Related Issues (20)
- [Feature]: Interactive test sequence editor HOT 2
- [Feature]: add method locator.isClickable and Locator.toBeClickable HOT 5
- [Bug]: Blocking serviceWorkers throws error when going to about:blank
- [Bug]: When using the Clock API, errors appear in the browser console.
- File Download With Playwright on Selenium Grid(With Java) HOT 2
- Driver not found: /home/site/wwwroot/bin/Debug/.playwright/node/linux-x64/node HOT 2
- [Feature]: Customized Report HOT 4
- [Feature]: Support Firebase IndexedDB for automated login HOT 1
- [Bug]: Storagestate is not working in GithubActions HOT 7
- [Bug]: SSL errors on MacOS localhost connection even after specifying ignoreHTTPSErrors: true HOT 4
- [internal] [playwright-test] › babel.spec.ts:135:5 › should not transform external is failing
- [Bug]: Incorrect Output is received HOT 2
- [Feature]: Add an option to --last-failed to attach the test results to the last test report HOT 1
- [Feature]: Vision Deficiency Simulation Support (Chrome) HOT 1
- [Bug]: Run Select Configuration Not Showing Any Browsers HOT 2
- Delete please
- [Feature]: chrome://flags or IPV6/IPV4 control HOT 1
- [Feature]: Add 'retryDelayInMs' Property to API Requests HOT 1
- [Question] Why upload a file larger then 50Mb is forbidden when upgrading to v1.40.0, I was using launchPersistentContext(), with options: channel: 'chrome'. HOT 1
- [Bug]: Unable to launch Chrome and Firefox in Incognito mode HOT 1
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from playwright.