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Comments (7)

syahrul-aiman avatar syahrul-aiman commented on July 21, 2024

Similar issue with Text-to-Speech:

# docker build --no-cache . -t tts-standalone
STEP 1: FROM AS catalog
STEP 2: FROM AS en-us-voice
STEP 3: FROM AS fr-ca-voice
STEP 4: FROM AS runtime
STEP 5: ENV CONFIG_DIR=/opt/ibm/chuck.x86_64/var
STEP 6: COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=catalog catalog.json ${CONFIG_DIR}/catalog.json
STEP 7: COPY --chown=watson:0 ./config/* ${CONFIG_DIR}/
STEP 8: FROM 16d4e19754de671880514b01daf9b63baed09bf08396b0bae9373fcfefd971df AS model_cache
STEP 9: RUN sudo mkdir -p /models/pool2
STEP 10: COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=en-us-voice model/* /models/pool2/
STEP 11: COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=fr-ca-voice model/* /models/pool2/
STEP 12: COPY ./ .
STEP 13: RUN ./
Serving HTTP on port 3333 ( ... - - [08/Jun/2023 03:41:39] "GET /pool2/en_us_michael_lpc_only.e245edda.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/Jun/2023 03:41:39] "GET /pool2/fr_ca_louise_lpc_only.fa40acd3.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 -
{'modelSetInitElapsedTime': 4.557852268218994}
childDiverter::allHeadersReceived rrr timenow=2023-06-08 03:41:58.341023: rrr b'GET' - /v1/miniHealthCheck    headers: {"Host": ["localhost:1080"], "User-Agent": ["curl/7.61.1"], "Accept": ["*/*"]}
Model initialization complete
STEP 14: FROM 16d4e19754de671880514b01daf9b63baed09bf08396b0bae9373fcfefd971df AS release
STEP 15: COPY --from=model_cache ${CONFIG_DIR}/cache/ ${CONFIG_DIR}/cache/
Error: error dry-running "COPY --from=model_cache ${CONFIG_DIR}/cache/ ${CONFIG_DIR}/cache/": no files found matching "/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/5cca7519d8aeaf644d5af95544ea42a997d13cf98357d74031b1e8dfd7717cd2/merged/cache": no such file or directory

from watson-speech.

kevinxhuang avatar kevinxhuang commented on July 21, 2024

@syahrul-aiman I'm running into similar issue with the docker build command on CentOS 7.9, with the latest Docker version 24.0.2. The same command works for me on Ubuntu 22.04 with Docker version 23.0.2. I think the issue might have something to do with docker build on CentOS 7. The good news is, I was able to run the container on CentOS 7.9 successfully, using the image built on Ubuntu 22.04. Hopefully that helps.

from watson-speech.

syahrul-aiman avatar syahrul-aiman commented on July 21, 2024

Thanks @kevinxhuang

managed to build on ubuntu 22.04 with errors, but still got built and running:

