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我对比了几种B+树的实现,你的代码封装得很漂亮,我完完整整地学习和测试了一下,简单改写之后发现 remove 方法有问题,如有时间,你也可以验证一下。 about memorybasedbplustree HOT 3 CLOSED

zuiyue avatar zuiyue commented on June 14, 2024
我对比了几种B+树的实现,你的代码封装得很漂亮,我完完整整地学习和测试了一下,简单改写之后发现 remove 方法有问题,如有时间,你也可以验证一下。

from memorybasedbplustree.

Comments (3)

zuiyue avatar zuiyue commented on June 14, 2024

这是我简单改写的,为了能和TreeMap 对比测试,好验证逻辑问题,测试的次数多的时候,加入remove方法就会报错

import java.util.*;

public class BPlusTree<K extends Comparable, E> {

private final int KEY_UPPER_BOUND;

private final int UNDERFLOW_BOUND;

private BPlusTreeNode root;

public BPlusTree(int order) {
    this.KEY_UPPER_BOUND = order - 1;

public BPlusTree() {
    this.KEY_UPPER_BOUND = 8;

public void insert(K entry, E value) {

    if (root == null) {
        root = new BPlusTreeLeafNode(asList(entry), asList(value));

    BPlusTreeNode newChildNode = root.insert(entry, value);
    if (newChildNode != null) {
        K newRootEntry = newChildNode.getClass().equals(BPlusTreeLeafNode.class)
                ? newChildNode.entries.get(0)
                : ((BPlusTreeNonLeafNode) newChildNode).findLeafEntry(newChildNode);
        root = new BPlusTreeNonLeafNode(asList(newRootEntry), asList(root, newChildNode));


public E query(K entry) {
    if (root == null) {
        return null;
    return root.query(entry);

public List<E> rangeQuery(K startInclude, K endExclude) {
    if (root == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    return root.rangeQuery(startInclude, endExclude);

/* public boolean update(K entry, E oldValue, E newValue) {
if (root == null) {
return false;

    return root.update(entry, oldValue, newValue);

/* public boolean remove(K entry, E value) {
if (root == null) {
return false;

    RemoveResult removeResult = root.remove(entry);
    if (!removeResult.isRemoved) {
        return false;

    if (root.entries.isEmpty()) {

    return true;

public boolean remove(K entry) {
    if (root == null) {
        return false;

    RemoveResult removeResult = root.remove(entry);
    if (!removeResult.isRemoved) {
        return false;

    if (root.entries.isEmpty()) {

    return true;

private void handleRootUnderflow() {
    root = root.getClass().equals(BPlusTreeLeafNode.class) ? null : ((BPlusTreeNonLeafNode) root).children.get(0);

private final <T> List<T> asList(T... e) {
    List<T> res = new ArrayList<>();
    Collections.addAll(res, e);
    return res;

private final <T> Set<T> asSet(T... e) {
    Set<T> res = new HashSet<>();
    Collections.addAll(res, e);
    return res;

public String toString() {
    return root.toString();

private abstract class BPlusTreeNode {

    protected List<K> entries;

    protected boolean isFull() {
        return entries.size() == KEY_UPPER_BOUND;

    protected boolean isUnderflow() {
        return entries.size() < UNDERFLOW_BOUND;

    protected int getMedianIndex() {
        return KEY_UPPER_BOUND / 2;

    protected int findEntryIndex(K entry) {
        int l = 0;
        int r = entries.size() - 1;
        int index = entries.size();
        while (l <= r) {
            int mid = l + ((r - l) >> 1);
            if (entries.get(mid).compareTo(entry) >= 0) {
                index = mid;
                r = mid - 1;
            } else {
                l = mid + 1;
        return index;

    public abstract List<E> rangeQuery(K startInclude, K endExclude);

    public abstract E query(K entry);

    public abstract BPlusTreeNode insert(K entry, E value);

  //  public abstract boolean update(K entry, E oldValue, E newValue);

    public abstract RemoveResult remove(K entry);

 /*   public abstract RemoveResult remove(K entry, E value);*/

    public abstract void combine(BPlusTreeNode neighbor, K parentEntry);

    public abstract void borrow(BPlusTreeNode neighbor, K parentEntry, boolean isLeft);

private class BPlusTreeNonLeafNode extends BPlusTreeNode {

    public List<BPlusTreeNode> children;

    public BPlusTreeNonLeafNode(List<K> entries, List<BPlusTreeNode> children) {
        this.entries = entries;
        this.children = children;

    public List<E> rangeQuery(K startInclude, K endExclude) {
        return children.get(findChildIndex(findEntryIndex(startInclude), startInclude)).rangeQuery(startInclude, endExclude);

    public E query(K entry) {
        return children.get(findChildIndex(findEntryIndex(entry), entry)).query(entry);

