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Comments (4)

Honggang-LI avatar Honggang-LI commented on July 18, 2024
// EpollServerAndClient.c  
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>     
#include <sys/epoll.h>      
#include <netinet/in.h>     
#include <arpa/inet.h>      
#include <fcntl.h>          
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>         
#include <stdlib.h>         
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <assert.h>

extern int errno;

#define BUFFSIZE 30

#define MAXBTYE     10      
#define OPEN_MAX    30
#define LISTENQ     20
#define SERV_PORT   10012
#define INFTIM      1000
#define TIMEOUT     500
#define MAX_CNT     5

struct task                          
    epoll_data_t data;        
    struct task* next;               

struct user_data                     
    int fd;
    unsigned int n_size;             
    char line[MAXBTYE];              

void *readtask(void *args);
void *writetask(void *args);

int epfd;                            
struct epoll_event ev;               
struct epoll_event events[LISTENQ];  

pthread_mutex_t r_mutex;             
pthread_cond_t r_condl;

pthread_mutex_t w_mutex;             
pthread_cond_t w_condl;
struct task *readhead = NULL, *readtail = NULL;
struct task *writehead = NULL, *writetail = NULL;

// Print error information
int errexit(const char* format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);

// Print work information
void echo(const char* format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);

void setnonblocking(int sock)
    int opts;
    if ((opts = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL)) < 0)
        errexit("GETFL %d failed", sock);
    opts = opts | O_NONBLOCK;
    if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, opts) < 0)
        errexit("SETFL %d failed", sock);
    printf("Set socket %d O_NONBLOCK. Succeed!\n", sock);

int recvFromServer(int sockfd, char* buf, int buf_size) {
	int n, offset = 0;
	errno = 0;
	while (buf_size - offset > 0 &&
	       (n = recv(sockfd, buf + offset, buf_size - offset, MSG_DONTWAIT)) > 0) {
		offset += n;
	if (offset == 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
		echo("[CLIENT] no message received.\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		return offset;

void process(int sockfd)
    char sendline[BUFFSIZE], recvline[BUFFSIZE];
    int numbytes;
    int cnt = 0;
    while (cnt < MAX_CNT)
	memset(sendline, 0, BUFFSIZE);
	memset(recvline, 0, BUFFSIZE);
	for (int j = 0; j < BUFFSIZE; j++)
		sendline[j] = '0' + cnt;
        send(sockfd, sendline, strlen(sendline), 0);
	echo("[CLIENT] sent %s\n", sendline);
        if ((numbytes = recvFromServer(sockfd, recvline, BUFFSIZE)) == 0)
            echo("[CLIENT] server terminated.\n");
        else if (numbytes > 0)
            recvline[numbytes] = '\0';
            echo("[CLIENT] Received: %s\n", recvline);
    echo("[CLIENT] exit.\n");

void *client(void *server_local_addr) {
	int sock;
	struct hostent *hent;
	struct sockaddr_in server;
	unsigned short port = SERV_PORT;
	char *host = server_local_addr;
	int ret;
	int retry = 1;

    // convert decimal IP to binary IP
    if ((hent = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL)
        errexit("gethostbyname failed.\n");
    if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0)) < 0)
        errexit("create socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
	    printf("[Client]: create socket %d\n", sock);

    bzero(&server, sizeof(server));
    server.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server.sin_port = htons(port);
    server.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr*)hent->h_addr);
    echo("[CLIENT] server addr: %s, port: %u\n", inet_ntoa(server.sin_addr), ntohs(server.sin_port));

    printf("[Client]: round %d connect() started\n", retry);
    ret = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server));
    printf("[Client]: round %d connect() returned\n", retry);
    while (ret < 0 && retry < 11) {
	if (errno == EALREADY) {
        	printf("[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [%d], %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
	else if (errno == EINPROGRESS) {
		printf("[Client]: connect to server failed: EINPROGRESS, %s\n", strerror(errno));
	} else {
		errexit("[Client]: connect to server failed: [%d], %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
	retry += 1;
	goto do_connect;

    echo("[CLIENT] connected to server %s\n", inet_ntoa(server.sin_addr));
    // Send request to server
    return NULL;

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    int i, nfds;               
    int listenfd, connfd;
    pthread_t tid_read;
    pthread_t tid_write;
    pthread_t tid_client;
    int cnt = 0;
    int ret;

    // task node
    struct task *new_task = NULL;    
    socklen_t clilen;
    struct sockaddr_in clientaddr;
    struct sockaddr_in serveraddr;

    if (argc != 2) {
	printf("Usage: %s IP_of_local_interface\n", argv[0]);
	return -1;

    pthread_mutex_init(&r_mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&r_condl, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&w_mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&w_condl, NULL);

    pthread_create(&tid_read, NULL, readtask, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid_write, NULL, writetask, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid_client, NULL, client, (void*)argv[1]);

    epfd = epoll_create(256);        
    listenfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0);
    printf("[SERVER]: open socket %d\n", listenfd);
    setnonblocking(listenfd);    = listenfd;       = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLONESHOT;   
    epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, listenfd, &ev);    

    bzero(&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr));
    serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

    char *server_local_addr = argv[1];
    inet_aton(server_local_addr, &(serveraddr.sin_addr));
    serveraddr.sin_port = htons(SERV_PORT);
    ret = bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr));
    if (ret != 0) {
    	printf("[SERVER]: bind failed\n");
    } else
	    printf("[SERVER]: bind DONE!\n");

    ret = listen(listenfd, LISTENQ);
    assert(ret == 0);
    printf("[SERVER]: listening at socket %d\n", listenfd);

    for(;cnt < MAX_CNT;)
        nfds = epoll_wait(epfd, events, LISTENQ, TIMEOUT);     
        // In case of edge trigger, must go over each event
        for (i = 0; i < nfds; ++i)   
            // Get new connection
            if (events[i].data.fd == listenfd)   
                // accept the client connection
                connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&clientaddr, &clilen);
                if (connfd < 0)
                    errexit("connfd < 0");
		printf("[SERVER]: accept socket %d\n", connfd);
                echo("[SERVER] connect from %s \n", inet_ntoa(clientaddr.sin_addr));
       = connfd;
                // monitor in message, edge trigger
                // add fd to epoll queue
                epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, connfd, &ev);   
            // Received data
            else if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) 
                if (events[i].data.fd < 0)
                echo("[SERVER] put task %d to read queue\n", events[i].data.fd);
                new_task = malloc(sizeof(struct task));
                new_task->data.fd = events[i].data.fd;
                new_task->next = NULL;
                if (readhead == NULL)
                    readhead = new_task;
                    readtail = new_task;
                // queue is not empty
                    readtail->next = new_task;
                    readtail = new_task;
                // trigger readtask thread
            // Have data to send
            else if (events[i].events & EPOLLOUT)
                if (events[i].data.ptr == NULL)
                echo("[SERVER] put task %d to write queue\n", ((struct task*)events[i].data.ptr)->data.fd);
                new_task = malloc(sizeof(struct task));
                new_task->data.ptr = (struct user_data*)events[i].data.ptr;
                new_task->next = NULL;
                // the queue is empty
                if (writehead == NULL)
                    writehead = new_task;
                    writetail = new_task;
                // queue is not empty
                    writetail->next = new_task;
                    writetail = new_task;
                // trigger writetask thread
                echo("[SERVER] Error: unknown epoll event");

    return 0;

void *readtask(void *args)
    int fd = -1;
    int n, i;
    struct user_data* data = NULL;
        while(readhead == NULL) {
            pthread_cond_wait(&r_condl, &r_mutex); 

        fd = readhead->data.fd;
        struct task* tmp = readhead;
        readhead = readhead->next;
	tmp = NULL;


        echo("[SERVER] readtask %lu handling %d\n", pthread_self(), fd);
        data = malloc(sizeof(struct user_data));
        data->fd = fd;
        if ((n = recv(fd, data->line, MAXBTYE, 0)) < 0)
            if (errno == ECONNRESET)
            echo("[SERVER] Error: readline failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
            if (data != NULL) {
		data = NULL;
        else if (n == 0)
            echo("[SERVER] Error: client closed connection.\n");
            if (data != NULL) {
		data = NULL;
            data->n_size = n;
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                if (data->line[i] == '\n')
                    data->line[i] = '\0';
                    data->n_size = i + 1;
            echo("[SERVER] readtask %lu received %d : [%d] %s\n", pthread_self(), fd, data->n_size, data->line);
            if (data->line[0] != '\0')
       = data;
                epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &ev);       

void *writetask(void *args)
    unsigned int n;
    struct user_data *rdata = NULL;  
        while(writehead == NULL)
            pthread_cond_wait(&w_condl, &w_mutex); 

        rdata = (struct user_data*)writehead->data.ptr;
        struct task* tmp = writehead;
        writehead = writehead->next;

        echo("[SERVER] writetask %lu sending %d : [%d] %s\n", pthread_self(), rdata->fd, rdata->n_size, rdata->line);
        if ((n = send(rdata->fd, rdata->line, rdata->n_size, 0)) < 0)
            if (errno == ECONNRESET)
            echo("[SERVER] Error: send responce failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        else if (n == 0)
            echo("[SERVER] Error: client closed connection.");
   = rdata->fd;
            epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, rdata->fd, &ev);   
	rdata = NULL;
	tmp = NULL;

from libvma.

