor)
  • fan:
    Fantom (filenames *.fan)
  • fancy, fy:
    Fancy (filenames *.fy, *.fancypack)
  • felix, flx:
    Felix (filenames *.flx, *.flxh)
  • fortran:
    Fortran (filenames *.f, *.f90, *.F, *.F90)
  • fsharp:
    FSharp (filenames *.fs, *.fsi)
  • gas:
    GAS (filenames *.s, *.S)
  • genshi, kid, xml+genshi, xml+kid:
    Genshi (filenames *.kid)
  • genshitext:
    Genshi Text
  • glsl:
    GLSL (filenames *.vert, *.frag, *.geo)
  • gnuplot:
    Gnuplot (filenames *.plot, *.plt)
  • go:
    Go (filenames *.go)
  • gooddata-cl:
    GoodData-CL (filenames *.gdc)
  • gosu:
    Gosu (filenames *.gs, *.gsx, *.gsp, *.vark)
  • groff, nroff, man:
    Groff (filenames *.[1234567], *.man)
  • groovy:
    Groovy (filenames *.groovy)
  • gst:
    Gosu Template (filenames *.gst)
  • haml, HAML:
    Haml (filenames *.haml)
  • haskell, hs:
    Haskell (filenames *.hs)
  • haxeml, hxml:
    Hxml (filenames *.hxml)
  • html+cheetah, html+spitfire:
  • html+django, html+jinja:
  • html+evoque:
    HTML+Evoque (filenames *.html)
  • html+genshi, html+kid:
  • html+lasso:
  • html+mako:
  • html+myghty:
  • html+php:
    HTML+PHP (filenames *.phtml)
  • html+smarty:
  • html+velocity:
  • html:
    HTML (filenames *.html, *.htm, *.xhtml, *.xslt)
  • http:
  • hx, haXe:
    haXe (filenames *.hx)
  • hybris, hy:
    Hybris (filenames *.hy, *.hyb)
  • idl:
    IDL (filenames *.pro)
  • iex:
    Elixir iex session
  • ini, cfg:
    INI (filenames *.ini, *.cfg)
  • io:
    Io (filenames *.io)
  • ioke, ik:
    Ioke (filenames *.ik)
  • irc:
    IRC logs (filenames *.weechatlog)
  • jade, JADE:
    Jade (filenames *.jade)
  • jags:
    JAGS (filenames *.jag, *.bug)
  • java:
    Java (filenames *.java)
  • jlcon:
    Julia console
  • js+cheetah, javascript+cheetah, js+spitfire, javascript+spitfire:
  • js+django, javascript+django, js+jinja, javascript+jinja:
  • js+erb, javascript+erb, js+ruby, javascript+ruby:
  • js+genshitext, js+genshi, javascript+genshitext, javascript+genshi:
    JavaScript+Genshi Text
  • js+lasso, javascript+lasso:
  • js+mako, javascript+mako:
  • js+myghty, javascript+myghty:
  • js+php, javascript+php:
  • js+smarty, javascript+smarty:
  • js, javascript:
    JavaScript (filenames *.js)
  • json:
    JSON (filenames *.json)
  • jsp:
    Java Server Page (filenames *.jsp)
  • julia, jl:
    Julia (filenames *.jl)
  • kconfig, menuconfig, linux-config, kernel-config:
    Kconfig (filenames Kconfig,,*,
  • koka:
    Koka (filenames *.kk, *.kki)
  • kotlin:
    Kotlin (filenames *.kt)
  • lasso, lassoscript:
    Lasso (filenames *.lasso, *.lasso[89])
  • lhs, literate-haskell:
    Literate Haskell (filenames *.lhs)
  • lighty, lighttpd:
    Lighttpd configuration file
  • live-script, livescript:
    LiveScript (filenames *.ls)
  • llvm:
    LLVM (filenames *.ll)
  • logos:
    Logos (filenames *.x, *.xi, *.xm, *.xmi)
  • logtalk:
    Logtalk (filenames *.lgt)
  • lua:
    Lua (filenames *.lua, *.wlua)
  • make, makefile, mf, bsdmake:
    Makefile (filenames .mak, Makefile, makefile, Makefile., GNUmakefile)
  • mako:
    Mako (filenames *.mao)
  • maql:
    MAQL (filenames *.maql)
  • mason:
    Mason (filenames *.m, *.mhtml, *.mc, *.mi, autohandler, dhandler)
  • matlab:
    Matlab (filenames *.m)
  • matlabsession:
    Matlab session
  • minid:
    MiniD (filenames *.md)
  • modelica:
    Modelica (filenames *.mo)
  • modula2, m2:
    Modula-2 (filenames *.def, *.mod)
  • monkey:
    Monkey (filenames *.monkey)
  • moocode:
    MOOCode (filenames *.moo)
  • moon, moonscript:
    MoonScript (filenames *.moon)
  • mscgen, msc:
    Mscgen (filenames *.msc)
  • mupad:
    MuPAD (filenames *.mu)
  • mxml:
    MXML (filenames *.mxml)
  • myghty:
    Myghty (filenames *.myt, autodelegate)
  • mysql:
  • nasm:
    NASM (filenames *.asm, *.ASM)
  • nemerle:
    Nemerle (filenames *.n)
  • newlisp:
    NewLisp (filenames *.lsp, *.nl)
  • newspeak:
    Newspeak (filenames *.ns2)
  • nginx:
    Nginx configuration file
  • nimrod, nim:
    Nimrod (filenames *.nim, *.nimrod)
  • nsis, nsi, nsh:
    NSIS (filenames *.nsi, *.nsh)
  • numpy:
  • objdump:
    objdump (filenames *.objdump)
  • objective-c++, objectivec++, obj-c++, objc++:
    Objective-C++ (filenames *.mm, *.hh)
  • objective-c, objectivec, obj-c, objc:
    Objective-C (filenames *.m, *.h)
  • objective-j, objectivej, obj-j, objj:
    Objective-J (filenames *.j)
  • ocaml:
    OCaml (filenames *.ml, *.mli, *.mll, *.mly)
  • octave:
    Octave (filenames *.m)
  • ooc:
    Ooc (filenames *.ooc)
  • opa:
    Opa (filenames *.opa)
  • openedge, abl, progress:
    OpenEdge ABL (filenames *.p, *.cls)
  • perl, pl:
    Perl (filenames *.pl, *.pm)
