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Comments (30)

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

lighttpd would appear to be a royal PiTA to get compiled (requires cmake which is a 10 meg set of binaries I figure won't be popular, unless I'm missing something) will look at mongoose which seems to have less dependencies, but would change msysgit's git's instaweb to default to use mongoose rather than lighttpd ?

from git.

hvoigt avatar hvoigt commented on June 16, 2024

Yes if you can get it working with mongoose more easily I do not see a downside. You probably want to make it the default configuration on msysgit using /etc/gitconfig if you do so though.

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

Ah, ok if this is possible then yes that is a much better solution, I'm currently in some sort of file-path hell, I can fire up instaweb running mongoose which I compiled successfully (and trivially) from within the msysgit environment, but I can't seem to make the file munging play nicely... I'm fairly close, but not without changing the way some things are passed to mongoose (likely *nix incompatible) ... also remembering how bad I am at perl :(

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

Sweet, thanks to some help from @harlandpaul (some abs_path calls seem to be required) I've got a working git instaweb using mongoose with no special magic.

So I can do it ;) I'm just not sure how to package things successfully! I need to add the CGI perl module (as per Issue #9) think I can figure this one out, but I'm stuck on 3 other issues :

  1. I had to copy libiconv-2.dll to the git-core folder (there are various incidents on google suggesting this 'fix', but I'm hopeful for a better path-based solution.. not sure yet)
  2. I need to pull in the source code to mongoose into msysgit/msysgit which is a mercurial repository. What is the preference for doing this, should I just take a snapshot and document the current tagname/commit hash and commit that, or should I commit the whole repo yadda, yadda.
  3. I need to make a small change to Git's instaweb scripts, so presumably I also need to change msysgit/git, if I do do these changes do I just submit two pull requests for the separate projects, wait for the first to be consumed, before updating the second's request with the relevant submodule change? (Sorry if this is dumb)

from git.

hvoigt avatar hvoigt commented on June 16, 2024

Some answers:

  1. Yes there should be another solution
  2. Just write the script that downloads, compiles and installs the binaries into msysgit and commit the script (like e.g. /src/openssl/)
  3. Yes that should be submitted as a seperate pull request on msysgit/git possibly referencing this issue.

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

As for Hg repository: we now have a working git remote-hg, so in theory you can call "git clone hg::". I say "in theory" because it requires a working Python, something I did not manage to build for MinGW (except cross-compiling from Linux).

You can see that things are working beautifully here: (updated via a cron job on a Linux machine I have access to).

As to 3) yes, two pull requests are appropriate, the msysgit one including an update to the /git submodule pointer (which might need to be updated if the pull request for the git repository needs to be adjusted).

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

@dscho Hi, sorry, I've done a stab at following the existing patterns that I can see for importing 3rd party dependencies in ( ciaranj/msysgit@e32bca6 ) but i'm not really quite sure how to proceed. ...

  1. Other dependencies appear to get checked in at the end of their script, is this the correct way to do it in this case as well?
  2. (possibly related to 1) I presume if 1 doesn't happen then I need to add a call to mongoose/ to the WinGit/ file, otherwise I just rely on the WinGit/ copying this (mongoose.exe) across. Which is the
    preferred approach? (presumably this depends on whether you want local 'instaweb' support working for msysgit's Git, as well as for the produced Git artefact?)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024
  1. yes!
  2. you need to adjust copy-files, too.

Great work!

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

So, Progress (but I'm afraid that I need help to even get close to finishing this off);

So, starting with a positive :) An example (no smoke or mirrors) release can be found here: (you will still need to use git instaweb --httpd mongoose to launch it at the moment)

So there's a few steps outstanding;

  1. This pull request on msysgit/msysgit needs to be reviewed, refined and accepted : msysgit/msysgit#15 (I think this is required for Issue #9 too)
  2. I need help to review the work in to determine if I'm doing things 'the right way'
  3. I need help to review the work in (one of these commits may need to go upstream as it updates the mongoose config file syntax to the latest version, alternatively we could figure out (and package) whatever older version was supported) and the other commits are basically doing stuff to handle msysgit path mangling, so hopefully someone better than me can figure out a better/neater solution now I've a working proof-of-concept :)

I've create a branch where the mongoose + cgi branches have been merged and I've re-enabled instaweb (Which is what I used to generate the binary above)

Other than the review process required, there are some functional issues remaining;

  1. The forking/process identifier handling appears broken as re-launching mongoose doesn't work
  2. The snapshot feature of gitweb appears not to do anything

But surprisingly thats all I've noticed :)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

Probably forking Mongoose requires a properly working fork()? Windows does not have that.

Maybe 2) is exactly the same issue?

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

IOW I think that this code is failing:

I could imagine that it tries to execute ".perl" scripts directly, which works on Unix-like systems like Linux because those systems interpret the first line of scripts when they begin with a so-called 'hash-bang', i.e. "#!/usr/bin/perl".

