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elm-3d-scene's Introduction

Hey! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I work as a software developer at Generative, and I maintain several open-source Elm packages including:

I'm interested in:

  • 3D geometry
  • Computer-aided design (CAD)
  • Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
  • Using those to help address the climate crisis!

You can generally find me (@ianmackenzie) on the Elm Slack; I tend to hang out mostly in the #geometry and #webgl channels.

elm-3d-scene's People


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elm-3d-scene's Issues

Combine Geometry and Node into Drawable

Currently Geometry exists as a separate type so that a single mesh can be reused with different materials to reduce the amount of data stored on the GPU. However, in most cases I suspect the more important optimization will be to batch many pieces of geometry together into a single mesh (and therefore draw call), which will require the geometries to all have materials applied (that is, material parameters will have to be stored per vertex instead of via uniforms, so geometry and material can't be two separate types). Combining Geometry and Node into a single Drawable type also just generally simplifies the package.

Add support for automatic texture mapping

To start:

  • Planar (based on a sketch plane)
  • Spherical (based on a frame)
  • Cylindrical (based on a frame)

Would also need a way to specify the texture scale (meters per pixel? texture width? width and height?).

Should likely be implemented as functions that transform a Material - convert one that requires UV coordinates into one that doesn't.

Add support for normal maps

Much of the necessary functionality for supporting normal maps is already present inside elm-3d-scene, but there's a bit more thought to do on exactly how to expose it and make sure that all corner cases are correctly handled.

For example, some work remains on how exactly normal map textures should be represented/handled - try to fit it into the existing Texture framework as a Texture Direction3d or similar, or have a specialized NormalMap type? The latter is likely better since it would then be easier to support custom options such as whether normal map texture should be assumed to be in OpenGL or DirectX format.

In addition, normal mapping often involves a sign flag - proper support for this sign flag needs to be added and tested.

Add drawable packing

Add function that combines multiple meshes within a single Drawable into one big mesh, to reduce the number of total draw calls:

Drawable.pack : Drawable -> Drawable

Alternate names:

  • compact
  • merge
  • flatten
  • combine
  • optimize
  • bake
  • compile
  • collapse

This means that the original vertex data must be retained for each leaf Drawable, so that multiple transformed drawables can all be converted into the same coordinate system before being converted back into one big WebGL mesh. One efficient way to do this would be to store vertex data in 'fat objects' with types such as

{ x : Float
, y : Float
, z : Float
, nx : Float
, ny : Float
, nz : Float
, r : Float
, g : Float
, b : Float
, rg : Float -- roughness
, mt : Float -- metallic

which could then be stored and transformed efficiently.

Support transparency

Add rough support by controlling draw order, full support will likely involve depth peeling (multiple render passes)

Add model loading support?

This is a bit of a placeholder issue since my current thinking is that support for different file formats should live in their own packages, so (e.g.) a COLLADA package can be focused on parsing COLLADA files into nice Elm data types and elm-3d-scene can remain focused on rendering. That said, one way or another there should definitely be an easy way to load models into elm-3d-scene. Potential file formats to support include:

  • OBJ
  • COLLADA (.dae)
  • FBX
  • glTF
  • STL

Please add a comment if there's a particular file format you'd like to see supported!

Examples don't compile

Files in the example folder don't compile.

Steps to reproduce

git clone [email protected]:ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene.git
cd examples
npx elm make Triangles.elm

Possible Cause
Namespace clashes of tesk9/palette(used in the package) and avh4/elm-color(used in the example). Both export a module named Color.

I am willing to contribute a fix if that is helpful. I would need some feedback what the the best solution would be? I would propose to remove the the avh4/elm-color dependency. But it makes me wonder how this example ever worked? I thought dependencies with clashing module names don't ever work together because the Elm compiler cannot tell them apart.

Full Output

Detected problems in 2 modules.
-- MODULE NOT FOUND - /home/deedo/projects/experiments/elm-3d-scene/src/Scene3d.elm

You are trying to import a `Color.Transparent` module:

19| import Color.Transparent
I checked the "dependencies" and "source-directories" listed in your elm.json,
but I cannot find it! Maybe it is a typo for one of these names?


Hint: If it is not a typo, check the "dependencies" and "source-directories" of
your elm.json to make sure all the packages you need are listed there!

                                                                  Scene3d  โ†‘    
    โ†“  Scene3d.ColorConversions

-- NAMING ERROR - /home/deedo/projects/experiments/elm-3d-scene/src/Scene3d/ColorConversions.elm

I cannot find a `Color.fromRGB` variable:

40|     Color.fromRGB
The `Color` module does not expose a `fromRGB` variable. These names seem close


Hint: Read <> to see how `import`
declarations work in Elm.

