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Comments (15)

lWoHvYe avatar lWoHvYe commented on June 24, 2024 2

I face the same issue in my local (MacOS 11.7, Gradle 8.8)

from gradle.

ljacomet avatar ljacomet commented on June 24, 2024 1

This issue needs a decision from the team responsible for that area. They have been informed. Response time may vary.

This might be tied to #28259

@hoc081098 Can you share a JVM crash log when this happens?

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

I tried reproducing the problem by assuming it's a null-pointer issue. I tried passing nullptr to the FileEvent constructor here:

And also to ErrorEvent here:

I managed to crash the JVM, but this produced a somewhat different stack trace. So it's unlikely that such a nullptr issue is behind the problem:

C  [libsystem_platform.dylib+0x1904]  _platform_strlen+0x4
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x6038]  std::__1::char_traits<char>::length[abi:ue170006](char const*)+0x18
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x6d54]  std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>::basic_string[abi:ue170006]<0>(char const*)+0x38
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x4900]  std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>::basic_string[abi:ue170006]<0>(char const*)+0x24
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0xfe60]  Server::handleEvents(unsigned long, char**, unsigned int const*, unsigned long long const*)+0x38
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0xfad0]  handleEvent

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

I managed to reproduce on GitHub with a fork:

Crash logs:

It is an identical crash to #29482 with the same stacktrace, even though this happens on some machine under VMWare, while #29482 happens on a Mac mini.

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

Both of these are x86 machines, while IIRC, we only test on M1 Macs... 🤔

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

The crash on GitHub looks fully reproducible, 2 out of 2.

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

I couldn't reproduce on my M1 mac:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		14.5
BuildVersion:		23F79
$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,2
      Model Number: Z14V001TCD/A
      Chip: Apple M1 Max

I also could not reproduce using an Intel Mac mini:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		14.5
BuildVersion:		23F79
$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: Mac mini
      Model Identifier: Macmini8,1
      Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 3.2 GHz

Also failed to reproduce with an M1 Mac mini running 13.5.1:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		13.5.1
BuildVersion:		22G90
$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: Mac mini
      Model Identifier: Macmini9,1
      Model Number: Z12N00006D/A
      Chip: Apple M1

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

Looks to be working on GitHub with macos-12 and macos-13, fails consistently with macos-11:

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

With --no-watch-fs the build works fine even on macos-11:

So that is a workaround we can offer for Gradle 8.8. Another workaround of course is to upgrade to macOS 12+. Unless there's a need for a specific macOS version, it's probably a good idea to use macos-latest in GitHub workflows anyway.

That said...

It looks like there's some issue in macOS 10 and 11 with something the new file-system watching code we've introduced in #28259 relies on. It also seems that whatever the problem was has been fixed in macOS 12 and later. This might be something with the new GCD-based APIs for file-event subscriptions, or perhaps the issue is with the C++17 features we started using. 🤷 There certainly has been some back-and-forth with std::variant in macOS 10.13 IIRC...

I see the following options going forward:

  1. Revert #28259 and go back to the non-GCD watching.

    We've introduced the GCD/C++17 watching in Gradle 8.8 because in macOS 13 the previous method of setting up file event listeners was deprecated. Reverting it would risk that a future macOS version will remove the deprecated APIs. This is not really an option.

  2. Assuming the problem is with C++17 support, rewrite the code so we don't need to depend on C++17, but keep using the new GCD-based APIs for file watching.

    This would be a significant amount of work, and would make our code worse, so I'm not a fan. That said, theoretically this could serve as a long-term solution.

  3. Keep the code as is, but disable file-system watching automatically on macOS 11 and before.

    This would be relatively simple to implement. We already do something similar with Alpine Linux (see #28258). It would be quite hard to test this, though, as we don't currently have means to run tests on macOS 11. We could rely on GitHub Actions, but integrating that into our testing is non-trivial.

  4. Only document that macOS 11 and before do not support file-system watching, and ask users to run with --no-watch-fs manually.

Given the fact that macOS 11 (not to mention 10) has already reached end-of-life, I would definitely not invest into 2). 1) is not really an option. It's kind of tempting to choose 4)...

I can try to implement 3), but for the testing aspect it would still be a non-trivial change. OTOH, running tests on various macOS versions using GitHub sounds like a good feature to add. 🤔

If we choose to implement the auto-disabling feature, we'll need to release 8.8.1 with it.

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024 1

We could implement the auto-disabling in, and then we could use its build to run tests using GitHub. That might be easier to integrate than if we tried to do the same with the gradle/gradle build... 🤔

from gradle.

hoc081098 avatar hoc081098 commented on June 24, 2024

Could maintainers of Gradle please check it? Thank you so much 🙇 !

