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Comments (9)

Skn0tt avatar Skn0tt commented on October 10, 2024 1

Unable to reproduce as well. As much as we'd like to, we can't do anything about this if we can't repro.

It's interesting to me that your top node process uses 9gb of memory. Could you maybe check what files and ports the process it has opened? (⌘+i -> Open Files and Ports)

from playwright.

yury-s avatar yury-s commented on October 10, 2024

It's likely something specific to your environment, I was not able to reproduce it neither on Mac nor on Windows. Does it also happen when you run the tests from command line?

from playwright.

minhphong306 avatar minhphong306 commented on October 10, 2024

@yury-s I tried with the terminal, but it happened sometimes.

I saw that some of my friends got this issue too.

from playwright.

yury-s avatar yury-s commented on October 10, 2024

Can you update Node to the latest active LTS (v20.17.0) and see if the problem persists? Unfortunately, there is not much we can do without a repro.

from playwright.

minhphong306 avatar minhphong306 commented on October 10, 2024

Hi @yury-s,
I tried with v20.17.0 and see that the error still happened.

I just init new project without any modification.
npm init playwright@latest

from playwright.

minhphong306 avatar minhphong306 commented on October 10, 2024

Hi @Skn0tt,
Here is the output:


from playwright.

Skn0tt avatar Skn0tt commented on October 10, 2024

Thanks! Can't really spot any smoking gun in there, but it was worth a try. Is there a chance that both you and your friend are using a special kind of antivirus software or anything of the sorts that might be messing up with the processes?

from playwright.

minhphong306 avatar minhphong306 commented on October 10, 2024

I don't think so @Skn0tt.
I didn't use any antivirus software.
Let me check with my friends and I will update here.

If you have any suggestions, please tell me.
Thank you so much.

from playwright.

dgozman avatar dgozman commented on October 10, 2024

Closing because we lack the information and unable to repro. If you figure out something useful, please file a new issue by filling the "Bug Report" template, and link to this one.

from playwright.

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