  • php, php3, php4, php5:
    PHP (filenames *.php, *.php[345], *.inc)
  • plpgsql:
  • postgresql, postgres:
    PostgreSQL SQL dialect
  • postscript:
    PostScript (filenames *.ps, *.eps)
  • pot, po:
    Gettext Catalog (filenames *.pot, *.po)
  • pov:
    POVRay (filenames *.pov, *.inc)
  • powershell, posh, ps1:
    PowerShell (filenames *.ps1)
  • prolog:
    Prolog (filenames *.prolog, *.pro, *.pl)
  • properties:
    Properties (filenames *.properties)
  • protobuf:
    Protocol Buffer (filenames *.proto)
  • psql, postgresql-console, postgres-console:
    PostgreSQL console (psql)
  • puppet:
    Puppet (filenames *.pp)
  • py3tb:
    Python 3.0 Traceback (filenames *.py3tb)
  • pycon:
    Python console session
  • pypylog, pypy:
    PyPy Log (filenames *.pypylog)
  • pytb:
    Python Traceback (filenames *.pytb)
  • python, py, sage:
    Python (filenames *.py, *.pyw, *.sc, SConstruct, SConscript, *.tac, *.sage)
  • python3, py3:
    Python 3
  • qml, Qt Meta Language, Qt modeling Language:
    QML (filenames *.qml)
  • racket, rkt:
    Racket (filenames *.rkt, *.rktl)
  • ragel-c:
    Ragel in C Host (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel-cpp:
    Ragel in CPP Host (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel-d:
    Ragel in D Host (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel-em:
    Embedded Ragel (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel-java:
    Ragel in Java Host (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel-objc:
    Ragel in Objective C Host (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel-ruby, ragel-rb:
    Ragel in Ruby Host (filenames *.rl)
  • ragel:
  • raw:
    Raw token data
  • rb, ruby, duby:
    Ruby (filenames *.rb, *.rbw, Rakefile, *.rake, *.gemspec, *.rbx, *.duby)
  • rbcon, irb:
    Ruby irb session
  • rconsole, rout:
    RConsole (filenames *.Rout)
  • rd:
    Rd (filenames *.Rd)
  • rebol:
    REBOL (filenames *.r, *.r3)
  • redcode:
    Redcode (filenames *.cw)
  • registry:
    reg (filenames *.reg)
  • rhtml, html+erb, html+ruby:
    RHTML (filenames *.rhtml)
  • rst, rest, restructuredtext:
    reStructuredText (filenames *.rst, *.rest)
  • rust:
    Rust (filenames *.rs, *.rc)
  • sass, SASS:
    Sass (filenames *.sass)
  • scala:
    Scala (filenames *.scala)
  • scaml, SCAML:
    Scaml (filenames *.scaml)
  • scheme, scm:
    Scheme (filenames *.scm, *.ss)
  • scilab:
    Scilab (filenames *.sci, *.sce, *.tst)
  • scss:
    SCSS (filenames *.scss)
  • shell-session:
    Shell Session (filenames *.shell-session)
  • smali:
    Smali (filenames *.smali)
  • smalltalk, squeak:
    Smalltalk (filenames *.st)
  • smarty:
    Smarty (filenames *.tpl)
  • sml:
    Standard ML (filenames *.sml, *.sig, *.fun)
  • snobol:
    Snobol (filenames *.snobol)
  • sourceslist, sources.list:
    Debian Sourcelist (filenames sources.list)
  • sp:
    SourcePawn (filenames *.sp)
  • spec:
    RPMSpec (filenames *.spec)
  • splus, s, r:
    S (filenames *.S, *.R, .Rhistory, .Rprofile)
  • sql:
    SQL (filenames *.sql)
  • sqlite3:
    sqlite3con (filenames *.sqlite3-console)
  • squidconf, squid.conf, squid:
    SquidConf (filenames squid.conf)
  • ssp:
    Scalate Server Page (filenames *.ssp)
  • stan:
    Stan (filenames *.stan)
  • systemverilog, sv:
    systemverilog (filenames *.sv, *.svh)
  • tcl:
    Tcl (filenames *.tcl)
  • tcsh, csh:
    Tcsh (filenames *.tcsh, *.csh)
  • tea:
    Tea (filenames *.tea)
  • tex, latex:
    TeX (filenames *.tex, *.aux, *.toc)
  • text:
    Text only (filenames *.txt)
  • trac-wiki, moin:
    MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup
  • treetop:
    Treetop (filenames *.treetop, *.tt)
  • ts:
    TypeScript (filenames *.ts)
  • urbiscript:
    UrbiScript (filenames *.u)
  • vala, vapi:
    Vala (filenames *.vala, *.vapi)
  •, vbnet: (filenames *.vb, *.bas)
  • velocity:
    Velocity (filenames *.vm, *.fhtml)
  • verilog, v:
    verilog (filenames *.v)
  • vgl:
    VGL (filenames *.rpf)
  • vhdl:
    vhdl (filenames *.vhdl, *.vhd)
  • vim:
    VimL (filenames *.vim, .vimrc, .exrc, .gvimrc, _vimrc, _exrc, _gvimrc, vimrc, gvimrc)
  • xml+cheetah, xml+spitfire:
  • xml+django, xml+jinja:
  • xml+erb, xml+ruby:
  • xml+evoque:
    XML+Evoque (filenames *.xml)
  • xml+lasso:
  • xml+mako:
  • xml+myghty:
  • xml+php:
  • xml+smarty:
  • xml+velocity:
  • xml:
    XML (filenames *.xml, *.xsl, *.rss, *.xslt, *.xsd, *.wsdl)
  • xquery, xqy, xq, xql, xqm:
    XQuery (filenames *.xqy, *.xquery, *.xq, *.xql, *.xqm)
  • xslt:
    XSLT (filenames *.xsl, *.xslt, *.xpl)
  • xtend:
    Xtend (filenames *.xtend)
  • yaml:
    YAML (filenames *.yaml, *.yml)


