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deck.js's Issues

Disable touch device swiping?

How can I prevent swiping between slides on touch devices?

I only want to switch between slides using previous/next links (enabled using deck.navigation).

deck.hash id assignments are not reinit proof

deck.hash assigns ids to elements without them on init. If init is called again after deck contents have shifted around or been added/removed, the old ids are kept around. Try setting a flag on the element data to indicate if the id was assigned and check it during assignment.

Resizing Distorts Slides

Often when I give a presentation I don't know in advance if the projector is going to be 800x600, or 1600x1200, or anything inbetween. I don't know if there is any way of handling this cleanly, but the lack of resolution independence stops me using deck.js, or any other html presentation system, at the moment. Any ideas?

AJAX loading of slides

Create an extension for loading in slides asynchronously and adding them to the deck. Will Might require at least an add method in core, and should also give configurable options for linking between slides. Preferably such that it degrades into plain old linked pages.

class = "on-slide-5 #{slide_id}"

I really like how the intro presentation walks through the HTML by highlighting different parts of it:

and I'd like to use that technique on my own presentation.
What I can tell from the source is that the relevant code blocks are colored by the global slide-id class set on the body.
That is, the code block with class .example_current becomes red on the fifth slide from the css

 .on-slide-5 .example-current {
    color: #c00;

Is there any way we could add the current slide's custom ID to the body class as well?
Or is there another way I can implement this functionality without relying on the actual slide ordering?

Add a feature to go through slides automatically, based on a timer

It will be great to have an option to let slides advance automatically, based on a timer. Sometime you want to let a presentation to show unattended, on a booth by example. Another usage will be to display a presentation on a web site, for visitors. Some will not get or not like to have to go through by clicking for each step.

What I think is needed for this type of feature is:

  • Be able to define a time in seconds for each depth of slides: you want to go through a list faster than between slides
  • Eventually be able to overload the time for a specific slide. Useful for the last slide of large ones
  • Have an option to cycle, means to go to the first slide after the last one.

Thanks a lot for your great job. focus/scrolling

Add a scheme of scrolling and focusing the current slide for decks with > 16 slides (or any amount that overflows the container.)

Multiple slide transitions?

What is the best way to mix slide transitions? For example, have top level slides transition horizontally, but have sub-slides fade in?

ARIA audit

There are probably a number of aria-* attributes that could be utilized. Go through core and all the extensions and see what we can do.

From vick08 on Twitter:

I suggest aria-hidden=true on the offscreen content to prevent keyboard access to it.

Hierarchical HTML and

I can't get to work with a hierarchical structure I have. I have a hierarchical structure because I'm trying to maintain semantic meaning to my HTML. Here's what I have...

        <header class="slide">
        <section class="slide">
        <footer class="slide">

I was able to massage deck.js to work with this structure (just tweaking CSS), but doesn't want to work, even after tweaking the CSS. Initially, the slides weren't sized at all. After tweaking CSS, I got them to scale down, but not all of them show up (by a long shot) and they don't render in the nice grid structure they should. Any ideas?

Slide count should show actual slide count.

The slide count currently shows the number of elements with the "slide" class, however I don't think this gives an accurate representation of the total number of slides. I feel that the total number of slides should be the number of elements with a "slide" class that are direct children of the body.

I've pushed a fix for this to my fork of the project if you'd like to look at it and let me know if I should issue a pull request.

Do not show transition effect on start

Hello, as you know we are doing an IDE for deck.js at

Currently we are adding a live edit feature which immediately displays the rendered slide on the preview window as one types the HTML, but it ain't pretty because always when slideshow is rendered the transition is triggered.

We tried removing the transition CSS for the time of rendering, but the transition is shown right after when the CSS is put back to the DOM.

Chrome - Slides disappearing and strange artifacts with >= 10 slides


I'm working on a HTML presentation with DeckJS and I'm facing an issue with Chrome

Chrome 13.0.782.215 m

  • If you refresh the page on a slide. The particular slide will be blank after reload.
  • Also, if you refresh on the first slide and move forward. After the slide 10 they stop appearing correctly, there are many artifacts.