Honggang-LI avatar Honggang-LI commented on July 18, 2024
[root@host55 libvma-]$ VMA_TRACELEVEL=6 LD_PRELOAD=./lib/ /root/s2c/EpollServerAndClient.exe 
 VMA WARNING: VMA trace level set to max level DEBUG
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: VMA_VERSION: 9.6.4-0 Development Snapshot built on Aug 31 2022 08:56:14
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Git: 2675349d722d01fae79af0469c7712f45f438bc3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Cmd Line: /root/s2c/EpollServerAndClient.exe
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Current Time: Wed Aug 31 14:28:51 2022
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Pid: 43310
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: OFED Version: MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.0-
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: System: 4.18.0-193.el8.x86_64
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Architecture: x86_64
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Node: host55
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Log Level                      DEBUG                      [VMA_TRACELEVEL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: Log Details                    2                          [VMA_LOG_DETAILS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Log Colors                     Enabled                    [VMA_LOG_COLORS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Log File                                                  [VMA_LOG_FILE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Stats File                                                [VMA_STATS_FILE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Stats shared memory directory  /tmp/                      [VMA_STATS_SHMEM_DIR]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: SERVICE output directory       /tmp/vma                   [VMA_VMAD_NOTIFY_DIR]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Stats FD Num (max)             100                        [VMA_STATS_FD_NUM]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Conf File                      /etc/libvma.conf           [VMA_CONFIG_FILE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Application ID                 VMA_DEFAULT_APPLICATION_ID [VMA_APPLICATION_ID]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Polling CPU idle usage         Disabled                   [VMA_CPU_USAGE_STATS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: SigIntr Ctrl-C Handle          Disabled                   [VMA_HANDLE_SIGINTR]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: SegFault Backtrace             Disabled                   [VMA_HANDLE_SIGSEGV]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Ring allocation logic TX       0 (Ring per interface)     [VMA_RING_ALLOCATION_LOGIC_TX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Ring allocation logic RX       0 (Ring per interface)     [VMA_RING_ALLOCATION_LOGIC_RX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Ring migration ratio TX        100                        [VMA_RING_MIGRATION_RATIO_TX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Ring migration ratio RX        100                        [VMA_RING_MIGRATION_RATIO_RX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Ring limit per interface       0 (no limit)               [VMA_RING_LIMIT_PER_INTERFACE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Ring On Device Memory TX       0                          [VMA_RING_DEV_MEM_TX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP max syn rate               0 (no limit)               [VMA_TCP_MAX_SYN_RATE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx Mem Segs TCP                1000000                    [VMA_TX_SEGS_TCP]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx Mem Bufs                    200000                     [VMA_TX_BUFS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx QP WRE                      2048                       [VMA_TX_WRE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx QP WRE Batching             64                         [VMA_TX_WRE_BATCHING]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx Max QP INLINE               204                        [VMA_TX_MAX_INLINE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx MC Loopback                 Enabled                    [VMA_TX_MC_LOOPBACK]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx non-blocked eagains         Disabled                   [VMA_TX_NONBLOCKED_EAGAINS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Tx Prefetch Bytes              256                        [VMA_TX_PREFETCH_BYTES]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Mem Bufs                    200000                     [VMA_RX_BUFS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx QP WRE                      16000                      [VMA_RX_WRE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx QP WRE Batching             64                         [VMA_RX_WRE_BATCHING]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Byte Min Limit              65536                      [VMA_RX_BYTES_MIN]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Poll Loops                  100000                     [VMA_RX_POLL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Poll Init Loops             0                          [VMA_RX_POLL_INIT]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx UDP Poll OS Ratio           100                        [VMA_RX_UDP_POLL_OS_RATIO]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: HW TS Conversion               3                          [VMA_HW_TS_CONVERSION]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Poll Yield                  Disabled                   [VMA_RX_POLL_YIELD]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Prefetch Bytes              256                        [VMA_RX_PREFETCH_BYTES]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx Prefetch Bytes Before Poll  0                          [VMA_RX_PREFETCH_BYTES_BEFORE_POLL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Rx CQ Drain Rate               Disabled                   [VMA_RX_CQ_DRAIN_RATE_NSEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: GRO max streams                32                         [VMA_GRO_STREAMS_MAX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP 3T rules                   Disabled                   [VMA_TCP_3T_RULES]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: UDP 3T rules                   Enabled                    [VMA_UDP_3T_RULES]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: ETH MC L2 only rules           Disabled                   [VMA_ETH_MC_L2_ONLY_RULES]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Force Flowtag for MC           Disabled                   [VMA_MC_FORCE_FLOWTAG]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Select Poll (usec)             100000                     [VMA_SELECT_POLL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Select Poll OS Force           Disabled                   [VMA_SELECT_POLL_OS_FORCE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Select Poll OS Ratio           10                         [VMA_SELECT_POLL_OS_RATIO]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Select Skip OS                 4                          [VMA_SELECT_SKIP_OS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Drain Interval (msec)       10                         [VMA_PROGRESS_ENGINE_INTERVAL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Drain WCE (max)             10000                      [VMA_PROGRESS_ENGINE_WCE_MAX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Interrupts Moderation       Enabled                    [VMA_CQ_MODERATION_ENABLE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Moderation Count            48                         [VMA_CQ_MODERATION_COUNT]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Moderation Period (usec)    50                         [VMA_CQ_MODERATION_PERIOD_USEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ AIM Max Count               560                        [VMA_CQ_AIM_MAX_COUNT]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ AIM Max Period (usec)       250                        [VMA_CQ_AIM_MAX_PERIOD_USEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ AIM Interval (msec)         250                        [VMA_CQ_AIM_INTERVAL_MSEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ AIM Interrupts Rate (per sec) 5000                       [VMA_CQ_AIM_INTERRUPTS_RATE_PER_SEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Poll Batch (max)            16                         [VMA_CQ_POLL_BATCH_MAX]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: CQ Keeps QP Full               Enabled                    [VMA_CQ_KEEP_QP_FULL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: QP Compensation Level          256                        [VMA_QP_COMPENSATION_LEVEL]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Offloaded Sockets              Enabled                    [VMA_OFFLOADED_SOCKETS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Timer Resolution (msec)        10                         [VMA_TIMER_RESOLUTION_MSEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP Timer Resolution (msec)    100                        [VMA_TCP_TIMER_RESOLUTION_MSEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP control thread             0 (Disabled)               [VMA_TCP_CTL_THREAD]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP timestamp option           0                          [VMA_TCP_TIMESTAMP_OPTION]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP nodelay                    0                          [VMA_TCP_NODELAY]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP quickack                   0                          [VMA_TCP_QUICKACK]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Exception handling mode        -1(just log debug message) [VMA_EXCEPTION_HANDLING]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Avoid sys-calls on tcp fd      Disabled                   [VMA_AVOID_SYS_CALLS_ON_TCP_FD]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Allow privileged sock opt      Enabled                    [VMA_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_SOCK_OPT]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Delay after join (msec)        0                          [VMA_WAIT_AFTER_JOIN_MSEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Internal Thread Affinity       -1                         [VMA_INTERNAL_THREAD_AFFINITY]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Internal Thread Cpuset                                    [VMA_INTERNAL_THREAD_CPUSET]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Internal Thread Arm CQ         Disabled                   [VMA_INTERNAL_THREAD_ARM_CQ]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Internal Thread TCP Handling   0 (deferred)               [VMA_INTERNAL_THREAD_TCP_TIMER_HANDLING]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Thread mode                    Multi spin lock            [VMA_THREAD_MODE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Buffer batching mode           1 (Batch and reclaim buffers) [VMA_BUFFER_BATCHING_MODE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Mem Allocate type              1 (Contig Pages)           [VMA_MEM_ALLOC_TYPE]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Num of UC ARPs                 3                          [VMA_NEIGH_UC_ARP_QUATA]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: UC ARP delay (msec)            10000                      [VMA_NEIGH_UC_ARP_DELAY_MSEC]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Num of neigh restart retries   1                          [VMA_NEIGH_NUM_ERR_RETRIES]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: IPOIB support                  Enabled                    [VMA_IPOIB]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: SocketXtreme mode              Disabled                   [VMA_SOCKETXTREME]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: BF (Blue Flame)                Enabled                    [VMA_BF]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: fork() support                 Enabled                    [VMA_FORK]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: close on dup2()                Enabled                    [VMA_CLOSE_ON_DUP2]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: MTU                            0 (follow actual MTU)      [VMA_MTU]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: MSS                            0 (follow VMA_MTU)         [VMA_MSS]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: TCP CC Algorithm               0 (LWIP)                   [VMA_TCP_CC_ALGO]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Polling Rx on Tx TCP           Disabled                   [VMA_RX_POLL_ON_TX_TCP]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DETAILS: Trig dummy send getsockname()  Disabled                   [VMA_TRIGGER_DUMMY_SEND_GETSOCKNAME]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA WARNING: *************************************************************
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA WARNING: * VMA is currently configured with high log level           *
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA WARNING: * Application performance will decrease in this log level!  *
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA WARNING: * This log level is recommended for debugging purposes only *
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA WARNING: *************************************************************
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ***************************************************************************
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: CPU cores are running at different speeds: min= 1000.403 MHz, max= 3542.267 MHz
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: Time measurements will not be accurate and Max Performance might not be achieved
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: Verify with: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz\|clock"
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ***************************************************************************
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: sock_redirect_main()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibv_fork_init() succeeded, fork() may be used safely!!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: agent:535:send_msg_init() Agent is activated. state = 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: Agent setup state: g_p_agent=0x1acf300 active=1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: wakeup_pipe[epfd=0]:71:wakeup_pipe() created wakeup pipe [RD=5, WR=6]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/tmp//vmastat.43310, flags=0x42, mode=0x1a4) = 8

