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Niko Zhong's Projects

android_article icon android_article

Android热更新、异步并发、性能优化、编译打包、适配相关等文档 by yang。huh...The palest ink is better than the best memory.

androidframeworkproject icon androidframeworkproject

Put Android framework source code into Android Studio.将Android Framework源码导入到Android Studio中。

androidhttpcapture icon androidhttpcapture

AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具 是一款Android手机抓包软件 主要功能包括:手机端抓包、PING/DNS/TraceRoute诊断、抓包HAR数据上传分享。你也可以看成是Android版的"Fiddler" \(^o^)/~

androidknowledgesystem icon androidknowledgesystem

The most complete Android advanced route knowledge map ⭐️你想要的最全 Android 进阶路线知识图谱+干货资料收集🚀

androidmem icon androidmem

A adb shell script that collect Android Memory usage

androidnote icon androidnote


androidscreenshare icon androidscreenshare

Android 屏幕共享, 共享你的屏幕和音频到另一台手机 Share your screen and voice to other phone

androidstudioindocker icon androidstudioindocker

Android Studio running in Docker based on Ubuntu 16.04 with VNC, SSH, adb tools and xfce desktop. 一个在Docker中运行的AndroidStudio

aosp-android-jar icon aosp-android-jar


appmanager icon appmanager

A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android

audio_video_streaming icon audio_video_streaming


audiovideostudycodetwo icon audiovideostudycodetwo

基于Android FFmpeg 音视频学习代码第二弹,这是第一弹

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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