  • bbcode, bb:
    Format tokens with BBcodes. These formatting codes are used by many bulletin boards, so you can highlight your sourcecode with pygments before posting it there.
  • bmp, bitmap:
    Create a bitmap image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.bmp)
  • gif:
    Create a GIF image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.gif)
  • html:
    Format tokens as HTML 4 <span> tags within a <pre> tag, wrapped in a <div> tag. The <div>'s CSS class can be set by the cssclass option. (filenames *.html, *.htm)
  • img, IMG, png:
    Create a PNG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.png)
  • jpg, jpeg:
    Create a JPEG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.jpg)
  • latex, tex:
    Format tokens as LaTeX code. This needs the fancyvrb and color standard packages. (filenames *.tex)
  • raw, tokens:
    Format tokens as a raw representation for storing token streams. (filenames *.raw)
  • rtf:
    Format tokens as RTF markup. This formatter automatically outputs full RTF documents with color information and other useful stuff. Perfect for Copy and Paste into Microsoft® Word® documents. (filenames *.rtf)
  • svg:
    Format tokens as an SVG graphics file. This formatter is still experimental. Each line of code is a <text> element with explicit x and y coordinates containing <tspan> elements with the individual token styles. (filenames *.svg)
  • terminal, console:
    Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a text console. Color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.
  • terminal256, console256, 256:
    Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a 256-color terminal or console. Like in TerminalFormatter color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.
  • text, null:
    Output the text unchanged without any formatting. (filenames *.txt)