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: STATS: 252:vma_shmem_stats_open() file '/tmp//vmastat.43310' fd 8 shared memory at 0x7f5f55631000 with 100 max blocks

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1ad9ad0' registered PERIODIC timer for 10 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:342:start_thread() VMA Internal thread affinity not set.
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:363:start_thread() Started event handler thread
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:158:netlink_wrapper() ---> netlink_route_listener CTOR
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:162:netlink_wrapper() <--- netlink_route_listener CTOR
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ib_ctx_collection[0x1ad0fd0]:94:ib_ctx_handler_collection() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ib_ctx_collection[0x1ad0fd0]:126:update_tbl() Checking for offload capable IB devices...
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:277:event_handler_thread() Entering internal thread, id = 140047375591168
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 10

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=10)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=9)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs1, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 9

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs3, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 11

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:484:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[10]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:504:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue() Emptied 0 Events
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:526:priv_register_ibverbs_events() 10 added to event_handler_map_t!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs0, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 13

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:484:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[12]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:504:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue() Emptied 0 Events
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:526:priv_register_ibverbs_events() 12 added to event_handler_map_t!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:484:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs2, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 15

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[14]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:504:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue() Emptied 0 Events
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:526:priv_register_ibverbs_events() 14 added to event_handler_map_t!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ib_ctx_collection[0x1ad0fd0]:172:update_tbl() Check completed. Found 4 offload capable IB devices
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:484:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[16]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae80a0]:229:print_val()  mlx5_2: port(s): 1 vendor: 4123 fw: 20.33.1048 max_qp_wr: 32768 on_device_memory: 65536 packet_pacing_caps: min rate 0, max rate 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:504:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue() Emptied 0 Events
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae4a20]:229:print_val()  mlx5_0: port(s): 1 vendor: 4123 fw: 20.33.1048 max_qp_wr: 32768 on_device_memory: 65536 packet_pacing_caps: min rate 0, max rate 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:526:priv_register_ibverbs_events() 16 added to event_handler_map_t!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae0250]:229:print_val()  mlx5_3: port(s): 1 vendor: 4123 fw: 20.33.1048 max_qp_wr: 32768 on_device_memory: 65536 packet_pacing_caps: min rate 0, max rate 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1adcb00]:229:print_val()  mlx5_1: port(s): 1 vendor: 4123 fw: 20.33.1048 max_qp_wr: 32768 on_device_memory: 65536 packet_pacing_caps: min rate 0, max rate 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ib_ctx_collection[0x1ad0fd0]:102:ib_ctx_handler_collection() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/misc/rdma_cm/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/abi_version, flags=0, mode=0) = 18

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=18)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs3/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/ibdev, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/device/vendor, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2/device/device, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/node_type, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/rdma_cm, flags=0x80002, mode=0x1aecb30) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=17)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/rdma_cm, flags=0x80002, mode=0x1aecb30) = 17

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ntm:68:neigh_table_mgr() Creation of neigh_cma_event_channel on fd=17
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1aeb728' registered PERIODIC timer for 100000 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:81:net_device_table_mgr() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:195:update_tbl() Checking for offload capable network interfaces...
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'enp23s0f0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'enp23s0f0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/enp23s0f0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1aeecc0]:262:net_device_val() Check interface 'enp23s0f0' (index=2 addr= flags=11043)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'enp23s0f0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/enp23s0f0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/enp23s0f0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/enp23s0f0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/enp23s0f0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/enp23s0f0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1aeecc0]:289:net_device_val() Skip interface 'enp23s0f0'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'eno99' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'enp23s0f1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'beaker' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'beaker' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/beaker/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1aeecc0]:262:net_device_val() Check interface 'beaker' (index=5 addr= flags=11043)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'beaker' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/beaker/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/beaker/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/beaker/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/beaker/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/beaker/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1aeecc0]:289:net_device_val() Skip interface 'beaker'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:262:net_device_val() Check interface 'mlx5_ib0' (index=6 addr= flags=11043)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/mode, flags=0, mode=0x8) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1620:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib0' is running in datagram mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/umcast, flags=0, mode=0x1) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1634:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib0' is running with umcast disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 23

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=23)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib0 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib0 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:10C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BE for interface mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x7ffd84146620]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x10c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1729:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib0 for flow tag capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1734:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib0 for burst capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:312:net_device_val() Use interface 'mlx5_ib0'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:314:net_device_val() mlx5_ib0 ==> mlx5_0 port 1 (Up)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:569:set_slave_array() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib0 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib0 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:10C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BE for interface mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1aebc60]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x10c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 22
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=22, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=22, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib0 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib0 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:10C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BE for interface mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1af7ed0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x10c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/broadcast, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib0 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib0 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/broadcast (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB BR address 00FF:FFFF:FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF for interface mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1aeedb0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:280:unregister_observer() Couldn't unregister observer, the cache_entry (Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0) doesn't exist
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ntm:90:register_observer() Registered to g_p_netlink_handler
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ntm:112:create_new_entry() Creating new neigh_ib_broadcast
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:239:neigh_entry() Created new neigh_entry
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1560:neigh_ib() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2081:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_create_id
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2089:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_bind_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=22)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs0, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 22

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1af15e0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2023:find_pd() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 24
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=24, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2037:create_ah() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2142:build_mc_neigh_val() IB broadcast neigh params are : ah=0x1af77a0, qkey=0xb1b, sl=0, rate=0x3, port_num = 0x1,  qpn=0xffffff,  dlid=0xc000 dgid = FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 24
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=24, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/ports/1/pkeys/0, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1459:configure() pkey: 65535
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 24
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=24, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:262:net_device_val() Check interface 'mlx5_ib1' (index=7 addr= flags=11043)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 24
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=24, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/mode, flags=0, mode=0x8) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:1620:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib1' is running in datagram mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/umcast, flags=0, mode=0x1) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:1634:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib1' is running with umcast disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 24
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=24, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 25

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=25)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib1 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib1 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:11C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BF for interface mlx5_ib1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x7ffd84146620]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x11c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:1729:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib1 for flow tag capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:1734:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib1 for burst capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:312:net_device_val() Use interface 'mlx5_ib1'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:314:net_device_val() mlx5_ib1 ==> mlx5_1 port 1 (Up)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:569:set_slave_array() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib1 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib1 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:11C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BF for interface mlx5_ib1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1afe3b0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x11c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 24
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=24, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=24, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib1 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib1 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:11C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BF for interface mlx5_ib1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1af4560]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x11c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/broadcast, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib1 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib1 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/broadcast (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB BR address 00FF:FFFF:FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF for interface mlx5_ib1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1b008c0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:280:unregister_observer() Couldn't unregister observer, the cache_entry (Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1) doesn't exist
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ntm:112:create_new_entry() Creating new neigh_ib_broadcast
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:239:neigh_entry() Created new neigh_entry
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:1560:neigh_ib() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:2081:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_create_id
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:2089:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_bind_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=24)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs1, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 24