-- NAMING ERROR - /home/deedo/projects/experiments/elm-3d-scene/src/Scene3d/ColorConversions.elm

I cannot find a `Color.toRGB` variable:

29|             Color.toRGB color
The `Color` module does not expose a `toRGB` variable. These names seem close


Hint: Read <> to see how `import`
declarations work in Elm.

Implement optimized sphere mesh

Should be possible to have a sphere mesh where every vertex is just pair of U and V values, and the center point/radius are passed in as uniforms. Then the vertex shader could calculate vertex position, normal, tangent vector etc. (and you have texture coordinates for free!).

You could even share a given "UV grid" mesh among several different shapes as long as they have 2D parameterizations - spheres, cylindrical surfaces, toruses, spline surfaces...

Consider Namespacing library dependencies

elm-3d-scene makes use of bunch of other libraries. A couple of them are not namespaced for people (like me) who haven't used those before it is difficult to see where the imports come from.

import Angle -- ianmackenzie/elm-units
import Camera3d  -- ianmackenzie/camera-3d
import Color -- tesk9/palette
import Color.Transparent -- tesk9/palette
import Direction3d -- tesk9/palette
import Length -- ianmackenzie/elm-units
import Pixels exposing (Pixels, pixels) -- ianmackenzie/elm-units
import Point3d -- ianmackenzie/elm-geometry
import Scene3d exposing (noDirectLighting, noEnvironmentalLighting) -- ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene
import Scene3d.Chromaticity as Chromaticity -- ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene
import Scene3d.Drawable as Drawable -- ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene
import Scene3d.Exposure as Exposure -- ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene
import Scene3d.Mesh as Mesh -- ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene
import Triangle3d -- ianmackenzie/elm-geometry
import Viewpoint3d -- ianmackenzie/camera-3d

Suggested Solution
Namespace the modules in the other libraries like Unit.Length instead of Lenght for elm-units. Other affected libraries are elm-geometry, elm-3d-camera and possibly more.

Other Implications
Namespacing would also help dodge the fact that the compiler currently cannot diambiguate modules with the same name. See here

If there is a decision to implement what this issue suggests, it may be better to track on the respective repos of the libraries. But until them I felt it would give a better insight over the issue here.

Allow mirroring shadows

The current Entity.shadowDrawFunction doesn't work properly when a shadow is mirrored, since that changes the handedness of all the faces. May need to add a uniform to the shader, or perhaps just flip the WebGL.Settings.cullFace setting if that's enough.

Add simpler versions of Scene3d.toHtml

Set up default lighting, exposure, white balance, dynamic range etc.:

    { sunlight : Direction3d coordinates
    , shadows : Bool
    , dimensions : ( Quantity Float Pixels, Quantity Float Pixels )
    , camera : Camera3d Meters coordinates
    , background : Background coordinates
    -> List (Entity coordinates)
    -> Html msg

    { dimensions : ( Quantity Float Pixels, Quantity Float Pixels )
    , camera : Camera3d Meters coordinates
    , background : Background coordinates
    -> List (Entity coordinates)
    -> Html msg
    { directLighting : DirectLighting coordinates
    , dimensions : ( Quantity Float Pixels, Quantity Float Pixels )
    , camera : Camera3d Meters coordinates
    , background : Background coordinates
    -> List (Entity coordinates)
    -> Html msg

Add support for texture-based backgrounds

Start with support for equirectangular panoramas, something like

    { groundPlane : SketchPlane3d Meters coordinates
    , equirectangularPanorama : Material.Unlit
    -> Background coordinates

Depends on #46.

Create demo scenes for material/light picking

Would be useful to have a few representative scenes (standalone web apps) with a shape in the middle that has customizable material, roughness etc., and be able to tweak the scene lighting; should provide a nice way to quickly find reasonable material/lighting values

Add Scene3d.Cache type for WebGL rendering

This would contain generated WebGL meshes at varying levels of detail, and would be updated in an app's update function based on a 3D scene, a camera position, a desired rendering accuracy (in pixels), and possibly a caching strategy (to determine when generated meshes should be discarded). The cache would then be used in view to actually render as WebGL.

This system would have many benefits:

  • Can support dynamic levels of detail transparently for analytical shapes like spline curves, extruded/revolved surfaces etc: generate meshes with different levels of accuracy on the fly as needed
  • Similarly, can separate construction of a scene from curves/surfaces from the decision of what accuracy to render at
  • In some cases, meshing can be avoided entirely: for example, if the scene is actually encoded as JSON or in a particular file format to be rendered on a server and sent back as an image/streaming video etc.

Having a cache system would likely mean that individual drawables should have a pre-computed hash of their content, to be used as an ID for looking up corresponding meshes in the cache.

