I create platforms that enable people to solve problems.
🔥 We're among the top MLOps repositories on GitHub
- GokuMohandas/Made-With-ML: lesson content for Made With ML.
- GokuMohandas/mlops-course: repository for the MLOps course.
- GokuMohandas/testing-ml: repository for the testing lesson.
- GokuMohandas/monitoring-ml: repository for the monitoring lesson.
- GokuMohandas/feature-store: repository for the feature store lesson.
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- 💻 ML @Anyscale
- 🌏 Founder @MadeWithML (acq.)
- 🏥 ML Lead @Ciitizen (acq.)
- 🔬 AI Research @Apple
- 🎓 CS/ML @GeorgiaTech
- 🎓 Biomed @JohnsHopkins