If that is indeed the case, we might need to interpret that line ourselves. Since Mongoose is BSD and Git is GPLv2, we cannot simply copy the relevant code from our compat/mingw.c, unfortunately (Hannes Sixt wrote the useful parse_interpreter() function which would come in handy here).

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

Help! (please) :) I've thrashed about for a few hours on this, but I'm struggling. I can get mongoose launching as is (not sure if this is related to the above 2 comments or not) when running as part of WinGit, and I can get it launching happily as part of MsysGit if I copy libiconv-2.dll from /mingw/bin to /bin ... but if I do this I can no longer switch msysgit branches as the git that executes has 'found' libiconv-2.dll in the /bin folder, and locked it so the checkout can't complete :(

So :) I figured I had to somehow get /mingw/bin on the path that belongs to the environment that git.exe is being executed in by gitweb.exe (when doing instaweb from within msysgit)

Using process explorer (the old sysinternals tool) I can see that I can succesfully pass the path with /mingw/bin pre-pended to the front into mongoose which then happily passes that onto the CGI script (gitweb.cgi) .. which then appears to re-execute perl (succesfully passing in the path) which then executes git.exe .. however at this point the PATH is set to '' (blank)

I know nothing about perl :( but I figure it is something to do with the lines that look like:

open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash

Where git_cmd() returns the path to the git.exe and a git directory location. I guess my question is, how do get 'PATH' so it is set correctly when 'git_cmd()' is executed? .. or am I (still) barking up the wrong tree !

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

@ciaranj thank you for the thorough analysis! However, I am not quite sure where exactly PATH is ''. Is it already when the .cgi is run, or when the .cgi calls cat-file, or when Git starts up? I do not see any PATH mangling in gitweb.cgi here... so I suspect that something fishy is going on either in our compat/mingw.c or in Mongoose.

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

So, when I use process explorer ( ) and select the 'git.exe' process that is eventually launched by cgiweb and I inspect the environment through the tool I see that 'PATH' is set to blank (but other environemntals such as GITWEB_CONF are set!)

There is some path mangling (I think) in where it executes '. git-sh-setup' ... but the git.exe process is '2 levels' in/down from that script and in-between scripts seem to have the correct path .. I imagine this will turn out to be something simple, but perl/cgi is not something I have much (any!) familiarity with sorry :(

from git.

terminatorul avatar terminatorul commented on June 16, 2024

Well I could run gitweb.cgi as a normal CGI under apache, but it needed the $GIT variable to be set to the git executable. Do you have it ? I actually set $GIT_BIN first, than GIT="$GIT_BIN/git.exe". Do you have these ?

And I also had to copy the .dll files to the bin directory, but if that is not good enough for this case, than try making an Windows NTFS hard-link than (with mklink as Administrator or just try with fsutil), and see what happens. Or try with a symbolic link, that might be better

I don't know if that will get you somewhere, but it is still something you can try

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

Well I could run gitweb.cgi as a normal CGI under apache, but it needed the $GIT variable to be set to the git executable.
Do you have it ? I actually set $GIT_BIN first, than GIT="$GIT_BIN/git.exe". Do you have these ?

Nope, that's fine git.exe is located and used just peachy :)

And I also had to copy the .dll files to the bin directory, but if that is not good enough for this case, than try making an Windows NTFS hard-link than (with mklink as Administrator or just try with fsutil), and see what happens. Or try with a symbolic link, that might be better

:) I guess I wasn't clear, but I've got everything working just A-OK with the WinGit that gets packaged by this project, the issue I'm having is actually when running in the msysgit environment which won't affect most users, but needs to be addressed (I would expect/imagine) before msysgit will be willing to accept my patches :)

I don't know if that will get you somewhere, but it is still something you can try

Thank you, all helps gratefully received!

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

@terminatorul I advise against using symbolic links, someone in the community had to spend serious time figuring out an issue with them. Hardlinks, however, continue to work as in the good old DOS times (yeah, the "good" was ironic).

@ciaranj I am afraid that I had problems when I tried to set up a system here, running from msysGit:

set_ports_option: cannot bind to 1234: No error

(This was in .git/gitweb/mongoose/error.log)

Speaking of the paths: Maybe we want to put the "pid" file into .git/gitweb/? Or is this git-instaweb in general that puts it into .git/? Likewise, the access.log and error.log might be better put into .git/gitweb/, no?

Since you have a working setup, though, can you insert debug statements into gitweb.cgi to find out where PATH is unset? Something like

`echo "line 1337: $(date) $PATH" >> C:/mongoose.log`;

should work (this breaks out of Perl, executes shell -- where this particular operation is simpler -- and appends to the file C:/mongoose.log (creating it if it is not yet there). By changing the line numbers accordingly when littering gitweb.cgi with those lines, it should be possible to debug this issue -- the old way.


from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

Oops. I spoke too soon. Basically, I gave up installing this last night when my yawns threatened to swallow the laptop. The reason I thought it did not work is my famous impatience. git instaweb always kept on loading in a web browser and did not show anything.