Chrome 15.0.865.0 canary

  • If you refresh the page on a slide. If you move around, you will see that many slides appear on the page, displaced ...

However it works perfectly fine on Firefox, therefore I don't know if it's a bug you can fix.

Those strange artifacts appear to happen when I put more than 10 slides. It does not seem to be a markup problem as they work perfectly when the slides are alone.

Change event namespacing on native events

Currently a lot of modules just use the .deck namespace when binding to native events. This should be changed so that only core uses .deck and modules use something more specific, such as .deckmenu to avoid cross contamination between modules when unbinding and binding. Nothing breaks yet, this is a strictly preemptive architectural move.

Extension Suggestion: Table of Contents

I'm working on a one-hour presentation with DeckJS. Since it is quite long, I'd like to be able to give hints to the user of the overall plan.

It would be really great to be able to do something as I did in LateX:

  • Tags in order to tell where the (sub)sections are: <h1/2/3/4 class="toc">Name</hx>
  • Tag to display the Table of contents:
  • Some template that would display the table of content and current position on every slide.

Jumping forward via location.hash causes freak-out

Not a very clear bug title, but it's easy enough to demonstrate.

  • Go to the "Getting Started" guide here.
  • Open javascript console and type: location.hash = "#elements-images"


  • Replace the existing hash tag in the URL bar with #elements-images.

elements-images is just an example. It can be any div with the deck-after class, although it seems like the effect is more pronounced the further down in the deck it is.

Allow slide selection from the slide menu

From #13:

I think the menu view should let the user just touch a slide to go to it. I'm going to break that out into a separate issue issue though, since I think the same thing for mouse clicks would be beneficial.

Goto Extension: CountNested

It would be very comfortable if the goto extension would provide a CountNested option as the status extension does.

I'm using deck.js for powerpoint-like presentations (it's awesome!) and the audience is seeing "page x/y", where x != the internal slide number if I'm using CountNested. If someone says "please show me page x again", I can't just use the goto extension and type in x. I must know the internal number of x which is uncomfortable.

Need an extension for Powerpath key bindings

The "Show PowerPoint Presentation with Shortcuts" section of has a great list. I don't know if all of them are possible, but note that there are six(!) different keys to get to the next page, and five to go back. You need at least space/backspace if you want to use a remote presentation control (it's basically a laser pointer with a two-key wireless keyboard). Also nice are the show/hide blank slide toggles for black and white screens (two key bindings for each) and hidden slides (which require a bit of work to set up in the deck, but are great for optional deep-dive slides). These shouldn't be too hard to do. I'd do it myself but I'm already too busy so I'm giving someone else a chance to be the hero.

Another print version

I would like to have a feature, where i can press a key and get a version of the presentation, which I can print. Or at least a CSS-File, which can be used, if I want to print the slides. For example, print 6 slides per page (2 columns and 3 rows).

Better touch controls

This is a wide scoping issue in place covering any changes to extensions+core that provide better touch controls. May include:

  • Swiping to navigate
  • Pinching Double tap to 'zoom out' to the slide menu
  • A touch only restyling of goto that makes more sense

Open to suggestions in the comments.

understanding deck.js demo (

I discoveded deck.js some days ago and I was fascinated by it.
I read carefully deck.js html source (or, at least, I think so).
Unfortunately, I was not able to understand how the transition from one slide to another occours.
For example, how go from slide to slide?
The two successive slides are identified by two different ids in html source code (slide-html and slide-states) but I miss how text is placed or hidden (or colored!) to the screen according to them. I suppose that somewhere there is a (ordered) list of ids which defines transition between slides with the help of a css file, but I'm not sure...
Can you help me?
Thank you.

Slide breaks out of frame

If i try to bring my Slide in to an iframe, the Slide breaks out of the iframe. I think it reloads the page. But i cant fix it by myself. Is it a protetional function or is it a Bug? Is there any solution for the Problem?

The movie in the introduction restarts when changing slides.

