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Comments (44)

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

can you try with 1.0.11 ? can you also try searching for missing sms? maybe threading is broken and sms are "hidden" somewhere.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

I checked strings of text to make sure that threading was not the issue. I could not find them anywhere on my Gmail account.

Installed 1.0.11.

Started to send messages to contacts just to get a bunch of received SMS going. After 10 minutes, I'm not seeing any auto back ups hitting Gmail (checking Gmail, don't know how to see the status on the phone). I did a manual backup.

Checked Gmail and only sent SMS are seen. None of the received ones were found (tried doing a search again just to make sure it was not threading).

By the way, does SMS Backup+ save a rotating log file anywhere on the phone?

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

no, but there's normal device logging, you could try installing aLogcat ( and see if you detect anything suspicious in the logs.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Is there a particular string I should search for in the logs?

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

see if there are any exceptions, you could also filter for SmsBackupService and SmsSync.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

I sent 2 and received 2 when I started to run aLogcat. I waited until SMS Backup+ sync on its own. This is what I got:

10-05 16:54:41.942 D/SmsSync (22400): Scheduled sync due in 180 seconds.
10-05 16:54:52.418 D/SmsSync (22400): Scheduled sync due in 180 seconds.
10-05 16:55:07.668 D/SmsSync (22400): Scheduled sync due in 180 seconds.
10-05 16:56:32.387 D/dalvikvm(22400): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1716 objects / 99184 bytes in 119ms
10-05 16:58:07.723 D/SmsBackupService(22400): getItemToSync(max=-1)
10-05 16:58:12.793 D/dalvikvm(22400): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3958 objects / 206008 bytes in 84ms
10-05 16:58:12.793 D/NativeCrypto(22400): Freeing OpenSSL session
10-05 16:58:16.387 D/dalvikvm(22400): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3882 objects / 197832 bytes in 69ms
10-05 16:58:17.645 I/SmsBackupService(22400): Starting backup (2 messages)
10-05 16:58:17.668 D/SmsSync (22400): using new contacts API
10-05 16:58:57.825 D/SmsSync (22400): Scheduled sync due in 7200 seconds.
10-05 16:58:57.825 I/SmsBackupService(22400): 2 items backed up

Instead of the expected 4 messages backed up, I only saw 2 in the log as well as 2 in Gmail (sent SMS).

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Should I do a reinstall of SMS Backup+ and do a full backup of all my SMS and see if that would also send the received SMS?

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

interesting. you don't need to reinstall, you can just use "reset" from the menu.
i use the app on 2.2 (cyanogen) without problems, so this is a bit puzzling.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

hmm. another explanation would be that the incoming messages get stored in the MMS table for some reason. that would explain why they don't get backed up, but it's not very likely.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

I backed up 2k+ SMS via WiFi. Both sent and received SMS is present at my Gmail account including all the received SMS before I did the reset.

I received a few more SMS and did another manual backup just to check. Again, the sent SMS is present on my email account but the received SMS is not. I tested this with both "Require Wifi" checked and uncheck (only because it seems to be working great when I did a full backup witih WiFi enabled). The problem still persists.

You think it might be Motorola's Motoblur with Android 2.2 (maybe something specific to DROID X)? I'd like to keep giving as much information as possible. This is such an awesome app :)

BTW, not sure if this is related, but I also noticed that on the full backup, my contact's name instead of their phone number (e.g. [email protected]) displays. Was this a 1.0.11 thing?

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

hmm weird. so the initial backup works ok, but the incremental backup leaves out incoming SMS?

the name instead of phone number is something which got finally fixed in 1.0.11.

i don't think it's phone specific. is there anything unusual about the SMS you receive ? (different timezones etc) ? i could create an .apk for you with some more debug information enabled.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

here's a debug build you could try as well, it produces some more logging:

from sms-backup-plus.

endolith avatar endolith commented on June 3, 2024

I've had the same problem since upgrading to Cyanogenmod 6, incidentally. Other background notifications and stuff aren't working either, though, so it could be something else at fault.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

The SMS received are in the same timezone as my phone (West Coast). I also received a few other SMS from a Hawaii time zone. Neither received SMS backs up.

