Related Issues (20)
- [Bug]: Cannot run Playwright UI HOT 2
- [Regression]: Tests not recognized in Test Explorer. No Play Green Buttons Next To Test Names. HOT 28
- [Bug]: async react components HOT 1
- [ONGOING OUTAGE / INTERMITTENT DOWNLOAD FAILURE]: CDN for browser downloads is not public, returns 409 HOT 10
- [Bug]: Not able to install playwright, browsers failing to download HOT 2
- [Bug]: playwright-core logs invalid instructions for missing install HOT 3
- [Bug]: --only-changed with shallow clone throws "unknown revision" error
- How good this framework is for Theia / VS Code extensions? If there are any examples or documentation please provide. HOT 1
- [Bug]: HTML Test Report does not show Skipped tests under All HOT 2
- [Bug]: beforeAll and afterAll HOT 1
- [Feature]: Support HTML report file name customization HOT 2
- [Bug]: Playwright extension does not recognize the tests anymore HOT 4
- [Feature]: Load client certificates from RAM
- [Feature]: Fluent Wait Support Similar to Selenium HOT 2
- [Error]: Directory import is not supported resolving ES modules imported from...
- [Error]: Directory import is not supported resolving ES modules imported from.. HOT 5
- [Bug]: older test using playwright 1.43.1 no longer works HOT 2
- [Feature]: Ability to throttle CPU HOT 2
- [Bug]: In master, all the tests are failing HOT 1
- [Bug]: browserType.launch error when test running with auth setup and second error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'with' Error: No tests found." where json imports and executing spec HOT 6
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from playwright.