I stupidly thought that instaweb would not search the complete subdirectory structure, so I had no problems testing this on /.git, i.e. msysGit itself. When I just looked at my VM, the page finally loaded!

And I clicked on a revision's ''snapshot'' link and it worked... ;-)

(FWIW I did set git config --system instaweb.httpd mongoose for my experiments.)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

FWIW I fixed a bug in post-install and pushed it to ''devel'' while in the process of hacking a little on your ''add_mongoose'' branch. Can you have a look at and in particular at msysgit/msysgit@eaa70e4 and msysgit/msysgit@ce66386? If you like them, you could squash the first into your initial commit and adjust the second after supporting the 'mongoose3' value of ''instaweb.httpd''.

Thank you, this is fun! (And distraction from work... ;-)

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

@dscho thank you for fixing that submodules behaviour, that was biting me a little (I forgot on numerous occasions to make sure I was 'up-to-date', and would inherit that in a commit)

In terms of msysgit/msysgit@ce66386 I already have that covered in ciaranj/msysgit@3659460 but I can cherry-pick yours across if you'd prefer?


`echo "line 1337: $(date) $PATH" >> C:/mongoose.log`;

This could be the answer I needed, I've been struggling getting output of the script to do this kind of diagnostic, made figuring stuff out pretty painful, I'll report back :)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

@ciaranj you're welcome! (I like helping people who help me, and I did not know about Mongoose, that was a pleasant surprise, especially since it is so neatly small.)

As to your commit changing etc/gitconfig, I missed that, sorry. Just keep yours.


from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

Ok, so I think I'm making progress, but very slowly :(
The following code at the start of gitweb.cgi (at line 23) :

my $key;
foreach $key (sort keys(%ENV)) {
    `echo "$key :: $ENV{$key}" >> C:/mongoose.log`; 

Then the output I see in the mongoose.log contains (amongst other lines) :

GITWEB_CONFIG :: C:/msysgit/.git/gitweb/gitweb_config.perl
GIT_DIR :: C:/msysgit/.git
GIT_EXEC_PATH :: C:\msysgit/libexec/git-core
HTTP_COOKIE :: gitweb_tz=utc
HTTP_USER_AGENT :: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.52 Safari/536.5
PATH_TRANSLATED :: C:/msysgit/share/gitweb\gitweb.cgi

So, The GITWEB_CONFIG is being passed from instaweb, GATEWAY_INTERFACE, REMOTE_PORT etc. clearly being passed from mongoose, but the PATH is blank!!

Off I pop to mongoose.c, specifically to prepare_cgi_environment(...) . If I re-compile mongoose to log heavily, and add a debug statement in at line 2873 (the next 2 lines are contextual) along the lines of:

if ((s = getenv("path")) != NULL)
    addenv(blk, "PATH=%s", s);
DEBUG_TRACE(("path: %s", getenv("path")));

It dumps out (correctly) the full path I expect, which suggest to me/puzzles me that somewhere the Path that has been added to that environment block has been stripped, but I can't see that in the code :( any ideas? anyone ? :)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

@ciaranj I see that the 'path' tag is inconsistently lower-case and upper-case. Maybe that is the issue?

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

@dscho lunch hour progress ;) If I hack mongoose.c#prepare_cgi_environment so that;
a) I change line 2872 to be

addenv(blk, "PATH=%s", "c:/msysgit/mingw/bin");


b) Ignore the passed in path from the instaweb created config:

  // Add user-specified variables
  s = conn->ctx->config[CGI_ENVIRONMENT];
  while ((s = next_option(s, &var_vec, NULL)) != NULL) {
    if( !(var_vec.ptr[0] == 'P' && var_vec.ptr[1] == 'A') ) {
        addenv(blk, "%.*s", var_vec.len, var_vec.ptr);

Then it works ! ;) .. Just need to figure out the right change to make, ...if I only 'need' the latter, then I can just change instaweb not to specify a path at all to the interpreter (it will inherit mongoose.exe' which for our purpose is correct [I think] )

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

@ciaranj Oh, so instaweb's config sets the PATH?

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

@dscho Yes, it passes in various settings relating to GIT_WEB ... the end result of mongoose' setting up of the CGI environment is actually 2 PATH entries ... which (it seems) the perl gets (at some point) resolved to a single blank PATH entry ! :)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

I see. My mongoose.conf has this line:

cgi_environment PATH=/usr/libexec/git-core:/usr/bin:/c/Users/VirtualBox/bin:.:/usr/local/bin:/usr/mingw/bin:/usr/bin:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/,GIT_DIR=C:/msysgit/.git,GIT_EXEC_PATH=C:\msysgit/libexec/git-core,GITWEB_CONFIG=C:/msysgit/.git/gitweb/gitweb_config.perl

@ciaranj how does yours look like?

from git.

ciaranj avatar ciaranj commented on June 16, 2024

@dscho Sorry man I've been outta the country, I'll get back on this tomorrow :)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

@ciaranj no worries. I'm outta the country myself ;-)

from git.

dscho avatar dscho commented on June 16, 2024

For people interested to pick up the ball:

from git.

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