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024

Relevant logs from #29482:

---------------  S U M M A R Y ------------

Command Line: --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.prefs/java.util.prefs=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -javaagent:/Users/jenkins/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-8.8-bin/dl7vupf4psengwqhwktix4v1/gradle-8.8/lib/agents/gradle-instrumentation-agent-8.8.jar org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon 8.8

Host: "Macmini6,2" x86_64 2300 MHz, 8 cores, 8G, Darwin 19.6.0, macOS 10.15.7 (19H2026)
Time: Mon Jun 10 15:58:33 2024 IDT elapsed time: 40.560627 seconds (0d 0h 0m 40s)

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread is native thread

Stack: [0x0000700001aea000,0x0000700001b6a000],  sp=0x0000700001b67298,  free space=500k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x0]  __dso_handle+0x0
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15c27]  void std::__1::__variant_detail::__ctor<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> >::__generic_construct[abi:v160006]<std::__1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&>(std::__1::__variant_detail::__ctor<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> >&, std::__1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&)+0x47
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15b8a]  std::__1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1>::__copy_constructor(std::__1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&)+0x2a
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15b4d]  std::__1::__variant_detail::__assignment<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> >::__assignment(std::__1::__variant_detail::__assignment<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> > const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15b1d]  std::__1::__variant_detail::__move_assignment<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1>::__move_assignment(std::__1::__variant_detail::__move_assignment<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15aed]  std::__1::__variant_detail::__copy_assignment<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1>::__copy_assignment(std::__1::__variant_detail::__copy_assignment<std::__1::__variant_detail::__traits<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, (std::__1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15abd]  std::__1::__variant_detail::__impl<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>::__impl(std::__1::__variant_detail::__impl<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15a8d]  std::__1::__variant_detail::__impl<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>::__impl(std::__1::__variant_detail::__impl<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15a5d]  std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>::variant(std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15a2d]  std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>::variant(std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x15a01]  void std::__1::allocator<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> >::construct[abi:v160006]<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&>(std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>*, std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x21
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x13805]  void std::__1::allocator_traits<std::__1::allocator<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> > >::construct[abi:v160006]<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&, void>(std::__1::allocator<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> >&, std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>*, std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x25
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x133ef]  std::__1::deque<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> > >::push_back(std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x6f
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0x1336d]  std::__1::queue<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, std::__1::deque<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> > > >::push[abi:v160006](std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x1d
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0xd9d2]  BlockingQueue<std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> >::enqueue(std::__1::variant<FileEvent, ErrorEvent, PoisonPill> const&)+0x32
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0xd809]  Server::handleEvents(unsigned long, char**, unsigned int const*, unsigned long long const*)+0xb9
C  [libnative-platform-file-events.dylib+0xd441]  handleEventsCallback(__FSEventStream const*, void*, unsigned long, void*, unsigned int const*, unsigned long long const*)+0x41
C  [FSEvents+0x2993]  implementation_callback_rpc+0xb19
C  [FSEvents+0x1dfe]  _Xcallback_rpc+0xe9
C  [FSEvents+0x1cf7]  FSEventsD2F_server+0x37
C  [FSEvents+0x1c61]  __create_d2f_port_source_block_invoke+0xe8
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x2658]  _dispatch_client_callout+0x8
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x4818]  _dispatch_continuation_pop+0x19e
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x144be]  _dispatch_source_invoke+0x824
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x7af6]  _dispatch_lane_serial_drain+0x107
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x85d6]  _dispatch_lane_invoke+0x16b
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x11c09]  _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread+0x254
C  [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x2a3d]  _pthread_wqthread+0x122
C  [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x1b77]  start_wqthread+0xf

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024

If the two issues are the same problem, then we have a reproducer both on macOS 10.15.7 (#29482) and macOS 11.7.10 (this issue)

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024

GitHub build for native-platform:

Not sure when I'll have the time to finish this, but it runs now.

from gradle.

lptr avatar lptr commented on June 24, 2024

Looks like #29514 fixes the problem:

Disabling file system watching on macOS 11.7.10, as it is only supported for macOS 12+
Using 3 worker leases.
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
Received JVM installation metadata from '/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_Zulu_jdk/21.0.3-9/x64': {JAVA_HOME=/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_Zulu_jdk/21.0.3-9/x64, JAVA_VERSION=21.0.3, JAVA_VENDOR=Azul Systems, Inc., RUNTIME_NAME=OpenJDK Runtime Environment, RUNTIME_VERSION=21.0.3+9-LTS, VM_NAME=OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, VM_VERSION=21.0.3+9-LTS, VM_VENDOR=Azul Systems, Inc., OS_ARCH=x86_64}
Watching the file system is configured to be enabled if available
File system watching is inactive

from gradle.

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