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This project forked from algorithm-archivists/algorithm-archive

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A collaborative book on algorithms

Home Page:

License: MIT License

TeX 3.38% Julia 10.68% Haskell 5.15% C 11.78% C++ 13.28% Python 13.83% C# 6.23% JavaScript 4.46% OCaml 0.53% Rust 8.55% Java 9.58% MATLAB 1.59% Clojure 2.06% CSS 0.21% Elm 2.17% Shell 1.03% D 0.34% Go 3.09% Racket 0.37% Swift 1.69%

algorithm-archive's Introduction

The Arcane Algorithm Archive

The Arcane Algorithm Archive is a collaborative effort to create a guide for all important algorithms in all languages. This goal is obviously too ambitious for a book of any size, but it is a great project to learn from and work on and will hopefully become an incredible resource for programmers in the future.

To change the language, please use the UI at the top of the site:

Here are some essential links:

Note that this project is essentially a book about algorithms collaboratively written by an online community. Fortunately, there are a lot of algorithms out there, which means that there is a lot of content material available. Unfortunately, this means that we will probably never cover every algorithm ever created and instead need to focus on what the community sees as useful and necessary. That said, we'll still cover a few algorithms for fun that have very little, if any practical purpose.

If you would like to contribute, feel free to go to any chapter with code associated with it and implement that algorithm in your favorite language, and then submit the code via pull request. You can find help and instructions regarding the contribution process in our How to Contribute wiki entry.

Hopefully, this project will grow and allow individuals to learn about and try their hand at implementing different algorithms for fun and (potentially) useful projects. If nothing else, it will be an enjoyable adventure for our community.

Thanks for reading and let me know if there's anything wrong or if you want to see something implemented in the future!


The code examples for this project are licensed under the MIT license (found in All text content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License with attribution specified at the end of every chapter. All graphics are licensed under the license stated at the end of every chapter. If no attribution is specified, please attribute James Schloss.

algorithm-archive's People


leios avatar gathros avatar june128 avatar wesley-arrington avatar berquist avatar jiegillet avatar amaras avatar butt4cak3 avatar shadowmitia avatar ubsan avatar zsparal avatar trashtalk217 avatar c252 avatar paddyke avatar thijsray avatar stormofice avatar mika314 avatar pudottapommin avatar depate avatar 0xjonas avatar ntindle avatar vexatos avatar rishvic avatar peanutbutterwarrior avatar gorzoid avatar earthfail avatar dovisutu avatar sklan avatar kenpower avatar fanninpm avatar

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