Comments (5)
Thanks, I received the trace and can repro the crash on my end. @yury-s i've forwarded it to so you can also take a look. I'll investigate what exactly is leading to the crash and what we can do to prevent it.
from playwright.
We found a memory leak in our code. Gonna work on a fix.
from playwright.
This should reproduce with the tracing as well, can you try that? If it reproduces, would it be possible to share the trace file with us, so that we could debug it locally (I assume the codebase is private and you cannot share the test itself)?
from playwright.
Yes, it reproduces with the trace viewer as well.
I can send you our Is there a way to do that non-public?
The zip size is 55MB
from playwright.
Sure thing. Send it over to simonknott at microsoft com and i'll take a look. If it's too big for email, a download link is also fine.
from playwright.
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- [Please read the message below]
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from playwright.