Demo site for big file support
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License: GNU General Public License v3.0
Demo site for big file support
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
i am connected to ZeroUp and uploaded a file there and i can not find it when i search its name on ZeroHello newsfeed.
Kaffie made a search tool for ZeroUp here
User want to share lets say 100 .epub (e-book) files. He can only upload one at a time, so he pack these and upload as a zip. But that is problem, because other users may be interested only in one particular e-book. It is not handy for them to download large .zip archive and for others do not want to seed so big archive.
1 step - allow user to select multiple files or a directory of files to be uploaded
2 step - user is notified he is uploading multiple files and invited to enter name of the directory under which these will be grouped
3 step - user gets a link to this directory so he can share it with others
Visitors visit this link and can see the list of files and "Seed all"/"Delete all" or seed/download only particular files.
I uploaded a targz file but I can't see my uploads in "My uploads"
"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=0.8, user-scalable=0",
Currently, ZeroUp is not mobile-friendly.
I am able to publish a new zite with tor always mode, but not to seed any files with ZeroUp or any fork of it (Youtube, kopykate).
EDIT: Upload works now, but i'm not sure if someone between is doing the active/passive tunneling.
List of files on ZeroUp shows a "Seed" button, when i click it and download file, the "Seed" button should turn to "Delete" button, for the uploader, there may be a confirmation dialog maybe to prevent accidentaly deleting the file for everyone?
When i click on someone else username on ZeroUp, it can be handy to see this user uploads,
Zeroup could then be used to discuss on dropped stuff. And the files, searched for descriptions.
Sent from my Galaxy S3 using FastHub-Libre
It will show cross origin problem when uploading file with name like '...mp4'
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