# docker build . -t stt-standalone
Sending build context to Docker daemon  583.7kB
Step 1/16 : FROM as catalog
1.0.0: Pulling from cp/ai/watson-stt-generic-models
d6e3788a121c: Pull complete 
b336a633f9e2: Pull complete 
26f8eacd231d: Pull complete 
ce4f3aa04a2f: Pull complete 
5b989cea83ad: Pull complete 
7277a345802a: Pull complete 
bb556f886d1d: Pull complete 
431e9e7a5a19: Pull complete 
8b25fb391a0e: Pull complete 
47ba7e68ec14: Pull complete 
aec9f0050026: Pull complete 
dc3a3881f91d: Pull complete 
61e45cc4391b: Pull complete 
6491669f0461: Pull complete 
7ba879fc5fa0: Pull complete 
97bb7c87c7b3: Pull complete 
9b3e0a1fc3f1: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:4bfe7e0eba7c56458032d0a580cfa43f5cb6fd4a9db8a4407c3fa250b547b541
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> 56f1a98978a3
Step 2/16 : FROM as en-us-multimedia
1.0.0: Pulling from cp/ai/watson-stt-en-us-multimedia
d6e3788a121c: Already exists 
b336a633f9e2: Already exists 
26f8eacd231d: Already exists 
ce4f3aa04a2f: Already exists 
5b989cea83ad: Already exists 
7277a345802a: Already exists 
bb556f886d1d: Already exists 
431e9e7a5a19: Already exists 
8b25fb391a0e: Already exists 
47ba7e68ec14: Already exists 
7f43ae183a19: Pull complete 
897cc686c58a: Pull complete 
56f5f242805a: Pull complete 
59022b59def7: Pull complete 
c7199cfa141f: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:ad0b85f018b6ccd2ebe07f6b2979840c94a3e4076368d59fd6ebcb57b2df842b
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> a781c0a8e98d
Step 3/16 : FROM as fr-fr-multimedia
1.0.0: Pulling from cp/ai/watson-stt-fr-fr-multimedia
d6e3788a121c: Already exists 
b336a633f9e2: Already exists 
26f8eacd231d: Already exists 
ce4f3aa04a2f: Already exists 
5b989cea83ad: Already exists 
7277a345802a: Already exists 
bb556f886d1d: Already exists 
431e9e7a5a19: Already exists 
8b25fb391a0e: Already exists 
47ba7e68ec14: Already exists 
61f1bc0e9271: Pull complete 
9baef924f2c1: Pull complete 
afdbf8b3d33f: Pull complete 
1b328057bea9: Pull complete 
12eb5f28541c: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:9818391a631df91eda10a26120efa0c699e1c4511e2c17b511468d80be20e8f3
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> 3ce6be74903c
Step 4/16 : FROM AS runtime
1.0.0: Pulling from cp/ai/watson-stt-runtime
d6e3788a121c: Already exists 
b336a633f9e2: Already exists 
4f32aa87151d: Pull complete 
531729cddfdb: Pull complete 
09490a1576a1: Pull complete 
3bfefad9cfcb: Pull complete 
0c96a7af71f6: Pull complete 
824524f0a64b: Pull complete 
3a00388fd886: Pull complete 
0cd644dabbbf: Pull complete 
bd5899944289: Pull complete 
463e59802bd3: Pull complete 
926e1be05286: Pull complete 
e9f3307605a7: Pull complete 
ee0f6fa3007c: Pull complete 
eeec346076c7: Pull complete 
a1f97965739e: Pull complete 
c8ca6b9ea3a7: Pull complete 
07b3703f1cc4: Pull complete 
95be69ad6013: Pull complete 
0835f4ea7461: Pull complete 
baeb14eace2f: Pull complete 
84d719dd75e8: Pull complete 
bbf088f4654b: Pull complete 
7a1a772f0ef0: Pull complete 
4acdb5a1e4b0: Pull complete 
22f2089f137b: Pull complete 
ceaedc5a8d26: Pull complete 
fa727633da4d: Pull complete 
2a06cdab217f: Pull complete 
b8f26c9b79b2: Pull complete 
43706260bb5f: Pull complete 
3e266e852867: Pull complete 
bc28d9d6faf7: Pull complete 
96f463688ca2: Pull complete 
181a6fb97abf: Pull complete 
5436fb602400: Pull complete 
a40e3b65f5cc: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:00a8bb35458333431b2740f81c5581eae76b693911c7eb9b5b6b541fac923a09
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> dd661cca5815
Step 5/16 : ENV LOCAL_DIR=chuck_var
 ---> Running in 4bdbdb25df7b
Removing intermediate container 4bdbdb25df7b
 ---> 9482f5392c00
Step 6/16 : ENV CONFIG_DIR=/opt/ibm/chuck.x86_64/var
 ---> Running in 33a90f66dcee
