Comments (5)
Yeah, we actually would not want you to use --trace w/ UI mode, what is your scenario?
from playwright.
I agree! We don't want it either. But it is being generated regardless of what option we set and we cannot turn it off.
from playwright.
That's the way UI mode works - for you to see the progress of the test, it generates the live trace file. Are you saying you want to disable that and would prefer to see no test run trace?
from playwright.
Ah okay. It seems like it is actually just #30886 that is the issue. We started seeing zips being generated during --ui
runs which we never noticed before. But I guess that is because --output
isn't being respected so they were showing up in places we didn't expect.
from playwright.
Apologies for wasting your time! I was mistaken.
from playwright.
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from playwright.