This is a template for use with the Leptos web framework and the cargo-leptos tool.
If you don't have cargo-leptos
installed you can install it with
cargo install cargo-leptos --locked
Then run
cargo leptos new --git leptos-rs/start-actix
to generate a new project template (you will be prompted to enter a project name).
cd {projectname}
to go to your newly created project.
Of course, you should explore around the project structure, but the best place to start with your application code is in src/
cargo leptos watch
By default, you can access your local project at http://localhost:3000
By default, cargo-leptos
uses nightly
Rust, cargo-generate
, and sass
. If you run into any trouble, you may need to install one or more of these tools.
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade
- make sure you have Rust nightlyrustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- add the ability to compile Rust to WebAssemblycargo install cargo-generate
- installcargo-generate
binary (should be installed automatically in future)npm install -g sass
- installdart-sass
(should be optional in future)
After running a cargo leptos build --release
the minimum files needed are:
- The server binary located in
- The
directory and all files within located intarget/site
Copy these files to your remote server. The directory structure should be:
Set the following environment variables (updating for your project as needed):
export LEPTOS_OUTPUT_NAME="leptos_start"
export LEPTOS_SITE_ROOT="site"
export LEPTOS_SITE_PKG_DIR="pkg"
export LEPTOS_RELOAD_PORT="3001"
Finally, run the server binary.
Although it is not recommended, you can also run your project without server integration using the feature csr
and trunk serve
trunk serve --open --features csr
This may be useful for integrating external tools which require a static site, e.g. tauri
This template itself is released under the Unlicense. You should replace the LICENSE for your own application with an appropriate license if you plan to release it publicly.
start-actix's People
start-actix's Issues
Readme git url wrong
I noticed that the README points to the old starter template. Is this intentional?
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