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Comments (7)

gitbls avatar gitbls commented on September 7, 2024


from sdm.

gitbls avatar gitbls commented on September 7, 2024

Please provide the redacted-as-necessary /etc/sdm/history from the IMG or console output from the customize command. Thx

from sdm.

tim-oe avatar tim-oe commented on September 7, 2024

I think i found the issue from command output:
first copy:
`> Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase 1

Plugin copyfile: Copy 'authorized_keys' from /etc/sdm/assets/copyfile to '/home/tcronin/.ssh'
Plugin copyfile: Set owner 'tcronin:tcronin' on file '/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Plugin copyfile: Set mode '600' on file '/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys'

  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase 1

second copy:
`> Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase 1

Plugin copyfile: Copy 'authorized_keys' from /etc/sdm/assets/copyfile to '/home/tcronin/.ssh'
Plugin copyfile: Set owner 'tcronin:tcronin' on file '/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Plugin copyfile: Set mode '600' on file '/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys'

  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase 1


key being:
Copy 'authorized_keys' from /etc/sdm/assets/copyfile

below is the full redacted output:

tcronin@tec-pi-mgr:~/src/piImage $ src/sdm/

  • Mount IMG 'img/bookworm.img'
    mount: /dev/loop0 mounted on /mnt/sdm.
    mount: /dev/loop1 mounted on /mnt/sdm/boot/firmware.
  • Start Configuration

Command Line: /usr/local/bin/sdm --customize --plugin user:adduser=tcronin|password= --plugin
mkdir:dir=/home/tcronin/.ssh|chown=tcronin:tcronin|chmod=700 --plugin
postinstall|chown=tcronin:tcronin|chmod=600 --plugin user:adduser=ansible|password= --plugin
mkdir:dir=/home/ansible/.ssh|chown=ansible:ansible|chmod=700 --plugin
postinstall|chown=ansible:ansible|chmod=600 --plugin user:deluser=pi --plugin
L10n:keymap=us|locale=en_US.UTF-8|timezone=America/Chicago --plugin disables:piwiz
--regen-ssh-host-keys --plugin network:netman=nm|wifissid=tec-wan|wifipassword=|wificountry=US
--restart img/bookworm.img

  • Host Information
    Hostname: tec-pi-mgr
    uname: Linux tec-pi-mgr 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.20-1+rpt1 (2024-03-07)
    aarch64 GNU/Linux
    os-release Name: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    Version: 12 (bookworm)
    sdm Version: V11.6
  • IMG Information
    Name: img/bookworm.img
    Date: 2024-03-15
    RasPiOS Version: 12
    RasPiOS Architecture: 64-bit aarch64
    os-release Version: 12 (bookworm)
  • Plugins selected:
    • user
      Args: adduser=tcronin|password=
    • mkdir
      Args: dir=/home/tcronin/.ssh|chown=tcronin:tcronin|chmod=700
    • copyfile
      Args: from=/mnt/clones/data/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys|to=/home/tcronin/.ssh|runphase=postinstall|chown=tcronin:tcronin|chmod=600
    • user
      Args: adduser=ansible|password=
    • mkdir
      Args: dir=/home/ansible/.ssh|chown=ansible:ansible|chmod=700
    • copyfile
      Args: from=/mnt/clones/data/home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys|to=/home/ansible/.ssh|runphase=postinstall|chown=ansible:ansible|chmod=600
    • user
      Args: deluser=pi
    • L10n
      Args: keymap=us|locale=en_US.UTF-8|timezone=America/Chicago
    • disables
      Args: piwiz
    • network
      Args: netman=nm|wifissid=tec-wan|wifipassword=|wificountry=US

IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 319788 1K-blocks (0.3GB, 0.3GiB) free
Copy sdm to /usr/local/sdm in the IMG

  • Start Phase 0 image customization

Run Plugins Phase '0'
Run Plugin 'user' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase 0

Plugin user: Keys/values found:
adduser: tcronin
Plugin user: Create user 'tcronin' home directory '/home/tcronin' so available for other

  • Plugin user: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'mkdir' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/mkdir) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin mkdir: Start Phase 0

