Name: Justin Hachemeister
Type: User
Bio: Husband, Father, Gamer, Blogger, Senior Software Engineer. Self-Motivated, Curiosity Driven, Always Learning and Improving.
Twitter: JHachemeister
Location: Windsor, Colorado
Justin Hachemeister's Projects
A Fody weaver which allows to decorate methods and hook into method start, method end and method exceptions.
A method and property caching Fody addin.
Compile time decorator pattern via IL rewriting
Injects some very basic method timing code.
Modern WPF Themes (like Visual Studio 2012 or later).
Random Micro Benchmarks
Self-documenting services
Sample cloud-native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, gRPC and OpenCensus. Provided for illustration and demo purposes.
a .NET Standard implementation of the spatial types in `Microsoft.SqlServer.Types`
This repository contains all controls for WPF and WinForms to simplify and demonstrate usage of UWP controls
Minecraft, but I made it in 48 hours.
Neovim plugin with collection of minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules dedicated to improve Neovim (version 0.5 and higher) experience
A minimal Web API for ASP.NET Core
minted is a LaTeX package that provides syntax highlighting using the Pygments library. Highlighted source code can be customized using fancyvrb.
🏷 Minimalistic versioning using Git tags.
WPF music player and catalogue
MLib is a set of WPF theming libraries based on MahApps.Metro and MUI
Mock Entity Framework's DbSet with NSubstitute