I grabbed the 1.0.11 (debug). Just to make sure, I uninstalled 1.0.11 (release) and then installed debug. The only settings I changed was to allow auto backup and modified the authentication settings so it works with the DROID X (plain text).

From that point, I deleted all my SMS from Gmail and doing a full backup one more time to get the same conditions as release.

All that is probably not necessary, but I'm a software tester and I just want to make sure I get the debug software to the same point as release :)

For 1.0.11 (debug), do I use the same strings to filter with aLogcat?

endolith, I never had background notifications enabled when I first installed the software (when backing up was working properly for all SMS), so I cannot confirm if background notifications ceased working when my received SMS stopped backing up.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

same strings should work.

FYI just got another bug report via email, Droid X 2.2, received sms no longer backed up. endolith, do you have a Droid X as well?

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

I sent 4 SMS and received 3.

I then proceeded to do a manual backup.

Here is the log: (I hid my email address in the log)
I filtered it using 28496 (the process ID?), so hopefully I got all the relevant information.

The manual backup only found 4 SMS and not a total of 7. I checked my Gmail and it only backed up the sent SMS.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

@kazuo: thanks.

the line: getItemToSync(max=-1), maxSyncedDate=1286380542825
means get all items newer than 2010-10-06 17:55:42 +0200. could you check if the missing messages are older than that?

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Sorry, timezones constantly confuse me. If I'm in -0800, would I be looking for 11:55:42? If that's the case, I recall doing test messages at 11:07 (local time) which would be older than the timestamp you listed above.

I'll do another test with the logger when I get back home later tonight.

Edit: I completely did the math wrong on the timezone, would that be 9:55:42 local?

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

To clarify the above. The missing messages I wanted to back up were newer than the maxSyncedDate from above. Is the maxSyncedDate the last time it backed up?

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

yes. maxSyncedDate gets updated each time a sms is backed up.

10-06 11:09:59.001 V/SmsSync (28496): Max synced date set to: 1286388304550

my assumption is that newly arriving sms will have have a date greater than maxSyncedDate. if that's not true, they will not get backed up.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Here's another one I did this morning:

I checked the time on my phone, I'm actually GMT -0700 (stupid daylights). Local time, I received messages at 10/7/2010 9:01am (just checking the SMS dates) then I promoted to run the aLogcat and SMS Backup+ and that's what you see above. I sent one message during that time and that's all it sent.

Edit: I don't know how to convert the timetsamp for maxSyncedDate otherwise I could verify it myself.

Okay, here's the weird thing... and I wish I ran the log earlier I did that test. I had a couple more received messages that morning (not more than 10 minutes before) and before I ran the log to run the test above, I figure I'd do a backup first just to "reset" everything for the next incoming SMS. Those incoming SMS did get backed up but not the ones I did a few minutes later!

I'll try it again in a few hours, I'll make sure I'll log everything. Should I just turn off automatic backup for now just so I can get logs of every backup that happens on the phone? Yesterday, I turned "Incoming schedule" to never and "Regular schedule" is still set for 2h.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

to convert timestamps:

i might not be timezones... i think it's not a good idea to use the sms date field for the backups. it should use a "received" timestamp, not the "sent" timestamp. i'm currently investigating whether android provides that information.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Just to eliminate a few hunches I had since I manually ran SMS Backup+ this morning after I woke up. (Phone was on all night, but I don't know if Android closed it out or not since I didn't received anything throughout the night.)

I force closed the app and received a few SMS. Opened the app, and ran the manual backup. Manual backup still didn't backup received SMS.

I forced closed the app and started it. Received more SMS. Manual backup still doesn't backup the newly received messages.

Just wanted to try that out in case we ever needed to test an edge case like that.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Did you want me to try 1.1 to see if the issue still occurs?

