Related Issues (20)
- [Bug]: Error: EPERM HOT 3
- [Bug]: The type method needs to be re-instated HOT 1
- [Bug]: MSedge browser not installing, dependent on repo that has no current release file HOT 1
- [Regression]: `route.continue` now maintains headers through redirects which does not match documentation HOT 1
- [Questions] does Playwright support Tray from Electron (without BrowserWindow)? HOT 1
- [Feature]: Allow to use page after a test failed HOT 1
- [Feature]: Annotation styling options
- MaxListenersExceededWarning when running fetch tests
- [Bug]: InjectedScript.expectHitTarget returns wrong result
- [Bug]: Error: Requiring @playwright/test second time when running some tests with VS Code TestExplorer
- [Bug]: Error: Requiring @playwright/test second time when running some tests with VS Code Test Explorer HOT 9
- [internal] Investigate fetch timings when Socket is reused HOT 1
- [Bug]: Application working very slow with playwright HOT 5
- [Feature]: Show tags in list reporter when using tag array syntax
- [Bug]: Browser takes noticeably longer to load and execute actions when switching to full-screened application HOT 2
- [Bug]: issue with css when using setExtraHTTPHeaders HOT 1
- [Bug]: /usr/bin/env: βnodeβ: Text file busy HOT 1
- [Bug]: Error not thrown when using self-signed certificate with clientCertificates passed to Browser.newContext() and making requests with BrowserContext.request HOT 5
- [Feature]: Incorporate AI Assistance in Playwright Documentation HOT 1
- [Bug]: AudioWorkletNode ReferenceError in Webkit during Remote Test Runs HOT 4
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from playwright.