  • raiseonerror:
    Raise an exception when the lexer generates an error token.
  • whitespace:
    Convert tabs, newlines and/or spaces to visible characters.
  • tokenmerge:
    Merges consecutive tokens with the same token type in the output stream of a lexer.
  • highlight:
    Highlight a normal Name token with a different token type.
  • gobble:
    Gobbles source code lines (eats initial characters).
  • codetagify:
    Highlight special code tags in comments and docstrings.
  • keywordcase:
    Convert keywords to lowercase or uppercase or capitalize them, which means first letter uppercase, rest lowercase.


  • monokai:
    This style mimics the Monokai color scheme.
  • manni:
    A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.
  • rrt:
    Minimalistic "rrt" theme, based on Zap and Emacs defaults.
  • perldoc:
    Style similar to the style used in the perldoc code blocks.
  • borland:
    Style similar to the style used in the borland IDEs.
  • colorful:
    A colorful style, inspired by CodeRay.
  • default:
    The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).
  • murphy:
    Murphy's style from CodeRay.
  • vs:
  • trac:
    Port of the default trac highlighter design.
  • tango:
    The Crunchy default Style inspired from the color palette from the Tango Icon Theme Guidelines.
  • fruity:
    Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.
  • autumn:
    A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.
  • bw:
  • emacs:
    The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).
  • vim:
    Styles somewhat like vim 7.0
  • pastie:
    Style similar to the pastie default style.
  • friendly:
    A modern style based on the VIM pyte theme.
  • native:
    Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.

from groc.

killercup avatar killercup commented on July 16, 2024

In #149, I have a PR to use hightlight.js. I'll extend it later to be able to choose between pygments and highlight.

from groc.

sjorek avatar sjorek commented on July 16, 2024

Just for the record: as already explained in #134 (comment) and the following comments, I voted for a modular approach that allows to choose between highlight.js, pygments or whatever one is going to implement via a new command line-switch.

from groc.

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