Name: Justin Hachemeister
Type: User
Bio: Husband, Father, Gamer, Blogger, Senior Software Engineer. Self-Motivated, Curiosity Driven, Always Learning and Improving.
Twitter: JHachemeister
Location: Windsor, Colorado
Justin Hachemeister's Projects
A Metalsmith plugin to add an id + anchor to all headings on a page. Ideal for permalinks.
A metalsmith plugin for adding page-specific hooks to your build
Metalsmith plugin to show images or gifs from anchor elements on hover.
A Metalsmith plug-in to minify HTML files.
A Metalsmith plugin that tidies HTML using tidy-html5, which is a JavaScript compilation of Tidy.
A Metalsmith plugin to hyphenate words.
Metalsmith plugin for i18next to easily create multiple localised branches of your site.
A Metalsmith plugin for automatically building font icon sets using Fontello
A Metalsmith plugin to ignore files that match a pattern.
Metalsmith plugin to minify images
🏙️ A metalsmith plugin for in-place templating
Faster incremental builds for MetalSmith
A Metalsmith plugin to index directories
A Metalsmith plugin for injecting metadata constants into source file data.
A Metalsmith plugin to debug Metalsmith and plugins. Simpler to use than metalsmith-debug.
Metalsmith plugin which parses json files and exposes their properties as metadata on the file object
A Metalsmith plugin to auto convert dates to moment objects.
A metalsmith plugin to copy or preserve properties to new keys
🌼 A metalsmith plugin for layouts
Creates localized branches of a metalsmith collection
A Metalsmith plugin to convert markdown files.
A Metalsmith plugin to convert markdown files via Remarkable
A Metalsmith plugin to read file metadata from YAML frontmatter