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.net-interactive-kernels-ads's Introduction

Install .Net Interactive Kernels and Use them in Azure Data Studio

.Net Interactive Kernels

After Installing the Extension in Azure Data Studio

Use the Command Launch Notebook: Install .Net Interactive Kernels

Launch Palette

This will open Install-Dot-Net-Kernels.ipynb which will help you download and install all components required for .Net Interactive to work in Azure Data Studio

.net-interactive-kernels-ads's People


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Kai Devrim avatar Andrew N avatar  avatar Keany Vy KHUN avatar


James Cloos avatar .NET Foundation Contribution License Agreements avatar  avatar  avatar Barbara Valdez avatar  avatar

.net-interactive-kernels-ads's Issues

Extension folder hard coded

Currently the logic to find the extension path is hardcoded to look in $HOMEDIR/.azuredatastudio/extensions. But this isn't correct in all cases - for example :

  • Dev running out of sources
  • Insiders/RC1/other quality
  • Anyone using a custom extension folder (--extensions-dir command line arg)

Given that the only reason this logic seems to exist is to find the location of the extension - it would be far better to just use ExtensionContext.extensionPath to get the path to find the Notebooks in.

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