Related Issues (20)
- [Bug]: viewport from playwright.config.js is not honored. HOT 1
- [Bug]: Memory Consumption Issue with Playwright 1.44.1- Assistance Required HOT 1
- [Feature]: Unable to Disable Screenshot took and Attachment for Certain Tests HOT 4
- Error: duplicate test title HOT 1
- [Bug]: VSCode extension Watch mode not working (MacOS) HOT 3
- [Feature]: I pass the json and it automatically generates request & response HOT 4
- [Regression]: `tsconfig.json`'s `compilerOptions.paths` no longer working in 1.47 HOT 4
- [Bug]: React select input click step fails on safari, but passes on chrome HOT 2
- [Bug]: 'latest' tag is pointing to "v1.46.1-jammy" docker image HOT 10
- [Bug]: @playwright/test 1.47.0 broken for tsconfig alias imports HOT 3
- [Feature]: clock feature inside tests HOT 1
- [Bug]: logPolitely logs on stdout HOT 6
- [internal]: Screenshots instead of Snapshots improvements
- [Feature]: Passing variables from playwright.config to test.spec HOT 4
- [Bug]: Trace report doesn't show up on report - Inconsistent behaviour. HOT 1
- [Bug]: VSCode Playwright extension "Error loading webview: Error: Could not register service worker: InvalidStateError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker" HOT 1
- [Bug]: Default GitHub Action says ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL Command "playwright" not found HOT 2
- [Docs]: NOTE in the Introduction / Clock page
- [Bug]: Recorder doesn't work when `Array.prototype.toJSON` is declared HOT 2
- [Bug]: Dockerfile dont see last default version of playwright HOT 1
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from playwright.