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

you can try, but i don't think it'll fix the issue.

from sms-backup-plus.

mjs0708 avatar mjs0708 commented on June 3, 2024

I too have the same problem. I have two Droid X's and both do the same thing. Just backs up sent messages on both phones. Both are running OTA 2.2 and Handcent sms too. I did notice one thing that was odd, sending a test text to myself was backed up manually ok but the sent and recieve times were way off. It shows that I sent the text at 4:12 am. (actually sent at 8:12 am). The recieve manual backup time was listed correctly. However, it will not automatic backup recieved sms at all.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

I think i have an idea of what's going on: the received sms goes to a different content uri content://sms/inbox and will later get moved over to the main sms storage. that could be the reason why full backups works ok (everything is already in the main sms table). so when a backup is performed it should read from content://sms/inbox as well.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

i've created a new version to test this:

mjs0708, kazuo: try installing this version and see if it makes a difference?
it's the same as 1.1.1 with one little modification.

from sms-backup-plus.

mjs0708 avatar mjs0708 commented on June 3, 2024

No luck. Still is only recording the outgoing texts. Do you have any other ideas? Could it be a gmail setting issue?


from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

hmm i'm running out of ideas. i'll have to take a closer look at the android source code to find out what's happening.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Gave it a shot. I didn't bother to do a reset first. I sent/received a few SMS after installing it and let the auto backup take care of it. That was a few hours ago (just to give the auto backup plenty of time) I noticed no new SMS were backed up.... sent or received. I tried to do a manual backup, and it tells me there are no new items to backup

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Weird. Last night I had a lot of SMS going back and forth. I didn't bother to check or manually run SMS Backup+. This morning I checked the SMS section of my Gmail and guess what I found: all my received SMS, but none of my sent ones. So we're almost there?

I'll try to get a few more SMS going and try the manual backup

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

I can confirm that I can both auto and manual backup, but it will only backup with received and not sent. So close! :)

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

ok, could you try next ?

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Installed the the build as you requested. I went ahead and reset the backup as well (just to make it clean) and did a backup all. Threading seems really broken in this one. At first I thought only my received SMS was being backed up, I had to do a search on my sent ones to see where they were. So far, full manual backup looks okay (besides the threading issues).

Automatic backup between received/sent SMS seems to be working properly at the moment as well. However, when I go into SMS Backup+ and click on the Backup button, it insists there are messages to backup... at the moment it keeps trying to backup 8 messages every time I hit Backup. Even though it sends it to the server, it tries to backup 8 messages. I'm not seeing any dupes in Gmail, so I'm not sure what messages are being backed up.

With the exception of that phantom manual backups and the odd threading issue, at least (so far) it's backing up received and sent on the DROID X.

I'll keep monitoring it tomorrow.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Confirming that the automatic backup is working for both received and sent SMS.

By the way, threading looks to be working on the incremental back ups.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

With this latest build, I took a look at the backed up SMS on Gmail itself. The timestamps seem to be off.

With the sent SMS, the timestamp listed in Gmail (which is I'm guessing is local time, the "date" field in the message/email) matches the local timestamp I see on my phone.

However, the received SMS timestamp (date field in Gmail) is 7 hours behind the local timestamp on the phone. I'm currently in GMT -7. That's my only guess to the time difference.

The time discrepancy would also throw off the threading for the day.

Edit 1: Also checked the timestamps for the "full" backup that I did, it also shows a 7 hour difference between Gmail's date and the phone's local timestamp.

Edit 2: Okay, I just saw your FAQ on the timestamps/threading. I checked the original message to get the actual timestamp.

The received SMS actually has the proper date. For example, on my phone I received a message at 5:27PM local time. In Gmail, it has that SMS' timestamp at Tue, 19 Oct 2010 10:24:05 -0700, which would match it to my local time.

On the sent message though, I have something on my phone with 5:17PM local time, but the timestamp on Gmail reads as Tue, 19 Oct 2010 17:17:23 -0700
and not Tue, 19 Oct 2010 10:17:23 -0700. I'm still trying to wrap my head around time zones. I guess the point is that both received and sent SMS timestamps are not consistent :(

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

i'm really hoping it's not a timezone issue, these are ugly to fix/debug.
don't have much time to look at this right now but i've just released 1.1.2 which fixes the gmail timestamp problems.

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

Did you merge the DROID X specific fixes in 1.1.2?

I'll try 1.1.2 and see if the Gmail timestamps/threading is corrected on a full backup.