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1b00890]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:2023:find_pd() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 26
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=26, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:2037:create_ah() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1]:2142:build_mc_neigh_val() IB broadcast neigh params are : ah=0x1af70d0, qkey=0xb1b, sl=0, rate=0x3, port_num = 0x1,  qpn=0xffffff,  dlid=0xc000 dgid = FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib1' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 26
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=26, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/device/net/mlx5_ib1/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib1/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/ports/1/pkeys/0, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:1459:configure() pkey: 65535
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 26
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=26, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:262:net_device_val() Check interface 'mlx5_ib2' (index=8 addr= flags=11043)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 26
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=26, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib2/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/mode, flags=0, mode=0x8) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:1620:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib2' is running in datagram mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/umcast, flags=0, mode=0x1) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:1634:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib2' is running with umcast disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 26
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=26, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib2/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 27

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=27)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib2 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib2 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:1049:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BA for interface mlx5_ib2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x7ffd84146620]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x1049
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:1729:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib2 for flow tag capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:1734:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib2 for burst capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:312:net_device_val() Use interface 'mlx5_ib2'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:314:net_device_val() mlx5_ib2 ==> mlx5_2 port 1 (Up)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:569:set_slave_array() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib2 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib2 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:1049:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BA for interface mlx5_ib2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1afc4c0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x1049
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 26
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=26, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=26, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib2/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib2 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib2 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:1049:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BA for interface mlx5_ib2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1af7210]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x1049
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/broadcast, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib2 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib2 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/broadcast (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB BR address 00FF:FFFF:FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF for interface mlx5_ib2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1afce10]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:280:unregister_observer() Couldn't unregister observer, the cache_entry (Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2) doesn't exist
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ntm:112:create_new_entry() Creating new neigh_ib_broadcast
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:239:neigh_entry() Created new neigh_entry
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:1560:neigh_ib() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:2081:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_create_id
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:2089:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_bind_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=26)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs2, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 26

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1afd0f0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:2023:find_pd() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 28
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=28, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib2/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:2037:create_ah() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2]:2142:build_mc_neigh_val() IB broadcast neigh params are : ah=0x1afb680, qkey=0xb1b, sl=0, rate=0x3, port_num = 0x1,  qpn=0xffffff,  dlid=0xc000 dgid = FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib2' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 28
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=28, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib2/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib2/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/ports/1/pkeys/0, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:1459:configure() pkey: 65535
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 28
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=28, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:262:net_device_val() Check interface 'mlx5_ib3' (index=9 addr= flags=11043)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 28
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=28, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/mode, flags=0, mode=0x8) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:1620:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib3' is running in datagram mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/umcast, flags=0, mode=0x1) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:1634:verify_enable_ipoib() verified interface 'mlx5_ib3' is running with umcast disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 28
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=28, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 29

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=29)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib3 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib3 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:1149:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BB for interface mlx5_ib3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x7ffd84146620]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x1149
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:1729:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib3 for flow tag capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:1734:verify_qp_creation() verified interface mlx5_ib3 for burst capabilities : disabled
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:312:net_device_val() Use interface 'mlx5_ib3'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:314:net_device_val() mlx5_ib3 ==> mlx5_3 port 1 (Up)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:569:set_slave_array() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib3 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib3 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:1149:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BB for interface mlx5_ib3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1b08b50]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x1149
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 28
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=28, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=28, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/address, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib3 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib3 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/address (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB UC address 2000:1149:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BB for interface mlx5_ib3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1b08ac0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x1149
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/broadcast, flags=0, mode=0x100) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:776:get_local_ll_addr() ifname=mlx5_ib3 un-aliased-ifname=8 l2_addr_path=mlx5_ib3 l2-addr=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/broadcast (addr-bytes_len=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:785:get_local_ll_addr() found IB BR address 00FF:FFFF:FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF for interface mlx5_ib3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1afb6e0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:280:unregister_observer() Couldn't unregister observer, the cache_entry (Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3) doesn't exist
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ntm:112:create_new_entry() Creating new neigh_ib_broadcast
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:239:neigh_entry() Created new neigh_entry
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:1560:neigh_ib() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:2081:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_create_id
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:2089:neigh_ib_broadcast() Calling rdma_bind_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_1/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/node_guid, flags=0, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=28)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/dev/infiniband/uverbs3, flags=0x2, mode=0) = 28

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x1b064f0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0xffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:2023:find_pd() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 30
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=30, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=30, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=30, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 30

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:2037:create_ah() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3]:2142:build_mc_neigh_val() IB broadcast neigh params are : ah=0x1b0b430, qkey=0xb1b, sl=0, rate=0x3, port_num = 0x1,  qpn=0xffffff,  dlid=0xc000 dgid = FF12:401B:FFFF:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:FFFF
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib3' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 30
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=30, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=30, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=30, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/device/net/mlx5_ib3/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 30

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 30

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:529:get_port_from_ifname() dev_port file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_port dev_port str=0
 dev_port val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id, flags=0, mode=0x17) = 30

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:534:get_port_from_ifname() dev_id file= /sys/class/net/mlx5_ib3/dev_id dev_id str=0x0
 dev_id val=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_3/ports/1/pkeys/0, flags=0, mode=0) = 30

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=30)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:1459:configure() pkey: 65535
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:284:update_tbl() Check completed. Found 4 offload capable network interfaces
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:535:print_val() 9: mlx5_ib3: <UP,RUNNING,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,LOWER_UP,>: mtu 2044 (normal)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:537:print_val()   ip list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:539:print_val()     inet: netmask: flags: 0x80
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:543:print_val()   slave list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:549:print_val()     9: mlx5_ib3: 2000:1149:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BB active: 1 ib: mlx5_3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1b07970]:556:print_val()   ring list: empty 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:535:print_val() 8: mlx5_ib2: <UP,RUNNING,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,LOWER_UP,>: mtu 2044 (normal)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:537:print_val()   ip list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:539:print_val()     inet: netmask: flags: 0x80
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:543:print_val()   slave list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:549:print_val()     8: mlx5_ib2: 2000:1049:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BA active: 1 ib: mlx5_2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af9830]:556:print_val()   ring list: empty 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:535:print_val() 7: mlx5_ib1: <UP,RUNNING,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,LOWER_UP,>: mtu 2044 (normal)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:537:print_val()   ip list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:539:print_val()     inet: netmask: flags: 0x80
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:543:print_val()   slave list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:549:print_val()     7: mlx5_ib1: 2000:11C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BF active: 1 ib: mlx5_1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1afd890]:556:print_val()   ring list: empty 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:535:print_val() 6: mlx5_ib0: <UP,RUNNING,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,LOWER_UP,>: mtu 2044 (normal)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:537:print_val()   ip list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:539:print_val()     inet: netmask: flags: 0x80
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:543:print_val()   slave list: 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:549:print_val()     6: mlx5_ib0: 2000:10C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BE active: 1 ib: mlx5_0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:556:print_val()   ring list: empty 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: time_converter95:update_device_converters_status() Checking RX HW time stamp status for all devices [4]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: time_converter144:update_device_converters_status() Conversion status was set to 3
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0b490' registered ONE SHOT timer for 100 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0b490' registered ONE SHOT timer for 200 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0b490' registered PERIODIC timer for 1000 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1aef080' registered ONE SHOT timer for 100 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1aef080' registered ONE SHOT timer for 200 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1aef080' registered PERIODIC timer for 1000 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0b210' registered ONE SHOT timer for 100 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0b210' registered ONE SHOT timer for 200 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0b210' registered PERIODIC timer for 1000 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0acb0' registered ONE SHOT timer for 100 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0acb0' registered ONE SHOT timer for 200 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b0acb0' registered PERIODIC timer for 1000 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:128:net_device_table_mgr() Registered to g_p_netlink_handler
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:132:net_device_table_mgr() registering timer for ring draining with 10 msec intervales
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1aeeb68' registered PERIODIC timer for 10 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:137:net_device_table_mgr() registering timer for cq adaptive moderation with 250 msec intervales
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1aeeb68' registered PERIODIC timer for 250 msec (user data: 0x1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:142:net_device_table_mgr() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: netlink_socket_mgr:123:netlink_socket_mgr() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: netlink_socket_mgr:144:netlink_socket_mgr() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:74:rule_table_mgr() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:158:parse_attr() got undetected rta_type 14 ffffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:158:parse_attr() got undetected rta_type 21 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:158:parse_attr() got undetected rta_type 14 ffffffff
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:158:parse_attr() got undetected rta_type 21 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrv[0x7f5f50d6b018]:112:print_val() Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrv[0x7f5f50d6b160]:112:print_val() Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:82:rule_table_mgr() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: netlink_socket_mgr:123:netlink_socket_mgr() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: netlink_socket_mgr:144:netlink_socket_mgr() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:71:route_table_mgr() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 64
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 98
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 96
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 97
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 99
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 65
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:315:parse_attr() got unexpected type 6 64
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16798]: dst:    netmask:   dev: enp23s0f0 src:   table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  2 scope 253 type  1 index  2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x1b040c0]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b040c0 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x1acdeb0]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16798]: dst:    netmask:   dev: enp23s0f0 src:   table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  2 scope 253 type  1 index  2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>enp23s0f0]:94:register_to_net_device() No matched net device for enp23s0f0 interface
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1acdeb0 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x1b04630]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b04630 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x1b04520]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16158]: dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib0 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  6 scope 253 type  1 index  6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0]:98:register_to_net_device() register to net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:374:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:307:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b049c0]:50:net_device_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b049c0]:73:net_device_entry() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key =
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0]:102:register_to_net_device() route_entry [0x1b04520] is registered to an offloaded device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b04520 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x1b04f20]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b04f20 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x1b04e10]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16298]: dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib1 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  7 scope 253 type  1 index  7
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib1]:98:register_to_net_device() register to net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:374:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:307:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib1 for addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b052b0]:50:net_device_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b052b0]:73:net_device_entry() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key =
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib1]:102:register_to_net_device() route_entry [0x1b04e10] is registered to an offloaded device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b04e10 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x1b05550]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b05550 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x1b05440]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c163d8]: dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib2 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  8 scope 253 type  1 index  8
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib2]:98:register_to_net_device() register to net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:374:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:307:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib2 for addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b05900]:50:net_device_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b05900]:73:net_device_entry() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key =
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib2]:102:register_to_net_device() route_entry [0x1b05440] is registered to an offloaded device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b05440 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x1b05ba0]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b05ba0 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x1b05a90]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16518]: dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib3 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  9 scope 253 type  1 index  9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib3]:98:register_to_net_device() register to net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:374:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:307:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib3 for addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b01420]:50:net_device_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nde[0x1b01420]:73:net_device_entry() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key =
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib3]:102:register_to_net_device() route_entry [0x1b05a90] is registered to an offloaded device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b05a90 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x1b016c0]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b016c0 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x1b015b0]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16658]: dst:    netmask:   dev: beaker src:   table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  5 scope 253 type  1 index  5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>beaker]:94:register_to_net_device() No matched net device for beaker interface
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x1b015b0 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c16018]:137:print_val() dst: default         gw:    dev: enp23s0f0 src:   table :main       scope   0 type  1 index  2 scope   0 type  1 index  2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c16158]:137:print_val() dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib0 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  6 scope 253 type  1 index  6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c16298]:137:print_val() dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib1 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  7 scope 253 type  1 index  7
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c163d8]:137:print_val() dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib2 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  8 scope 253 type  1 index  8
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c16518]:137:print_val() dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib3 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  9 scope 253 type  1 index  9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c16658]:137:print_val() dst:    netmask:   dev: beaker src:   table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  5 scope 253 type  1 index  5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtv[0x7f5f50c16798]:137:print_val() dst:    netmask:   dev: enp23s0f0 src:   table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  2 scope 253 type  1 index  2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:97:route_table_mgr() Registered to g_p_netlink_handler
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rtm:99:route_table_mgr() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:41:vma_allocator() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:48:vma_allocator() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: STATS: 568:vma_stats_instance_create_bpool_block() Added bpool local=0x1af9570 shm=0x7f5f556319bc