Plugin mkdir: Keys/values found:
dir: /home/tcronin/.ssh
chown: tcronin:tcronin
chmod: 700
Plugin mkdir: Create directory '/home/tcronin/.ssh'

  • Plugin mkdir: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase 0

Plugin copyfile: Keys/values found:
from: /mnt/clones/data/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys
to: /home/tcronin/.ssh
runphase: postinstall
chown: tcronin:tcronin
chmod: 600
Plugin copyfile: Add '/mnt/clones/data/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys' to files to copy

  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'user' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase 0

Plugin user: Keys/values found:
adduser: ansible
Plugin user: Create user 'ansible' home directory '/home/ansible' so available for other

  • Plugin user: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'mkdir' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/mkdir) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin mkdir: Start Phase 0

Plugin mkdir: Keys/values found:
dir: /home/ansible/.ssh
chown: ansible:ansible
chmod: 700
Plugin mkdir: Create directory '/home/ansible/.ssh'

  • Plugin mkdir: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase 0

Plugin copyfile: Keys/values found:
from: /mnt/clones/data/home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys
to: /home/ansible/.ssh
runphase: postinstall
chown: ansible:ansible
chmod: 600
Plugin copyfile: Add '/mnt/clones/data/home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys' to files to copy

  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'user' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase 0 with arguments: 'deluser=pi'

  • Plugin user: Start Phase 0

Plugin user: Keys/values found:
deluser: pi

  • Plugin user: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'L10n' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/L10n) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin L10n: Start Phase 0

Plugin L10n: Keys/values found:
keymap: us
locale: en_US.UTF-8
timezone: America/Chicago
Plugin L10n: Save L10n configuration

  • Plugin L10n: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'disables' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/disables) Phase 0 with arguments:

  • Plugin disables: Start Phase 0

Plugin disables: Keys/values found:

  • Plugin disables: Complete Phase 0

Run Plugin 'network' (/mnt/sdm/usr/local/sdm/plugins/network) Phase 0 with arguments:
Plugin network: Configuring 'network-manager' for network configuration management
% Plugin network: Network Manager requires either a .nmconnection file for WiFi
or explicit WiFi configuration via arguments: wifissid wifipassword wificountry
Found neither; WiFi likely will not connect

  • Phase 0 Completed
  • Enter image 'img/bookworm.img' for Phase 1
  • Start Phase 1 image customization

IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 319696 1K-blocks (0.3GB, 0.3GiB) free at start of Phase 1 image customization
Configure and enable sdm FirstBoot service (sdm-firstboot)
Start 'apt update'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 319692 1K-blocks (0.3GB, 0.3GiB) free at start of 'apt update'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 205272 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at end of 'apt update'
Run Plugins Phase '1'
Run Plugin 'user' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase 1

Plugin user: Add user 'tcronin'
Plugin user: Add groups to user 'tcronin':
Plugin user: Enable sudo for user 'tcronin'
Plugin user: Copy skel files for user 'tcronin'
Plugin user: Set user 'tcronin' home directory '/home/tcronin' owner to 'tcronin:tcronin'

  • Plugin user: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'mkdir' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/mkdir) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin mkdir: Start Phase 1
  • Plugin mkdir: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase 1

Plugin copyfile: Copy 'authorized_keys' from /etc/sdm/assets/copyfile to '/home/tcronin/.ssh'
Plugin copyfile: Set owner 'tcronin:tcronin' on file '/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Plugin copyfile: Set mode '600' on file '/home/tcronin/.ssh/authorized_keys'

  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'user' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase 1

Plugin user: Add user 'ansible'
Plugin user: Add groups to user 'ansible':
Plugin user: Enable sudo for user 'ansible'
Plugin user: Copy skel files for user 'ansible'
Plugin user: Set user 'ansible' home directory '/home/ansible' owner to 'ansible:ansible'

  • Plugin user: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'mkdir' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/mkdir) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin mkdir: Start Phase 1
  • Plugin mkdir: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase 1

