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Comments (5)

mxschmitt avatar mxschmitt commented on September 18, 2024

This is expected, since its not relevant to the user which create-playwright version they are using while @playwright/test is very important on the other hand.

from playwright.

karlhorky avatar karlhorky commented on September 18, 2024

its not relevant to the user which create-playwright version they are using

To me as a user, I would argue it's very important to know what version of create-playwright I'm using, especially if A) I'm waiting for a change to be published, and/or B) want to know if my package manager has the latest version of the tool (trying to find the version of a create-x tool in the package manager files is not straightforward for users, so printing it is very helpful).

from playwright.

mxschmitt avatar mxschmitt commented on September 18, 2024

We expect users to always run the latest version of create-playwright, hence we have the @latest everywhere. Yarn does it do automatically. For pnpm, it looks like they cache very aggressively, even when adding @latest. So if there is a flag we can add on pnpm side, happy to add it. (we are following what create-react-app does). Other than that, we try to avoid adding additional output to create-playwright, since it already prints a lot of information to the user. Thanks for your understanding.

from playwright.

karlhorky avatar karlhorky commented on September 18, 2024

we try to avoid adding additional output to create-playwright

Understood, I would also tend towards being very careful with adding lines here.

I do think that 1 extra line with this valuable information is worth it, but if create-playwright should always be latest versions and old versions are deprecated (as I think I'm understanding that you are suggesting), then it should be less of an issue.

We expect users to always run the latest version of create-playwright

I'm understanding that create-playwright should be always the latest version and that old versions are deprecated.

This seems to fit with the philosophy from the browser ecosystem of "evergreen" - where browsers include mechanisms to automate being on the latest version.

In this case, I could see an "evergreen" alternative to printing the create-playwright version to be:

  1. Automating publishing of the create-playwright main branch to avoid feature which are merged but not yet published
  2. Some flag (if it exists) to enable pnpm to always get the latest version (I thought that @latest already achieved that, but maybe there is some caching I'm not aware of)
    • Alternative: Add a check in create-playwright to check for the latest version and refuse to run with older versions

@mxschmitt if you agree with 1 above, I can create a new issue for this.

from playwright.

mxschmitt avatar mxschmitt commented on September 18, 2024

Automating publishing of the create-playwright main branch to avoid microsoft/create-playwright#116 (comment)

We prefer to control the release process so automating the publishing is not going to happen.

Some flag (if it exists) to enable pnpm to always get the latest version (I thought that @latest already achieved that, but maybe there is some caching I'm not aware of)

That would be great to fix! Let's file an issue in the pnpm repository?

Alternative: Add a check in create-playwright to check for the latest version and refuse to run with older versions

We prefer to fix pnpm since NPM and Yarn is installing the latest version (without caching).

There seems to be no action item for Playwright, so closing this.

from playwright.

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