lichess-org / broadcaster Goto Github PK
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License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Broadcast your chess games on Lichess!
Home Page:
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
I'd like to install broadcaster on my Ubuntu server and have it automatically kept up to date with the most recent release... and recommend to friends to do the same.
Allow app to be installed without Settings>Security override
After clicking "Log in with Lichess", instead of clicking "Authorize", click "Cancel"
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at src/
called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value
both at launch, and probably on every push as multi-day tournaments could overlap server updates and new code.
this can be rolled as an int into existing communications, or a separate endpoint. your call.
Lichess API gives us both the option to stream a broadcast ( modern ) and to poll the PGN from a round. I think we should add copy-link buttons to the app, so that a tournament organizer can just copy the URL and give it to others who wish to broadcast the event.
Hello everyone, now I'm making chess online using socket io. And my question is how to implement timers for players? Nothing comes to mind except perhaps implementing timers on the client. Sorry for being off topic issue
Hi, we've been testing the broadcast app and found that the broadcast board order is often wrong, even though DGT creates headers with board numbers like 1.5 for round 1, board 5.
Please compare (fed from Livechess cloud) with (fed from the broadcast app).
Line 78 in 496ee78
Just thinking we maybe want to say " Lichess Broadcaster app" and what the "Success " is? You have "logged in" or " authorized the app"?
Maybe even something even simpler? " Lichess Broadcaster is ready to be used! You can close this window and return to the application. For help with getting started read [ link ] or join Discord
Redirect to http://localhost:53940/ after clicking 'Authorize' in the browser returns a 500 error:
When a folder is selected, the app currently only uploads files when they get modified. If there are files in that folder already, they won't get uploaded until they have changes.
In cases where the Broadcaster app was not running when the tournament started or if the app needed to be restarted, it should do an initial upload of all the existing PGN files.
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