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae80a0]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_2 (0x1adc780) addr=(nil) length=476800063 pd=0x1aeaf80
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_2 addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae4a20]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_0 (0x1adc360) addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063 pd=0x1ae7900
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_0 addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae0250]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_3 (0x1adbf70) addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063 pd=0x1ae4280
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_3 addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1adcb00]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_1 (0x1adbb80) addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063 pd=0x1adfa40
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_1 addr=0x7f5f2f949000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:119:alloc_and_reg_mr() Contiguous pages allocation passed successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af9580]:134:alloc_and_reg_mr() allocated memory using type: 1 at 0x7f5f2f949000, size 476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: bpool[0x1af9530]:149:print_val_tbl() pool 0x1af9530 size: 476800063 buffers: 200000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:41:vma_allocator() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:48:vma_allocator() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: STATS: 568:vma_stats_instance_create_bpool_block() Added bpool local=0x1af8e70 shm=0x7f5f556319cc

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.201911156 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 13101874051, diff_hw_time = 31548603, diff = 13070325448 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156250000000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.201910913 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 13101836082, diff_hw_time = 31548564, diff = 13070287518 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156250000000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.201903158 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b240, estimated_hw_time = 13100624363, diff_hw_time = 31547352, diff = 13069077011 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156250000000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.201848366 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 13092063113, diff_hw_time = 31538794, diff = 13060524319 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156250000000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae80a0]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_2 (0x1adc780) addr=(nil) length=476800063 pd=0x1aeaf80
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_2 addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae4a20]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_0 (0x1adc360) addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063 pd=0x1ae7900
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_0 addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1ae0250]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_3 (0x1adbf70) addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063 pd=0x1ae4280
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_3 addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ibch[0x1adcb00]:427:mem_reg() dev:mlx5_1 (0x1adbb80) addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063 pd=0x1adfa40
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:318:register_memory() Registered memory on dev: mlx5_1 addr=0x7f5f13292000 length=476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:119:alloc_and_reg_mr() Contiguous pages allocation passed successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: allocator[0x1af8e80]:134:alloc_and_reg_mr() allocated memory using type: 1 at 0x7f5f13292000, size 476800063
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: bpool[0x1af8e30]:149:print_val_tbl() pool 0x1af8e30 size: 476800063 buffers: 200000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b02710' registered PERIODIC timer for 100 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: fdc:76:fd_collection() using open files max limit of 1024000 file descriptors
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:248:__vma_print_conf_file() Configuration File:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:201:print_instance_id_str() application-id * *:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:221:print_instance_conf() 	tcp_server's rules:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:225:print_instance_conf() 	tcp_clinet's rules:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:229:print_instance_conf() 	udp receiver rules:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:233:print_instance_conf() 	udp sender rules:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:237:print_instance_conf() 	udp connect rules:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:191:print_rule() 			use OS UDP *:53
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:240:print_instance_conf()  
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: lwip:96:vma_lwip() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:598:get_window_scaling_factor() TCP scaling window factor is set to 7
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: lwip:117:vma_lwip() LWIP subsystem initialized
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b03820' registered PERIODIC timer for 200 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:197:open_channel() opening netlink channel
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 31
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=31, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=31)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 32
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=32, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=32, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=32, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=32)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:261:open_channel() netlink socket is open
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=31, level=270, optname=1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:220:register_command_event() Register command command_netlink event
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b259f8' registered PERIODIC timer for 10000 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:675:priv_register_command_events() Adding new channel (fd 31)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2392:epoll_create() ENTER: (size=256) = 33

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: epfd_info:66:epfd_info() using open files max limit of 1024000 file descriptors
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=AF_INET(2), type=(2049), protocol=0) = 34
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: fdc:260:addsocket() TCP rules are either not consistent or instructing to use VMA.transport == USE_VMA
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=34]:256:sockinfo_tcp() tcp socket created
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=34]:260:sockinfo_tcp() new pcb 0x1b26a88 pcb state 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=34]:315:sockinfo_tcp() TCP PCB FLAGS: 0x0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:165:fcntl_helper() cmd=F_SETFL, arg=0x800
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:151:set_blocking() set socket to non-blocking mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:214:fcntl() going to OS for fcntl cmd=4, arg=0x800
[SERVER]: open socket 34
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:214:fcntl() going to OS for fcntl cmd=3, arg=0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:165:fcntl_helper() cmd=F_SETFL, arg=0x802
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:151:set_blocking() set socket to non-blocking mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:214:fcntl() going to OS for fcntl cmd=4, arg=0x802
Set socket 34 O_NONBLOCK. Succeed!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=34]:3229:is_readable() block check on unconnected socket
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=34, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:307:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=34]:2387:bind() socket bound
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
[SERVER]: bind DONE!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: listen(fd=34, backlog=20)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:428:get_family_by_instance_first_matching_rule() MATCHING program name: *, application-id: *
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:408:get_family_by_first_matching_rule() No matching rule. Using VMA (default)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:468:__vma_match_tcp_server() MATCH TCP SERVER (LISTEN): => VMA
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=34]:2428:prepareListen() TRANSPORT: VMA, sock state = 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:1395:attach_as_uc_receiver() Attaching using bind to ip rule
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:1399:attach_as_uc_receiver() Attached to specific local if: ( addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:428:get_family_by_instance_first_matching_rule() MATCHING program name: *, application-id: *
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:408:get_family_by_first_matching_rule() No matching rule. Using VMA (default)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: match:468:__vma_match_tcp_server() MATCH TCP SERVER (LISTEN): => VMA
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:632:attach_receiver() Attaching to dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:982:reserve_ring() Creating new RING for allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring[0x1b282c0]:56:print_val() 0: 0x1b282c0: parent (nil)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: STATS: 448:vma_stats_instance_create_ring_block() Added ring local=0x1b40458 shm=0x7f5f55631240