First starting the movie on slide 15 in introduction/index.html and then pausing it and progressing to the next slide causes the movie to restart. As we are on a different slide now it is not possible to see the movie but the sound is still played.

This was on Firefox 6.0, Ubuntu 11.04, 32-bit.

CSS transform issue

This CSS:

-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);

Is causing red borders to be drawn around things in chromium on ubuntu for me. It'd be nice to not have this type of thing in core files like deck.core.css and let themes use finicky experimental css features if they want. For now I have to have my theme / custom css set these all to none !important

Clean up touch events

From pull request #13:

  • Scope events in a .deck namespace, touchstart.deck.
  • Events bound within init should unbind the .deck variant before binding. I do this to maintain the ability to call init multiple times without getting multiple handlers stacking up doing the same thing.
  • Make the tolerance for swiping an option, currently hardcoded. Possibly the same for the double-tap window.

Introduction isn't simple enough

I am a bit embarrassed to write this, but the introduction isn't simple enough for me.

In particular, I can't seem to pick all the 'theme selector' stuff out of it. My quick attempts at hacks seem to just make a mess in various different ways.

A simple minimal example would be much appreciated.

Nested Slide Replacement

Add the ability to create nested slides that replace the existing content instead of adding to it. For instance, in the following snippet, I'd like to have only the first .slide-replacement shown when the slide is activated and then have that replaced with the second and third as the user moves forward in the presentation.

<section class="slide">
    <header><h1>This is My Awesome Slide</h1></header>
    <div class="slide-replacement">
        First, you need to read this...
    <div class="slide slide-replacement">
        Second, you need to read this...
    <div class="slide slide-replacement">
        Lastly, you need to read this...

I'm not suggesting "slide-replacement" is a good default. I couldn't think of a good name to describe what I'm referring to.

Capturing Too Many Key Presses

If a page has some interactive element that requires key-presses, like a textbox, deck.js intercepts those key-presses and changes slides. If some element has focus, it should be allowed to handle key-presses itself. Changing keys and using deck.navigation are workarounds, but neither are ideal.

Printable outline

Similar to S5, it'd be useful to be able to do a printable outline of the presentation.

Flash embeds do not show with certain transitions

Flash videos within iframes don't redraw when coming into view by way of CSS transitions on transforms. Any kind of redraw, such as a resize, shows the video. Would make sense since accelerated 3D transitions don't perform a traditional redraw. Need to investigate a general solution for this.

next slide on click


it would be very nice, if the next slide could appear with a mouse click!

iframe with own modernizr is crashing the slides

When I include in a

via iframe a HTML document, that comes with modernizr, chrome isnt starting in the first slide. it is starting with the selection with the iframe.
Firefox works great.

When I delete modernizr in my iframe document, everything is fine.

Slides do not resize to fit display/browser

One nice feature of PowerPoint and Keynote is that the slides are displayed as designed, and do not change depending on the screen size. This can be an issue when connecting to a projector which changes the resolution of the display.

Example presentation doesn't animate on Firefox 6

Given that both jQuery and CSS transitions are implemented by Firefox 6, the fact that the example presentation only animated for me on Chrome and Opera implies that you are using CSS transitions and only bothered to use the -webkit- and -o- prefixed versions.

Internet Explorer 10 will also be gaining support for them with the -ms- prefix according to

Given how many demos I've seen lately which are written to act as if all non-webkit engines are as backwards and behind and Internet Explorer 8, you really don't want to be doing that. You run a serious risk of developers who favor Firefox (or just developers who value graceful degradation highly) taking one look, dismissing you as a webkit snob, and looking for another offering.

I know I do something similar with any site that relies on JS to apply its CSS enough that a NoScript-modified first impression involves content overlapping unreadably, the page looking like it HAS no stylesheets, or a major UI element missing without even a notice that JS is necessary for full functionality... though in my case, the "If they didn't even think of that, who knows what other sloppy design/coding decisions they made" argument is a little stronger.

Print slides, or save them as PDF

It would be very useful to be able to generate hardcopies of the presentation, as people often request this after a seminar/conference (as useless as slides may be on their own ...)

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