Plugin copyfile: Copy 'authorized_keys' from /etc/sdm/assets/copyfile to '/home/ansible/.ssh'
Plugin copyfile: Set owner 'ansible:ansible' on file '/home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Plugin copyfile: Set mode '600' on file '/home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys'

  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'user' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase 1 with arguments: 'deluser=pi'

  • Plugin user: Start Phase 1

Plugin user: Delete user 'pi'
userdel: pi mail spool (/var/mail/pi) not found

  • Plugin user: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'L10n' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/L10n) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin L10n: Start Phase 1
    % Plugin L10n: Keymap 'us' will be set during sdm FirstBoot

Plugin L10n: Disable keyboard-setup service; will be re-enabled during sdm FirstBoot
Removed "/etc/systemd/system/".
Plugin L10n: Set locale to 'en_US.UTF-8'
Generating locales (this might take a while)...
en_US.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
Plugin L10n: Set timezone to 'America/Chicago'

  • Plugin L10n: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'disables' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/disables) Phase 1 with arguments: 'piwiz'

  • Plugin disables: Start Phase 1
  • Plugin disables: Complete Phase 1

Run Plugin 'network' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/network) Phase 1 with arguments:

  • Plugin network: Start Phase 1
  • Plugin network: Complete Phase 1
  • Phase 1 post-app installation/configuration

Start 'apt upgrade'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 200380 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at start of 'apt upgrade'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 196856 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at end of 'apt upgrade'
Start 'apt autoremove'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 196856 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at start of 'apt autoremove'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 196856 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at end of 'apt autoremove'
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 196856 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at end of Phase 1 image customization

  • Phase 1 Completed

Run Plugins Phase 'post-install'
Run Plugin 'user' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase post-install
  • Plugin user: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'mkdir' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/mkdir) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin mkdir: Start Phase post-install

Plugin mkdir: Change owner on '/home/tcronin/.ssh' to 'tcronin:tcronin'
Plugin mkdir: Change directory protection for '/home/tcronin/.ssh' to '700'

  • Plugin mkdir: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase post-install
  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'user' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase post-install
  • Plugin user: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'mkdir' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/mkdir) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin mkdir: Start Phase post-install

Plugin mkdir: Change owner on '/home/ansible/.ssh' to 'ansible:ansible'
Plugin mkdir: Change directory protection for '/home/ansible/.ssh' to '700'

  • Plugin mkdir: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'copyfile' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/copyfile) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin copyfile: Start Phase post-install
  • Plugin copyfile: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'user' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/user) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin user: Start Phase post-install
  • Plugin user: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'L10n' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/L10n) Phase post-install with arguments:
Run Plugin 'disables' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/disables) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin disables: Start Phase post-install

Plugin disables: Disable running piwiz and userconfig on first system boot

  • Plugin disables: Complete Phase post-install

Run Plugin 'network' (/usr/local/sdm/plugins/network) Phase post-install with arguments:

  • Plugin network: Start Phase post-install

Plugin network: Keys/values found:
netman: network-manager
wifissid: tec-wan
wificountry: US
Plugin network: Set WiFi Country 'US' for sdm FirstBoot
Plugin network: Enable SSH service via /boot/ssh

  • Plugin network: Complete Phase post-install

Run graphics post-install configuration
Plugin sdm-phase1: No known Display Manager found
Plugin sdm-phase1: Set RasPiOS to B1:'console no login' for sdm FirstBoot
IMG 'img/bookworm.img' has 196848 1K-blocks (0.2GB, 0.2GiB) free at end of image customization

  • Enter Shell Command Prompt
    'exit' to exit back to host system

from sdm.

gitbls avatar gitbls commented on September 7, 2024

Thanks! Will correct this for next release.

from sdm.

gitbls avatar gitbls commented on September 7, 2024

This is fixed in v11.7. Please test/verify. Thx

from sdm.

tim-oe avatar tim-oe commented on September 7, 2024

works! thanks for the quick turn around.

from sdm.

gitbls avatar gitbls commented on September 7, 2024

Perfect. And thanks for finding this rather nasty bug. Using the same source filename in two different directories never occurred to me. 😵

from sdm.

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