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring_slave[0x1b282c0]:130:print_val() 6: 0x1b282c0: parent (nil) type RING_IB
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring_simple[0x1b282c0]:121:ring_simple() new ring_simple()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring_simple[0x1b282c0]:258:create_resources() ring attributes: m_tx_num_wr = 2048
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring_simple[0x1b282c0]:281:create_resources() ring attributes: m_flow_tag_enabled = 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:835:update_pkey_index() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/ports/1/pkeys/0, flags=0, mode=0) = 38

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=38)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:842:update_pkey_index() IB: Found correct pkey_index (0) for pkey '65535'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:858:update_pkey_index() IB: Use qpn = 0x10C9 for device: mlx5_0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:177:configure() Creating QP of transport type 'IB' on ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] on port 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:191:configure() HW Dummy send support for QP = 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b41060]:158:configure() Created CQ as Tx with fd[36] and of size 2048 elements (ibv_cq_hndl=0x1b41170)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: STATS: 508:vma_stats_instance_create_cq_block() Added cq local=0x1b41680 shm=0x7f5f55631040

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b415a0]:155:configure() RX CSUM support = 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b415a0]:158:configure() Created CQ as Rx with fd[37] and of size 16000 elements (ibv_cq_hndl=0x1b416b0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[37]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[36]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:211:configure() cq tx: 0x1b41060 rx: 0x1b415a0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:772:prepare_ibv_qp() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:787:prepare_ibv_qp() create qp using underly qpn = 0x10C9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:821:prepare_ibv_qp() requested max inline = 204 QP, actual max inline = 204, VMA max inline set to 204, max_send_wr=3276, max_recv_wr=16384, max_recv_sge=1, max_send_sge=13
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:308:configure() Created QP (num=5271) with 2048 tx wre and inline=204 and 16000 rx wre and 1 sge
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b41060]:301:add_qp_tx() qp_mgr=0x1af49e0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:355:up() QP current state: 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:412:release_rx_buffers() draining rx cq_mgr 0x1b415a0 (last_posted_rx_wr_id = 0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:433:release_rx_buffers() draining completed with a total of 0 wce's on rx cq_mgr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:440:release_tx_buffers() draining tx cq_mgr 0x1b41060
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: qpm[0x1af49e0]:754:modify_qp_to_ready_state() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b415a0]:246:add_qp_rx() qp_mgr=0x1af49e0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b415a0]:256:add_qp_rx() Trying to push 16000 WRE to allocated qp (0x1af49e0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: cqm[0x1b415a0]:276:add_qp_rx() Successfully post_recv qp with 16000 new Rx buffers (planned=16000)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring_simple[0x1b282c0]:335:create_resources() new ring_simple() completed
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:557:global_ring_wakeup() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1013:reserve_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 1 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:1146:rx_add_ring_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: epfd_info:331:increase_ring_ref_count() add cq fd=37 to epfd=33
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: ring_slave[0x1b282c0]:179:attach_flow() flow: dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if:, with sink (0x1b26090), flow tag id 0 m_flow_tag_enabled: 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x1baa0c0]:286:create_ibv_flow() ibv_create_flow succeeded with flow dst:, src:, proto:TCP, tag_id: 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x1baa0c0]:188:add_sink() Added new sink (0x1b26130), num of sinks is now: 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43310 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=34]:668:attach_receiver() Attached dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if: to ring 0x1b282c0
[SERVER]: listening at socket 34
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.195311439 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 30517397, diff_hw_time = 30517397, diff = 0 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.195298930 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 30515441, diff_hw_time = 30515442, diff = -1 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249919
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.205412978 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 32095760, diff_hw_time = 32095763, diff = -3 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249918
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 0.205420022 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 32096864, diff_hw_time = 32096860, diff = 4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249934
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=AF_INET(2), type=(2049), protocol=0) = 38
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: fdc:260:addsocket() TCP rules are either not consistent or instructing to use VMA.transport == USE_VMA
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:256:sockinfo_tcp() tcp socket created
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:260:sockinfo_tcp() new pcb 0x7f5f080028c8 pcb state 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:315:sockinfo_tcp() TCP PCB FLAGS: 0x0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:165:fcntl_helper() cmd=F_SETFL, arg=0x800
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:151:set_blocking() set socket to non-blocking mode
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:214:fcntl() going to OS for fcntl cmd=4, arg=0x800
[Client]: create socket 38
[CLIENT] server addr:, port: 10012
[Client]: round 1 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:2387:bind() socket bound
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:58:dst_entry() dst: src: 44669
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:518:prepare_to_send() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x7f5f08001d40]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16158]: dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib0 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  6 scope 253 type  1 index  6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0]:98:register_to_net_device() register to net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0]:102:register_to_net_device() route_entry [0x7f5f08001d40] is registered to an offloaded device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x7f5f08001d40 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0]:74:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:186:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Deleting cache_entry Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP:>mlx5_ib0]:123:unregister_to_net_device() unregister from net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:191:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Cache_entry  is not deletable
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:191:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Cache_entry Destination IP: is not deletable
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:439:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rrm:171:create_new_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rrm:184:update_entry() entry [0x7f5f08002e80]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rrm:189:update_entry() rule_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP: Source IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b018]: Priority :32766      lookup table :main      
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rrm:212:find_rule_val() found rule val[0x7f5f50d6b160]: Priority :32767      lookup table :253       
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rrm:175:create_new_entry() new entry 0x7f5f08002e80 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP: Source IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:386:update_entry() entry [0x7f5f08001d40]
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:389:update_entry() route_entry is not valid-> update value
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rre[Destination IP: Source IP:]:54:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:345:find_route_val() found route val[0x7f5f50c16158]: dst:        netmask:   dev: mlx5_ib0 src:       table :main       scope 253 type  1 index  6 scope 253 type  1 index  6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP: Source IP:>mlx5_ib0]:98:register_to_net_device() register to net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP: Source IP:>mlx5_ib0]:102:register_to_net_device() route_entry [0x7f5f08001d40] is registered to an offloaded device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rtm:443:create_new_entry() new entry 0x7f5f08001d40 created successfully
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = Destination IP: Source IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP: Source IP:>mlx5_ib0]:74:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:213:update_rt_val() updating route val
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:164:update_net_dev_val() updating net_device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:310:resolve_ring() getting a ring
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1013:reserve_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 2 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:280:resolve_neigh() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ntm:115:create_new_entry() Creating new neigh_ib
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1013:reserve_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 3 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:232:neigh_entry() This is loopback neigh
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:239:neigh_entry() Created new neigh_entry
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1560:neigh_ib() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: sm[0x7f5f08003b00]:196:process_sparse_table() SM full table processing done. Allocated memory size of 1216 bytes
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1001:priv_kick_start_sm() Kicking connection start
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:994:priv_print_event_info() Got event 'EV_KICK_START' (0) in state 'NEIGH_NOT_ACTIVE' (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:979:priv_general_st_entry() State change: NEIGH_NOT_ACTIVE (0) => NEIGH_INIT (1) with event EV_KICK_START (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x7f5f08003420' registered ONE SHOT timer for 0 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:256:register_observer() Created new cache_entry Key = IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:297:resolve_neigh() neigh is not valid
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:555:prepare_to_send() dst_entry is offloaded!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: match:428:get_family_by_instance_first_matching_rule() MATCHING program name: *, application-id: *
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: match:408:get_family_by_first_matching_rule() No matching rule. Using VMA (default)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: match:479:__vma_match_tcp_client() MATCH TCP CLIENT (CONNECT): => VMA
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:1395:attach_as_uc_receiver() Attaching using bind to ip rule
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:1399:attach_as_uc_receiver() Attached to specific local if: ( addr:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:632:attach_receiver() Attaching to dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1013:reserve_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 4 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1641:handle_timer_expired() general timeout expired!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:1146:rx_add_ring_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:994:priv_print_event_info() Got event 'EV_START_RESOLUTION' (1) in state 'NEIGH_INIT' (1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ring_slave[0x1b282c0]:179:attach_flow() flow: dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if:, with sink (0x7f5f08001ed0), flow tag id 0 m_flow_tag_enabled: 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:979:priv_general_st_entry() State change: NEIGH_INIT (1) => NEIGH_INIT_RESOLUTION (2) with event EV_START_RESOLUTION (1)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1023:priv_enter_init_resolution() Calling rdma_create_id
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1039:priv_enter_init_resolution() Calling rdma_resolve_addr, src=, dst=
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:600:priv_register_rdma_cm_events() Adding new channel (fd 17, id 0x7f5f4c001330, handler 0x7f5f08003418)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:847:process_rdma_cm_event() [17] Received rdma_cm event RDMA_CM_EVENT_ADDR_RESOLVED (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:845:rdma_event_mapping() Got event RDMA_CM_EVENT_ADDR_RESOLVED (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:994:priv_print_event_info() Got event 'EV_ADDR_RESOLVED' (3) in state 'NEIGH_INIT_RESOLUTION' (2)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:979:priv_general_st_entry() State change: NEIGH_INIT_RESOLUTION (2) => NEIGH_ARP_RESOLVED (4) with event EV_ADDR_RESOLVED (3)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2023:find_pd() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: utils:698:get_vlan_base_name_from_ifname() Failure in ioctl(SIOCGIFVLAN, cmd=GET_VLAN_REALDEV_NAME_CMD) for interface 'mlx5_ib0' (errno=22 Invalid argument)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/net/mlx5_ib0/device/class_id, flags=0, mode=0x3ff) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: socket_internal(domain=(16), type=(524291), protocol=0) = 40
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=40, level=1, optname=7)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: setsockopt(fd=40, level=1, optname=8)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: setsockopt() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: bind(fd=40, sa_family=16)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: bind() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: getsockname(fd=40)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: getsockname() returned with 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=40)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_2/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = -1