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

no, i haven't - i really like to understand what's causing it before i do it.
make sure you delete your old backup emails otherwise it won't rethread (i think)

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

I think I'm getting closer to figuring out what might be going on... at least from an end-user point ov view. This is all assumption since I don't know the inner workings of Android.

Things we know:

  1. This is happening on DROID X 2.2. It's been confirmed to be having an issue with the DROID X OTA 2.2 update as well as Cyanogenmod 6 (though, endolith did not confirm if he is running that mod on DROID X).
  2. Able to backup sent SMS but not able to backup received SMS (the core problem).
  3. If you reset SMS Backup+, you can do a full backup of all your SMS--both sent and received just fine

New things that I found out:

  1. Since the 2.2 update on DROID X, I noticed the timestamps for received SMS on Gmail is 7 hours behind the actual received SMS found on the handset. (Note that my phone's timezone is currently GMT -0700... would like to know if other DROID X 2.2 users in different timezones have their received SMS on Gmail augmented by the GMT offset.)
  2. This problem still exists in SMS Backup+ 1.1.3 on DROID X 2.2. See this screenshot comparing received and sent SMS:

This is my findings... and I don't think I can do anymore investigation without understanding Android itself.

This is how a backup is determined to my understanding (please clarify), SMS Backup+ has a maxSyncedDate. My guess is that maxSyncedDate is the last timestamp that SMS Backup+ has ran any sort of backup... whether it being a manual or an automated backup. maxSyncedDate is the cutoff date to backup any messages. Any SMS sent or received that has a timestamp newer--or in timestamp terms, if the SMS' timestamp is greater than maxSyncedDate--then SMS Backup+ will backup those messages.

When looking at the DROID X 2.2 handset, it looks like the timstamps for received messages are correct according to when a person receives one. If I receive an SMS on Oct 23, 2010 7:01 AM, then the timestamp on the DROID X matches the date and time. However, if that message gets backed up to Gmail (which can only be verified doing a reset and a full backup), that message will be dated to Oct 23, 2010 12:01 AM (can only confirm it to be 7 hours behind in GMT -0700).

Using the example above, let's say that SMS Backup+ had its last manual backup on Oct 23, 2010 6:00 AM (let's just assume that we're speaking all of the same timezone). That means maxSyncedDate is set to Oct 23, 2010 6:00 AM as well. If I tried to run another manual backup after I received the SMS above on Oct 23, 2010 7:30 AM, the SMS I received at 7:01 AM would never get backed up because SMS Backup+ would never see it since its timestamp was actually 12:01 AM and not 7:01 AM.

Since this isn't happening on any other 2.2 handsets, it seems like it's a weird bug with the DROID X itself. I'd like endolith to confirm that he's seeing the same issue with Cyanogenmod 6 because we know it's happening with the official 2.2 release for DROID X.

The next thing I'm going to do to prove that the above is happening is this:

  1. Turn off automatic backup
  2. Do a manual backup
  3. Conduct business as usual and send/receive SMS
  4. At 7 hours after step 2, flag received SMS
  5. Do another manual backup
  6. If my assumptions are correct, any received SMS before step 4 will not be backed up and any SMS after step 4 will be.

Again, check out my screen shot to see what's happening:

I'll report my findings tomorrow :)

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

After doing some searching on the web, this seems like a Motorola problem :(

from sms-backup-plus.

jberkel avatar jberkel commented on June 3, 2024

wow, nice research kazuo. so it is a timezone bug after all. hope it gets fixed soon, so many problems with droid x...

from sms-backup-plus.

kazuo avatar kazuo commented on June 3, 2024

And for a bit more information for those who are unfortunate to have this issue...

Supposedly the 3.3 series of Handcent offsets the timestamp for you. I tested it a few times and ran a backup, and it looks to be working... except Handcent has its own set of problems that's been giving me more of a headache in the past 30m of testing out than trying to figure out this DROID X bug the last 3 weeks.

You can also give SMS Time Fix a try. It will rewrite the timestamp to its correct state. I ran SMS Backup+ while running this with a few messages and the timestamps were correct on Gmail.

On a somewhat DROID X related note... XOAuth is working properly on 2.2.

from sms-backup-plus.

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