/* @OverRide
public boolean update(K entry, E oldValue, E newValue) {
return children.get(findChildIndex(findEntryIndex(entry), entry)).update(entry, oldValue, newValue);
public BPlusTreeNode insert(K entry, E value) {
BPlusTreeNode newChildNode = children.get(findChildIndex(findEntryIndex(entry), entry)).insert(entry, value);

        if (newChildNode != null) {
            K newEntry = findLeafEntry(newChildNode);
            int newEntryIndex = findEntryIndex(newEntry);
            if (isFull()) {
                BPlusTreeNonLeafNode newNonLeafNode = split();
                int medianIndex = getMedianIndex();
                if (newEntryIndex < medianIndex) {
                    entries.add(newEntryIndex, newEntry);
                    children.add(newEntryIndex + 1, newChildNode);
                } else {
                    int rightIndex = newNonLeafNode.findEntryIndex(newEntry);
                    newNonLeafNode.entries.add(rightIndex, newEntry);
                    newNonLeafNode.children.add(rightIndex, newChildNode);
                return newNonLeafNode;

            entries.add(newEntryIndex, newEntry);
            children.add(newEntryIndex + 1, newChildNode);

        return null;

    public RemoveResult remove(K entry) {
        int entryIndex = findEntryIndex(entry);
        int childIndex = findChildIndex(entryIndex, entry);
        BPlusTreeNode childNode = children.get(childIndex);
        RemoveResult removeResult = childNode.remove(entry);
        if (!removeResult.isRemoved) {
            return removeResult;

        if (removeResult.isUnderflow) {
            this.handleUnderflow(childNode, childIndex, entryIndex);

        return new RemoveResult(true, isUnderflow());

  /*  @Override
    public RemoveResult remove(K entry, E value) {
        int entryIndex = findEntryIndex(entry);
        int childIndex = findChildIndex(entryIndex, entry);
        BPlusTreeNode childNode = children.get(childIndex);
        RemoveResult removeResult = childNode.remove(entry, value);
        if (!removeResult.isRemoved) {
            return removeResult;

        if (removeResult.isUnderflow) {
            this.handleUnderflow(childNode, childIndex, entryIndex);

        return new RemoveResult(true, isUnderflow());

    public void combine(BPlusTreeNode neighbor, K parentEntry) {
        BPlusTreeNonLeafNode nonLeafNode = (BPlusTreeNonLeafNode) neighbor;

    public void borrow(BPlusTreeNode neighbor, K parentEntry, boolean isLeft) {
        BPlusTreeNonLeafNode nonLeafNode = (BPlusTreeNonLeafNode) neighbor;
        if (isLeft) {
            this.entries.add(0, parentEntry);
            this.children.add(0, nonLeafNode.children.get(nonLeafNode.children.size() - 1));
            nonLeafNode.children.remove(nonLeafNode.children.size() - 1);
            nonLeafNode.entries.remove(nonLeafNode.entries.size() - 1);
        } else {

    public K findLeafEntry(BPlusTreeNode cur) {
        if (cur.getClass().equals(BPlusTreeLeafNode.class)) {
            return cur.entries.get(0);
        return findLeafEntry(((BPlusTreeNonLeafNode) cur).children.get(0));

    private void handleUnderflow(BPlusTreeNode childNode, int childIndex, int entryIndex) {
        BPlusTreeNode neighbor;
        if (childIndex > 0 && (neighbor = this.children.get(childIndex - 1)).entries.size() > UNDERFLOW_BOUND) {

            childNode.borrow(neighbor, this.entries.get(reviseEntryIndex(entryIndex)), true);
            this.entries.set(reviseEntryIndex(entryIndex), childNode.getClass().equals(BPlusTreeNonLeafNode.class) ? findLeafEntry(childNode) : childNode.entries.get(0));

        } else if (childIndex < this.children.size() - 1 && (neighbor = this.children.get(childIndex + 1)).entries.size() > UNDERFLOW_BOUND) {

            childNode.borrow(neighbor, this.entries.get(entryIndex), false);
            this.entries.set(entryIndex, childNode.getClass().equals(BPlusTreeNonLeafNode.class) ? findLeafEntry(neighbor) : neighbor.entries.get(0));