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: srdr:2592:open() (file=/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/net/mlx5_ib0/ifindex, flags=0, mode=0) = 40

 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=40)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1920:handle_enter_arp_resolved_uc() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:869:process_rdma_cm_event() [17] Completed rdma_cm event RDMA_CM_EVENT_ADDR_RESOLVED (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:484:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: utils:376:set_fd_block_mode() fd[23]: setting to non-blocking mode (0)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:504:priv_prepare_ibverbs_async_event_queue() Emptied 0 Events
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:526:priv_register_ibverbs_events() 23 added to event_handler_map_t!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:847:process_rdma_cm_event() [17] Received rdma_cm event RDMA_CM_EVENT_ROUTE_RESOLVED (2)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:845:rdma_event_mapping() Got event RDMA_CM_EVENT_ROUTE_RESOLVED (2)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:994:priv_print_event_info() Got event 'EV_PATH_RESOLVED' (4) in state 'NEIGH_ARP_RESOLVED' (4)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:979:priv_general_st_entry() State change: NEIGH_ARP_RESOLVED (4) => NEIGH_PATH_RESOLVED (5) with event EV_PATH_RESOLVED (4)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1969:build_uc_neigh_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x7f5f4c009c00]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x10c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1988:build_uc_neigh_val() IPoIB MAC = 2000:10C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BE
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2037:create_ah() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2013:build_uc_neigh_val() IB unicast neigh params  ah=0x7f5f4c009270, qkey=0xb1b, qpn=0x10c9, dlid=0xe
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x7f5f08003420' registered ONE SHOT timer for 0 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:869:process_rdma_cm_event() [17] Completed rdma_cm event RDMA_CM_EVENT_ROUTE_RESOLVED (2)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1641:handle_timer_expired() general timeout expired!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:994:priv_print_event_info() Got event 'EV_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED' (6) in state 'NEIGH_PATH_RESOLVED' (5)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:979:priv_general_st_entry() State change: NEIGH_PATH_RESOLVED (5) => NEIGH_READY (6) with event EV_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED (6)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:313:empty_unsent_queue() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x7f5f08004720]:286:create_ibv_flow() ibv_create_flow succeeded with flow dst:, src:, proto:TCP, tag_id: 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x7f5f08004720]:188:add_sink() Added new sink (0x7f5f08001f70), num of sinks is now: 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:668:attach_receiver() Attached dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if: to ring 0x1b282c0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:518:prepare_to_send() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP: Source IP:>mlx5_ib0]:74:get_val() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:210:update_rt_val() no change in route_val
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:192:update_net_dev_val() no change in net_device
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:280:resolve_neigh() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:639:get_peer_info() There is a valid val
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: L2_addr[0x7f5f08003ad0]:101:extract_qpn() qpn = 0x10c9
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:293:resolve_neigh() neigh is valid
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:534:prepare_to_send() peer L2 address: 2000:10C9:FE80:0000:0000:0000:0C42:A103:00EB:E2BE
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:458:conf_hdrs_and_snd_wqe() dst_entry  configuring the header template
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:555:prepare_to_send() dst_entry is offloaded!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x7f5f080028a8' registered PERIODIC timer for 100 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:2264:connect() NON blocking connect
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=115 Operation now in progress)
[Client]: round 1 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EINPROGRESS, Operation now in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:85:register_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b026c0' registered PERIODIC timer for 10 msec (user data: (nil))
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp4795:add_new_timer() new TCP timer handler [0x7f5f080028a8] was added
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.171944517 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 183116242, diff_hw_time = 183116246, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.171921497 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 183112638, diff_hw_time = 183112646, diff = -8 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249919
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.171929085 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 183113823, diff_hw_time = 183113835, diff = -12 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249918
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.171936952 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 183115071, diff_hw_time = 183115061, diff = 10 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249934
[Client]: round 2 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 2 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
[Client]: round 3 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 3 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 2.904015358 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 453752181, diff_hw_time = 453752187, diff = -6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 2.904040485 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 453756090, diff_hw_time = 453756110, diff = -20 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249919
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732128075 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b240, estimated_hw_time = 270644885, diff_hw_time = 270644882, diff = 3 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249927
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732155437 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 270649157, diff_hw_time = 270649159, diff = -2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
[Client]: round 4 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 4 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
[Client]: round 5 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 5 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 4.636274705 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 724417574, diff_hw_time = 724417574, diff = 0 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732236805 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 270661870, diff_hw_time = 270661866, diff = 4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.464356009 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b240, estimated_hw_time = 541305373, diff_hw_time = 541305361, diff = 12 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249927
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.464369588 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 541307488, diff_hw_time = 541307484, diff = 4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
[Client]: round 6 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 6 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.368426680 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 995066191, diff_hw_time = 995066191, diff = 0 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.464387815 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 541310336, diff_hw_time = 541310329, diff = 7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732171980 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 270651738, diff_hw_time = 270651744, diff = -6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.196521168 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 811956042, diff_hw_time = 811956035, diff = 7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
[Client]: round 7 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 7 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
[Client]: round 8 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 8 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 8.103184250 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 1266121931, diff_hw_time = 1266121925, diff = 6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.199166029 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 812369302, diff_hw_time = 812369293, diff = 9 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.466942045 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 541709427, diff_hw_time = 541709435, diff = -8 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.931312308 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 1083017028, diff_hw_time = 1083017020, diff = 8 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
[Client]: round 9 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 9 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
[Client]: round 10 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 10 connect() returned
[Client]: connect to server failed: EALREADY [114], Operation already in progress
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 9.835191270 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 1536747898, diff_hw_time = 1536747889, diff = 9 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.931161468 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 1082993459, diff_hw_time = 1082993446, diff = 13 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.198927704 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 812332053, diff_hw_time = 812332057, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 8.663290740 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 1353638528, diff_hw_time = 1353638516, diff = 12 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
[Client]: round 11 connect() started
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: connect(fd=38, AF_INET, addr=, port=10012)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: EXIT: connect() failed (errno=114 Operation already in progress)
[Client]: round 11 connect() returned
[CLIENT] connected to server
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:775:tx() TX while async-connect on socket go to poll
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:778:tx() TX while async-connect on socket return EAGAIN
[CLIENT] sent 000000000000000000000000000000
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:161:notify_cb() Ignoring netlink neigh event for IP = if:IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0, index=6, p_ndev=0x1af1750
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:161:notify_cb() Ignoring netlink neigh event for IP = if:IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0, index=6, p_ndev=0x1af1750
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:161:notify_cb() Ignoring netlink neigh event for IP = if:IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0, index=6, p_ndev=0x1af1750
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:1858:handle_rx_error() RX while async-connect on socket
[CLIENT] no message received.
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:775:tx() TX while async-connect on socket go to poll
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:778:tx() TX while async-connect on socket return EAGAIN
[CLIENT] sent 111111111111111111111111111111
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 11.567768363 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4e0, estimated_hw_time = 1807462939, diff_hw_time = 1807462921, diff = 18 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249925
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732581418 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 270715713, diff_hw_time = 270715711, diff = 2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.931520476 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 1083049540, diff_hw_time = 1083049540, diff = 0 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732648692 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 270726224, diff_hw_time = 270726221, diff = 3 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:1858:handle_rx_error() RX while async-connect on socket
[CLIENT] no message received.
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:775:tx() TX while async-connect on socket go to poll
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:778:tx() TX while async-connect on socket return EAGAIN
[CLIENT] sent 222222222222222222222222222222
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.732133509 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 270645727, diff_hw_time = 270645729, diff = -2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.464710570 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 541360759, diff_hw_time = 541360759, diff = 0 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 8.663638000 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 1353692770, diff_hw_time = 1353692775, diff = -5 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.464708928 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 541360503, diff_hw_time = 541360502, diff = 1 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:1858:handle_rx_error() RX while async-connect on socket
[CLIENT] no message received.