Add overlay support

Scene3d.overlay : (Camera3d -> Drawing2d.Element msg) -> Option msg

used as

Scene3d.renderWith [ overlay ] lights camera scene

If multiple overlay options are provided, they can simply be combined into one drawing.

Allow efficient dynamic coloring

Currently Drawables must be constructed with a specific color/material, but it is possible to vary color dynamically without reloading the mesh data. This might be done by adding functions like

Drawable.trianglesWithDynamicColor : List Triangle3d -> Vec3 -> Drawable

which are designed to be partially applied, resulting in a Vec3 -> Drawable function where every call with a different color ends up reusing the same underlying mesh.

This could also be done by changing the argument order of existing functions to always pass color/material last, but that could interfere with some optimizations - for example, if a simple flat color is passed as the material for some mesh, the implementation can choose to store positions only and discard normal vectors. If the implementation had to always assume that materials will be changed dynamically (potentially to one where normals are required), then such optimizations would become harder or impossible.

Add level of detail handling

Perhaps something like

    [ { accuracy = millimeters 1, drawable = ... }
    , { accuracy = millimeters 5, drawable = ... }
    , { accuracy = millimeters 10, drawable = ... }

and then the correct drawable would be chosen based on the current camera position. Note that the near clip distance of the camera can be used as a lower bound for how close the object can be to the viewer, to help determine required accuracy in world units based on desired accuracy in pixels!

Set up public ray tracing service?

Promising approach: configure Amazon Fargate with Mitsuba set up in a container image. When a rendering request comes in, spin up 10s/100s/1000s of containers with Mitsuba running on each one as a server, then start a networked render and tear down the cluster when finished. Perhaps accept donations if it gets popular, and/or throttle requests based on IP address or something...

Support server-based rendering via streaming video?

Rough idea: have Elm app running on the same machine as a Rust executable doing high-performance rendering with Vulkan, real-time ray tracing etc.; stream current scene description from Elm to Rust, and stream back rendering result as video.

Add support for silhouette edges

Should be able to reuse much of the shadow edges logic to tag lines with their adjacent face normals, then only render silhouette edges

Add edge highlighting

Various possible approaches:

  • Draw lines, apply polygon offset to faces (simplest but mediocre quality/performance)
  • Fragment shader based approaches (relies on including barycentric coordinates or similar in vertex data, requires support for GLSL standard derivatives)
  • Post processing of depth map data (requires support for multipass rendering)

Improve shadow implementation

The current shadow implementation uses the simpler-to-understand but naive implementation that doesn't work if the viewer is inside the shadow volume; should be updated to the more sophisticated (and more efficient) implementation instead

Support environmental lighting

Big and complex topic; could include

  • Image-based (cubemap) lighting
  • Specialized hemispherical or similar lighting
  • Importance sampling vs. texture pre-processing
  • HDR textures

Support shadowing

Either using traditional shadow maps or perhaps something clever/specialized like sets of analytical occluders (spheres, boxes etc.).

One cool approach would be to dynamically generate GLSL code for a given set of occluders; this could include hardcoded R-tree-like culling logic to quickly determine which occluders may affect a given light/ray.

Allow for dynamic background color

The WebGL.clearColor option is only applied once (when the scene is initially rendered), meaning that it's not possible to have a dynamic background color using WebGL.clearColor alone. However, it should be possible for elm-3d-scene to work around this limitation by:

  • always setting the clear color to be fully transparent
  • rendering (as the very first entity) a full-screen quad using the actual specified background color, without touching the depth buffer
  • and then rendering all other entities on top of that

Implement ambient occlusion

Many different approaches - research needed to be done on which ones are most easily implementable, most performant, most physically defensible, actually possible using WebGL and Elm's implementation of it, etc.

Move texture generation code into its own repository

As discussed in the comments on dc83017, it would be nice to split out the C++ texture-generation code into its own repository. This would avoid this repository from showing up on GitHub as mostly C++ (which might make people think the package is based on C++ compiled to WebAssembly or something).

Implement debug rendering mode

Show things like:

  • triangle edges
  • curve vertices
  • normal vectors
  • tangent vectors
  • UV grid

Enable per object (can add to a group to recursively enable debugging on all members)

Handy for debugging but also for generating cool-looking demo images =)

Clarify relationship with elm-units etc.

Do a pass through the docs and point out where types/modules come from other packages; may also be worth adding a section to the README like "Relationship to other packages" or similar.

Add more material types

Will require new shaders:

  • Water
  • Ceramics (very rough/retroreflective materials)
  • Blinn-Phong
  • Lambertian (diffuse)
  • Skin (subsurface scattering)
    • Simple approximation once normal maps are supported: use normal map for specular lighting
      but not for diffuse lighting
  • Thin translucent materials like leaves and lamp shades that 'glow' from transmitted light

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