        } else {

            if (childIndex > 0) {
                // combine current child to left child
                neighbor = this.children.get(childIndex - 1);
                neighbor.combine(childNode, this.entries.get(reviseEntryIndex(entryIndex)));

            } else {
                // combine right child to current child
                neighbor = this.children.get(childIndex + 1);
                childNode.combine(neighbor, this.entries.get(entryIndex));
                this.children.remove(childIndex + 1);



    private int reviseEntryIndex(int entryIndex) {
        return Math.min(this.entries.size() - 1, entryIndex);

    private int findChildIndex(int entryIndex, K entry) {
        return (entryIndex == entries.size() || entry.compareTo(entries.get(entryIndex)) < 0) ? entryIndex : entryIndex + 1;

    private BPlusTreeNonLeafNode split() {
        int medianIndex = getMedianIndex();
        List<K> allEntries = entries;
        List<BPlusTreeNode> allChildren = children;

        this.entries = new ArrayList<>(allEntries.subList(0, medianIndex));
        this.children = new ArrayList<>(allChildren.subList(0, medianIndex + 1));

        List<K> rightEntries = new ArrayList<>(allEntries.subList(medianIndex, allEntries.size()));
        List<BPlusTreeNode> rightChildren = new ArrayList<>(allChildren.subList(medianIndex + 1, allChildren.size()));
        return new BPlusTreeNonLeafNode(rightEntries, rightChildren);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
        Queue<BPlusTreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int size = queue.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                BPlusTreeNode cur = queue.poll();
                assert cur != null;
                res.append(cur.entries).append("  ");
                if (cur.getClass().equals(BPlusTreeNonLeafNode.class)) {
                    queue.addAll(((BPlusTreeNonLeafNode) cur).children);
        return res.toString();

private class BPlusTreeLeafNode extends BPlusTreeNode {

    public List<E> data;

    public BPlusTreeLeafNode next;

    public BPlusTreeLeafNode(List<K> entries, List<E> data) {
        this.entries = entries; = data;

    public List<E> rangeQuery(K startInclude, K endExclude) {
        List<E> res = new ArrayList<>();
        int start = findEntryIndex(startInclude);
        int end = findEntryIndex(endExclude);
        for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
        BPlusTreeLeafNode nextLeafNode = next;
        while (nextLeafNode != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nextLeafNode.entries.size(); ++i) {
                if (nextLeafNode.entries.get(i).compareTo(endExclude) < 0) {
                } else {
                    return res;
            nextLeafNode =;
        return res;

    public E query(K entry) {
        int entryIndex = getEqualEntryIndex(entry);
        return entryIndex == -1 ? null : data.get(entryIndex);

/* @OverRide
public boolean update(K entry, E oldValue, E newValue) {
int entryIndex = getEqualEntryIndex(entry);
if (entryIndex == -1 || !data.get(entryIndex).contains(oldValue)) {
return false;

// data.get(entryIndex).remove(oldValue);
// data.get(entryIndex).add(newValue);
return true;

    public RemoveResult remove(K entry) {
        int entryIndex = getEqualEntryIndex(entry);
        if (entryIndex == -1) {
            return new RemoveResult(false, false);


        return new RemoveResult(true, isUnderflow());

/* @OverRide
public RemoveResult remove(K entry, E value) {
int entryIndex = getEqualEntryIndex(entry);
if (entryIndex == -1 || !data.get(entryIndex).contains(value)) {
return new RemoveResult(false, false);

        if (data.get(entryIndex).isEmpty()) {

        return new RemoveResult(true, isUnderflow());

    public void combine(BPlusTreeNode neighbor, K parentEntry) {
        BPlusTreeLeafNode leafNode = (BPlusTreeLeafNode) neighbor;
        this.entries.addAll(leafNode.entries);; =;

    public void borrow(BPlusTreeNode neighbor, K parentEntry, boolean isLeft) {
        BPlusTreeLeafNode leafNode = (BPlusTreeLeafNode) neighbor;
        int borrowIndex;

        if (isLeft) {
            borrowIndex = leafNode.entries.size() - 1;
            this.entries.add(0, leafNode.entries.get(borrowIndex));
        } else {
            borrowIndex = 0;


    public BPlusTreeNode insert(K entry, E value) {
        int equalEntryIndex = getEqualEntryIndex(entry);
        if (equalEntryIndex != -1) {
            return null;

        int index = findEntryIndex(entry);

        if (isFull()) {
            BPlusTreeLeafNode newLeafNode = split();
            int medianIndex = getMedianIndex();
            if (index < medianIndex) {
                entries.add(index, entry);
            } else {
                int rightIndex = index - medianIndex;
                newLeafNode.entries.add(rightIndex, entry);
      , value);
            return newLeafNode;

        entries.add(index, entry);
        data.add(index, value);
        return null;

    private BPlusTreeLeafNode split() {
        int medianIndex = getMedianIndex();
        List<K> allEntries = entries;
        List<E> allData = data;

        this.entries = new ArrayList<>(allEntries.subList(0, medianIndex)); = new ArrayList<>(allData.subList(0, medianIndex));