Removing intermediate container 33a90f66dcee
 ---> 6ec56ea5edde
Step 7/16 : COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=catalog catalog.json ${CONFIG_DIR}/catalog.json
 ---> cf41f31c1820
Step 8/16 : COPY --chown=watson:0 ./${LOCAL_DIR}/* ${CONFIG_DIR}/
 ---> 7efe81e16767
Step 9/16 : FROM runtime as model_cache
 ---> 7efe81e16767
Step 10/16 : RUN sudo mkdir -p /models/pool2
 ---> Running in 1c511a71d70b
Removing intermediate container 1c511a71d70b
 ---> ca455e64c0d2
Step 11/16 : COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=en-us-multimedia model/* /models/pool2/
 ---> 4042051725c6
Step 12/16 : COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=fr-fr-multimedia model/* /models/pool2/
 ---> 01ea8fdc1d6a
Step 13/16 : COPY ./ .
 ---> 108d09608dc8
Step 14/16 : RUN ./
 ---> Running in 91cf839127ae - - [09/Jun/2023 00:41:13] "GET /pool2/en-US_Multimedia.low-latency.2022-03-15.f7dec0bc.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [09/Jun/2023 00:41:13] "GET /pool2/en-US_Multimedia.standard.2022-03-15.4a1f1a7e.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [09/Jun/2023 00:41:14] "GET /pool2/spkInfo_16k.2020-10-08.895a1741.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [09/Jun/2023 00:41:14] "GET /pool2/fr-FR_Multimedia.standard.2022-03-15.5023420e.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [09/Jun/2023 00:41:15] "GET /pool2/fr-FR_Multimedia.low-latency.2022-03-15.cbf4c476.tar.pzstd HTTP/1.1" 200 -
<2023-06-09 00:41:16,162 src/>	RD_INFO 	RAPID recognizer 5.4.0 (C) IBM Corp. 2015-2020 (git revision 4e52e03fe57718461388d29838b4d269bbd1fb91-modified                    )
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Model initialization complete
Removing intermediate container 91cf839127ae
 ---> c4e32950fbf3
Step 15/16 : FROM runtime as release
 ---> 7efe81e16767
Step 16/16 : COPY --from=model_cache ${CONFIG_DIR}/cache/ ${CONFIG_DIR}/cache/
 ---> 1161de6896d7
Successfully built 1161de6896d7
Successfully tagged stt-standalone:latest
# docker run --rm -it --env ACCEPT_LICENSE=true --publish 1080:1080 stt-standalone
{'modelSetInitElapsedTime': 1.3479135036468506}
<2023-06-09 00:43:56,654 src/>	RD_INFO 	RAPID recognizer 5.4.0 (C) IBM Corp. 2015-2020 (git revision 4e52e03fe57718461388d29838b4d269bbd1fb91-modified                    )
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
^C<2023-06-09 00:44:50,552 src/>	RD_INFO 	RAPID has finished: RAPID_Wall_Time[     2.198,    53.898,         1] peak memory usage 252MB

from watson-speech.

kevinxhuang avatar kevinxhuang commented on July 21, 2024

@syahrul-aiman I suppose you are referring to the error messages below. I always got those, but they seem harmless.

fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

from watson-speech.

syahrul-aiman avatar syahrul-aiman commented on July 21, 2024

Hi @kevinxhuang

yeah, the error you’ve pointed out seems harmless since i can docker run on ubuntu because the build was success.

But on CentOS, the build failed on step 16.

So I’m not sure if I should close this issue, or can we conclude that the build is not supported on CentOS?

from watson-speech.

kevinxhuang avatar kevinxhuang commented on July 21, 2024

@syahrul-aiman I think it's pretty clear that build doesn't work on CentOS 7. Have you tried CentOS 8/9? If the workaround is sufficient for what you want to do now, then you can close this issue. You can always reopen it, or create a new issue if you run into further problems, say on CentOS 8/9.

from watson-speech.

syahrul-aiman avatar syahrul-aiman commented on July 21, 2024

Sure, i'll proceed to close this then. And may revisit this if it is happening on CentOS 8/9. Thanks!

from watson-speech.

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