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:775:tx() TX while async-connect on socket go to poll
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:778:tx() TX while async-connect on socket return EAGAIN
[CLIENT] sent 333333333333333333333333333333
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:1858:handle_rx_error() RX while async-connect on socket
[CLIENT] no message received.
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:775:tx() TX while async-connect on socket go to poll
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:778:tx() TX while async-connect on socket return EAGAIN
[CLIENT] sent 444444444444444444444444444444
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.464476765 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 541324227, diff_hw_time = 541324234, diff = -7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.197044100 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 812037740, diff_hw_time = 812037744, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 10.395968734 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 1624369314, diff_hw_time = 1624369318, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.197053509 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 812039210, diff_hw_time = 812039213, diff = -3 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:1858:handle_rx_error() RX while async-connect on socket
[CLIENT] no message received.
[CLIENT] exit.
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: close(fd=38)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:433:prepare_to_close() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:553:handle_socket_linger() Going to linger for max time of 0 usec
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: evh:139:unregister_timer_event() timer handler '0x7f5f080028a8'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43324 VMA DEBUG: evh:163:unregister_timers_event_and_delete() timer handler '0x7f5f080028a8'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:139:unregister_timer_event() timer handler '0x1b026c0'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp4827:remove_timer() TCP timer handler [0x7f5f080028a8] was removed
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:688:detach_receiver() Unregistering receiver: dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:703:detach_receiver() Detaching dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if: from ring 0x1b282c0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ring_slave[0x1b282c0]:360:detach_flow() flow: dst:, src:, proto:TCP, if:, with sink (0x7f5f08001f70)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x7f5f08004720]:196:del_sink() called with sink (0x7f5f08001f70)
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x7f5f08004720]:210:del_sink() Removed sink (0x7f5f08001f70), num of sinks is now: 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x7f5f08004720]:213:del_sink() rfs sinks list is now empty
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: rfs[0x7f5f08004720]:305:destroy_ibv_flow() ibv_destroy_flow with flow dst:, src:, proto:TCP
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:1213:rx_del_ring_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1035:release_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 3 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:191:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Cache_entry  is not deletable
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si[fd=38]:1471:shutdown_rx() shutdown RX
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:64:~dst_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:186:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Deleting cache_entry IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:163:unregister_timers_event_and_delete() timer handler '0x7f5f08003420'
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:186:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Deleting cache_entry Destination IP: Source IP:>mlx5_ib0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: rte[Destination IP: Source IP:>mlx5_ib0]:123:unregister_to_net_device() unregister from net device with src_addr
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:191:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Cache_entry  is not deletable
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:270:unregister_observer() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: cache_subject_observer:186:try_to_remove_cache_entry() Deleting cache_entry Destination IP: Source IP:
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1035:release_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 2 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: dst[0x7f5f08001610]:108:~dst_entry() Done 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: si_tcp[fd=38]:361:~sockinfo_tcp() sock closed
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:2058:destroy_ah() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1891:priv_enter_not_active() Unregister Verbs event
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: do_wakeup()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1225:priv_destroy_cma_id() Calling rdma_destroy_id
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:1104:priv_enter_not_active() calling to zero_all_members()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:244:~neigh_entry() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndv[0x1af1750]:1035:release_ring() 0x1b282c0: if_index 6 parent 0x1b282c0 ref 1 key allocation logic 0 profile 0 key 0 user address (nil) user length 0
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ne[IB: IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0]:260:~neigh_entry() Done
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:589:priv_unregister_ibverbs_events() 23 erased from event_handler_map_t!
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:652:priv_unregister_rdma_cm_events() Removing from channel 17, id 0x7f5f4c001330
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: evh:658:priv_unregister_rdma_cm_events() Removed channel <17 0x7f5f4c001330>
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ENTER: remove_wakeup_fd()
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.201536435 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 812739667, diff_hw_time = 812739674, diff = -7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.934128060 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 1083456975, diff_hw_time = 1083456976, diff = -1 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 12.133070824 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 1895791382, diff_hw_time = 1895791388, diff = -6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.934127167 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 1083456835, diff_hw_time = 1083456836, diff = -1 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 6.942622656 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 1084784255, diff_hw_time = 1084784259, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 8.675206723 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 1355500382, diff_hw_time = 1355500383, diff = -1 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 13.874124716 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 2167830918, diff_hw_time = 2167830923, diff = -5 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 8.675201571 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 1355499577, diff_hw_time = 1355499579, diff = -2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 8.683586328 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 1356809695, diff_hw_time = 1356809693, diff = 2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 10.416141634 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 1627521328, diff_hw_time = 1627521323, diff = 5 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 15.615076286 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 2439854467, diff_hw_time = 2439854465, diff = 2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 10.416126374 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 1627518943, diff_hw_time = 1627518941, diff = 2 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 10.424655782 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 1628851663, diff_hw_time = 1628851662, diff = 1 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 12.157237893 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 1899567484, diff_hw_time = 1899567477, diff = 7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 17.356162774 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 2711899097, diff_hw_time = 2711899092, diff = 5 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 12.157340237 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 1899583475, diff_hw_time = 1899583469, diff = 6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=1
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:161:notify_cb() Ignoring netlink neigh event for IP = if:IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0, index=6, p_ndev=0x1af1750
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:161:notify_cb() Ignoring netlink neigh event for IP = if:IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0, index=6, p_ndev=0x1af1750
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:364:get_net_device_val() Found IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0 for index: 6
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:161:notify_cb() Ignoring netlink neigh event for IP = if:IB: Net Device: mlx5_ib0, index=6, p_ndev=0x1af1750
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=2
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 12.155940713 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 1899364800, diff_hw_time = 1899364793, diff = 7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 13.888490246 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0d0, estimated_hw_time = 2170075531, diff_hw_time = 2170075521, diff = 10 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 19.087406243 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 2982405755, diff_hw_time = 2982405750, diff = 5 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 13.888463138 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ad00, estimated_hw_time = 2170071295, diff_hw_time = 2170071283, diff = 12 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 13.896994252 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 2171404281, diff_hw_time = 2171404277, diff = 4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.741081637 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 272043869, diff_hw_time = 272043876, diff = -7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249922
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 20.828499782 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 3254451487, diff_hw_time = 3254451484, diff = 3 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 1.741112136 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 272048635, diff_hw_time = 272048641, diff = -6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249922
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:108:neigh_cache_callback() ---> neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:130:notify_cb() 
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ndtm[0x1aeeb60]:359:get_net_device_val() Can't find net_device for index: 5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: ntm:164:notify_cb() could not find ndv_val for ifindex=5
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: nl_wrapper:115:neigh_cache_callback() <--- neigh_cache_callback
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 15.629968326 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 2442181347, diff_hw_time = 2442181343, diff = 4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.474031737 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 542817187, diff_hw_time = 542817193, diff = -6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249922
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 22.561435958 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 3525222631, diff_hw_time = 3525222623, diff = 8 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 3.474051344 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 542820251, diff_hw_time = 542820255, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249922
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_3' [0x1adbf70] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 17.370950071 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b4c0, estimated_hw_time = 2714209611, diff_hw_time = 2714209604, diff = 7 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_2' [0x1adc780] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.215008347 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1aef0b0, estimated_hw_time = 814844647, diff_hw_time = 814844651, diff = -4 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249922
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_1' [0x1adbb80] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 24.302408788 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0b260, estimated_hw_time = 3797249501, diff_hw_time = 3797249492, diff = 9 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249923
 Pid: 43310 Tid: 43325 VMA DEBUG: time_converter_ib_ctx156:fix_hw_clock_deviation() ibv device 'mlx5_0' [0x1adc360] : fix_hw_clock_deviation parameters status : 5.215003452 since last deviation fix, 
UPDATE_HW_TIMER_PERIOD_MS = 1000, current_parameters_set = 0x1b0ace0, estimated_hw_time = 814843882, diff_hw_time = 814843888, diff = -6 ,m_hca_core_clock = 156249922
[root@host55 libvma-]$ 

from libvma.

igor-ivanov avatar igor-ivanov commented on July 18, 2024

I think that described issue looks the same as

from libvma.

Honggang-LI avatar Honggang-LI commented on July 18, 2024

I think that described issue looks the same as

Yes, you are right.

Why VMA does not work as server/client from single process?

from libvma.

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