        List<K> rightEntries = new ArrayList<>(allEntries.subList(medianIndex, allEntries.size()));
        List<E> rightData = new ArrayList<>(allData.subList(medianIndex, allData.size()));
        BPlusTreeLeafNode newLeafNode = new BPlusTreeLeafNode(rightEntries, rightData); =; = newLeafNode;
        return newLeafNode;

    private int getEqualEntryIndex(K entry) {
        int l = 0;
        int r = entries.size() - 1;
        while (l <= r) {
            int mid = l + ((r - l) >> 1);
            int compare = entries.get(mid).compareTo(entry);
            if (compare == 0) {
                return mid;
            } else if (compare > 0) {
                r = mid - 1;
            } else {
                l = mid + 1;
        return -1;

    public String toString() {
        return entries.toString();

private static class RemoveResult {

    public boolean isRemoved;

    public boolean isUnderflow;

    public RemoveResult(boolean isRemoved, boolean isUnderflow) {
        this.isRemoved = isRemoved;
        this.isUnderflow = isUnderflow;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    TreeMap<Integer, Integer> treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
    BPlusTree<Integer, Integer> sbTree = new BPlusTree<>(5);

    int times=100000000;
    int maxKey=500;
    int maxValue=100000;
    int count=0;

    for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        int key= (int)(Math.random()*maxKey);
        int value= (int)(Math.random()*maxValue);
        if(Math.random()> 0.1){

        int deleteKey=0;
        if(Math.random()< 0.5){
            deleteKey= (int)(Math.random()*maxKey);
        int getKey= (int)(Math.random()*maxKey);

        Integer treeMapGetkey = treeMap.get(getKey);

        Integer avlGetkey = sbTree.query(getKey);

        if((treeMapGetkey !=null && avlGetkey ==null) ||(treeMapGetkey ==null && avlGetkey !=null) ){
            System.out.println("get==> you are die!1  "+getKey+"  "+treeMapGetkey +"  "+ avlGetkey+"  delete:"+deleteKey);

        if(treeMapGetkey !=null && avlGetkey !=null && !treeMapGetkey.equals(avlGetkey) ){
            System.out.println("get==> you are die!2  "+getKey+"  "+treeMapGetkey +"  "+ avlGetkey);


    System.out.println("end "+count);



from memorybasedbplustree.

zuiyue avatar zuiyue commented on June 14, 2024


from memorybasedbplustree.

Morgan279 avatar Morgan279 commented on June 14, 2024


我将 entry index 的关键逻辑又重写了一遍,并按照你的思路新增了一个混沌测试测试用例:

    public void chaoticTest() {
        TreeMap<Integer, Integer> treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
        BPlusTree<Integer, Integer> bPlusTree = new BPlusTree<>();
        int times = 100000000;
        int maxKey = 500;
        int maxValue = 100000;

        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
            int key = (int) (Math.random() * maxKey);
            int value = (int) (Math.random() * maxValue);
            if (Math.random() > 0.1) {
                treeMap.put(key, value);
                if (!bPlusTree.query(key).isEmpty()) {
                bPlusTree.insert(key, value);
            if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
                int deleteKey = (int) (Math.random() * maxKey);
                Integer deletedValue = treeMap.remove(deleteKey);
                boolean deleted = bPlusTree.remove(deleteKey);
                Assertions.assertTrue((deletedValue == null && !deleted) || (deletedValue != null && deleted));

            int getKey = (int) (Math.random() * maxKey);
            Integer exceptedValue = treeMap.get(getKey);
            List<Integer> actualValues = bPlusTree.query(getKey);
            Assertions.assertTrue((exceptedValue == null && actualValues.isEmpty()) || (exceptedValue != null && actualValues.contains(exceptedValue)));


如果还有其他问题,欢迎再提 issue。

from memorybasedbplustree.

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